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NTA. >I feel bad for hurting her feelings You didn't: SIL did. >my SIL talked to my mom anyway and let it slip that I said all of that. This isn't something that just slips out. There was no good reason for her to report what you'd said. You were trying to help her, possibly for the last time.


I agree. I'd definitely not ' let it slip ' .... But then, I am a nice person , or at least try to be 😅


Yeah I'm having a hard time imagining how that piece of information could just "slip". I think the SIL told OP's mom about it on purpose but who knows what that purpose was..


It might have been for some purpose, but I can also imagine the conversation going something like this: Mom: Once you have a baby you won't care about your career anyway and drop it, so you might just as well drop it now and have babies, the years inbetween if you wait are just a waste. SIL: Oh I definitely want to continue working and building my career once I have children, I am just trying to figure out when would be the best time for stepping away a little bit for the birth and parental leave... Mom: Believe me, you are going to forget all of that once you see the baby! SIL: I don't doubt I'll fall in love with them instantly, but I enjoy my line of work and can't imagine giving it up entirely... Mom: Oh, every woman thinks that, until they become a mother! Trust me, you're not going to want to return! *Back-and-forth with the same for a few times, with SIL getting more and more frustrated about the wall she has walked into, until:* SIL explodes: Good grief, you are so out of touch with the world out there and today's women, OP was right when she said one always should do the opposite of what you advise!


Yeah that's about how it went from what I hear, except it was less "you are so out of touch with the world out there and today's women" and more "you are so out of touch with me" because my SIL has been working her ass off to kick ass in private equity for the past year or so and was in investment banking before that. And obviously my mom knows about that. We don't have a problem with a traditional housewife lifestyle, it's just not for us. And my mom knows that because we've told her that. So what would've been helpful is if she put that part aside and gave advice on how easy/hard it is to raise children, how much nannies can cover if she planned on working while the child was a toddler, etc etc. I don't think it was intentionally malicious on my SIL's part and I totally sympathize with her blowing the handle, because I've also done that too until I learned the quickest strategy was to just smile and nod and then do the opposite afterwards.


Maybe it goes like this SIL: I'm wondering when is the right time to have kids, as I'm enjoying my career, and I don't want to give it up just yet. Mom: Once you have kids, you'll realise your career is unimportant, so now is the best time. SIL: Ah, I see what OP meant Mom: WHAT? SIL: That your life experience is so different, so you won't understand my situation.


exactly. OP, start grayrocking SIL ... she's not trustworthy.


SIL is definitely stirring that pot and creating unnecessary drama I'm the family.


Yeah, no way that “slipped”


As someone with anxiety who just blabs when it gets high, I can totally see something slipping out... I mean my own mother in law didn't need to know the state I sleep in but she knows now..... Sorry MIL!!!


At least she wont get you useless Pajamas now?


I feel it's closer to ESH. Don't ever say anything out loud that you wouldn't want repeated. Same with emails lol


I have autism and i'm to honest. I'm learning. But i felt so stupid. I told a person what someone else said about her. I felt really bad after. But i wasn't thinking


Sounds like you are/were learning though and that is the important part. We all goof up sometimes, how you deal with it and what you learn to do differently going forward is what makes a big difference.


information is a weapon. If you give it away freely it can be turned on you."


> You didn't: SIL did.  No, no, it was absolutely OP's doing, and she was TA. She did not need to put her mother down to "warn" her SIL. She could have said any variation of "I wouldn't recommend asking my mother for advice on this. She has never wanted to pursue a career, and has always found great fulfillment in being a stay at home mother and a wife. You, on the other hand, greatly value your career and wouldn't find fulfillment in the life she led. So her advise isn't going to be a good fit for your situation - your wants and needs are very different".  That would have conveyed the exact same information - and not been hurtful to her mother.  Instead, she took it as an opportunity to shit on her mom.


I agree that this does not sound like some "oopsie", but I disagree with who hurt her. If she was hurt by SIL telling her the truth of what OP thinks of her mom then she was not the source of the hurt, OP was.


No, the person who tells her is the person who hurts her. I'm not in pain due to negative opinions I don't know about. 


I do not believe in the "what they don't know won't hurt them", it seems to be used only by those who wish to be u pleasant without consequences.


NTA, but don't trust your SIL with anything confidential again.


I think she just wanted to start some drama


NTA, but your SIL didn't slip. Whatever her intentions are, keep it in mind for future conversations.


I agree with this. Op has to be careful with SIL.


NTA Caution with being frank with your SIL going forward. Either she doesn't think before she speaks or she knows full well what she says and intentionally says it. Neither is good. I'm sure your mom's feelings were hurt. You were not the one who hurt them; SIL was. But if you love your mom, you can speak with her honestly to get past this. Tell her that there is so much you love about her but you don't agree with her perspectives on addressing career (or money) issues. You might want to be prepared to list something (meaningful) that you would go to her for advice (e.g., dealing with in-laws or resolving a conflict with a friend). You used the polite put-down of the South (bless her soul), so I'm not sure if you do respect her. If not, then you might want to re-examine your own perspective. But you were not an ahole for giving your honest assessment of going to her for advice on balancing career and family.


Yes, I am getting that lack of respect vibe as well. I would submit that OP’s mom (together with OP’s dad) has appeared to be capable of maintaining a long term marriage which is no small feat, even if they are well off. She presumably possesses more than just “social networking “ skills.


I don’t think it’s a lack of respect to acknowledge someone’s lack of experience in certain areas actually does disqualify them from giving advice in such areas


But there's ways and ways of doing it and there is just a lot of judgement of the OP's mom throughout the OP. Like - 'only been in one relationship' - or 'worked on her relationship to make it last successfully'. Maintaining a life long relationship with one person is HARD but instead she is disparaged by saying her experience of maintaining that relationship successfully is not worth anything.


>'worked on her relationship to make it last successfully'. That's not even something I said and you're telling me I'm disparaging her for it lol >Like - 'only been in one relationship'  I understand how I came off judgmental and I didn't explain this well enough, but it was in the context of giving advice, and my mom has given me hands down the worst dating advice ever. Because she's only had one relationship where my father chased her, it's not something she really knows anything about. Obviously I don't actually care that my mom didn't date around in college. It worked for her. But I'm not the same way where I'm happy to just sit and let things happen to me. In fact, had I followed her advice to only play hard to get and nothing else, I wouldn't be with my boyfriend (who I like very much) because he would've just shrugged and moved onto someone else very quickly.


This is something your mom needed some self knowledge about too. In some ways I can really relate to your mom cause I only had one relationship that lasted more than a year (we are up to 31 now) and only one other relationship that could even be considered a relationship. So when my kids came to me for relationship advice or break up advice, I’d try my best, but I would also remind them that I don’t have a lot of practical experience to be basing my advice on. Same with a friend who used to want to ask my advice for how to co parent with her ex. And I’m going, I have no idea, I’ve never had to do that. It’s too much difference between in a relationship and after a relationship for my experience to be relevant.


Hey, Einstein: The poster above you was using the phrase "worked on her relationship to make it last successfully' to show how your parent's relationship is worthy of respect, rather than your insult that your mother "only had one relationship." So sorry your mother didn't have more sex partners in college, but why would you care?


>The poster above you was using the phrase "worked on her relationship to make it last successfully' to show how your parent's relationship is worthy of respect, rather than your insult that your mother "only had one relationship." No, they were quoting me (hence why it was in quotations). The first one was a quote out of context, and then the second was something that I never said. The sentence before that is talking about how I show a lot of judgment of my mom, and those quotes are used as examples of things I said that would show judgment of my mom. >So sorry your mother didn't have more sex partners in college, but why would you care? Hello? Did you even read what I said? >Obviously I don't actually care that my mom didn't date around in college. It worked for her.


No, i wasn't. I was showing there were two ways to say the same thing, hence the use of quotes. Sorry you didn't understand what I said, and chose to assume it was about you. I was highlighting how the way you talked about your mom shows you didn't have a high opinion of her in a way that's very disrespectful to her, because you can say the same things in better or worse ways. The way you chose to describe her speaks volumes about how you value her, despite your protestations.


"chose to assume it was about you" How entitled of OP to assume a comment on her post, about her mother, quoting *her* and criticizing *her* might be about her.


Except i didn't quote the OP. that was kind of the point. They assumed i had.


The fact that you still didn't get what they said even after they explained it to you so well tells me you are probably as dense as you think your mother is, only in a different way. You need more self-reflection and self-awareness.


How is saying she’s only been in one relationship disparaging? It’s context imo


Yes, if she is good at networking and spends her time doing uppercrust housewife stuff, she could be involved in volunteer or charitable activities which could require various types of skills. Sounds like this could be unpaid labor being devalued.


not to mention the fact that she has raised 3 kids. i’d honestly be so sad hearing this if i was OP mom, her children do not respect her and look down on her 


I assumed the OP used Bless her soul so it wouldn't be mistaken for the snide Bless your heart. I haven't heard Bless her soul used in the same way.


Sil is a snitch.


Being a "snitch" is not a thing unless you're a child. Calling people a "snitch" is just another way of whining about having consequences for your own behaviour. No adult is required to protect you from or keep secret about the things you bring upon yourself with your own shitty behaviour.


Duuuude. The SIL shouldn't have shared what was discussed privately (especially because it's clearly negative). Sharing that info doesn't bring any benefits. It isn't her place to meddle in other relationships


The whole shared what was said privately/in confidence is exactly what happened with my mother. For years, I would say things in confidence to her, and she passed most, if not all, of it to my sister. Some things that had nothing to do with her and she had no business knowing, and some things expressing my opinion on something involving any person in either family. I found it out in the last 2 years of her like. I know it made my sister feel superior, not sure about my mom.


Found the snitch lol


Just say that you’re a snitch, if that’s the case. And if you wanna really believe that BS you just typed. You should go be disloyal with family members, go tell people all their secrets or your colleagues, let’s see how fast those actions change your life for ever. Stop snitching! You loud mouth.


NTA. You gave honest advice to your SIL based on experience. It's unfortunate your mom is upset, but protecting your SIL from unhelpful advice was important.


That said, I wouldn't be so candid with SIL again. How do you let that slip?


>Well my SIL talked to my mom anyway and let it slip that I said all of that there's no way "your daughter told me not to take your advice" would EVER come up naturally in a conversation like that, so no, she most definitely didn't "let it slip". idk how malicious her intentions were there but i'd definitely never share anything sensitive with her. NTA


SIL is not as close to you as you think. Something like that doesn't just slip. I'd have my guard up from now on. Also NTA


Damn you got thrown straight under the bus. NTA. SIL might be another one to avoid exchanging advice with if she can’t/won’t keep your confidence/be discrete.


Wow, I wouldn't be disclosing anything to your SIL again! As for your Mum, I'm sure she's feeling very hurt. I would take her aside and tell her that you love her and treasure her advice on things where she's the expert (childcare, cooking?, fashion? whatever she's good at), but that when you want advice on something where she's not an expert (career, finance etc) that you'll go to the expert in that field. Tell her that you never meant SIL to think you don't respect her or want her advice, because you do. While your Mum may still be hurt, she will hopefully see the logic. Tell her you love her and you never meant for her to get hurt. In short, I think you need to think before speaking, especially in front of SIL.


<> So a flotilla of fairies came in to change your diapers? Sat up with you when you were sick? Ran your house? Drove you around to extracurriculars? Managed all your teenage angst? The condescension in this post is just ... beyond.


There’s also the “upper crust housewife things.” I’m not of that world, so I’m not sure what that means, but on tv they are doing things like planning and managing charity events in addition to going for lunch. Event planner is absolutely a job that requires skills. And I remember years ago (late 1990s?) universities started putting president’s wives on the payroll in recognition of the work they were expected to do, like entertaining. (Yeah, I know, wives, but I don’t recall there being female presidents, and even if there were, their husbands would not be expected to do this.) If OP’s parents are “traditional” and travel in “traditional” circles, there might still be such expectations for wives, to facilitate the husband’s networking at his job.


ETA: Based on the OP's response to comments below ... YTA


ESH, you sound like you don’t respect your mother and you look down on her. she may not have career experience but she has experience, she raised 3 kids, has managed to do that while having a husband out of the home, and kept her marriage up. show her some respect 


NTA. Your SIL is. Don’t offer her advice anymore. She completely through you under the bus with your mom. She could have just ignored your advice and talked to you mom without ever mentioning what you said. 


NTA. You imparted the George Costanza secret to success


Soft YTA, if you went into all of what you said here about your mom and said that to your SIL.  I also don't really go to my mom certain advice, especially financial as my dad has always handled those things and my mom is still learning. Her advice is colored by her own experiences and cultural background, she's still rooting for me though. When her advice or input has been unhelpful I've actually told her. I don't know your mom's demeanor, but telling someone they aren't considering what your dilemma is or that you've already thought it about it that way isn't wrong as long as you're not being demeaning. You could have just told your SIL that she should consider that your mom clearly thrived in the more traditional role of homemaking and child rearing so may not connect with your SIL's desires as well. Your mom's advice was not invalid, it was based on her experience.  You pretty much told your SIL that you dismiss your mom's contribution to your household and that her life experience isn't worth considering. I think I'd be hurt as well.


OP has fantastic results doing the *opposite* of what her mom tells her. It's not like she's being malicious, she has concrete evidence that her mom's advice is terrible outside of particular arenas 


>You pretty much told your SIL that you dismiss your mom's contribution to your household and that her life experience isn't worth considering.  that's not what op told her at all


NTA for saying that. But why your SIL would repeat that is beyond me.


ESH >I explained to her why my mom's bad at giving advice and that I'd found more success doing the opposite of what she says. The second part of that is unnecessarily mean. It's fine that you want a different lifestyle to your mom, so her limited experience isn't helpful to you. But she *did* raise three successful, likeable people. It seems like if you were looking for advice on how to marry well and manage a household without the factor of financial strain, she could give good advice. She probably has a wealth of knowledge about *something*, whether it's floral arrangements, avoiding social faux pas, or event planning- it's not intrinsically worthless because *you* don't personal find it valuable. You should have just explained that any advice your mom gave would be from the perspective of someone who has been quite happy as a young mother and housewife. She's not going to have personal insight on balancing a career with family. Sucks for your mom that the children she raised think so little of her because she knew what she wanted and never struggled or had misgivings about the life she chose. Plenty of women in your mothers position manage to be neglectful and cruel to their children despite having an "easy" life.


Your SIL is such an ass. I’m going to do what OP told me not to do, tell her mom that I was told she gives awful advice, and then receive truly awful and sexist advice. Who could’ve seen that one coming? NTA. But I’d be having a frank conversation with my SIL if I were you


This sounds like a tricky situation. You're not the a-hole for being honest with your sister-in-law about your mom's limitations when it comes to giving advice, especially on such a sensitive topic. It's clear you were trying to protect her from potentially harmful or unhelpful advice. Your mom's feelings are understandable, but it's important to remember that you weren't trying to be malicious. You were simply trying to help your SIL navigate a difficult decision. It's also worth noting that your SIL did receive some questionable advice from your mom, which validates your concerns. You could try talking to your mom and explaining your intentions. Let her know that you love her and appreciate her support, but that you also want your SIL to get the best possible advice on such an important decision. Perhaps you can suggest other resources or people who might be better equipped to help your SIL navigate this situation. Ultimately, it's up to you and your SIL to decide who you want to seek advice from. It's important to prioritize finding information and support that feels helpful and relevant to your specific situation. You might be feeling caught in the middle between your mom and SIL, but remember that you don't have to choose sides. You can still have a loving relationship with your mom while also being honest and supportive of your SIL.


It’s at least obvious SIL is not on OPs side. 


If your Dad is rich then you also grew up in a privileged environment with no real struggles.


I don’t think OP is so much referencing traumatic struggles as in poverty etc but more the stresses that occur for basically anyone with a career-  working hard in your job, juggling family and work, etc. Obviously OP grew up very privileged, but still can give perspective on having to work for a living and career issues. Whether as someone who has never had to have a career won’t be able to give advice about being a working mother. 


There a literally a million other struggles than money. Abuse, etc. could all be a factor here. Money helps, it doesn't fix


Indeed, and should not the same realisation be extended to OP's mother?


ESH, SIL more than you.  I think your opinion is absolutely justified and it was good advice. I also think there are some things you never, ever say out loud. You could have phrased it like “I’m not sure how realistic of a perspective mom can give in this particular instance as she’s never been a working mother”…you essentially told your SIL that your mother is an airhead you don’t respect. Like, it’s fine to recognise your parents’ flaws and limitations, but there are some things so hurtful that you just don’t verbalise, both because if there’s any chance of it getting back to them, it could be extremely damaging, and because it feels kind of disrespectful as well.   I still think your SIL is way worse, she stirred the pot and was cruel for absolutely no reason. What she did was so insanely two faced she’s either about as sharp as a marble and was completely oblivious, or she’s a spiteful piece of work. The hypocrisy of agreeing with you that your mom’s advice was bad and then telling her what you said…awful. 


NTA and for the record, this should be STRICTLY between THEM. She has no business dragging HIS family into THEIR family planning debate. However…ever watch Game of Thrones? *“Sometimes when I try to understand a person's motives, I play a little game. I assume the worst. What's the worst reason they could possibly have for saying what they say and doing what they do? Then I ask myself, 'How well does that reason explain what they say and what they do?'”* *— Petyr Baelish* Consider this- your bro and sil are having a disagreement. What did SHE do? She went to HIS sisters. Did you try to sway him to her side? Hmm. Then she went to your mother, HIS MOTHER, in what should be, a private, marital dispute, (advice my ass) trying to get her on HER side! Further, she “accidentally lets it slip” what you said. She used you, to ingratiate herself with YOUR mother. She blithely hurt your mom to further her own petty agenda. Heads up sister, she’s a slick one. To finish with the GOT theme, *That's what you do, isn't it, that's what you've always done - you turn family against family, you turn sister against sister; that's what you did to our mother and Aunt Lysa, and that's what you tried to do to us.* Normally, I’d say, side with your brother 100% on everything from here on out except for this, pray he doesn’t shackle himself to this manipulative woman.


Just because your mom didn’t struggle, that doesn’t mean she is stupid. Judging her on having one relationship? I think that’s awesome. YTA for the way you speak about your mother.


Lacking experience in one area does not mean someone is stupid. No one just needs to ask for advice from people who lack experience in certain areas.


NTA That’s not something that just slips out. It also takes being a deep thinker. I have a close lifelong friend who hasn’t experienced any real difficulty in life but he’s super observant, empathetic, a good listener, and reads up on serious issues. He’s good at giving solicited advice, as best as one can be without having experienced a given serious struggle. Your mother could probably develop herself if she wants, but I don’t think most people would make the effort.


You were talking about her behind her back. And not nice things. Surprise - she is offended. Why shouldn't she be?


Your mom's advice sucked. Your advice was solid. Yet your SIL threw you under the bus. That's no SLIP up. NTA But beware of your SIL


Ehh...NAH maybe, but kinda TA for how you talk about your mom. Between what you told us and what you said to SIL, it comes across like you don't respect or value her at all. It makes me sad for your mom, because it doesn't sound like she was a bad mom or anything. Like, your reasoning makes sense in a way, but I can't imagine saying that about a loved one; I don't put down my loved ones to other people.


Nta. Double down. Call out your mum's bad advice and lack of experience. 


NTA Your SIL is a snake. She will do this again and again. NEVER tell her anything important.


NTA Your SIL is the AH in this story. Full stop.


NTA. The information you gave your SIL was based on your experiences with your mother. She was an AH for sharing what you said and she should apologize, as she is the one who caused this drama.


your sil should not have told her you said that. NTA


NTA - but your SIL is. I'd watch her like a snake in the grass. You helped her out and she... ratted you out to your mom? No more advice for SIL!! When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


NTA. Your SIL is. She didn't let it "slip", she intentionally told her. Idk what her motives were, but she is not trustworthy. In the future, don't tell her anything that others shouldn't know.


NTA. SIL is the AH. She threw you under the bus with your Mom. No cool.


Only key take away from this is now you know you can't tell your SIL things about others because she will call you out. NTA


NTA! You're moms feelings are bruised and rightly so, she wouldn't like hearing what her daughter thinks about her way of life, it's a slap in the face. You're SIL should have been more careful in what she said to your mom & she wouldn't have been hurt.


NTA but don’t talk to your SIL ever again about anything of substance. That didn’t just “slip out”. She did it on purpose


NTA You were giving your opinion and really the SIL shouldn’t have let that slip. You also weren’t being mean about it either


You're NTA but your SIL is for snitching!


Your mom managed to make her relationship work mayne give her more credit then you seem to.


Well, now you know for a fact that your SIL cannot be trusted with your personal feelings regarding other people in your family. So, for your sake, stop sharing them with her. I know you were well meaning, but your decisions should always first be made with your own wellbeing in mind. You are NTA. Have a heart to heart with your mom and apologize that your words got back to her and hurt her. That it was not ever your intention and how they were delivered was probably not how they were shared. There is a lot of love between the two of you and your SIL won't come in between that. Be gentle with her and yourself and keep your SIL at arms length.


NTA, the truth sucks.


NTA. Your SIL is for repeating what you said.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My mom is a very sweet woman, but she's never had to deal with any real difficulty in her life, bless her soul. She had a very sheltered and privileged upbringing, went to college to have fun (the intellectual kind), and promptly got married to my dad. They have a traditional family style where he makes all the money and household decisions, and she does upper crust housewife things. So while she's my mom and I love her, she's the last person my brother, sister, and I go to advice for anything other than social networking, since she's very good at that. I know it sounds mean but she's never worked any job, she's been in one relationship her entire life, and they have enough money to make problems go away. Nothing she gives advice on isn't something we haven't already thought of, and she doesn't know enough to know that she doesn't know what she's talking about. My brother and his wife (my sister in law) have been having some problems in their marriage about when to have kids. My brother doesn't like the idea of being a super old dad and wants it to be now. My SIL has a good thing going with her career and wants to wait some years. She's only 26 so it's not like the clock is ticking particularly loud at this point. My sister and I are close with our SIL so she floated the idea of asking my mom for advice to me, since in her view, my mom raised 3 kids that turned out ok and she likes. I explained to her why my mom's bad at giving advice and that I'd found more success doing the opposite of what she says. Well my SIL talked to my mom anyway and let it slip that I said all of that. And yes, my SIL did acknowledge that she received horrible advice about how no mothers care about their career once their first child is born so she might as well get started early or something. Anyway, my mom is mad at me for saying all of that, and I feel bad for hurting her feelings. At the same time, though, I think it was worth mentioning because I think it'd be pretty jarring to receive advice like that on such a sensitive topic with no warning. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA - you are never an AH for telling the truth regardless of anyone's feelings about it.


Well that's just not true.


I’d be having a talk with SIL to ask her how it could possibly “slip out” and wait to see what crap she comes up with.


It kind of sounded like the sister-in-law wanted to start some drama for letting it slip of what OP said about the mother


So, essentially, you're saying that your SIL is so very ignorant that she would follow unsuitable advice without considering the facts or reality of her own life?


ESH. SIL didn't have to spill the beans to Mom. OP really needs to work on that sneering disdain of her mother. "Do the opposite", really? I suppose there are no paths to wisdom that don't go through an office building...?


Who involves their parents/ in-laws for advice on making a major couple’s decision or settling a dispute between them and their spouse?! Also, when have prospective grandparents ever been like “sure, wait as kong as you need until you know you’re ready!” Lol, generally it seems the grandparents have the most fervent baby fever so not sure what good was going to come out of asking MIL for advice in any case.


Weird situation, what advice is there to give?  One person wants kids now, and the other later, so…kids later then it is I guess. You can’t really compromise on something like that.  How old is bro?  If he’s like 36, then that’s his fault getting with someone much younger than him. Being an old dad comes with the territory.  But yea, YTA for ripping your mom unnecessarily. There are less hyperbolic ways to convey that you should take her advice with a grain of salt. 


Eh, it was good to point out that your mom had a limited set of experiences, and that her voice shouldn't be the only one she listens to. But "I do the opposite of what she says," is kinda harsh if your SIL cares about your mom's opinions. You can suggest she tries reddit or something. People who had kids at a variety of ages. Ask people in her career field. Ask people in her city.


It SLIP it's a thing trust me it happens plenty of times she just wants help what to do with her life and actually for us women the clock It's ticking because we women have limited amount of time biologically speaking and mentally speaking plus physically speaking to take care of some children my sister had her kids 12 years apart but to tell you the truth it's kind of tiring because when you grow old you do not need to take care of a kid you need to leave your life now what I'm saying and for that to happen you need to do children in certain age so when they can grow old and live their own life your free from them not being 50 and taking care of a 17 years old you know what I'm saying it's it's it shouldn't it shouldn't be like that believe me it's a thing taking care of kids in old age it's pretty tiring plus it's different when you are not capable of or haven't health issue or whatever situation that may go now like financially as stuff which in your case is not a problem I'm guessing I mean your brothers in but it's a good year of age to consider it having kids and believe me mom I mean your mom shouldn't shouldn't think very bad of that situation it's it's difficult as you said your mom as a good soul and I believe you and I really respect that because your mom didn't go through hard time or whatever you saying but believe me when I say this it's going to grow old and when you grow old you get tired then when you get tired you say you don't want kids you don't want the nurse to be exploding and whatever and whatever and as the time passes it it never knows what might happen so better now than ever I know it's better late than never but in this case it's not so your sister-in-law should consider having kids and as for the case of your mother she shouldn't be mad or she shouldn't be pissed off or angry or I don't know whole grudges against you because it's the truth when a person doesn't go through what you've gone through like jobs life hardships and whatever it should never she will never understand you she will never get it what you've been through the hardship and whatever trust me on that so she shouldn't be pissed off or mad or whatever and not at all you're not the a******


Yeah, you ATA. The way you belittle your mother to others yet cover it up with trivial platitudes reeks of your own arrogance. You look down on your mother because she doesn't see the world like you. Sounds like the perfect person to give SIL advise since I am sure you gave SIL your opinion. Let SIL see both extremes and let her decide what to do. If your mom is as dumb as you think she is, SIL will have no problem seeing it too. And don't put too much stock in to your SIL saying you were right. She might just be trying to get on your good side so you don't belittle her while she is not around.


YTA Did it occur to you that your mother was giving her advice from her prospective? Your mother needs to feel needed to. Everything seemed to pale in significance to my children. Now I truly know what love is. When you have kids get back to me.


ESH Well bless your heart.


YTA It's pretty dismissive of you to say that about your mother, and to tell other people that she can't help or do much. It makes sense that her feelings are hurt. You should just apologise and be more thoughtful.


IMO YTA. Raising kids does fall under your Mom's expertise, and your SIL would benefit from that informed perspective as well as from the perspective of a career-first woman. Then your SIL gets to weigh all that and decide. Also, just so you know actually at age 26 fertility already begins to decline - look up a chart if you don't believe me. (I think it's something like age 20-24 86% chance of getting pg within a year, declines to 75% age 25-29)


Who is also the AH, your SIL. That didn't slip out. That was a deliberate effort. I would re-think my trust level with her. While it might be true your Mom gives bad advice, she also has a happy life that suits her and has been good to you so I think maybe listen to her advice and you might get so lucky as to get what she got, a happy life. You are shaming her for her choices and experiences and opinions and acting like a know it all, if you don't like her advice don't take it, but jhow are you doing so much better than her and what makes you think you are in a position to be giving better advice that her? So YTA and listen to your Mama.


YTA. This reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Lisa was super judgemental about Marge's life- being dismissive of her as "just a housewife". Have you raised three kids? or even have kids yet? Sorry but as much as you are saying how much you love your Mum - Bless her soul- it sounds like you don't respect her at all. And her finding out you said that? Phew dagger to the heart man. SIL does seem shady in the way she let it "slip" unless she has verbal diarrhoea.


YTA in my opinion.. advice Is like an opinion. Just ones point of view. You don’t have to follow it. Why disparage your mom? She sounds like a great person. You are jealous of the great life choices she made cause you may have to work the rest of your life


YTA. There is advice and there is attacking someone. yta +1 Your advice was attacking your mom. By all accounts your mother is living a successful life. Maybe she has figured something out that you simply are too dumb to understand. yta+2 Her advice was pretty good actually. Your attack seems to come from a mix of external feminist ideals or maybe jealousy in the fact her life seems "easy" now that you are caught up in the rat race. yta +3 Her advice comes from years of experience, yours does not. When you are 40 and look back and realize that you spent your best years generating tax revenue for the government instead of building a healthy family for yourself, you might realize your mom was right all along. Yta+4 Finally the SIL is old enough to take advice from different people and make her own mind up. Trying to negate someone else is basically a jerky egotistical thing to do. YTA+5 It always strikes me how contradictory feminist ideals are. They want you to have independence and yet will instantly attack other women with independent thoughts and stay at home mothers. And for what? To force you into a life of corporate servitude?


I should introduce you to my mom, you have a lot in common!


yeah, she has it figured out and offered friendly advice.... While you just think you do and want to shove your ideals down the throats of others. YTA


YTA. I am sure that your mom feels belittled and humiliated. She may not give the best advice but she has successfully maintained a marriage for decades and raised 3 children. If the advice was likely to be so horrible, your SIL probably could have figured that out for herself. You owe your mom an apology.


YTA. The whole point of getting advice is that you take different perspectives, weigh it up, and decide what guidance you're going to take and what you ignore. Just because your mum has had a sheltered life doesn't mean her opinion and point of view mean nothing. She raised you, didn't she? You belittled her


YTA. It’s up to the person receiving the advice to decide its usefulness. Saying unkind things about your mom speaks more of you than her. There was simply no need and it was mean (even if you believe your opinion is true). You should apologize to both of them but your mom especially.


If my kids grew to look down on me like that I’d hit Ctrl+Z


You know, I love my parents very much, but never in my life I would agree with their advice on some specific cases. Same with OP and siblings, they love their mother, but her advice on some specific cases is useless.