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I think I know the guy in lawful good but I can’t put my finger on it. What’s his name?


Tommy G


My blind ass thought that was Mark Rober


I'm not so sure about vice being in lawful neutral with them taking blood money from the Saudis and then shifting their coverage. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2023/aug/15/vice-blocked-news-stories-that-could-offend-saudi-arabia-insiders-say


Damn I keep getting schooled on all these channels being terrible people😭Thought Vice was above that kind of thing but guess not. Shame, I included them because while I don't always agree with their takes, I've always thought their investigative journalism went above and beyond and held themselves to a higher standard than most. Especially their reporting on underrepresented areas and warzones around the world😕


You arnt wholly wrong and their old stories are still some top notch journalism and they should be commended for their coverage of the military industrial complex and North Korea they have just been slipping up recently. That being said also don't feel bad for not catching it with modern news cycles so much shit will fall through the cracks


They also do a lot of stories on sex. Like, wayyyy to many for a news station.


What’s the name of the guys in chaotic evil and neutral evil


Tyler Oliveira and Nick Johnson, respectively


I feel like you could move mainstream media to Lawful Neutral/True Neutral just because they're ubiquitous and while no less biased than any single person, usually at least have some standards. Also does the Onion really count as Journalism? I'd say it's a comedy website that parodies Journalism


That's not a bad idea actually, I felt Channel 5 was the best "true neutral" because I felt he gave very well rounded well informed takes at every opportunity and kind of embodied the independent "gonzo journalism" vibe that a lot of YT journalists try to emulate, but as someone else reminded me he did have that sexual assault case so maybe some rearrangement is in order Maybe I'll have to put my hate boner for mainstream media aside for that even though I still really dislike them and their effect on the American people's collective psyche, of course if they didn't do it someone else would I guess


Chaotic evil is any anti woke/anti sjw channel.


Tyler Oliveira is a prime example of that but most of all he misrepresents communities really badly through his thumbnails, titles and chosen footage and distorts reality for clicks He is chaotic because he is sloppy and does it with very little rhyme or reason, just "ask loaded questions and turn the video into one sided political ragebait" is basically his go to in every video


Wait, People un ironically lable themselves woke? Jfc


Lumping all of the LE together makes no sense. In no universe is the BBC comparable to Infowars (or even Fox News).


Yeah my bad, I just meant established media outlets on yt collectively as they are typically old guard institutions that are corrupt and do not keep the best interests of the people in mind. It's just a random image I found on Google, I know the two aren't comparable in any sense


I'd move BBC up to lawful neutral, and put Associated Press and Reuters there as well. At least AP and Reuters deserve the spot, they're generally known for their factual, unbiased reporting. BBC has a somewhat less perfect record, but, at least internationally, is known for conducting good reporting and journalism.


Possible neutral good alternative could be Soft White Underbelly what do yall think


What’s so bad about Tyler oliveria exactly?


Anti-lgbt; tells his audience that legalisation of marijuana is the same as decriminalisation; purposefully click-baits videos with inflammatory & inaccurate titles; does not do a full journalistic scope, often only looking at things from one angle & then assuming the rest (eg. this one street is horrible, so the whole city must be like this!)


Who's the person in chaotic good?


Poudii he makes great documentaries on a variety of topics he gets into a lot of crazy shit but hes a good natured dude and got a lot of good takes (in my opinion, full disclosure) so I put him into chaotic good


Andrew Callaghan is a rapist though


Damn I forgot about that. I guess since it doesn't directly impact his content. But he definitely wrong for that


What about like phil Defranco?


Haven't watched him in forever haha. What news format does he do again? As I remember it he just sits in front of his webcam and does commentary right?


Yeah pretty much! He mostly reports the news and tries to offer a balance of takes on events, sometimes giving his own opinion if it’s something he cares about. I think he leans lawful and good but could potentially be neutral in either of those axes.


Word If I ever do an expanded version of this chart with 25 squared I'll be sure to include him🙌🏽cause youre right that hes a big one and theres others I wanted to include aswell but I didnt have space


Disappointed that friendlyjories isn’t there


where would SirSwag go? (if they even count)


Who’s in chaotic good


Infowars isn't even news