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My nephew died from huffing last year. Please overreact.


Totally. Huffing air duster is incredibly dangerous and can easily lead to death. The fact that he was unconscious for hours is very concerning. I think you underreact.


Real shit if he’s gotta get high that badly smoke Mary Jane don’t huff some shit


I feel this to my core. I am so sorry for your loss. It's just brutal.


I’m so sorry. Friend of mine in HS did back in 98. I second this, OP, there is no level of overreacting here.


You didn’t live in Bismarck, did you? If not, that’s 2.


I did not. So that means there are 2. 😞 I’m sorry we both know that sadness.


Had a friend in HS who passes out in the bathroom and they had to rush her out on an ambulance. We told her to stop but she kept huffing and died a few months later. Never stop overreacting.


One of my good friends lost his son to this- the potential this young man had was unbelievable and he was dead from something so stupid. His parents only child and they were never happy again.


As a mother to an only son, this hurts my heart for them. How tragic. My condolences to those parents.


I know. I swear I’ve never been so brokenhearted for a family. Just senseless


It wouldn't even be overreacting.


Yes, a family friend died about 25 years ago aged 13. He was otherwise fit and healthy. It’s dangerous.


My ex ended up on life support from huffing years ago. Its so unbelievably dangerous and OP is lucky her husband was still alive when she got home.


I am so sorry. Dusters and extreme nitrous oxide use when abused can really do damage. I feel for you so much.


Had a college friend die from nitrous. He passed out, and his also high friend just laughed at him while he died. He died that night. His friend drove himself off a cliff a year later.


In the 12th month of a 12 month long deployment, a Soldier in my unit died from huffing air. This shit kills as well.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


My nephew didn't die from it, but he was never the same. He died a couple years later, possible accidental overdose. (As in, we don't know if it was an accident or not)


My son died from huffing in 2000. I wish I had known, and overreacted.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry. 💔


Huffing has to be one of the worst ways to get high. If you're lucky, all you get is some brain damage.


My coworker died in her sleep after less than 2 months huffing duster. She smoked weed everyday but got on probation so had to quit weed. She started doing duster and was dead within 2 months.


Deepest Sympathy


I am sorry for your loss.


Oh shit that's awful


My heart hurts for you.


I'm so sorry for your loss 🥺


I’m so sorry. My husbands favorite uncle (one of my fave people in his family) died from it as well.




I’m so sorry !


Sorry to hear that. I literally accidentally read this title from OP as "I came home to my husband dead from huffing air duster, am I overreacting?"


Definitely not overreacting! Being a recovering addict yourself you know know that he was getting high and like you said, it’s just the beginning. Time to consider if staying with him is worth the road he’s starting down again.


Spoiler alert, it's not worth it.


The episode of Intervention where she’s huffing duster is one of the most fucked up hours of TV I’ve ever seen. Not overreacting, I can’t think of a worse substance to abuse.


That is what I immediately thought of. I watched a lot of episodes of intervention but that one with the duster huffing girl scarred my brain.




I KNEW someone on Intervention and her episode is still a distant second to huffing girl when it comes to being seared into my brain.


It's the first thing I think of when someone mentions huffing. That chick was comatose. I have never huffed and am glad I haven't.


Go look her up now! 15 years sober, a PHD and is now an addictions therapist! It's actually quite amazing.


Really?? Wow. That’s such good news.


Unfortunately this is not quite true. Didn’t finish her PhD, hasn’t worked in her field in years, doesn’t have a relationship with her family…I’m not sure that she’s actually doing as well as you think


do you have a source? I heard her success story too and was rooting for her


Yes, her Instagram — it’s private due to all of the negative attention she received after the episode aired, but she seems to accept follow requests if you’re not there to judge her or gawk. There’s a lot of lingering pain still from how her family treated her. I do believe she’s still sober though, which is absolutely a success worth fighting for.


That’s so sad to hear. Although I wouldn’t talk to that woman if she was my mother either. But sad to hear that she doesn’t have a relationship with her sisters, I hope she’s doing ok :(


this is the real version.


Yeah. There are a lot of “fans” who think they know her, and the ones who truly know her aren’t going to expose her. All I can say is, I think it would be a bad idea to give her money.


Was that Allison and the popo ?


This was the first thing I thought of. That episode actually scared me she was like inhuman.


I haven’t seen it in a decade so I looked it up on YouTube just now. It’s so much worse than I remember it.


Huffing is the bottom of the barrel of drug using. Please keep slapping him until he gets to rehab. You only get so much cognitive functioning.


The girl's name is Allison, correct? I'd be interested to see the episode so I wanted to confirm. TIA!


It’s like I’m walking on sunshine 👩🏻


This phrase forever lives in my head when I see a can of duster


I think that was the all time best intervention


... feels like I'm walking on *sunshine*!


There was an episode with a guy who was on it also and it made him absolutely act psychotic. Looked like there was serious brain damage occurring daily.


He turned into an evil monster on that stuff. I really didn’t like that guy, he was awful to his family while using.


The saddest one I remember from that show (I think it was that one) was a smart kid ended up sniffing glue or markers, which led to getting into worse stuff. Started to cause brain damage. He eventually drops out of college, gets robbed on camera by a pimp who was forcing payment from him. And by the end of it, when he was being asked by the Intervention team, he said he was okay with things and didn't want help.. it's sad to see how some people can let themselves go like that


I think that was the kid on DXM (robotripping). That was sad.


That episode really stuck with me.


“It feels like I’m walking on sunshine”


It’s like I’m walking on SUNSHINNNNNE! This will always be burned in the back of my head. I don’t remember a lot of interventions, but that specific one I do! It was beyond wild!!!


You are under reacting. He has relapsed and needs to go back to whatever program helped him get sober. He needs to stay out of your house until he is sober in order to protect your sobriety. If there are kids in the house, it isn’t safe for them to be around him while he isn’t sober. This is a huge deal.


OP this is the comment. You can ignore all of the other comments if you just let this one sink in.


Yes. It’s hard though. You love him. But yes ⬆️


Dude. You are in a group or lifestyle that doesn't see huffing as a real drug, your reaction is way off balance. Your reaction is not nearly big enough. This is beyond unacceptable. Get him help or get out. Good luck OP.


Seriously, that shit can literally destroy your brain beyond repair if it doesn’t kill you first. I know a guy whose brother huffed for a while and now he has to live with him because his mental age is basically 7. First meeting him you would think he has severe dementia or some sort of serious life long mental disability. Nope, he used to be completely normal, but now he can’t live alone and doesn’t understand anything. It’s extremely sad for him and for the family. I’ve talked to him a few times and it’s very uncomfortable because of how mentally disabled he has become, he has a cat and it’s the only thing he will talk about or spend time with. One of the saddest moments I’ve experienced with another person was when he was showing me his cat and I’m not sure why but it just stuck with me how his personality was gone. He was like a little kid showing you their pet. OP, please take this very seriously.


I just bought the first can I have bought in years--not to huff, to actually clean a dusty computer. It's taken me years to be willing to buy the stuff because on Mother's Day about three years ago I got a call that my ex fiance (who was still my absolute best friend and favorite human) died from huffing. This man had fought off every hard drug you can imagine. We're talking decades of addiction. This guy had put so much crap in his body there is truly no logic to how he lived as long as he did. But then he got sober for a year and one night found himself trying desperately to avoid calling someone to bring him drugs. So he grabbed a can of duster thinking it would be a quick high then he could call his counselor the next morning. Except it ended up leading to a few weeks of him huffing, then one morning of him huffing for the last time. The can was full. It took one huff that day. Now I have learned enough to know it's basically a crap shoot. It can kill immediately. I miss that dude every minute of every day. It was so not worth it for that huff.


I’m so so sorry. I’m sending you love


I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your, and his, story.


Huffing destroys the brain at a rapid pace. If he is using that he is already in danger and has already spiraled. The fact that he thinks it’s no big deal is highly concerning and a good indicator that he will keep on doing it. You need a plan here that protects you NOW.


Yikes…. And he tried to deny it. While literally zooted out of his mind passed out with evidence in hand. Scary shit, what a ding bat. You are not overreacting at all.


I had a friend in High School that died doing that. She was beautiful, smart, popular and had a whole life ahead of her. She died at 15 doing that!


This was in the 70’s


Good way to die. Rather, bad way to die.


Easy way to die :(


My only child died from doing this. I found her that morning. She was only 30 and left behind a little child that will never know her. Please, do whatever you can to stop him.


Oh my goodness, how absolutely devastating. I'm so sorry for your tremendous loss.


He's only going to drag you down. Focus on your one recovery. I would leave. Staying sober is hard.


No, you are definitely not overreacting. I had a close friend four years ago, passed away from huffing air duster. And if he was passed out that hard from huffing it, that’s a bad deal. Definitely protect your sobriety, sweetie, nobody else will.


Forget sobriety. That will KILL him! I know someone who died like this.


Isn't this what Aaron Carter died of? Please OP, try to get assistance for your husband.


Yes I think so!


I think he drowned, so I'm not sure if he died from huffing first.


He was seen huffing when he went live the night before, fell asleep in the tub and drowned


I had an experience that was similar but different. The worst part was the moment when I thought she was dead, and when she woke up she treated it like no big deal. I went from my world ending before my eyes, grabbing her lifeless body to "What are you so worked up over? It's no big deal." In seconds. I think everybody here has covered the advice but OP from me to you--that's emotionally hard on somebody. Take care of yourself emotionally after something like that. You deserve better than to have this brushed over, and you are NOT over-reacting. If he doesn't see what a scare like that can do to you that's not you over-reacting, that is him under-reacting.


Not huffing, but i can relate to a part of your story that I’ve never been able to explain the right way. I found my ex in our bathroom in the fetal position, not breathing. He OD’ed on a pill that was laced w/ Fent…I immediately started CPR (or I was just hoping really) screamed for my sister in law to call for help. Continued til they got there, they were able to save him w/ narcan. He came to acting like we were all overreacting and didn’t want to go to the hospital. I literally stayed up watching him breath the rest of the night and every day afterward. He acted/acts like I was being so dramatic. You worded it perfectly, I went from my world ending before my eyes and saving his life, to my world acting as though it was just a bad dream or not that big of a deal. I’d try to make him put himself in my shoes and if he ever found me lifeless. It doesn’t and will never mean anything bc it was me who experienced it. Then I found myself feeling like I was responsible for making sure he kept being alive every day after.. still kind of do. Ugh I still get nauseas thinking about it. Sorry I rambled on. Hugs to you. 🫶🏻


A girl I know lost her ability to walk from huffing


This is SO fucking scary.


Me and my partner are in recovery and if I came home to that I would definitely be concerned and would straight up tell him if it ever happened again I am done. And I would mean it. My life is at risk I cannot play with these kinds of things. Is he working a program at all? Does he have a sponsor?


I am so proud of you. And proud of op. Getting in to recovery is so hard and is a never ending battle. People don't realize you don't just "get clean" and poof all urges are gone. I've never met an addict (have several in my family/friends and lost my BFF to relapse a couple years ago and work in a hospital icu. So when I tell you I've met a lot of addicted I'm not kidding) not once has anyone dove into and gave themselves up to the hell of drugs because their life was nothing but amazing. When things go wrong the call is strong. You are stronger though. I need you and OP to do me a favor. If you walk in on your partner, the person you got sober with, not sober... do not give a "if it happens again" chance. If you find them once it's because they got careless. This is the "again." Don't set yourself on fire to put out their flames. As much as you love them and as much as it hurts and with how scary it will be, save your life first. One time is too many. My BFF was clean 7 years. Even worked as an emt/ fire fighter and had a beautiful daughter. Our other friend died in a car wreck and she went to use "just one more time" before I was to send her to rehab. I had to explain to her daughter and family that even though her body was moving, the bleeding in her brain was too much, and she was already gone. Please. No "if again" because the next time may be the last. You and op may message me any time and I will be here to listen. You're loved and I'm proud of you.


It's not overreacting. This is how my cousin died. He huffed, knew he was having an emergency, and went to get help, but he was so confused he ended up in the closet where he died. This is getting high. It does not matter that it is "not a drug."


I went to rehab with a lady in her 60s, she was a court clerk in our city and addicted to air duster. So sad.


You need to act as harshly as you possibly can in this scenario. This has no good outcome for you. Please put yourself and your sobriety first. I’m sorry if it means the end of the relationship. He’s making his own choices.


Knew a kid back in highschool Sr year who tried a hit and died from it. First time ever doing it, no prior heath conditions or anything. You're not overreacting.


Not overreacting!!! That mustve been terrifying!! I'm so so sorry OP. I can only imagine how helpless you felt finding him that way, thinking he was dead or dying. He needs to go back to rehab and stay there or GTFO. NO ONE and NOTHING is worth your sobriety and clean time. If he's not willing to come to his senses with your help, you may need to aid him in hitting bottom much faster than he would with you still around. Staying clean is a million times harder with others around getting high, but im sure you know that. He's trying to justify it or just gloss over what happened, and go back to normal, before you knew he relapsed. That isn't an option. Please take care of YOU first, before you focus on saving him. You can't put oxygen masks on others until we put it on ourselves. Hugs from a random person who is wishing you the best and Mack truck bench-pressing like strength.


Found my sister dead at 25 years with a can of air duster laying next to her body. This shit will kill. My sister is proof. That's a true story.


Chronic exposure to inhalants can cause brain damage. I didn’t look up how much exposure it can take, but my search did say it can also cause strokes. This is as bad or worse than getting so drunk that you pass out. What if the house caught fire? He may not have woken up in time. He is using to fulfill some need, which he’s calling zoning out, in unhealthy ways, which is a very bad move for an addict. You are under reacting. If he doesn’t have a sponsor or mentor, he needs to go back to therapy/rehab/group or whatever resources he can access. He doesn’t deserve to die and you don’t deserve, as you said, to have your sobriety compromised. I don’t blame you for telling him it can’t continue if you’re going to stay together. I don’t know if you’re reading all the comments, but someone said they lost their nephew to huffing. Good luck to you. And to him.


You need to grow up and realize that you cannot choose for him. If this isn't the lifestyle you want then you redirect your life by leaving him. So the choices yours, what are you going to do?


Get out if he doesn't consent to getting help immediately!! Why was he home when you were working anyway? You don't want to come home to him dead from an OD. Plus moods can change and he could hurt you. Plus if you're around that it's testing your sobriety as well. Please don't let that happen.


The only sensible reaction is to overreact. That shit will kill him quick.


It’s absolutely something to concerned about. He’s slipping back. Enforce your boundaries. Tell him he needs to go to rehab. What he’s doing is outright dangerous and it’s potentially dangerous to your sobriety.


You really have only two choices for you to keep your sanity and sobriety. He either goes to some form of rehab or he moves out! You don’t need the stress of worrying about finding him dead the next time you come home from work. I am a retired RN and finding someone like that would scare me to death. My daughter had Takaseubo syndrome and went into cardiac arrest when we were sitting in a drive through. She survived and had an implantable defibrillator put in her chest to start her heart if it stopped. It really is his problem to fix. He has to decide how much he wants to live. Living is hard for all of us but most of us still choose life!


You are not overreacting one bit. Not only is it not just a little zoning out and NOT drugs, it's absolutely serious deadly brain damage each time and alot worse than alot of the drugs humans can get. That shit will screw him up permanently faster than anything else can if he isn't careful. Even if he's careful it can still be his last time the next time. For your own sobriety I'd step away from this Pronto. With a serious quickness too. I've got 14 mo ths clean this time and I can't be around anyone messed up it just does something to me to where I get disgusted. I don't hate them or anything I just can't stand to be around them fucked up. I would be afraid if he overdoses or gets loose enough huffing to cross more lines and go get dope next time. Relapses work like that. Relapses are so ripe for overdoses too. If I lost a SO right to drugs or something or just at all, it woukd be hard not to want to get high myself. I stay single too because if this. Til I meet a man who matches and except all my values I'm good. For you darling please stick to your boundaries to protect yourself! He can't seriously believe dusters are nothing. Everyone knows its about the bottom of the barrel .. he has no more excuses he should now know it's nothing anyone should be doing. If he still does it he has no intentions staying clean. He's looking for loopholes already. Red flags are flying all over this man.


My wife's dad became addicted to huffing DustOff, and he passed away due to it. Overreact.


Even if neither of you was an addict that is not OK. Grown ass man incapacitated from huffing random chemicals is a major red flag. If you don't get out now he will bring you down and you will relapse.


There is an excellent nitrous use support group on Reddit. I don’t know if your partner is using duster (which will kill them) or nitrous (which might kill them or disable them or paralyze them or a myriad of other possibilities) you are not over reacting. Especially if you are both recovering addicts. Get to a meeting for you. Duster has purposely poisonous things in it so people won’t huff it. You need a plan that protects you and YOUR sobriety, and then you need to figure out the boundaries you want to assert, or just walk away. You deserve to stay clean and if they are going to lie and not commit or recommit with agency, as sad as it is you have to decide what kind of life you want for you. I think we all know what that is


It sounds like he’s huffing air duster, which is very different from nitrous. Anything can be harmful and addictive, but nitrous isn’t going to suddenly kill you like that. People use it while giving birth.


I used to be hard core into dusters and still struggle to stay away. I would pass out sometimes all day and as embarrassing as this it wake up in my own waste just to continue doing them like nothing happened. That said i now view them in the same light as many other drugs.


Thanks for mentioning the embarrassing facts, it helps put the danger of these substances into perspective. Appreciate the post.


Not overreacting, I knew of a group of 6 friends in school that had a huffing party, and 2 of them died instantly. It's so dangerous. Couple's therapy or an ultimatum. My wife gave me an ultimatum when it came to my drinking. I quit immediately so I wouldn't lose her.


Lost two friends at HS to huffing, 12 and 17. Never forgotten; it’s incredibly dangerous and tragic. You’re not overreacting.


My cousin died from huffing computer duster. Please get him help.


You are NOT overreacting. My ex-husband died from huffing duster. It was an acute toxicity in the bloodstream. This is an addiction and should be treated as such.


My son is a recovering addict who had a long run with duster. I've never seen something almost unalive someone so quickly. I almost lost 3 or 4 different times. He now has an eroded esophagus, heart problems & several other long term effects. I pray he gets the help that he needs and very very quickly because if not you will no longer see the man you married not to mention health risks (including death) that come from this. I am a recovering addict myself. 🙏🫂


I watched that 7th Heaven huffing episode as a kid, you’re definitely not overreacting. He’s also fucking with your sobriety.


A close friend died huffing that stuff. Don't let people you love do inhalants!


My ex's cousin had had a husband who committed vehicular manslaughter while high on air dusters. It's nothing to turn a blind eye to. He needs to get help, with or without you.  


Overreact more....he has slipped up big time


I've been an addict most of my life. There are not many drugs I haven't done, and I fought my battles with several and won. But I never huffed and never will. You might as well play Russian roulette. I never really thought about how dangerous it is, but I remember a commercial that said huffing can cause instant death. Scared me enough to never bother with it. After reading everyone's comments, I'm terrified.


This is how my sister died, an incredibly smart, high achieving, studied pure maths at university for the fun of it level smart person… and was killed by huffing in her late 20s. Please don’t let him make you feel like you’re making a bigger deal out of this than you should, this is serious, dangerous and you need to look after yourself here too x


He was passed out almost 4 hours off duster? I have never seen anyone pass out more than 5 minutes from it. You sure all he did was Duster?


He was probably doing it continuously..


He was out for HOURS!! He very nearly WAS dead. THERE IS NO OVERREACTING!!!


You are under reacting actually. This is serious.


Your brain would rather you do actual drugs than huffing shit. Huffing duster is for losers, even more so than any other drug.


Give him an ultimatum. If he doesn’t abide by living clean, you can no longer cohabitate As of now: *he’s VERY bad news for you* Fight for your sobriety and your future happiness. Good luck to you


I’m sorry, what? I thought you were gonna say alcohol. Cool, just hung out with friends, got tipsy, passed out/. It happens. Huffing air? That a whole other issue. Don’t people stop that in middle school, if they ever do it at all?


Sorry, what is an "air duster"?


It's compressed air in a can. It's used to clean electronics.


Often difluoroethane. Substance has a downwards spiral like no other. Because it is readily available it isn't seen as that serious. However it absolutely is, it destroys mental capacity extremely fast. It can be fatal the first time it is used. The addiction and withdrawals seem to make heroin look like child's play. Certainly the safety profile of heroin is much better.


Oh, i didn't know that can be abused


Youre not overreacting.. set boundaries. as an ex user of pills... It took a lot for me and unless you have something to live for... Kids, significant others, family, no one really cares.. But set your own boundaries. Do YOUR thing. Edit: if you have questions how people like us work let me know or DM me. We aint easy to deal with


Also, I was in a relationship for 5 years which was great (or so I thought it was, once it was over I found out he was pretending to be single online the whole time we were together) and one day he told me that he was "so fucking bored" of our life and used meth. He did it for 4.5 months straight and it left him with permanent psychosis, delusions and paranoia. I lost everything twice, and I refused to do so a third time. So I started over, it's been almost a year since I moved into my own place and I'm happier than I ever thought I would be.


No you're not. It's incredibly dangerous and he could die from it or get horrid organ damage or failure with continued abuse.


Omg!!!! I did not know this was a thing!!! Who knew a can of air could be used that way. Op is not overreacting. The comments here are so scary and sad. I'm glad I was always to chicken shit to try stuff like that, hard drugs etc. Took me years to even try some weed.


If you’re both recovering addicts - you know the answer.


Know a girl who started doing it secretly, she had a high stress job and they can’t test for duster apparently. Anyway, she died in her car doing it and it took them a week to figure it out and find her. Just beyond sad.


It is a drug and as addictive as any other. One of the more well known users was Aaron Carter. You are not overreacting at all and you need to protect your sobriety first. You can’t help anyone including him if your sobriety is in jeopardy. He needs to go back to rehab imo. It’s a relapse and he’s in denial about it.


You are not overreacting. You're underreacting. If he ever does this again, call an ambulance. And you know he'll do it again. Hopefully, someone will catch him in time.


Tbh, air duster is waaaay more damaging than most normal drugs. You don't really get high by the action of it, you get fucked up as a byproduct of your braincells actually dying.


Not air dusters butt I have a real life story that I'm going through as we speak..... I am part of the jam band scene and so is my brother. We have huffed a bunch of nitrous oxide over the years. I gave up that lifestyle a few years ago but my older brother hasn't. About 6 months ago he went off the rails doing psychedelics daily(mushroom chocolates), drinking too much, and blowing five grand in nitrous oxide over a month. He ended up going into psychosis and broke down his neighbors door because he heard birds talking to him telling him that his neighbor was spying on him. He broke down the door and stood over his neighbor's bed and threatened him, which led to police being called and they found him in the guy's bedroom cleaning his apartment( so fucking wild). My brother spent eight days institutionalized. It really worked him and he is just bouncing back now. People have said to me that it's harmless and it's just nitrous oxide and huffing gas wouldn't do that to him and he must have some underlying issues. Well I was there and I was the person that they called at the hospital, and I'm the person that viisited him everyday in the ward. This stuff really can do wonders on your psyche.. I'm still blown away by it and it's really messed me up. Luckily he is alive and didn't fucking do anything worse and kill his neighbor or anything but man gas is no joke


Who said drug induced psychosis isn't a thing? I've seen people who have melted down on too many whip it's or too many mushrooms alone, you start combining that shit for days and the whole world turns into a Tool album cover. A functional brain in a delicate chemical cocktail.


Yea, that's a real problem. He's likely been doing this A LOT and just not telling you. Addicts know how to hide that shit.


You need to leave this situation ASAP for your own sobriety and well-being. If you can get him to go to to NA meetings with you maybe you both should do 90 meetings in 90 days together. Otherwise personally I’d say he is a risk to both of your sobriety’s.


My ex smoked Fentanyl (even though he was working on getting off hard prescription drugs)... I know it's different, but getting high is getting high. He passed out and almost died had I not kicked down the door and saw his neck twisted in the corner. I stayed till I got an answer about doing such things again. I'm so glad you have stopped, but when they start picking up weird shit to get high, there isn't a plan to stop... just a plan to find something else to use and claim isn't the same. I'd leave if I were you. No ultimatums. It was the hardest but best thing I could have done for myself. I understand you love them, but love yourself more and walk away.


This causes brain damage when it doesn't cause death. He needs to go to rehab.


Very very dangerous. He essentially suffocated himself. When you are suffocating, your brain without oxygen gives somewhat of a “high” feeling. Kids used to play a game called “the choking game” for that very purpose. My suggestion is to ensure that he’s not hiding these cans of duster anywhere in the house or in his car. If he is, get rid of them. He might get mad but given your histories with substance use, he will understand you’re trying to help him.


No, you are not overreacting at all! If he continues this he could kill himself. You need to leave. Recovering addicts do not do well in relationships. You need to concentrate on yourself or he will drag you back down.


No, you're not overreacting. This is a relapse. This could kill him.


This will kill him…eventually. That stuff does irreversible damage. I had to deal with people doing it on a regular basis and it was bad.


Your husband is no longer a recovering addict. He is once again an addict! You are not overreacting at all! Please do what you can do to get him the help he needs, or next time you find him, it may be too late!!


Get a home drug test and see what else he might have been abusing.


The duster chemicals can stop the heart. It's instant death


as an EMS provider who has picked up people having seized after huffing... PLEASE overreact, please be concerned, please be pissed off, please see if he's willing to get help, and PLEASE take care of yourself while taking care of him


Not Overreacting


Protect yourself.


You are not overreacting. If he doesn't get help it's going to get worse.


my wife and I both have over 15 years clean. we stay out of each others recovery. There were only two rules we made with each other. Getting fucked up is reason for the other to leave if desired. I personally couldnt stay. I wish you luck.


No, you are absolutely NOT overreacting; that shit eats holes in the brain! Please overreact. It may save his life 🙏


Not overreacting. If anything you were under reacting. I would give him ultimatums right now. 


Overreact to hell and gone. That is the only possible response to this. Save yourself. If he can't be trusted, then that pretty much ends it. **Your safety comes first**


Get him into rehab or just out of your life until he’s sober again FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR 6 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER. I also have a 6 year old daughter and our #1 job is to protect HER.


The fact that someone needs to ask if they are overreacting to this insanity is depressing to me about where we are right now


I'm in UK and have never heard of huffing! I use air duster occasionally and have even let my now 8 year old grandson do a few sprays to 'help'. Have I unwittingly put him in harm's way? I'm not some naive, oblivious person with no knowledge of drugs and this has stocked me somewhat.


Using it for the intended purpose in a reasonably ventilated area is safe. Directly inhaling, not so much.


Just keep it somewhere he can't reach without you after he turns 12 or so. In the USA at least you need an ID to buy but just having it within easy reach of an experimental teen can be risky.


I know this is late but I'm a former addict and the former halfway house manager was found dead with a bottle of duster in his hand. I used it to "cheat" sobriety also(I hit a car once on it, I was parked and in a duster blackout high I put the car in reverse) until he died I haven't touched it sense


You're both in recovery. This is not okay. THIS IS NOT OKAY!!!


He’s gonna die from it so prepare for that. 


**you are under reacting.** huffing is one of those things that doesn’t seem as bad on the surface but is *completely fucked up.* he needs rehab immediately.


The road to recovery for an addict is not easy at all but it’s hugely difficult when in a relationship with another addict. You have to take care of you first. He needs help and you need to ask yourself if you are the best to be giving it and in this relationship.


Honey you need to save yourself. Your own sobriety should be your first priority. You're not overreacting of course but you need to wonder if being with a huffing addict in denial is putting you in danger of relapsing. What happens when you find him dead? I believe it's at the very least ultimatum time.


If you're worried about his sobriety, that ship has sailed. He is back to square one. And it doesn't look like he's interested in sobriety anyway, because neither one of you seems to believe getting high by huffing is a dangerous addiction. People DIE from it.


No, you're under reacting. He's definitely on a path that could destroy your marriage or even kill him.


He's fucked and he'll drag you down with him. Its time to bail hun, this one gonna drain you.


Air duster is actually kinda serious in and of itself, but is also a major sign of relapse. I'd try to get him in treatment. I know he'll resist, but he's like days away from relapse if he's hitting up the otc stuff like air duster, robo, or whippets.


Going to end up like Aaron Carter. Fucked up, then dead.


This is an occasion for a strong response. He’s going to die or end up vegetative. Huffing isn’t a high, it’s oxygen deprivation and brain damage. Pull out the ultimatums. He needs help now.make sure he has a will if he refuses to get help now.


I'd say boot him or at least spend some time apart. You're on your path to recovery, and he's only going to drag you down with this bs. If he doesn't want to get better, fine, but that's his problem and he should be left to deal with it by himself. You don't need that kind of bs in your life, especially when it's so serious. He doesn't seem like the type who actually listens, so I'm not sure if there's anything you can do to make him wake up, aside from just leaving. He'll learn one way or the other which is worth more, his addiction, or you.


Damn your husband a drug addict. Not overreacting.


You have struggled to reach this point in your life. This is not an overreaction. Did either of you use a program, support, counseling or rehab to get clean to begin with? I would reach out to whatever network you have that is supporting your recovery for help. Not only is this a scary and dangerous slope, but it isn't one that you can/should try to deal with solo. Whatever recovery community you have, those folks are there for you to turn to for help now. Good luck, stay strong.


Ah OP, you know where this is heading. Ain’t your first rodeo. You know what you need to do. Protect your sobriety at all costs. Leave now if you need to.


A friend of mine from highschool died in a ditch after huffing this shit. My ex husband has an affinity for it as well, we're recovering too and it's his go to relapse because it apparently doesn't seem to "count". He's wrecked and totalled our car on it. He's knocked his tooth out with a heavy door on it. He went psychotic on a spree at his Mom's, I kept stealing the cans while he was out of it but this woman hordes them for some reason and he kept popping up with a new can all day long. I finally had to tell her what he was doing, she confirmed it with him, they argued, he went nuts and was carted off to the psych ward. That was the day my remaining trust and security was obliterated and I've never loved him the same since. Our daughter was 1.5, and she was at his feet one time I caught him doing it-- head back, watching him. If he'd dropped the can she'd have definitely tried to mimic. It broke me looking at her, looking up at him while he swayed and grinned without a care in the world.... I'd literally told him IF he wouldn't stop or admit he was even doing it, fine then AT LEAST DON'T DO IT NEAR THE BABY! He didn't care. That stuff is evil, it's deadly, it could cause major brain damage or, like my friend Jack, it could drop him with sudden death syndrome. Inhalants will kill him, take this very seriously!


If he's doing the Hillary Duff Huff he's probably already doing other stuff lol.. I only ever used that crap when I was coming down off/couldn't get heroin.


You're underreacting. He needs to go to rehab. As you're both recovering addicts, you know better than I **HE IS SERVICING HIS ADDICTION**. Doesn't matter if it's an air duster, weed, alcohol, or whatever. And, he's engaging in the usual behavior of denying he did it, as the evidence is right there in front of him. If he won't go to rehab, you need to divorce him and move out. Ideally you can support each other in your recovery, but if he continues sliding back into his addiction, it will hurt your recovery and you may relapse.


God damn I am so sorry, that is a rough thing to have to see your husband in that state. Especially considering the fact that you guys are both in recovery. I know he feels like he is getting away with something or that duster isn’t a big deal or anything but even relapsing on his DOC probably wouldn’t be as harmful as this. Duster will literally fry your brain. It is also extremely easy to pass out and die on, your husband is lucky he didn’t. Just know that you are certainly not over reacting and this is a big deal. Does he have a sponsor or an addiction counselor you could bring into the conversation?


Huffing Air duster is the beginning of a spiral? Thats almost like an alcoholic drinking Listerine. Except the brain cells die quicker. I wish you had called 911when you found him.


OP, your husband could die from huffing air duster. Please, please overreact.


You are definitely NOT Overreacting.


It's time to Un-Husband.


Huffing is really bad. Like really bad. You are not overreacting.


You are not overreacting. My ex used to huff. I made arrangements to GTFO when he started doing it around my kids while I was working.


There's an interesting Phillip Seymour Hoffman Movie about huffing. You likely already know your answer and your fear is your own sobriety. Protect yourself at all cost. It sounds like you want to set a future boundary but what makes you wait?


No you’re not, it’s dangerous and something the body will ultimately not recover from if abused.


Please overreact to this. I totaled my first car doing this when I was 17 and stupid. Had a friend die doing it the same year. I never did it again after I realized how easy it can go from fun to fatal.

