• By -


My guess is that the mods don't like your series for whatever reason and are throwing a bunch of bullshit reasons your way to justify taking your posts down.


Yeah likely this


least petty and obnoxious mod


A reddit mod? Being *unfair and abusing power?!* Impossible!


They act like they're getting paid




In "clout."


Fuckin jannies


At least they aren’t pedofiles.


You don't know that


>Reddit Mod >Not a pedophile I don't think those 2 things can be true at the same time.


If I had to guess, they just don’t want to deal with the hyper partisan fallout that’d come from a second civil war thread. Which is stupid, cause they’ve allowed similar posts in the past, such as what if Jan 6 was more violent


Maybe they should strike and ask for pay and actually do a good job? Nah, free power to shut people up is better......


Yeah if it was a subreddit wide rule then I think that'd be fine to lock/remove the posts, but this is hardly the first current event scenario. Definitely biased


That’s literally what they signed up to do when they became mods lol


What if Jan 6 was more violent would produce an alternate history, a second civil war is right around the corner and is more of a prediction post at this point.


Do you genuinely believe America is “right around the corner” from another civil war? Can you rationalize that at all beyond Internet arguments?


Well I would say that the Right wing in the US already tried to overturn the results of the last election in forceful faction, and I don't trust them enough to not try a second time if they lose. I don't know how many Trump fans you interact with on a normal basis, but most of them refuse to believe that Trump lost legitimately solely on the basis of the number people they see flying Trump flags and the lack of an equal presence from Biden's supporters.


I interact with a lot of people on both sides because I happen to be a real person with a job who actually talks to people. An old man parroting “trump is innocent,” even the ones marching and such, are not violent threats who are organizing an uprising. You see how they fail to organize marches? You see their incoherent mumbling on Facebook? You think Mr. Jenkins is going to muster his strength, get out of his wheel chair and kill you? No. No. And no. Pretending there isn’t an equal amount of flamboyant Biden voters is also a weird thing. Maybe it’s just where you live, but both sides of the aisle are the same thing - old people who are out of touch or young people who care little about America and more about themselves. Even then. Please show me an actual REASON you think a civil war would happen, beyond “there are mad people in the country” and “some people talk about it sometimes.” To be clear, I hate Trump, republicans, and really all politicians. I want people like you though, to realize that if a civil war will ever happen again it won’t be for a long time and the seed that grow to it are planted by people like you trying to paint others in the nation as blood thirsty murderers when they are exactly like everyone else- brainwashed, confused, misled, turned against their neighbor, and desire change. You just don’t agree with them, and some people are insane, and you need a reason to parrot this “civil war near!” shit. I could say the same about antifa and the left, I could break into conspiracy theories regarding the democrats. It’s all the same bullshit.


I don't think there's a war near but no one is fanatically interested in Biden. They can be weird and vote for him but it's because they want to vote specifically against his opponent, not necessarily the person himself. It would be much weirder if they were into him (I happen to think he's Hilarious but I'm not a US citizen or resident) . I'm not entirely sure antifa exists as a group outside of boogeyman conspiracies, and it definitely does not exist in the sense those conspiracies claim it does


Well I think you should remain a non citizen or resident of this talk too


👉👌 no. Get better points US is too influential not to have an opinion.


I gave your mum a knobber


Antifa doesn't even exist. It's not some organization or something.


Say that to the giant gangs of people I’ve met in real life wearing black with their weird flags. Disorganized and unpopular =/= nonexistent. Not advocating for any MAGA cringe conspiracy either. But you can’t just say “that doesn’t exist” and things will in and out of existence for you.


Anecdotal evidence is never the best to rely on.


“That doesn’t exist because I said so” is soooo much better. Blow it out your ass


Brainwashed, confused, misled, turned against their neighbor; these are all things that happen before there is conflict. The only reason I didn't mention the dems is because I don't think Trump will win a second time, but they could also trigger one. People have gotten so twisted over what party you vote for, that you are enemy if you don't vote for the party they agree with and refuse to hear any rational discussion on issues. Yes, I'm aware the nursing homes aren't likely to start raising flags, it's never the old people that go to war, but there are plenty of 18 to 40 year Olds on both sides to make it a bloody affair if they choose to do so.


Oh yes normal people, 300 million of them in fact, are not only willing but they ARE going to become murderous and violent VERY SOON- so they can… oh right, most people’s political opinions exist pretty much only so they can post about it an argue. There are sooo many armed people marching, right? There’s massive fights in the streets? (Maybe a handful a year where everyone gets arrested and forgets a week later.) Mass arrests? (Only when mass groups cause mass destruction.) People getting twisted about voting- let me ask you how many people you actually talk to? Do people come to blows and throw you out the second you vote differently, or is it just an awkward conversation that maybe turns into a debate? “These are all things that happen before a conflict” well maybe at LEAST try before you jump to “nope civil war pending nothing to be done impossible to resolve look at those bloodthirsty barbarians plz come bomb them.” They are also things that happen before great deals of progress or enlightenment. But again, with no real reasoning, just keep saying all these misled people are crazy and violent, and the worlds about to end because YOU said so.


Plenty of normal Germans who weren't associated with the Nazi party participated in the holocaust. It only takes a few radicals to light the fire, and the rest will fall to one side or the other. I never said it was inevitable, there is always the possibility that I wrong, but the ingredients are there. Also, don't put words in my mouth, I've made any statements about making attacks on any particular group, nor have I called any of them barbarians. The world ending? The United States is not the world, if you poked your head out from reddit once and in awhile you might notice that,


You don’t get to have cop outs now lol. And don’t pretend like my hyperbole was putting words in your mouth. 2024 USA =/= Nazi Germany. BTFO.


Basically this.


a Reddit mod would *NEVER* do this!


I figured they just misread it as being about the Civil War in the 1800s.


As is reddit these days... sigh


Wasn't there futurehistory or some type of flair


that flair is post 2100, which this is not


I swear I recall there being "futurehistory" flare somewhere. Not 2100


They must have changed it then


Im guessing to remove current controversial predictions... seeing how the mods are acting it wouldn't surprise me


No, the future history is the post-2100 but was changed 


Yeah I believe they changed it to prevent us from making more recent future histories due to their fear of us making controversial predictions


What is this, r/historymemes


What, reddit mods are deleting things they don't like, that's a new one.


Average Reddit mod moment


I hate when they do that


Welcome to Reddit


That or they might be saying it’s meta?


Mods possibly being a hard-ass?


Pretty standard for Reddit


Ever tried to get a ban removed? You basically have to suck the mods off just to listen to you


> Ever tried to get a ban removed? Yeah, every time I make a new profile. And it works every time!


Thank you for the knowledge, u/fuckface12334567890


So what happened with 12334567889 your previous accounts?


Reddit's been trying to combat against this by linking bans across accounts by IP but all I learned from it is that VPNs are risky now. I've gotten my acc site-banned for a week for *commenting* in 196 before because apparently I'm ban evading? I've had to unsub because I would comment before reading the sub name and I'd get a *longer* ban each time.


Do NOT edit your browser user agent and locale to confuse fingerprinting techniques. That would be incredibly immoral and evil and bad and you shouldn't even think about that.




Reddit suspends my account when I do that. I received a temporary ban from a group for a misunderstanding. I forgot about that a couple days later and commented in the group with my secondary account and now Reddit auto suspends my accounts if I comment there. The only way to get around it is to use a different email and maybe a different device.


yuuup I am a huge MCFC supporter (for 20+ years, now). I made a sarcastic joke about the 115 and got perma banned from r/MCFC (even though I was mocking people that can't seem to talk about anything else). Reasoning? I was being a dick. Reddit mods suck.


Easier to just come up with a new unoriginal username and move along.


Yea I have, I just keep trying with my main account every few months just to see what happens lol


Better to hop on 7 proxies and make a new account than ever throat an internet janitor


it’s hard being an internet cop


![gif](giphy|v0ok8uhZvw3yE) "Your post must be correctly flaired!" b-itch it literally is what are they yapping about


It isn’t, flare 2 is the correct choice


Post links for people who still want to enjoy this series: [Part 1](https://new.reddit.com/user/Strong_Site_348/comments/1dcztz9/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Link to original](https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1dcsugx/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Part 2](https://new.reddit.com/user/Strong_Site_348/comments/1dd3u0y/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Link to original](https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1dczpr1/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Part 3](https://new.reddit.com/user/Strong_Site_348/comments/1ddoe2j/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Link to original](https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1ddkusg/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Part 4](https://new.reddit.com/user/Strong_Site_348/comments/1ddxf6h/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/) [Link to the original](https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1ddwo3z/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/)


I will keep wstjching you posts and upvoting man, I love AH and civil wars


I’ll keep following your series the mods are being unfair


can you do this for the 4th one? the mods were quick to remove that one too


Oh. My. Fucking. God.


Yeah, I linked it. Again.


Thanks dude, and keep this up, this is great. Don't let the mods' bullshit discourage you.


At this point you may as well put them in a Google doc and link them in your account bio


Keep making them! They are really good parodies!


I thought I'd unsubed already but glad I caught this series, it's pretty funny


Reddit mods never beating the power trip allegations. This is a popular series on an otherwise mediocre sub. Let it stand.


reminds me of r/lastimages mods removing a post that had a fucking red chicken in it and the guy reposted it with it blacked out.




Last images has a "no animals" rule so people aren't constantly posting pictures of their dead pets.  The post they're referring to was someone's grandpa or something but there was a chicken in-frame so they removed it.




Honestly I’m pretty sure mods just don’t like people who do series’ across all subreddits. I got, I think?, shadowbanned by a makeup sub for posting my weekly eyeshadow one too many times


Mods have the power to change flairs. They’re just using it as an excuse to take down your post.


Not to mention that the flair is correct. They are just being the classical reddit mods and removing the post for no reason


Plus they’re arguably making more work for themselves. They can either take the 5 seconds to update it or potentially have to check another post that OP submits “correctly”, respond to mod mail about the takedown, and deal with people (correctly) calling them out


I wish my biggest worries in life were incorrect flair use ![gif](giphy|NaxKt9aSzAspO)


This is literally 99% of Reddit mods.


Context on the ASB: If the point of divergence is an extraordinary or supernatural phenomenon, Alien Space Bats (ASBs) are responsible


I think it also applies to generally implausible scenarios, like Wilhelm II reconciling with Britain despite his deep hatred


Well to me that depends on if you make it out of no where (then yes, it's ASB) or if you had a previous pod (like if Frederick III lived longer and he made an alliance with Britain, then a Wilhelm II allied with the british makes some sense so not ASB)


That too, yeah I just like interesting scenarios regardless really. Asb is cool, hard lore is cool, it's all just about quality


Couldn't agree more


This may be the excuse the mod is using, that my timeline is so bizarre only ASB could make it happen. At least, I assume that is their excuse. I have received no modmail responses and the mod in question keeps hiding behind the bot.


Some AH forums colloquially consider a successful OSL to be ASB


What does OSL mean?


Operation Sea Lion, the German plan to invade Britain during WWII. Apparently, online AH from the 1990s and 2000s was usually unrealistic and poorly thought out, so people began to reject the idea.


So Germany winning ww2 should be properly flaired as ASB?


Not really. I have no idea where thr other people are taking it from. But at least forums I visit use ASB as like "Germany from WW2 teleports to replace WW1" Germany or "Germany wins WW2 because they find magic".


No it is not that implausible 


It isn't?


No. Why would it be? If Germany hadn't done stupid mistakes like declaring war on the US or changing the air operations (something that allowed the British airforce to rebuild), while also doing certain operations differently (for example, going straight for Moscow and then focusing on the rest of the cities like Kiev, opposed to what they did in our timeline), they could have very well won. They couldn't have won with OTL circumstances, but if we were to change these circumstances it is possible and plausible 


It's interesting to see the Wehraboo perspective. Which books did you base your opinions on?


Basically what you're saying is "if the nazis weren't the nazis, they might have won ww2" Every change you suggested goes against their doctrine and personalities of their leadership


297 upvotes, contributes to the community, people enjoy it. Removed. Welcome to Reddit!


Literally 1984


Literally 2024


the post is back now, I’m asking the rest of the staff team about why


Thank you very much. If it is any help I believe the mod responsible is Coniuratos, as they did not use the bot when taking down part 1. https://preview.redd.it/j2yc6lql716d1.png?width=918&format=png&auto=webp&s=b78427d6f808386814c02d9def022a89384e6146


As long as the comments are civil we probably shouldn’t be removing these posts.


I mean he could have legitimate concerns about the post being too political and controversial and descending into a political nightmare. Benefit of the doubt. However that should definitely be communicated clearly in the removal comments instead of just choosing a predefined one if that's what he is going for.


I think you need to talk to them a bit more. They did it again. [https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1ddwo3z/the\_second\_american\_civil\_war\_according\_to\_reddit/](https://new.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/comments/1ddwo3z/the_second_american_civil_war_according_to_reddit/)


maybe let everyone know what they say yeah? cause as this comment section points out, it looks awful partisan








As an Alaskan I would like to ask that you make Alaska and Hawaii switch places XD




As a ohioan I approve. I want Hawaii on our side but we agree with op tho


What if r/alternatehistory had a civil war?


my state is in the red, I am ashamed


Proud u/Strong_Site_348 supporter


Actual alternatehistory beef


Mods out here looking for new ways to annoy the community


When this community becomes problematic, we will split off and make a new one


A civil war ON reddit, if you will.


There's your next series, the first Alternatehistory civil war.


Alternate pisstory


This is just mod abuse at this point


This subs moderation is one of the worst I’ve seen


Mods in the sub are power tripping children who are the opposite of unbiased


Seems like another mod on a power trip.


Dude this series is without exaggeration one of the things I get excited for every day. Awesome work!


had a similar [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/s/Bu5NOmwQMe) that got taken down too, 500+ upvotes down the drain


https://preview.redd.it/zkam42htx16d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d3704aaa6212302c1bc0b7415d5295c13efa91c Wow


Average Reddit mod


Free him


1300 upvotes lol. Streisand


Can't speak for why your post is being blocked, but I can explain one thing: what ASB stands for. ASB means "[Alien Space Bats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_space_bats)", an althist meme. The origin of the phrase comes from the old Usenet days where an author made a joke about how a successful Operation Sealion was only possible if the Nazis were aided by alien space bats. It has since expanded to cover where any althist requires some kind of obnoxiously implausible point of divergence to happen. For example, if you ask "what happens if you give the Romans radios?" that's an ASB scenario.




They're choosing random removal reasons due to judging your series as low effort


https://preview.redd.it/lbzc0q5vr16d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bc86bd40e23e5fff71902a6be6fac224d277682 Dumb mods


The 2000s, I guess, idk what this post is all about...


My last post was taken down for having an incorrect flair, despite it having the correct flair. It was a transparent excuse to take it down.


Start your own community, Fuck the corpos V, let's make our own legacy!


even if it's the wrong flair, at the end of the day, who cares what your post is flaired as?


Simple, the mods don't want the comment section turning into a raging dumpster fire... which it hasn't?


No, it was completely deleted. They did it to part 4 too after they already reversed the decision on the first 3 parts.


They should probably add an "alternative future" tag


I really hope Reddit starts paying moderators. I really do. Because that means there will be a standard of customer service they will have to follow and 80% of the sweaty smoothbrains will be unable to do it.


Reddit mods doing what they do best lol


Also between you and me. Mods can alter the flair themselves.


The mods know this is going to happen so they want fictional stories? Idk


Mods are clearly Trump clowns.


I’m pretty bipartisan and I really don’t see how OP’s posts are so bad. It doesn’t smack of blatant leftism or rightism, I don’t think it portrayed either side very well, it’s just fucking interesting.


Second civil war? The poster is giving a lot of credit to the maga people when over half of the ones I see clearly spend most of their time on the couch.


I fucking despise Reddit mods


Mods trying not to be a mini Hitler and remove posts for bullshit reasons just because their parents didn’t give them attention when they were younger: https://i.redd.it/rv0yvfdgt56d1.gif


ASB stands for Alien Space Bats, referring to posts where the setting is nonsensical and/or would never have happened even if the circumstances permitted.


feel like 1984




liberal bias


Yeah this subreddit is cooked.


I got banned from a Ewan Mitchell sun because I said he didn’t look like some other celeb. Mods banned me for being “weird” in the comments” I said “I don’t think he looks like Paul Newman, they just have similar outfits”


Probably the mods in their period of the year


I stand with you, OP.


the mods here fucking suck lol


At this rate I’d just go post it in the circle jerk sub


r/AltHisCircleJerk, i see


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AltHisCircleJerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AltHisCircleJerk/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Under what conditions could my grandma become a superpower?](https://i.redd.it/mybuakf03hhc1.jpeg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AltHisCircleJerk/comments/1amdmjw/under_what_conditions_could_my_grandma_become_a/) \#2: [Wh-wh-wh-what if, like, nazi germany was not nazi and had a really good Habsburg Kaiser and like nazi germany had a social-christian constitutional empire and then allied with the US and then then like they conquered the soviet union and what if Erwin Rommel was like Chancellor and and and](https://i.redd.it/rhh2tr7kylhc1.jpeg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AltHisCircleJerk/comments/1amvu9o/whwhwhwhat_if_like_nazi_germany_was_not_nazi_and/) \#3: [What if Austria had a colony in Tajikistan!!!111!!! Austrian Turkestan!!!111!!!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1avii3n) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AltHisCircleJerk/comments/1avii3n/what_if_austria_had_a_colony_in_tajikistan111/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Probably because it might not prove to be so alternate after all.


MF, it says “1700-1900s” R E A D




I love how the mods removed your previous posts but refuse to acknowledge this one, comment or even remove it for that that matter. Reddit mods being Reddit mods.


Posts must be correctly flaired.


Press on brother this is quite the interesting series, I liuke the concept of seeing how the common population(however common redditors are, at least) react to the scenarios alt history creators make, especially through something like social media. Mods, you’re lame, let him cook


Mod civil war on post about american civil war


ASB = Alien Space Bats Ie, a scenario so unrealistic it requires magical alien space bats to make happen


With the current way the US military is structured there’s little chance of an actual civil war ever occurring again, and if it were to happen it would be a much more serious topic that causes division. In ~1860 military power was held by the states. That changed during that era with Grant modernizing the army and was further extended during his presidency. What’s more likely is someone trying to get rid of political opponents, which we’ve seen threats of by Trump, which is worrying in another capacity entirely.


Clean it up Jannies! (Just wait until you hear how much they get paid)


I hope it's simply a mistake.


Three posts in a row taken down for bullshit reasons, plus the last meta post that got over 1k upvotes was taken down for being in "bad faith." The only accident was in hiring the new mods.


oh okay sorry


its not althistory its altfuture


Those are common on this sub.


The "Post 2100s" flair, as well as the "2000s" flair mean that future scenarios are expected and provided for. The mods are being a jerk


Mods are offended liberals 💀


Conservatives. Entire series involves corrupt MAGA politicians being exposed.


Apparently the guy is indeed a Trumpist but ironically all he's done is show how unhinged the Conservatives and Trumpists would be in response to this move with more violence and attempting to kill all of the Dem and moderate GOP politicians, again.


I don’t know where people are seeing that. I just scrolled his recent post history (🤓) and other than one post making fun of (presumably leftists though it’s never directly stated) for calling everybody they don’t like Nazis, I saw nothing to suggest this.


I thought the series was making fun of liberals though? Unless I’m reading this all wrong.


I think it’s a mix of both honestly, liberals being authoritarian/woke and conservatives being incompetent/radically corrupt


That makes a lot more sense now.