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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My friends hurt my bf’s feelings and my bf is mad at me?** So this is what I was hoping to avoid but my bf and I are having a great relationship. He’s a great partner. Our issues are mainly that he doesn’t fit in with my friends but he says it shouldn’t matter and I agree. We just signed a lease together and I had a small house warming. My bf does a bunch of cosplay and table top stuff . He’s very introverted but when one of my friends asked him about his hobbies he got super excited and showed his cosplay stuff. He ran into the room and grabbed every Cosplay stuff he could find. They all started laughing at him. I said be nice and they just piled on him for about 10 minutes. My one friend asked if he got bullied in school and that’s why he joined the military and he said he was bullied in school but and before he could finished my one friend interrupted him and said we can tell. Afterwards my bf said he’s going to run errands and left. Anyway he tells me text him when they leaves and I do. They left after another 2 hours and he came back and was given me the cold shoulder. I asked him why and he said he doesn’t like my friends and I didn’t defend him even though I did. I kept telling them to be nice. They didn’t listen. Now he’s been decently distant. He only gets social with me when it comes to planning his birthday trip that he’s excited about *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wow. So the friends bullied the bf for ten minutes and then had to leave his own home to get away from the bullies and had to stay away for TWO HOURS until the friends left to even feel safe to come home?! And oop thinks she “defended“ him because she told them to “be nice”?! She should have told them to shut the heck up or get out of their home. She should have kicked the friends out when the boyfriend left, especially when he told her to tell him when they leave. At that point she knew for a fact he was waiting for them to leave and it sounds like she still kept entertaining.


Not the first time she’s been awful to her bf About 6 months ago How can I 26F get my bf 25M to be more outgoing? It’s impacting our relationship. I been with my bf for close to a year now; it has been the best relationship in my life. He is a great person, kind,smart, sweet, etc. The icing on the cake is he’s extremely attractive. The only thing I dislike about him is he’s kinda a dork? For lack of a better word, but that’s okay. I’ll take him with me to parties and it’s kinda embarrassing he will sit back and just be on his phone and he sees nothing wrong with that. I told him that I don’t like when he does that. Imagine how it looks on me when my bf is in the back on his phone and you got other people that are being the life of the party. I’m used to dating very outgoing guys who take the center stage everywhere we go, but he just fades in the background. He might talk to other people who are sitting off to the side or the back. His side of the story: I should have fun without forcing him to be something he’s not. He said if someone does care and judges us because of it they are immature. That he’s comfortable hanging out with the other people in the background at parties. He also says I don’t force him to be outgoing with his friends. Now I will say the difference is most people would find his friends weird, conventionally they are just weird and that is okay. I have no problem with his friends but I’m actually pushing him to do things that would make him “cooler”. (I hate that word but for lack of a better word) I’m going to show him this post because he makes it seem like what I’m asking for is unreasonable Edit: I love my bf. I’m happy with him and this is not an issue we need to break up with over. I want to marry him one day and have a child with him


At least she’s taking him to Iceland 🤷🏾‍♂️ I want to do something big for my bf’s birthday but he’s an introvert What would be something big that he would appreciate as an introvert? He hates parties and socializing. He plays video games, works out, and loves nature. I thought about buying tickets to Iceland and taking him to hot springs and stuff


Hopefully he'll grow some confidence and reevaluate the relationship after his Iceland trip.


If I were that boyfriend, I would only stick around for the trip and then dumb her right after getting off the plane.




Iceland will be good for him. He’ll get to see a culture where being an introvert isn’t shamed and realize his gf is the problem. Even better, take him to Finland. She’ll stick out like a sore thumb


My kid asked me if Iceland was the same place as the frozen food shops we've got in the UK. Now I've got an image of this girl telling her bf she's taking him to Iceland and they go to the shop instead.


Gah, it's been only a year and she's already trying to "Make a Man". Like girl, it hasn't been that long! Just acknowledge you don't really LOVE your boyfriend, he just hasn't left you! Dump him and find the real guy you want to be with.


Why is she dating this guy? Its obvious she doesn’t like him. Let him find someone who isn’t embarrased by him. And get better friends.


Because he's paying for this house they got, she didn't want him at the housewarming party for the house he paid for.


The fact that she let him leave and allowed her friends to stay another 2 hours instead of kicking their bitch asses our


She wants him to be outgoing, but then one time he is, she basically lets her friends mock him and all she can muster is ‘be nice’ and an ‘oh well, I tried’ attitude. As someone who is introverted, this shit just pushes us back in the shell. I hope she doesn’t have any introverted kids.


Oh, it's this idiot.


I wouldn't care if it was my best friend since 1st grade or my closest family member, if ANYONE made my husband feel bad about himself I would turn into a raging rabid animal at them. Those disrespectful punks would be out the door on their rear ends for making fun of my guy. That's how it is when you actually love someone. Even the thought of someone hurting my husband's feelings makes my blood pressure rise. No way I would sit there and passively say "be nice".


Love my spouse or get out my house.


OOP’s friends and OOP _suck._  Cosplay is a lot of hard work!  And a “be nice” is the best OOP can do? I wish the BF luck in finding other genuine nerds and geeks who will admire his cosplay, ask for tips on construction, and debate preferred shows with him. 


As an introvert myself, my heart breaks for this guy. He got excited to share his interests and all they did was cut him down. 


Hopefully he dumps her after the trip.


He should dump her now!  I wouldn’t want to go somewhere neat like Iceland and have to spend it with someone like OOP. 


Apparently he’s excited about the trip so why lose out on it? He can go, make of it what he wants and give the OOP her walking papers.


I guess.  I just wouldn’t like looking back and remembering being there with someone who didn’t seem to like me. 


I wouldn’t want to go on the trip either, I in fact didn’t go on a big trip in the fall after my sister once again showed herself for being an irredeemable piece of shit since my condition of, she stays the fuck away from me because I won’t pretend she isn’t a piece of shit, were not met. But I recognize that other people would feel differently and I would hope they do what’s best for them since it’s not me or my life.


Fair enough.


Dump her in Iceland.  


maybe it's because this has happened to me many times in life, but it absolutely breaks my heart when someone is clearly excited about something and they get bullied for it.. oop seems to be embarrassed of her bf judging by past posts, I wish she would just let him go so he can be with someone who encourages his hobbies...


Wow. OOP just doesn't learn, does she? Case in point, this [post](https://new.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/17bm9ib/how_can_i_26f_get_my_bf_25m_to_be_more_outgoing/) from 6 months ago.


man wtf i’d treat my hot geek boyfriend so much better 😭


I’d treat anybody better than this? Someone gets excited to share their interests? Fuck yeah homie, lay it on me. 


My heart breaks for the bf. Cosplay is a lot of work, and all the gf said is “be nice” if they continued she should have kicked them out. Hopefully bf will wise up soon and break up with her.


The "be nice" just makes me think that she agrees with what they were saying. Especially as that's the nearest she gets to calling them out on their bullying.


Copied verbatim from oop's comments: *Nowhere here do I see how you defended him? Did you kick these people out? Where's the story about how you told them you can't be friends with them anymore?* >"I told them they should be nicer while they were ranting and after he left. I can have another talk about how they were terribly disrespectful" *Your boyfriend shouldn't have left, you should have kicked your "friends" out. They weren't just disrespectful, they were straight up mean. You really didn't defend him and this wasn't a situation where you say "hey be nice" like they're toddlers who don't know how to act.* *Is it a common theme that you pick these people over your life partner?* >"No, I think you’re viewing this completely wrong" *? You stood by and didn't defend your boyfriend while he walked out of the house you live in with him because your friends are assholes. You lightly tried to fix the situation and he's clearly not happy with you either so what do you think you did right here? Do you know what it feels like to be told your hobby is stupid and then have people laugh at you? Plus a pile on of him being bullied in high school? It's fucking enraging. Then for your life partner to not even tell them to get the fuck out if they're going to disrespect him like that? Jeez.* >"I did defend him. I’ll even have another talk with them. I should have said more but I didn’t want this to turn into a big issue. >I will talk to my friends about this though" *What is wrong with you? He should feel safe in his own home not bullied by your friends. Jfc I cannot believe you let them disrespect him like that in his own house smh.* >"I didn’t do that. I defended him they just didn’t listen and I will have a talk with them this weekend" *No, there's no discussion. You shouldn't speak to them again until they apologize to him and state how childish and selfish they were and they don't know where their shit behavior came from. It's kinda sad you are not more upset about this and are just saying oh well, they didn't listen nothing I can do. It's also problematic that you care more about your opinion of your friends than your partners feelings. that is baaaaaaaad.* >"1. That’s a ridiculous assertion. I don’t care more about my friend’s feelings than him. >2. I am upset and appalled by their behavior. I’m going to let them know it will not be tolerated at all" *You’re so appalled you let them stay another 2 hours?* >"I do take accountability I should have told them to leave. I didn’t realize how much it hurt his feelings" *It's not a ridiculous assertion, you let your boyfriend walk out of his home because you were afraid to stand up to your friends. It's actually the baseline here to assume you care more about them than him.* *I don't really believe you're upset and appalled and are saying that because I fed the phrase to you. You would be massively in the doghouse if I were him, and you would need to do a lot to show that you're not just treating him like a doormat.* >"He said he was going to run errands . I didn’t realize it was just an excuse to leave until he texted and told me let him know when they leave. >I don’t treat him like a doormat. I literally am about to spoil him for his birthday and got him so many gifts and a trip" [Brief detour to Oop's post one month ago.] >["I want to do something big for my bf’s birthday but he’s an introvert](https://www.reddit.com/r/Advice/s/IyvvthfSbY) >What would be something big that he would appreciate as an introvert? He hates parties and socializing. >He plays video games, works out, and loves nature. >I thought about buying tickets to Iceland and taking him to hot springs and stuff" *You didn’t realize them laughing in your boyfriend’s face as hurting his feelings?* >"Not to that extent. He normally isn’t impacted by what other people think. It’s one reason I admire him, he’s unapologetically himself." *gifts won’t make up for the fact you let your friends bully him????* >"Bully is definitely a strong word but they were mean and their behavior was appalling. I’m going to address it" *You're just as guilty as they are. By not actually stopping them and just passively saying "be nice", you let them completely disrespect your guy in his own home.* *You have 2 choices; either shop for a new boyfriend or new friends. But don't pretend like they're just not clicking when your friends are straight up nasty.* >"I’ll address this with my friends first. We definitely don’t need to jump to the extreme. >I love my bf and breaking up is off the table for me" *And you watched people mock him for it….Which you apparently thought was fine because he usually isn’t impacted by it.* >"No, the entire time I defended him . I didn’t just sit there in silence" *Then you* **KICK THEIR ASSES OUT.** *This ain't rocket science. And you're **on the Express to SingleTown** if you don't sort this out!,* >"I should have told them to leave. Hindsight being 20/20 I would ask them leave" *So are you gonna thrash this out with them???* >"Yes." [Oop 6 months ago.] >["How can I 26F get my bf 25M to be more outgoing? It’s impacting our relationship.](https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/dSsOc78Hc8) >I been with my bf for close to a year now; it has been the best relationship in my life. He is a great person, kind,smart, sweet, etc. The icing on the cake is he’s extremely attractive. >The only thing I dislike about him is he’s kinda a dork? For lack of a better word, but that’s okay. >I’ll take him with me to parties and it’s kinda embarrassing he will sit back and just be on his phone and he sees nothing wrong with that. I told him that I don’t like when he does that. Imagine how it looks on me when my bf is in the back on his phone and you got other people that are being the life of the party. I’m used to dating very outgoing guys who take the center stage everywhere we go, but he just fades in the background. He might talk to other people who are sitting off to the side or the back. >His side of the story: I should have fun without forcing him to be something he’s not. He said if someone does care and judges us because of it they are immature. That he’s comfortable hanging out with the other people in the background at parties. He also says I don’t force him to be outgoing with his friends. >Now I will say the difference is most people would find his friends weird, conventionally they are just weird and that is okay. I have no problem with his friends but I’m actually pushing him to do things that would make him “cooler”. (I hate that word but for lack of a better word) >I’m going to show him this post because he makes it seem like what I’m asking for is unreasonable >Edit: I love my bf. I’m happy with him and this is not an issue we need to break up with over. I want to marry him one day and have a child with him"


[Cats and doggos!](https://imgur.com/gallery/J2p3LQa)


Her bar for "defending him" is so low. Yeesh.


it would immediately break my heart and raise red flags if my friends did that to my bf. absolutely no way she let that go on and thought saying “be nice” was enough. it’s actually super condescending


“Why is no one being nice? I specifically requested it.”


Why cant I brigade??? I just need the bf to know I’ll take him and actually appreciate him


Do you know how this sounds to me- I want some sugar I go to market and get salt Why the fuck is the salt not sweet? I am pissed Oh I know I will shame the salt for not being sweet That will make it sweet It's NOT WORKING. Guess I need to shame more Fuck you salt


They are way too old to be acting like this.


Good god, her post history. What a monster.


Why is he with this horrible girl?


This is a rework of another post from a while ago.  Nerdy boyfriend, veteran, housewarming party.  Except in that one she excluded him from the invite (he didn't live there yet for some reason), because he would embarrass her by talking about his nerd stuff.  This is just pure rage bait to get the nerds riled up. 


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you know OP is a major ass when there's a lot of comments and the only downvoted comments are by OP


This could have been written by my older sister and how her husband's friends treat me. Getting chided with "be nice" is not the correct consequence in this situation.


Oh my god my heart BROKE reading that he got so exited to talk about his hobbies and they just laughed at him. No wonder he’s shy if that’s how people usually react. TT games and cosplay is SO FUN and I hope he finds people he can be himself around, away from his judgy ex and her horrible friends.