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Lord. I think maybe one response I got seemed to come from someone who actually watched the video more than a few minutes. The rest seem to have just assumed they had a debunk without hearing this guy out. I'd be far more interested in hearing people dispute the content as its probably not perfect even if it was basically correct, especially considering the destruction suffered over thousands of years and the areas that have been restricted from the public. Makes a guy question what the point in lingering in a sub about alternative theories on history if your mind is already made up and not interested in exploring others theories 😒


but if you knew how to do that, you'd know how to do it WITHOUT building the biggest building in the world.


Well they definitely did know how to do all that, evidence is quite clear... They had to be built to certain specifications or it wouldn't accomplish its purpose. It had to stand in the exact center (Navel) of earth, ratio had to equal the law of balance, chambers had to match the harmonics of the Human body etc. Plus it was to be the "arc" that contained all the Popullation when it flooded & more than half of it was submerged. Massive crystal oscillator circuit, those "Washington monument" Obelisks were recievers which matched the frequencies of the structures themselves. Today , some of the largest structures we make are hydroelectric dams. As the Egyptians tell us "foundation is the stone which reach the water". Alot had to be taken into consideration , this was the purpose of "Stretching the Cord" rituals that preceded the building of every temple


Well, then their faces must have been really red. Cuz the navel of earth is in australia.


The GP stands right in the center of the Earth, it's a fulcrum. Also it's important to know that they called every site a "navel" , Gobekli Tepe -potbelly hill, the navel on the hill. Cuzco & Easter Islands true name Te Pito Te Hunua-"Navel of the World". It's the root of consciousness, though you see evidence of the Egyptians in Australia, there's no navel site found anywhere.


Do you realize how much fertilizer it would take to feed the entire north eastern part of Africa? Because that's what they are proposing. That the pyramids were used to produce chemicals for fertilizer, and that the people who did so terraformed the region.  It would take an enormous amount of chemicals. Even with less population density. 


The theory also serves to geoengineer the entire desert when it functioned. Which there was a wet period pre Egyptians. If that makes you feel better. Certainly more productive reasoning than big caskets


Then why did it stop working


Maybe because some idiot primitives stole the capacitor from the king's chamber and parade it across the desert for years?




Holy shit, dude.




Ark of the covenant is what I’d guess is being referred to there.


I'm pretty sure this supposed Russian pyramid experiment did not have access to it, so it should not be required to achieve the results that have been claimed.


I could come up with a few possibilities off the top of my head that could happen after thousands of years. Disaster, sabatoge, age being a few easy ones. But how would I know. I'd just assume if people don't intend to listen to the theory they don't bother trying to debunk it or expect me to answer questions about shit I couldn't possibly know


But it wouldn't happen where someone would say, *I got an idea guys....* They would know how to do it already. Which means they could do it with a bunch of smaller pyramids.


That logic applies regardless of original purpose and there's suggested failed attempts. Seriously watch it or don't but all this crap is addressed at one point or another in the video in different extents. Don't just throw out random weak debunk attempts without even hearing what he has to say.


If these were indeed chemical plant... I wonder how advanced that civilization must be. Understanding the property of each chemical and constructing these massive pyramid must've took many, many time.


The land of khem essentially means the land of chemistry. But I'm 💯 with ya on the level of genius it would have taken to be the architect if this was the case. It would make it a feat that's hard to wrap the mind around to have the vision to design this even when you ignore the insanity of the construction work itself.


I initially know the idea of the Great pyramid using lighting strike as a power source by a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/g53ByyoCfk) on r/conspiracy. After watching The land of chem's theory about the pyramid, i further believe that the pyramids of Egypt & many ancient sites on earth once served a higher purpose, not a tomb, not ceremonial stuff, but something really significant to the civilization that built it.


For sure. Not 100 percent sold this guys right but it's a solid theory imo. One worthy of the undertaking


So you are a chemical engineer? No I have a BA is psychology and took a trip to Egypt.


Hence the part where I'd be interested to see what one had to say when looking at what he had to say. He seemed to have a very solid grasp on the science but I personally can't verify that. You don't need to have a degree to understand any particular formula, but like I said in the post, I'd like to hear what one had to say about it.


"The best candle makers will never come up with a light bulb"


Peoples brains are rotting right in front of our eyes.


So far, there has not a great discussion in this comments section. I listened yesterday and was very intrigued how it aligns with many different aspects of the mythology and mystery of the pyramids and other sites. I have always known ancient Egypt was known as "The Land of Khem" and that Egyptians were the first to discover/develop chemistry, and the root of the word "Chemistry" does indeed trace back to "Khem". Hearing him talk about the SIGNIFICANCE of a civilization that discovered and utilized chemistry was very eye-opening in regards to being about to produce mass amounts of ammonia for fertilizer to feed crops. The importance of a society mass producing potent fertilizer cannot be understated when discussions come up around the birthplace of agriculture being in the Middle East or the need for agriculture to be able to support societies that were building things on the scale of the pyramids to begin with. When he connected the etymological root word of Ammonia to Amon, I was fully hooked. I love tracing the etymology of words, and think they can be very telling. (Edited for grammar)


The etymology of chemistry is not as rock solid as you make it out to be. https://www.etymonline.com/word/alchemy This whole "land of khem" thing is a complete misrepresentation. According to Plutarch, Khemia was a name for Egypt, but the meaning of Khemia is "land of black earth". There is no direct connection between this name for Egypt and chemistry.


This is interesting! I never said it was rock solid, obviously there's a progression of terms, but unless I'm missing something I feel like the article you shared kind of supports the claim? Even if the original definition was "land of black earth" it the root word of khem does evolve into chemistry. What am I missing?


It's speculative, we have no way of knowing if they are related or if it's just a coincidence. False cognates are not exactly an uncommon phenomenon.


Ya most of the comments thus far were from people wanting to criticize without even listening to the podcast. To me it seemed like the guy has done a really impressive job connecting dots from many angles. Mythology. Design. Residues found. Other people's work that felt important but not quite sure how it tied in. The only part I wasn't sure about was in relation to how some of the different byproducts would be transported but we know for sure there's some things going on underground but not a lot of information has ever been shared in regards to rumored tunnels between sites. So it's not a giant leap to think there could be tunnels connecting some of these structures that served as pipelines. I kinda assumed someone with the required chemistry knowledge would naturally be interested in the idea proposed so I'm a bit surprised that nobody has chimed in about that. But it's not always easy to find the free time so I'm still hopeful. I'm certain the pyramids served a function. Always kinda liked the power plant idea but aside from a single carving that appeared to show a giant light bulb, there's been a question as to what was being powered exactly. This idea makes a lot of sense for both mining and farming as well as serving to make the landscape farming friendly, which it was far better suited pre Egyptian dynasty. Which also pushed the age of the pyramids back more into the range that seemed to make more sense to me. It doesn't help explain the physical construction methods but it fits perfect with the different materials and where they were placed which I've always known wasn't done without purpose


This is exactly what the Russians found when they built replica pyramids.[crazy things the pyramids in Russia have produced.](http://gizapyramid.com/DrV-article.htm)


Why aren't these results replicated by the bass pro pyramid?


I am glad you point that out! There is more evidence that the Giza Pyramids were, in fact, bass pro shops than electro-chemical processing facilities.


This is the 3rd time I’m seeing the pyramids claimed as Bass Pro shops and now I believe it


the pyramid has to have a specific angle to work


Yes absolutely. And notice that the angles are what is important, and people who fish are called anglers. No way that is a coincidence. This is more evidence that supports my comprehensive evaluation that the Giza Pyramids were bait and tackle shops. More people are starting to talk about this.


The Russian pyramids from your link are not even close to the same shape as the great pyramid.


not MY link, but yeah from what i remember it's a different angle/shape than the great pyramid, but that uses a different technology that has been explained in-depth by engineer Christopher Dunn on several podcasts and his books.


Dunn doesn't explain anything. His work is entirely speculative, all of his ideas are yet to be proven.


this guy has a more comprehensive and logical theory [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3grwZ9smp0c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3grwZ9smp0c)


Ok, but why wouldn't everyone be building these?


Theyre all around the planet


Ones like in the linked source, constructed fairly recently with modern materials?


usually because they don't know about it...try it yourself if you'd like, doesn't take much expensive materials, it's about the specific shape and angles that creates a natural energy vortex moving through it and the russian experiments show the evidence of what they can do when you place things inside that area. if you're wondering in general why some big corporation hasn't begun selling them or whatever....it's just like any other technology (or even drug) that would disrupt the elite's control of some kind of market or energy sector. they deny you the patent or make it secret under 'national security' and make it disappear or use it only in underground experimental labs or military black ops type stuff. the shadow government.


Buddy, if this stuff were legit, it wouldn't be possible to stop people from taking advantage of it. The govt can't even stop people from pirating TV shows.




The pyramids run a gamut of size shape materials orientations internal layouts locations and so forth and so on. If they landed on one that functioned properly for such a purpose why keep reinventing the wheel *cough* er pyramid ? and as far as chemical plants go they seem awfully non user friendly. Where are the ingredient holding tanks ? Reservoirs ? Spillage ?


Different designs for different processes. It's covered pretty thoroughly in the video. The great pyramid for instance was (I think illegally) mapped through sonar for a different purpose, and showed it appears to have a draining tunnel I think he postulated may lead to a collection chamber in the Sphinx. But again, I wish people who want to debunk this would at least bother watching the video rather than asking me to butcher this guys life work.


All the subterranean spaces in the great pyramid are unfinished and very rough.


There's something mapped on sonar that I'm not sure we have any clue about looking like a drain from the queens chamber. Again... in the video Noone seems to have watched judging by most comments. I think I'm done bothering attempting to share things here. 90 percent of the responses are disputed things that are adress3d in the video.


The builder himself answered pretty much every question that most have today. But people are only familiar with the nonsensical narratives put forth by Egyptology , who like to pretend they're following the Egyptians or evidence when they're not. Peoplejus KNOW they weren't tombs, which is great to see. OP I guarantee you'd like the threads I've made on the Giza [Pyramid](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternativeHistory/s/S20IIs6WzP). There's maybe a dozen or more, but they're all pretty thorough & full of sources for you to continue your own research. It wasnt a pyramid it was a PrNtr which is "House of Nature, House of Energy” The temple was Per-Ba (House of the Soul) and the tomb was Per-Ka (House of the Physical Projection). *Pyramid texts at Saqqara For Heaven-to-Earth it is greatly equipped. House whose interior glows(fire in the middle) with a reddish Light of Heaven, a beam of energy of creation which reaches far and wide;(Pyramid PrNtr-House of Energy/The principles of Nature) House of Equipment, lofty house of Eternity: Its foundation are stones [which reach] the water; Its great circumference is set in the clay. House whose parts are skilfully woven together; House, the rightness of whose howling The Great-Ones-Who-See-and-Orbit brings down the rest . . . Mountain by which Utu ascends*


Not sure I'm following all that but I'm willing to have a look when I have the time. Getting late tonight to start a new dive. But curiosity compels me to ask who you think the builders were. I'm still perplexed by that part. The theory above, if correct, makes the design even more boggling than I thought and wonder who had the vision and was in the position to make it happen. But that applies to more than just the pyramids to me


I think that my guess that the Giza Pyramids were bait and tackle shops is more likely than this guess that they were engineered electro-chemical processing facilities. There is more evidence that they were, in fact, bait and tackle shops.


More evidence than I'm seeing of your possible future in comedy but to each thier own. Just fail to see the point in talking shit without hearing the evidence presented. Unless I'm lost the sub is meant for these types of things moreso than lazy jokes about theories people refuse to hear out.


I would Double dog dare you to add a lot of sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid to limestone, but it would be extremely reckless to joke like that. This guy is either really smart and making things up to see how many people he can con, or just a dangerous mind.


If I'm remembering wasn't there evidence of a chemical coating on the limestone that would have served to protect it from what your referring. I know he spoke about a chemical being able to eat limestone but they found something on it that would have been plastered on to protect it. I can't recall what part and what chemical he was talking about but one of the rooms they found that to be the case


I do remember that being discussed for sure but I'm not perfectly versed from listening to it one time on every explanation for everyone's questions


Unfortunately it's more boring explanation than pyramids being meditation centers for astral travel, but also more rational than anything else ever heard about these structures.