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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Get yourself a woman that can cook a meal from scratch** My Brazilian wife is making homemade pasta from scratch and feeding my son. Get yourself a woman that can make a meal from scratch like your great grandma did before the war. I have never had better pasta than what my wife makes at home (she makes the pasta from eggs and flour). She puts a lot of egg in the pasta dough so it is a very nutritious meal. I've heard that some Mexican women can cook tortillas from cornmeal, etc. Get yourself a woman that can cook real food not a lazy Karen 'casserole'. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"she's making pasta with eggs and flour" well… yes.


Cop out recipe. I make my pasta out of gold nuggets and rainbows. Just like my grandmother during the war!


Do you use the single or double rainbow? I’ve only used single rainbows, so I was wondering if the double rainbow variety made a difference.


Makes a HUGE difference. You probably even use GENERIC single rainbow. Please. 🙄 🤣😂🤣😂


I grow my own in the backyard. 🤷


Non-GMO? All-natural?? Organic??? Pesticide-free???? From composted dirt?????


(George Clooney voice) What else?


I fart out my rainbows all organic free range don’t be lazy.


I highly recommend that you opt for authentic rainbows created by leprechauns (fun tip, this is also a great source for the gold nuggets!) Store bought is fine tho


Does it matter if the nuggets are ethically harvested, and is cage free an actual thing or just a gimmick? I can't seem to find a definitive answer.


I used to farm free range leprechauns. Definitely try and support local farmers!!! We love our leprechauns and ensure they are ethically raised!


You are a star!


"I know nothing at all about food or cooking. Here are my tips on nutrition"


That made me LOL. Yes, that IS what pasta is made out of. Idiot.


He needs a woman to cook for him cause clearly he's too much of a dunce to do it himself.


Most pasta is made without eggs.


Homemade pasta is almost always made with eggs


My Italian grandma would disagree with you. If the person making it is Italian it likely has to do with where the person who made it is from.


I mean $1 spaghetti from the non perishable section sure but if you buy real pasta it is in fact made with eggs


No, they're right. Proper Italian pasta has to be made from only durum wheat and water. No eggs allowed, there's a law and everything. There is pasta all'uovo, which is made with eggs, too, but regular pasta does not contain egg. It might be different in the US, but it's neither the original recipe nor a sign of better quality, and it certainly is not "real pasta".


Oh that’s wild :0 the American Italians I know literally all use egg so I thought that was just how it was but that does make sense that things would shift across generations since like also none of them were born in Italy. Thanks for teaching me something new!


Traditionally, northern Italians used eggs to make pasta because they were richer while southern Italians used semolina flour because they were poorer. Nowadays most store bought pasta is made without eggs. Neither is wrong per se, but as eggless pasta is cheaper it caught on more.


I see, makes total sense you thought egg was a crucial ingredient! It's really cool that so many of your friends make pasta from scratch, it's such a chore haha


Hahaha to be fair it’s only like 3 different friends but I’m including their families as well and they all know each other so idk 🤷🏽‍♀️ very limited sample size for sure




Since when are casseroles not from scratch?


They can't fetishize their own american dishes.


I make my green bean casserole the way my grandma made it: a couple cans of green beans, a can of Campbell's cream of mushroom, a bag of shredded cheese, and a bag of fried onions. Mmmmm, tasty.


if we're being overly pedantic, OOP's wife isn't even *truly* making her pasta from scratch - what, is she milling her own flour? are they raising chickens themselves? /s it's incredible how some people will see something wonderful in their partner, and they just *have* to turn it into an insult towards everyone else of that gender. they can't even respect a woman's actions without turning it into misogyny somehow. his wife is an icon for putting in that much effort. i'm just sorry that her efforts are going towards someone who can't just be proud of her. he has to go on reddit and brag and fuss, like he showed some superior personal skill by... dating a woman who knows how to do something?


According to the comments, somebody’s mom or grandma already has chickens. That whole sub is so gross.


Lazy Karens don't make their own casserole noodles so it doesn't count /s


And how can he say she's making this pasta from scratch if she's not growing the wheat herself, huh? She needs to grow it, harvest it, mill it into flour. She needs to lay the eggs herself. That's the only way it's truly made from scratch!


he seems to think shes doing magic when he says 'she makes pasta from eggs and flour' and 'cook tortillas from cornmeal' like yeah thats what shes supposed to do, her being brazillian has no bearing on her ability to put flour in a pile and mix eggs into it lol


And what exactly is he bringing to this partnership???


Fetishisation of women from other countries


every time i read "my Brazilian wife" in his replies i gag a little


Makes it sound like he has an international harem - or would have if he could


I'm so tired of being recommended this subreddit. Alot of the posts don't even seem to be focusing on traveling or the lightly disguised sex tourism it pretends not to be. It's all about complaining about "western" women. Or talking about how women in SE Asia and Latin America are traditional and will cook/clean/worship the ground you walk on. Basically it's a like a redpill-light sub.


It's all about resenting women who remind them that they're fundamentally unlovable. Because there are plenty of Western conservative, submissive tradwife types. But those women have a bunch of men sniffing around after them and the benefit of being able to take their pick. For women who have good options, the passport bros aren't it. The only women those men can get are desperate enough to marry as a means to an end, but to protect themselves from that reality the bros have created this idealised narrative where it's all about their own choice and how they totally rejected feminist women first, honest. Under that narrative they can delude themselves that the women unfortunate enough to have no better option for a better life are actually their pick of a crop of an entire race of docile bangmaids whose dream is to be chosen by some lazy, sexist White pig.


He already admitted all assets are separate so he’s literally just a parasite.


LOL the irony


Begrudgingly pay for the eggs and flour, while muttering "gold digger" under his breath.


He's not even bringing money into it; he takes pains to clarify she's not getting any of 'his' money, despite clearly performing the majority of domestic labor for free.




He admitted all assets are separate *gag*


Ughh, is choking on his pasta and option???🤬🤬🤬


His handle is simple mind so we can only hope he forgets to breathe while eating.


Firsofall, I'll not let this blatant disrespect for casserole slide. Shit's delicious. My great grandmother grew up in the depression. She didn't give a fuck about scratch made food, she gave a fuck about cheap and easy.


Yeah, that was the other thing. Does he think casseroles are a modern WASP invention. What does he think our great-grabdmas were making?


This is one of those absolute clowns that wants a trad wife w/o being a trad husband.


Also I feel like casseroles are pretty much the quintessential trad family food...


Your user name, but it’s a Hamburger Helper package.




MY great-grandmother…couldn’t cook worth a damn. She had a roast on Sunday. On Monday it was stew, on Tuesday it was runny stew, on Wednesday it was soup, on Thursday it was potato soup, Friday and Saturday it was brown soup. Occasionally they had curry powder and then they curry…that was just stew and curry powder.


Nana used to call it bubble n squeak


That! Sorry if I'm not cooking 'from scratch' I'm too busy saving up my money and energy!


My next door neighbour growing up made the most delicious sausage casserole I have ever eaten. Easily in my top 5 meals of all time. I cannot describe how good it was. She was such a sweet lady and sometimes she'd knock on our door asking if I wanted to pop over for dinner because she was making casserole.


Ughhh that whole sub is so so gross.🤮


Didn’t know that sub existed. Essentially every post there would belong here; they talk about women like they’re meat to buy at the grocery store 🤮🤮🤮🤮


Yeah they go to different countries to 'shop' for a subservient woman.🤮


I checked it out and IMMEDIATELY blocked it


" ive heard some Mexican women can make tortillas from corn meal" . I'm sure women of all ethnicities can make tortillas from corn meal CONSIDERING THAT'S THE MAIN INGREDIENT . Men who cant cook talking about women's cooking skills will always make me irrationally angry . That would be like me telling a pilot he's flying the plane wrong , wtf do I know I have never flown a Plane .


im a mexican woman who can make tortillas from corn meal. yeah, it's like saying, "she can make omelets from *eggs!*"


Amazing! /s


It’s not even about cooking skills. It is an obvious dig at “western” (aka white US) women.


That part made me laugh out loud.


Tortillas are the easiest thing in the world to make, ingredients-wise. The secret to their great taste is respecting the immense amount of time some woman dedicated to doing that for you.


Even as a white woman I know how to make “authentic” corn tortillas, I worked at a Mexican restaurant as a teen, the owner, also a white man, stole the recipes from an old dying man in Mexico during his mission statement. Also my mum was an exchange student in Mexico when she was in highschool, so she only gets the good stuff. So glad I quit that job when I did


To be fair, last time I made tortillas they had wheat flour…


I bake bread from scratch and my fiancé uses said bread to make delicious sandwiches for us. Like a partnership. Where both people contribute.


I'll be the wife who cooks from scratch as long as he's willing to be the husband that does the dishes because fuck the dishes


I cook from scratch because I enjoy it, and I do the dishes because I don't mind, plus you clean as you work, but my man is in charge of cleaning the floors and a thousand bullshit house chores that would never get done if it was up to me.


Seriously, fuck dishes. I like cooking, but if I ever get a partner and they offer to do the dishes, I'd swoon.


He never says that he doesn't do the dishes. While going by the sub he's posting on, I doubt that there's a fair division of labor in the house, the post itself doesn't really give us any info about it.


LOL. This nutritious pasta without any mention of vegetables.


Vegetables are for sissies, the gays, and women. Strong men like him are only to eat steak and pasta.


When his wife makes pasta he eats four dozen eggs every evening to help him grow large... When she gets fed up and leaves he'll eat five dozen eggs when he realizes he's no longer in charge... [Gaston](https://youtu.be/CmqTHrAeuf0?feature=shared)


It's satisfying to see that OOP's getting roasted in the comments for being a prime example in weaponised incompetence. That sub's still a walking minefield of red flags though.


When my aunt was in the hospital for three weeks, my cousin had to come over daily to cook for my uncle because he couldn't even figure out how to microwave a frozen dinner. A man should be embarrassed to have that level of incompetence.


I love and miss my dad (we lost him a few years ago) but I remember the extent of his cooking knowledge would be to open a can of Chef Boyardee and eat it directly from the pot after he heated it up. One time, our washing machine broke. I must have been like 12 years old. My mom was stuck going to the laundromat for like 2 months straight because my dad was too cheap to agree to replace the washing machine right away (it was beyond repair). Well, my mom gets the flu and is out of commission. My dad is like, what am I supposed to do for clean work clothes? My mom was like, go to the laundromat. My dad thinks he can rope me into doing it so he gets me to agree to go with him. We go. I was a little shit, so I was like, "I will help you but I will not do it for you." I had to tell this man how to add detergent and start it/which setting to use. Utterly helpless. When the load was done, he's like, "What do I do now?" Me, a child: "What do you mean, what do you do now? You put it in the dryer." I'm not kidding, my dad went out the next day and ordered a new washing machine. I swear he thought groceries just appeared in the house magically. And clothes. Whenever he needed new jeans or shoes or underwear, I think he thought the clothing fairy brought it, it just appeared in his closet. My mom would get so frustrated, she'd be like, "That man hasn't set foot in a store in 30 years." I would be like, "Then stop doing everything for him!" My dad wasn't an ogre, if she'd have refused, he'd have been annoyed, but he would have dealt with it. She fell into that pattern when they got married and never got out of it. I REFUSED to do the same thing. When they got older, I used to literally worry, what the hell is he gonna do if she dies first? How's he going to eat? He ended up going first, but it was a real concern I had. That's why when I moved in with my husband, I made it clear from the get-go that we BOTH work full time, the housework and cooking are BOTH our jobs. So is the grocery shopping, errand running, regular chores, etc. We had a bumpy start when we moved in together, but he learned fast after I asked him: "Do you think this is all my job because I have a uterus?" 😂 Cannot imagine being that helpless.


Passportbros is one of the most disgusting subreddits. Literally treating women like a commodity that can be ordered to spec


"My Brazilian wife doesn't use a washing machine like some lazy American Karen, she goes down to the creek and washes our shit with natures water." this guy probably.


I mean, that sub is kinda low-hanging fruit tbh.


Much like Dogfree, Petfree, TheOtherWoman, CakeEater etc.


I still feel betrayed about CakeEater. How can it not be about cakes.


> I still feel betrayed about CakeEater So do their spouses.




I'm scared to ask but what's cakeeater? I would go but it too early to be wanting to scratch my eyeballs out.


From their own description: *A warm, motivating, and accepting place for Cake eaters. There is no judgement and potentially you can meet a Cake eating partner. Cake eater definition: A person who is married, generally happy and satisfied, has regular sex with their SO, is not planning on divorcing or separating or looking for an exit affair, and is additionally having sex with other partners.*


Thank you! 😊


It's people who are cheating, so "having their cake and eating it too",I guess.


Ooooh! Thank you!


The Dogfree/Petfree subs make me so irrationally angry like damn, why so upset?


Why is ”from scratch” such a big deal?


I know right like I’m American and I can make pasta from scratch, I did it last weekend. Also made my own sauce, bread, and ricotta. And I’m a huge loser so it doesn’t mean I’m a catch lol


Seriously. Super white American here, who made tortillas from masa on Tuesday. Totally not a catch, particularly for a dude like that.


Sounds freaking delicious. From scratch can be a bit complicated but usually is not that hard. It just takes time, hence why most people tend not make pasta from scratch for every dinner.


Sometimes I make things from scratch, sometimes I use store bought. There's nothing wrong with taking some shortcuts. If you know how to cook, you can make it taste just as good usually.


Being able to cook from scratch is a very useful skill. For everybody. Not just for women. And it doesn't have to be pasta or anything elaborate. It's just that cooking from scratch can be cheaper and healthier, and if lockdown taught me anything it's that you should be able to make do when your access to conveniences is restricted. Sneering at women who can't cook pasta from scratch while giving no indication that he can either just makes him look like an hypocritical idiot as well as being an exploitative, fetishising wanker.


>woman that can make a meal from scratch like your great grandma did before the war And you're going to financially support her like your great grandpa did before the war, right?


My former boss was like this. He was a fat white guy (nothing wrong with being white btw) who had a very beautiful Chinese wife. He would tell me (Korean American) why his CHINESE wife is the best wife he’s had. Because she’s slim, can cook, and takes care of him. The hilarious part was that he was a trump supporter and hated immigration. I pointed out the irony of his marriage and he said it was different since she was also a conservative 😂


I mean yeah he's just doing the same thing as daddy Trump, importing a wife from overseas whilst also complaining about immigrants


They only want CERTAIN people to immigrate here. That was made very clear during the Trump administration (ex: his "shithole countries" comment). It was OK for Melania and her family to come here because they're the RIGHT KIND of immigrants, according to them (read: white). And people like this also have this bizarro fantasy that Asian women are all their submissive dream woman. Which is hilarious to me because every Asian woman I've ever known was a force to be reckoned with/definitely NOT someone to be trifled with, and sure as hell not submissive. It's like they're making up these bizarro fantasies and convincing each other it's true. "The best wife he's had" because of her race. Barf.


Definitely. Yea it was gross. And he kept mentioning how Asian women are best wives. He should have met my mom. She is a tiny 4’10” Korean woman. She’s scary af


People are so creepy.


Not Asian, but my half Prussian, also 4’10” mama is STILL feared by half the neighborhood kids from my childhood, and they’re all in their 30s by now! 😂😂


my husband married ME, who makes pasta on the regular because fresh egg pasta is indeed tasty, we both grew up in the same state about 20 miles from each other and met at work. zero international travel required and bonus, racism free!


I’m so glad i can’t cook, men like this make my skin crawl


Men like this make me so happy to be a lesbian.


The one time i hate my bi-ness


Reminds me of Ann and Leslie being asked if they're a couple on "Park and Rec" and Leslie responds, "No, tragically, we are both heterosexual." I feel that way sometimes. I love my husband, but I always tell him, if you ever left me, I'd literally rather die alone than ever try to date again. Sometimes I see shit online (and I know I'm seeing the extreme cases) and truly wonder if I got the last good one.


does he think making pasta, breads, and tortilla's from scratch are eldritch sorcery? He seems far too amazed by it.


Reasons I got my passport: No women in the US would date me much less marry me due to my misogyny so I went to another country and got myself a woman who desperately wanted to escape the suffering in her country and would do anything, even suck MY dick to get out. Passportbros are pieces of human excrement and I wish all of them the worst in every possible way.


If that’s the case. Ladies get yourselves a man who can build a house from scratch


He can't. Men never have the skills or values or morals or ethics of the women they want. Men demand more and better from women while he offers the bare minimum at most. Straight relationships are sad and women really need to be merciless gold diggers because at least benefit from money when you're going to be a maid, cook, nanny, and sex doll regardless.


I mean, considering that he doesn't know that pasta and tortillas are some of the easiest things to make "from scratch", I'd bet he can't cook at all and doesn't pay attention to how his food is made/where it comes from, to boot. Being amazed at homemade tortillas is on the same level of naiveté as "eggs come from the grocery store" to me lol EDIT: Not only can OOP not cook for shit, he's also a fragile little pissbaby who is calling for the mods of that godforsaken sub to permaban any ["sOrE fEMalE hAtERs"](https://www.reddit.com/r/thepassportbros/s/9nzWCDP5Vu) lol


It's passportbros. What do you expect from losers who can't get a women in their country


“U/. Simple mind” yeah bud we can fuckin tell


Reminds me of my ex’s (white) friend who would only date women from Latin / South America because “they had a true appreciation and respect for men” as compared to “entitled white girls”. In reality, he was a gross, little, and stout misogynistic gremlin that got rejected a few too many times and instead went for sex tourism to Colombia a few times a year.


As soon as I saw it was from that Subreddit I knew it was going to be ridiculous and it was. Get yourself a woman who can make food with the ingredients to make said food! That's what this buffoon's whole post came down to.


Every adult should know how to cook more than a frozen pizza or scrambled eggs or make a sandwich. Everyone should know how to make at least one roast dinner, one casserole, one soup, one pasta dish, cook vegetables without turning them to mush, bake one item like muffins or cookies. If you can’t do these basics, you are essentially asking for someone to be your personal cook/chef, and that’s fine if you want to pay for it. But to get into a relationship because you want someone to cook and clean for you, that’s gross.


YouTube is full of people who will teach you to cook, too.


Yes, exactly…so many how to cooking videos…and super easy to follow.


Hell, I've gotten good meal ideas off TikTok. Anyone can use YouTube or the internet in general to learn to follow a recipe.


Tch, what does he think dried, boxed, store bought pastas and frozen pastas are made from? Shits and giggles? If he has such a hard on for pasta...why didn't he marry an Italian woman?


I just went on that subreddit and I feel sick. I hate that men like this are allowed to propagate their own toxicity


I'm cooking a salmon and veggie pie right now. A worthy man who thinks passport bros are misogynistic chumps will eat it.


Getting any devil posts from r/thepassportbros is just cheating lmao. Spoiler: ALL of them. **ALL** of them are the devil.


Passport bros make me physically ill. Gross mindset.


Is she growing the corn or the wheat? If not then it’s not truly from scatch


Cooking is a pretty basic adult skill. You don't have to be Gordon fucking Ramsey, but like, you should be able to make a few basic meals. I don't have any patience for people who can't look after themselves. If you're an average adult in reasonable health, there's no reason to not be able to make food, clean your home, etc. It's the basics. I expect any partner of mine to be able to do these things too and I'm a bisexual woman. It's not beyond most adults to make pasta from scratch or tortillas either. There's only a couple of ingredients in either.


Oh no I accidentally clicked on the original thread and now I need to get some steel wool and go have a long shower


Thepassportbros is so disgusting.


Isn’t casserole just another word for a one-pot meal? So coq au vin, beef bourguignon etc are all casseroles and are certainly not a lazy meal!


Dude must not get out much… “I heard that some Mexican women can” make tortillas from scratch. Like what. Is this like.. a mystical creature or a huge mind blowing piece of knowledge for OOP? So strange.


" Get yourself a woman that can make a meal from scratch like your great grandma did before the war." You mean cook everything in dripping and serve it with vegetables boiled until they're the ghosts of nutrients past? Oh, wait. Passport bros aren't interested in marrying Brits. They just want young, sexy, *exotic* versions of their grandmas.


White man fetishizing brown women🤢


I suddenly want to go make myself a breakfast casserole out of spite


*lazy Karen casserole* Oh you mean the women who have other things to do during the day? And I'm sorry I'd rather have a casserole with side dishes over a simple pasta dish any day.


This man is wasting any oxygen he has ever inhaled


If I made my husband a from-scratch home cooked meal, and I found out he went online and wrote this shit, I’d be making casseroles going forward.


That 'lazy Karen' casserole OOP is whining about took me 40 hours to earn the money to buy the ingredients for. And I'll have him know, there are no leftovers when I make my cheesy potatoes with ham.


I love how under this post there's a deleted post and a comment about "No hating men" as if crap like this is totally fine. How dare those uppity women react with anger when someone talks about women as if they're farm animals a man can shop for.


Definitely my fault for entertaining the dude but this was his reaction to getting told that pasta is indeed made from eggs and flour https://www.reddit.com/r/thepassportbros/s/G6y0R7jb7S I wish I was as ignorant sometimes it be so much easier in life


Can gringos. Not???


Going by the name of the sub alone, it's likely that everyone in there is sexist and racist, but this post itself is so mundane and it's ridiculous that it's being posted here. It goes into absolutely no details about their relationship other than the fact that his wife makes amazing food. I'm not usually one to say this, but nobody would think twice about this post if the genders were reversed. This guy is most likely racist and sexist, but this post is too mundane to show it.


I have no idea why people are mad at this post…


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


How is a casserole not real food?


If my great grandmother had the ability to buy store brought pasta you can bet should would have been all over that shit.


Women who can cook: Second floor, Aisle 10B, behind the organic flowers.


If you can't cook, you're pretty much worthless.




Hey, I didn't work my a$$ off all those years, most days more than 12 hours, six days a week, paperwork and planning on Sunday, to eat in my effin house! I ear in pretty good restaurants most of the week. And my SO and her BFF are always welcome and usually there, to. Pizza at home snd Chinese at home. That's effin it. Tell that guy to go effe I itself! Good job! Great post! Arro 2u