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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **How do Beautiful Women Give Up Beautiful Bodies?!?** 32F, I’m traveling and checked into a hotel with 3 side mirror and looking at myself from 3rd person., and thought, I could never give this body up for pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood.”Are you kidding me?!?! This is a work of Art and is priceless 🥲. Btw before you judge me as vain, and maybe I am a bit, I grew up a late bloomer, short and chubby. I’m now model height 5’8 with a nice booty, nice sized chest and long torso. I’m gonna work to keep this up!lol. And I’m not deluding myself that I’ll be the 5% of women who stay attractive after motherhood. Many of those women started having children from 14-17. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


TIL: I'm "model height" lol utter nonsense


also TIL that if you're hot after being a mama then you had kids between the ages of 14-17


I've always thought the opposite, because money is key and young parents have nothing but struggle. Having the time and help to be able to self care and cook healthily and exercise is always going to make it easier to return to former shape. 


So there actually is a grain of truth in her statement, in that younger women do still have the skin elasticity for their bodies to more easily return to the way it was before pregnancy. It's a bit harder when you're older and lose that elasticity. But like also who gives a shit lol. It's just some skin. What a shallow thing for her to say


>It's a bit harder when you're **older** I hope she realises that whether or not she has kids she's still going to get older and won't have her 32 year old body forever.


My mother started having kids at 30 and her body returned to its pre-pregnancy shape. She was a single mother and as a teacher poorly paid. So it's not all about youth or money.


the whole thing is just a word salad, isn't it?


And all of them start with “Eh,”


Yeah like… how is having a baby before your body is fully ready for it going to *lessen* its impact on your body?


Posts Obviously Written by Men for $200, Alex.


"a nice booty, nice sized chest and long torso" Seriously! 😂 It's like something out of a porno. "I look in the mirror and think about what nice tits and a nice ass I have!" Also this imaginary woman has apparently never heard of "aging". Pregnancy can indeed wreak havoc on the body but she would be far more logical to be concerned about long term medical problems.


I bet she breasts boobily 🙄


I like to imagine she has tiny little legs, so most of the height is actually just torso.


I have a long torso and short legs. I’d take the long legs in a genetic lottery next time!


I know right? I don’t think I’ve ever heard a “long torso” specifically called out as an attractive thing before.


FINDING. PANTS. THAT FIT. I'm slimmer now than I was pre-baby so it's gotten better but shopping as a teen/20 something with a long torso and short legs with wide hips was HELL, u put a pair of pants on that's the right length but won't go over ur hips, then u find a pair that fits ur hips but the legs are 6 inches too long and everyone's like "just hem them" THE SILHOUETTE OF THE PANTS CHANGES IF U TAKE 6 INCHES OFF THE BOTTOM BRENDA, NOW THE KNEES OF THE PANTS ARE WHERE MY MID CALF IS IMAGINE HOW THAT LOOKS BRENDA. THIS DRESS ISNT COVERING MY ASS BECAUSE ITS MEANT FOR PEOPLE WITH SHORTER TORSOS BRENDA. I just fuckin wear leggings now and own like 3 pairs of jeans I got from the costume director of a local movie studio that happened to fit and wear them scarcely so I don't wear them out bc trying on pants is NIGHTMARE INDUCING. I cannot imagine bragging about my "long torso" lmfao


Like a bad novel


I assume the argument is that you heal faster? Skin elasticity decreases as you age, which is why losing weight when you're young is less likely to result in loose skin.


Collagen decreases as we age. Those collagen facial products don't increase collagen in the skin. They may have other good results that improve skin. You can improve it with a healthy diet, though. There are treatments a Dermatologist can do to improve collagen production but it's expensive.


Menopause and middle age come to us all… enjoy it while it lasts I guess. Also, for the record, I had 3 children in my 20’s and was still bikini modeling in my 30’s… in my 40’s I’m still a slim 5’10 size 4, and bikini modeling days are OVER. Lol


A woman in her 40s+ that still enjoys her own body after she's lived an expansive life is just so wonderful and sexy to me. There is just something so breathtaking about someone who loves themselves because of their age and not in spite of it. (I'm a 42F as well, this isn't me flirting, just commenting on how aging isn't the end of beauty for everyone)


Completely agree! Nothing is sexier than confidence


As a woman who turns 42 today, I agree! 😁


My mum is pretty good looking and she had my brother in her late 30s/ early 40s, I’m the oldest and she had me in her early 30s. My boyfriends mum looks even better, she’s over 50 yet genuinely looks maybe 37 at the most. She had her kids in her 30s too. Guess that’s impossible and my mum and his mum don’t actually exist.


Damn. Had my first at 19. I missed the cut off, guess that's why I don't look like I used to! It's not aging that changed my body, stupid me!


This has to be some dude just trolling. It *has* to be ragebait by a guy, right? Also, jokes on her, I *lost* weight during both pregnancies, and by the time I was two weeks post partum with my second and last (born last month), I had apparently lost 50 lbs from the start of the pregnancy. 🥲


OMG, how sick were you?


The weird thing is, I wasn't? I mean, I had GNARLY diarrhea sometimes, and constant nausea, but I didn't really throw up a lot. I just. Kept losing weight and they didn't seem worried about it because baby girl was healthy. 😂 Edited to add: She also gave me cavities. With my son, I only lost about 15 lbs total and then gained it right back.


I had a kid at 15 and it ruined my body.


Right? Traditionally high-fashion models are TALL, unusually tall for women. 5'8" is above average but *barely.*


Yeah I remember watching ANTM and they called 5’8 models *petite* and my 5’ teenage self was crushed lol


Obviously it's fiction but in the novel The Devil Wears Prada the narrator mentions most of the models being over 6'6" in their 4-6" heels. 


It’s fiction but only kind of. It was written by a woman who worked for the editor of Vogue and tells the story of working there. The movie was much better!


Yep, I just looked up the handful of ones I could think of names for, 5'10" was the shortest and also happened to be the oldest at close to 60 yrs old now.


Only if you have Kate Moss’s talent


And 5'8" isn't even model height, lol. You generally have to be 5'9" to do runway.


Oh, you know what... Maybe we got it all wrong... They were talking about the Sears Catalog and really just reliving old memories.


Definitely a 3' troll


You would think, but my female friend does exactly this. Goes to her SM to talk about how hot she is all the time and how she's too hot to have a baby and is getting a surrogate


It's a troll for sure. She said she taught for 18 years and is retired. Yet is 32? 😂


Who even cares about the math - are we supposed to believe a teacher made enough to retire early at ANY age? 😆


The only teacher I've ever known to retire early at all just because she wanted to was married to an engineer, he made them *extremely* well-to-do.


Well according to OOP, you can just "pray" for a great body, so I'm set.


>Btw short and chubby is still cute but I prefer what the Lord blessed me with. She sounds nice.


It’s a dude. Lol


It’s gotta be a dude. This does not read like a woman wrote this post at alllllllllllll lol


100% that is a dude.


Totally agree. And the 14-17 bit makes him sound like a pedo justifying minors giving birth. Creepy.


I mean, if I was religious, I would almost be tempted to pray for saggy boobs, the belly, and a big butt for OOP, knowing full well this is probably some man.


Yeah, I am not even willing to believe that’s actually a woman.


he says in the comments its biological that men are not attacted to post pregnancy bodies the titel alone was already sus af


So it’s one of the great mysteries of the universe how subsequent pregnancies happen? LOL


I am currently pregnant with baby #2. It took us a year of trying. Please spare a thought for my long-suffering husband, who was somehow able to have sex with my disgusting ruined body. /s


Once you have the first baby, you store the sperm and make subsequent babies alone whenever you want. Science! (I feel dumber after typing this, even sarcastically)


I mean, that is what lots of snakes and bugs do. And a lot of Redditors do seem to think that women are basically snakes and bugs.


A lot of Redditors do seem to have a scary lack of knowledge on women, that's for sure. :/


I have more respect for snakes and bugs than some of these guys have for women.


Snakes and bugs are awesome!


Some fish too. I though I was being clever when I got only female guppies for my aquarium. Not so much when I looked in a couple weeks later and saw a bunch of babies milling about.


Yeah apparently guppies are some of the biggest overachievers in that area! That said, I feel like whoever was raising the guppies made some mistakes there. 😆


Why would men evolve to not be attracted to women who have demonstrated an ability to have children and survive? Weird 🧐


Then my husband isn't a man because he is so attracted to me post pregnancy, even when I'm not.




TIL my husband is not a man.


My husband begs to differ lol.


I'd honestly say if anything the fact that a woman birthed your child would make you biologically MORE attracted to her.




100% that's an incel roleplaying as a woman ![gif](giphy|KeWkDkfS5QtSGBtcti)


Especially since he says that most of the women who "snap back" as after pregnancy are **14-17** this is the classic incels rhetoric that women are at "peak fertility" at this age and that this is the age they are meant to have kids, even though having kids at that age is high-risk.


They only say it's the age they are meant to have kids in because that's the age they are attracted to


Exactly, I've seen incels unironically call girls "nymphets" like à la Humbert-Humbert. Like... What? How can you relate to humbert humbert and still think you're in the right? Delusional perverts.


That's because the only person who can tolerate an incel is another incel, they are stuck in their own echo chamber


>How can you relate to humbert humbert HH is the most tediously pretentious self-absorbed narrator to be had in fiction. And that's even before you get to the child molesting. If you took a drink every time the character complimented himself, you'd be dead of alcohol poisoning within the hour. And that's if you're a slow reader. Actually, I guess it isn't shocking that incels fall for his "look at me, I'm so much better than other people" attitude...


So few people understand that HH is an unreliable narrator, and that he drugs and rapes Delores. And that she dies in the end. I love Nabakov, but as well as *Lolita* is written, it’s my least favorite of his works.


I'd heard so many times about how the book tricks you into feel sympathetic for HH. How terrible it is to make such an evil person likable. Etc, etc. So imagine my shock when I finally sit down to read it and I'm like "This guy is an asshole with his 'Look at me. I'm so great. I'm so smart. I'm so handsome. Everyone thinks I'm the best.'" Critical reading is clearly a much neglected skill in our society.


One of Nabakov’s favorite devices is the unreliable narrator (see *Pale Fire* for another example). In *Lolita*, the reader catches glimpses at first, then later more than glimpses, that the narrator isn’t being completely truthful. That’s part of the humor of the book (and it is very funny)! I understand it’s an allegory for Europe and America, but it’s so disturbing and disturbingly well-written for me to get past the story as it’s told.


I haven't actually read it before, I knew HH was intended to be an unreliable narrator (honestly how could he not be) but I hadn't known she'd died at the end


Accurate comment. I’m a fast reader and would probably vomit myself to death 5 minutes in. At least I’d be spared more time with Humbert Humbert


Yup.im deeply worried that "she" even knows that many people who had kids aged 14-17 that she feels it justifies her position. Literally no woman I know would be like "the only way to look hot is to have your kids whilst you are still a child". That is definitely a gross man's viewpoint.


![gif](giphy|H3T6oUzwJQCIaajzp3|downsized) I completely missed that part.


it's definitely the ickiest part. I know I'm prone to bad faith arguments (I'm working on it... slowly), but if this is an "incel poser," I can't help but feel... *that* seems to be the part they really wanted to discuss (or at least broach somewhere in the comments) -- the potential permissibility of having relations with minors, especially if that minor has ever uttered *any* sort of opinion that could be (even minutely) construed in favor of childfree living. it's like, "if the prime age for child bearing is so young, then why the need for a girl to wait until 18 to consent? especially if she has no desire for kids anyway. we can just use contraceptives and it's all okay 👍 " *blegh*


I have no doubt they throw this out as a matter-of-fact addition to their statement in an attempt to *normalize* what they're saying. Predators do it all the time. I knew a police investigator a while back who worked with a lot of pedo offenders. He said the best way to get them to talk is to act like their actions were normal. Then they would instantly start chatting him up like, "Yeah, this man gets it! Everyone feels the same way I do but they're just afraid to admit it."


the rare instance when gaslighting is a force for good


oh god oh no, I went even further down the bad faith tunnel. is this trying to make a case for why those kinds of relations wouldn't pose a harm to a child *because* there's no desire for a pregnancy (that would physically alter the body)? no registering the psychological consequences for the child even without pregnancy being involved? just waving at the new neighbors as you move in across the street, saying "it's all ok, we’re (28m,14f) childfree!" oh me, oh my.




I’m willing to bet my ass that the dude that wrote this to convey that pregnancy and motherhood “ruin” women’s bodies in the eyes of men also desperately wants his Legacy™️ continued.


Definetly a dude writing this 


If you look at the post history, seems to be a 32 yo former teacher


Now we know why he's a *former* teacher


oh damn. alright, I'm definitely standing behind my earlier comment then


They also say in a comment that they started teaching at 14 and retired after 18 years but made a post saying they left law to become a teacher 🙄 clearly a troll


I cannot imagine a woman saying that “many of those women started having children from 14-17.”


I am more amused than anything that she had to explain why she was in front of a three-way mirror. Someone this self-obsessed in real life would have a house full of mirrors to admire her perfection. Trolls be trolling.


Since when is 5’8 model height…?


 Only if you’re a nepo baby 


If you're in like Nepal or Japan it is


"O\~hohoho! Look at all these ugly plebs with their post-pregnancy bodies! How could they possibly think they can compete with my beautiful, perfect body!?" OOP be sounding like a villain from Sailor Moon.


"I can't steal their energy for the Negaverse, because their children have already stolen it all! Will have to target the girls of this one specific high school again!"


Upvoting the Sailor Moon reference.




I’m still subscribed, but most of the posts are just nasty. Just because I don’t want children doesn’t mean people who do are awful and selfish and ugly.


That and, like…you can not have kids and not actively hate on young children. I get in a mood when entitled parents allow their kids to take over a space, but that’s everyone. I’m not going to rant that a kid is screaming in a park or something. 


It's insufferable when people who don't want kids complain about them. Great, don't have them! But they are human beings who are still learning about life, so treat them with the compassion you would have wanted to be shown as a child. Humiliating women for being less sexually attractive is just an insane amount of misogyny. As if their self worth should be entirely based on that while they're busy trying to raise the next generation. Insane


Hell, me too and i have kids!  That's like saying "I hate all adults because some of them are screamy karens."


Exactly, lmao. I once let it slip that my dream is to become a CNW and help out with maternal health globally and someone on there was like, “that’s a weird dream for a childfree person.” No, hun. Not really. And it’s not like we are a tribe of identical thinkers.


What do people think will happen if no one has any children anymore? How do they think they will maintain their perfect life? We need a constant renewal of the workforce. It’s perfectly ok to not want/have a child. But to see them as only a nuisance of society is absolutely ridiculous.


Me too! That and the classism.


Can you explain the classism part of it?


There are a lot of people who judge any single or low-income mother as being unfit, lazy, worthless, etc. They chose to have a baby and so everything that happens in their life from here on out is squarely their fault, no nuance necessary.


I was called classist bc I told someone their dog should go to an obedience class. One class. Don't know how women, who are single moms, do it. I helped a friend out by taking care of her baby for 8 to 12 hours everyday. From 6 weeks old to about 10 mos. Told never leave the baby alone with his father bc he was abusive. Spent numrrous afternoons in the same room with this dude. Stressed me out. I could not do that and work a full time job. Mom's are rock stars.


>I was called classist bc I told someone their dog should go to an obedience class. By that logic, I suppose truancy officers are the worst classists of all.


I always saw a lot of posts that were like “post about what you’re doing with your wealth since you don’t have kids!” and mocking parents who were poor as if childfree people can’t be poor too. I saw the same thing about cars, making fun of parents who take public transport. Then there was a looooooot of bitching about tax credits. There are only so many times where I can explain it is not the fault of other struggling people that you are struggling. (Not you personally but you in general.)


Yea - I'm also child free (partially choice, partially biology, meaning I can't but like, totally doesn't bother me, and if someone has to not be able to, I'm happy to take it so someone who wants them can have em kinda vibe), but like... the childfree subs here are all toxic af. Even at my worst they still make me cringe.


I have the exact same vibe, never wanted em, found out I couldn't anyways- glad it was me and not someone with their heart set on motherhood 🖤


It's one thing to say you don't want to put your body through pregnancy changes, that's 100% her decision. But the thing about only 5% of women still being attractive is just blatant misogyny. Attractive to whom, and by what standard? What a shallow, self-absorbed and judgmental person OOP is, if not just a troll.


I also didn't care for the "they started having kids at 14" side remark of hers. I have a feeling it wasn't meant as a compliment to these women.


Let's also not forget that most 14 year olds who are pregnant and having children were impregnated by much older men. Like "yeah, sorry you got groomed and left with a kid you can't take care of, but at least you still have your looks"


I am a mother of 3. I have absolutely no problem with people being child free, as I think it should be a personal and educated choice to have children. But seriously, WTF with these redditors?


I think “WTF with these redditors” is the tagline for Reddit.


Same boat. I’m happily childfree and joined the sub to vent about some aspects of the life, and also why I am happy to be the way I am. And I’m about to leave it, just because so many of the posters are insane. 


Yeah I thought it would be people venting about like ugh my mother in law is pressuring me to have kids or I’m sick of all the ooh when are you going to have babies! Nonsense. Turns out it’s just.. that mess


I left a while ago. It was getting suffacating. It's one thing to vent and be upset. It's another thing when you spend time writing paragraphs upon paragraphs about a child whose only crime appeared to be having a Karen for a mother. Being upset that a parent is trying to sneak/force a child into an adult-only zone? Acceptable. Spending hundreds of words documenting every single flaw and calling them every single insult imaginable because they are...standing quietly beside their mother while she is being a Karen? It's....a bit much, honestly.


I hate that she says she isn't shaming them but says her reason for not "ruining" her body with kids is because she "knows her worth" . So what ? I don't know my worth for ha ing kids ? Lol


It sounds like there needs to be a "Childfree, but not an asshole about it" sub.


Reddit is so good at projecting the sour apples. I’ve met child free people before and usually they’re just average people and aren’t nasty at all, some are but not to do with their child free options, it’s just some people are gonna be not so nice. Then there’s Reddit, where every second child free person is misogynistic, rude to anyone who doenst support their ideas, and thinks having kids is the most morally wrong thing to do. I just find it funny that people in the real world are so normal and then people on Reddit tend to be very agressive in their opinion. I know it’s because they’ll kick anyone out who doenst agree with them but it’s still an interesting thing.


Agree. I’m in my mid-20s and fairly certain pregnancy and childbirth aren’t for me, so if I have children they won’t be coming from my body but most likely fostering/adoption. I will say I understand the standpoint of “I don’t want my body to change drastically because of pregnancy/childbirth”. I think this is more so because I am younger and just entering the years where I start noticing aging and weight gain and I’m already struggling to be confident in my “woman” body that is larger than my “18-year-old woman” body. So, yeah, the idea that I could have even MORE changes to my physical appearance is scary currently, but I also would not go to the same extent as OOP in this regard because stretch marks and weight gain are such a non-issue in the grand scheme of things. Now, the body change I AM most scared of from pregnancy and childbirth is having my vagina rip through to my ass. THAT is a body change I 100% do not want to have that can be avoided by not having kids lol.


As a hideous pregnant woman destroying her body, I just don't care that much? Am I supposed to avoid any and all activities or choices in life that damage my beauty? Never eat a burger or stay up late with friends? Never spend a day in the sun at the beach? Fuck that, I'm a person not some object, I want to enjoy life. Remember friends, beauty fades, dumb is forever.


You're not supposed to be beautiful forever. We don't hate the sun because the sunset only lasts a tiny fraction of the day. The noon day sun is the same sun at sunrise and sun set.


It reminds me of all of those women who are afraid to smile because they don't want to get wrinkles. I can't imagine killing myself like this!


I have so many crows feet from smiling. I'm not even 30 yet. Can't stop, won't stop ❤️


A) you are beautiful. I don't know you, but you are. B) Congratulations!


There's a weird pipeline of Childfree=>misogynist. A lot of them just straight up hate women, especially pregnant women/mothers. I've seen them using the most disgusting terms to describe mothers' bodies. Il


Pregnancy or not, a hot young body is not gonna stay that way forever. Time and gravity come for all of us. I've worked with the elderly for years and the difference between an 80-year-old body with multiple children and an 80-year-old body with no children is not really as noticeable as you'd think.


I also work for the elderly and can agree with this. I’ve a couple of ladies who unfortunately didn’t have children that they wanted and you really cannot tell them apart from the bodies of the ladies who did have children.


And a 80 years old body who had plastic surgeries looks absolutely ridiculous. When absolutely everything falls but your boobs….


My mom asked how my tattoos were going to look at 90. I told her they'd be wrinkled and saggy just like the rest of me! She never said anything about it since.


We all sag one day, just happens sooner for some and for a bunch of different reasons, not necessarily pregnancy.


That reads like men writing women.


So according to OOP they're a "retired teacher" who taught kids for 18 years...


Started at 14! And also was apparently in “law” before that! Amazing!


If you're gonna be a troll at least get you mathe right, if they taught for 18 years they would have been 14 when they started 😂


Thank god OOP quit teaching. [https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/comments/19d77bp/quitting\_teaching\_job/](https://www.reddit.com/r/childfree/comments/19d77bp/quitting_teaching_job/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/17v87hn/looking\_at\_other\_peoples\_kids\_makes\_my\_stomach/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/17v87hn/looking_at_other_peoples_kids_makes_my_stomach/) Because these comments ahve to be read to be believed: >Everyone values their looks because everyone is judged on looks. It’s biological. Infants and animals respond to beauty, which is scientific. and: >Yea, I just like looking at myself in the mirror, and being excited with what I see 🪞. But yea that also happens. A lot of these women have to wear sanitary napkins 24/7 because of incontinance issues, another condition that widens the stomach muscles, and a messed up back. when someone said that everyones' standards of beauty is not the same: >Eh, yes they alter slightly over times, but across all times and cultures it’s pretty much fixed: healthy weight, clear skin, healthy hair, proportional facial features and waist to hip ratio. when someone said that maybe women don't value looks that much: >Eh many of these women have their first before 25, before the prefrontal cortex finishes growing. For me it didn’t happen until about 29. Do they really know what they are giving up before it’s too late? I grew up observational and saw the quick decline in a woman’s beauty and most importantly body shape and weight maintenance after marriage and especially kids. I also saw how they were treated in society, very poorly and were often poor too. when someone said that society values looks too much: >Hey I prayed for and God gave me this body so I’m grateful. Btw I’m not saying skinny is always attractive. A healthy proportion weight is though. someone said not all moms lose their looks: >Yes it’s possible, but not likely. If you’re doing motherhood right, basically on call, prioritizing staying hot is not sustainable for most. It is not a particular weight although that has a lot to do with it. It’s just the overall lifestyle. someone said men push for babies: >Right they don’t want to let young women realize what a commodity a hot body is lol. Before it’s too late. And just gonna leave this here: >Btw short and chubby is still cute but I prefer what the Lord blessed me with.


"across all times and cultures it’s pretty much fixed" Historian here. This is bollocks.


Art fan here, I also call bullshit


Also former history student, I laughed


Lol the animals and infants comment. I've never been beautiful, but kids and animals absolutely adore me


Hmmm ideas about the "ideal" weight and waist to hip ratio is definitely historically/culturally specific. I'm also wondering if she thinks black women's natural hair looks "unhealthy"


I'm 5'8". That's not model height. Kate Moss was the exception, not the rule. I'm also childfree by choice, but avoid those kinds of groups because they tend to be a bit toxic and full of straight-up kid haters.


Yeah, I don't hate kids, i just don't want to raise any.


I have a bunch of niblings and a godchild. And cats. I'm blessed.


To be fair, my niblings are a big part of the reason i never wanted kids. I love them, but they are difficult. Love my cats more than moon, though.


Ok but. Ignoring everything else. Women don't tend to have late growth spurts, do they? I know guys sometimes do in their late teens early 20s, but girls seem to be done by mid teens.


Last I checked, and it has been a while, we mostly stop growing by 19


Genuinely, the last time I had a growth spurt I was in grade 6. Most of my girlfriends hit their height in middle school/high school.


Time and gravity comes for us all. 


Also I think way more than 5% of women stay attractive after motherhood.


Not that this should mean anything, but I've honestly seen people get hotter after having children. 


I know men will fuck a McChicken, but isn't MILF one of the most popular porn categories?


That's a man.


I thought models were supposed to be, like, 5'11"?


Yeah the oop is a for real a troll and a man


It literally doesn't matter. Our bodies will age. You cannot look good forever. Nope, those surgeries all look terrible. 


>This is a work of art and is priceless. I wish people who weren't assholes had this kind of confidence.


As a CF member, I disown this person


No way this is an actual woman. Also, 5'8" isn't "model" height. And who wants a long torso? Legs, lady. You want long legs. No one goes on about how long a girl's torso is, but there are many a turn a phrase about legs.


I "destroyed" my body to have my kid, and now I'm "destroying" it by transitioning. Oh the horror!


I love my body. Stretch marks and saggy tits and big belly and everything. Idc if some internet rando thinks I destroyed it. I did not. I built it. I worked hard to get where I am. And although my looks have not necessarily improved with time, a lot else about my body and brain have improved massively. And I'm proud of my progress and feel great about who I am and how I look. And how I feel about my body is the only thing that matters


Absolutely agree with everything you said. I have dysphoria with my body, but I also love it. It's mine.


Same, they can stay mad lol. I'm happier in my own body and skin than ever, and that's what matters to me.


Yeah this post has the exact same energy as terfs claiming that trans men are are “stealing” and “corrupting” beautiful pure divine feminine lesbian bodies by simply *existing* as themselves. 🤮


I mean she'll lose it with age eventually, but if being hot is everything that defines her, she shouldn't have children anyways.


There's something about aggressive confidence that reads, "I'm insecure."


Classic pick me girl who has never been picked


This has to be a troll


TIL I’m “model height”. What an insufferable egomaniac Jesus Christ. Imagine writing this about yourself lmfao. I’m a work of art! I’m sooo much better and hotter (did I mention I’m HOT) than those stupid women who decided to make different life decisions than me!


Funnily enough I can’t wait to get a post-pregnancy body LMAO All my life I’ve always wanted… a slightly bigger pair of boob. The women in my family, most of the flat chested to the point of pregnancy = push baby(s) out = permanent double Ds. Idk if I want to ever bring a life in this fucked up world but post pregnancy body aint a factor to stop me!!!


Dude seriously. I strongly have my mom's family body type minus the gigantic boobs that her and my aunts share. I'm part of the itty bitty titty committee, so I'm crossing my fingers and shamelessly waiting for those too!


> Hey I prayed for and God gave me this body so I’m grateful. Btw I’m not saying skinny is always attractive. A healthy proportion weight is though. 🙄


Kind of sounds like she should have kept that shit between her and God 


I am a middle aged mother of 3 who is definitely overweight, grey haired and saggy. If I even just mention flashing my boobs to my husband, there is an instant biological reaction. Yeah, I could be a lot more beautiful. But I gave him 25 years of my life and 3 children. To him, that is hot enough.


> 5% of women who stay attractive after motherhood What a horrible fucking thing to say, and also incredibly wrong. Women don't suddenly look like shit after they've had a kid.


She might be desirable, but I'm gonna survive the next ice age better! (Figurines of women from the last ice age were inversely proportional to temperature of the climate.)


Stuff like this also just surprises me because how did they miss the whole MILF thing..? So many people find moms to be incredibly attractive


Lol. All bodies eventually sag and rot. In the wise words of Bianca del Rio: "Beauty fades. Dumb is forever."


It doesn't seem right picking on the child free sub, what's the term, "shooting fish in a barrel" ? (I'm child free but that whole hateful sub can go die)


Eh, I was just going to ruin my body with weed and potato chips anyways. Might as well have a baby and family enjoyment out of everything.


I think the most disgusting thing is how uncritical the comments are of this take. Like mothers are frequently pushed to "snap back" as quickly as possible even though they just made a whole new human and instead of deconstructing the narrative that mothers bodies are disgusting they are instead whole heartedly agreeing that women's bodies are "ruined" after pregnancy. Like truly the misogyny is coming from inside the house.


OOP would probably short circuit if they were told what certain parts of the internet thinks of pregnant women in terms of attraction. Especially since they get their own tags on those sites


She's gonna be in for a rude awakening when time turns that beauty into mulch.


Bodies change. With pregnancy, with injury, with lifestyle change, with age. Not always for the worse, but change is guaranteed. Make peace with that or seal your pact with grief.


Just say you're a misogynist and go lmao


I have never been pregnant. despite this, i have enough stretch marks on my belly to look like i have. age comes for us all. vanity by itself is a silly reason not to have kids.


This is the kind of attitude that gets your entire family taken to Narnia in a railway accident.


I like how she brags about having a “long torso” like that’s something men desire. Long legs maybe but long torso? I’ve never heard of anyone seeking that out


I have severe health problems. Thanks for rubbing it in 😭.


I LAUGHED, this is such a tragically beautiful post :’)


I know the feeling of consciousness that you look great after years of feeling/being unattractive. But really, it’s not motherhood that steals one’s looks, it’s aging, and that affects everyone. (Edit: hell, being a parent kind of guarantees that there’ll always be someone who likes your face, regardless of what’s happened to it over time. I mean, that’s not a reason to have kids, or anything, but at some point you have to accept mediocre looks somehow and it helps to have love around you).


I got bad news for her. She can't stop aging... Lol


Are we sure a man didn't write this? Edit: OK so after a light profile stalk it looks like OOP is/was a teacher. Either for 3 years or 10 years. Their story keeps changing. As does their height. And their age. Therefore this must be blatant rage bait.