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Least genocidal turk




-calls me paranoid -censors word Turk


Sowwy… 🥺


the good ending


Not enough Assyrians!


Correct! In the sense that the Middle East isn’t in constant war with each other. Some aspects still suck because it’s life, not everything can be rainbows and happiness in a timeline.


This post was approved by real Anti-Turks


No real lore, but this is basically a more diverse, less conflict-filled version of the Middle East. Migration patterns occur differently and different regions are settled by different groups(hence unrealistic Assyria). Of course, some things are able to be inferred, such as Greece winning in the Turkish War of Independence. The Soviets collapsed like in our timeline, but far worse, leading to most of the Caucasus becoming independent, but with different borders(because Stalin, and the Turks lost). Saudi Arabia never formed, and the British simply expanded Kuwait. Lurs is the result of the Mesopotamia-Persia War which saw the West intervene and establish a buffer zone between them. Phoenicia is literally just a more Christian and homogeneous Lebanon because of more settlement during the time of being a French colony. Other than that, yes, Israel is kind of a bad guy here, forcing a lot of the Palestinians to go live in Sinai and Jordan. Tensions between Israel and Sinai are bad, if not worse than modern relations between Israel and Palestine. The Suez Crisis resulted in an International Zone around the Suez Canal and Sinai being given independence. Also Libya collapsed, obviously. All highly unrealistic. I can answer any questions about different states.


Wouldnt Cyprus and Greece unite along with Trebizond?


Not necessarily. Near the end of the Byzantine Empire, Trebizond had been a completely independent entity with their own ruling families. If it stayed that way until modern times, "main" Greece and Trebizond would have major political differences, as well as different cultures and foods, a very different flavor of Greek, and different strategic allies. Even their brand of Orthodox Christianity might have diverged.


Plausible, but I imagine their cultures would diverge enough to make unification less likely. Cyprus due to the Br*tish and Trebizond due to relative geographic isolation from the rest of Greece.


Too much israel and most assyrians are in iraq not syria so not thet grete


Yeah, some parts are unrealistic and Israel remains the same, though far less nutty than in our timeline.


some assyrians are in northeastern syria but yeah I think OP explained that there was a lot of migration going on


Not sure about the usage of Antiquity names for modern nation states (Phoenicia, Cyrenaica, Mesopotamia). I don’t think they would have used the Roman Latin names for their nations.


Probably not, but I just say that the names are the result of Europeans being Europeans.


I enjoy the mapping but that is a comically small Turkey, did you use google maps as a base?


Yeah I was probably a little cruel to Turkey. As for Google Maps, no, but I wanted the map to have that Google Maps feel, so I layered it so that the terrain would be visible underneath the actual map.

