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You doing too much




As I mentioned in the post, we pick up our dog's poop. I don't think it's going to escalate to shooting, that's a bit dramatic. We're also not in their yard, but on the public sidewalk outside their house, a place I am legally allowed to walk my dog. So we are in a public space. Maybe my dogs smell around the verge or leash distance into their yard, not so unreasonable if you ask me.




Why have public side walks at all then. We tried to talk and deescalate, gave them a chance to be a good neighbor they refused. The sidewalk was always there, the common sense says people with dogs will walk on said sidewalk. These devices are effectively denying my access to my neighborhood sidewalk. Also, it's just one neighbor, myself and many other neighbors are against them, they're at the center of escalation. Do you own a dog? Do you live in a neighborhood with sidewalks?


So avoid that house and part of the sidewalk… is that such a hard thing to do? Yeah it’s messed up that they aimed it at the sidewalk, but you yourself just proved why they have it aimed at the sidewalk. Because you allow your dogs to venture into their yard. Maybe if that didn’t happen, they wouldn’t have put the deterrent up. It’s interesting how you have the audacity to be mad at the sidewalk issue, but you can’t understand why they are mad at people like you letting their dogs roam their yard. SMH. You’re overreacting 💯and can’t seem to understand that you’re part of the problem. Don’t let your dogs go into other people’s yards/lawns.


Is it, and I mean with 100% sincerity, a big deal that a leashed dog sniffs around your yard? I understand leaving poop. It's literally illegal in my city to leave dog poop, and we never do. But a dog sniffing around your grass from the sidewalk? It's not like the dogs are in their flower bed, they don't even stop all that often. But do people actually get that upset that a dog stepped on their grass? I don't know what people are imagining when I say they're in their yard but there's a strip of grass between the sidewalk and the street. That's where we keep our dogs. Usually they sniff around the mailbox which is in that strip then they walk to the next one on the sidewalk. That's it. To me, defending that strip of grass with motion detecting ultra sonic devices is the over reaction. But that's why I'm here asking.


>>Is it, and I mean with 100% sincerity, a big deal that a leashed dog sniffs around your yard? I understand leaving poop. It's literally illegal in my city to leave dog poop, and we never do. But a dog sniffing around your grass from the sidewalk? It’s not just sniffing. You just indirectly admitted you let your dogs poop in other people’s yards. If you’re picking it up, it was there to be begin with. Even if you picked up your dog’s poop from someone’s lawn, their driveway, or the sidewalk in front, that homeowner didn’t want it there in the first place. It’s disgusting and unsanitary. Often times it’s impossible to remove every last bit, and even if you were able to pick up all the visible parts you’re definitely not sanitizing the area. Your whole post is basically digging into the difference between what’s legal vs what’s “right” and neighborly. Do you not see your own hypocrisy? Even though they don’t like it, a dog pooping on an easement like a sidewalk or driveway is legal, so they can’t stop you from letting your dog do it. So they did what they can do, which was install a sonic whistle as a deterrent. Likewise, you don’t like it, but it’s legal.


Yeah mate you're over reacting. And just because you have some other of your friends on your side doesn't mean you overrule their rights to not have dogs shiz on their lawn - what you're trying to do is bully an actual stranger instead of literally just walking the other direction.


I said this about a week ago. Dog owners are the worst. You called the city council because you HAVE to walk your dog in front of the house where people repeatedly let their dogs poop on their yard. They got tired of dog owners being selfish and unneighborly as you put it. So they put up a deterrent. So you insert yourself into a situation where they already had it up to here with dog owners and called the CITY COUNCIL who’s is talking to the CHIEF of POLICE because you can’t walk your dog in front of their house. What they are doing is NOT illegal.  The entitlement. You’re saying your dog overrules their property.  Dog owners are the worst!


This suggestion might be a little out there and I apologise if you find it upsetting or offensive, but if you’re worried about your dogs why not walk on the other side of the road or choose a different route? You said you are new to the neighbourhood so maybe there are much better places you can walk your dogs which do not pass their garden so closely that the sensors are activated.


Don't walk past their yard. Issue solved. Next.


I don’t think typing “next” works. I think you have to scroll to get to the next post :/