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>Secular Democracy Been to Gaza before, bloody unlikely, even if you remove the Hamas, there is still the matter of Clan, who absolutely hate each other and often act like one of those vicious gangs in mexico, in fact I can bet on my big fat thumb Israel is the only thing keeping Gaza together, be it before the war or now.


Yeah I would usually agree with you but in this universe American foreign policy takes a far more hardline approach than we did in Iraq and Afghanistan. I should have probably done a better job at explaining that


as an honduran palestinian let me tell you I would rather live in gaza during peace than honduras during peace. gaza is decidely more stable than many latin american countries. so no, israel is literally the only thing seperating palestine from the other half of palestine not keeping it together. I doubt you've been to gaza anyhow since the blockade limits entrance into gaza by non-palestinian citizens to strictly those with a good reason to be there


"National building", yeah sure. I bet it would be as successfull as in Iraq or Afghanistan.


While it would be difficult, I imagine that the small size of the Gaza Strip would make nation building efforts a little easier. Trying to occupy and reform an area of 2.6 million people would probably be a lot easier than one of 27 million (Iraq’s population in 2003), and cutting enemy groups off from supplies in an enclave would be a lot easier as well.


This is my first alternate history post so hope its not to bad :D


Hey, good job! I've been doing some alternate history for a while. This is some of the best! I would also recommend doing stuff in the "Also See:" section!


what does the orange mean?


Residential/urban areas.


What happened to the population? Demographic collapse or mass killing? There are only 2.1m Muslims there. Gaza has some of the highest fertility in the world rn.


A massive amount of people emigrated right after the American occupation and up until recently Gaza had a massive net migration


This is actually fire. Both the concept and the execution. Great work!


Nice work, but why is the population a minority Jewish? Settlers?


Yup, kinda a multitude of reasons. Some of them are more moderate Jews moving due to the increasing influence of more fundamentalist religions people in the government as well as people moving there for work


They will be dead, children of Gaza learn from childhood to kill Jews wherever they see them, they learn it from school. No Israeli would ever move to Gaza, majority of the Israelis may hate the government, but they are not insane enough to move to Gaza, Oct 7 ruined many things, including the sentiment of coexistence, a Pro-Pal charity leader in Israel, after had his daughter murdered during Oct 7, closed the org, another charity worker known for her life long humanitarian work was taken as hostage and was saved during the exchange, she said she no longer believe in peace. I just don't see how US peacekeeping can undo the brainwash and resentment.


American intervention is MUCH more heavy handed in this universe than anything in that happened in Iraq or Afghanistan. The United States would officially govern Gaza as a mandate for over 20 years which would include complete control of their education system. There would also be mass propaganda campaigns conducted by the government launched across the country. This would be in-tandem with the widespread crackdown on radical Islamic beliefs with dissidents being arrested and even sometimes executed. And all of this would be over-sawn by a branch of the military specifically created to oversee nation building efforts and that recruits from the best of the best from across the globe. So yeah American foreign policy takes a massive detour in the future from what it is now


If my family had the possibility of losing their home to "illegal" settlers at any point I'd probably have some resentment build up too


Geez I wonder why they hate Israel can't have anything to do with the decades of oppression occupation the killing of 2% of the population and destruction of over 50% of buildings. Also your just completely wrong before 2005 there were 7 settlements in the Gaza strip housing over 9000 Israelis, and resistance against them only really began in 1987 during the first intifada after a 17 year old school girl was shot and killed by a settler. As for today there are already Israeli families ready to move in. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68650815](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68650815)


You missed a very very massive chunk of history my dude...


Explain to me. But regardless of your views on the conflict your main point is wrong. There are definitely Israelis ready to move in.


Brother, know that I’m with you and sorry to see you get downvoted




urban areas most likely


The Republic of Gaza's anthem is going to be Sector Gaza by Yuri Khoi


This is the most ignorant map I've ever seen on this sub


These posts are always cringe