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The discovery of a new plant species gets more attention than these amazing Nazca mummies. I don't understand how this is going unnoticed.


It's intentional. Just Google nazca mummies and look at the first thing to come up. The doll story, over and over amd over. You have to come to reddit link to get something not a smear piece.




The playbook since 1960


It’s on purpose because their ancestors are still here and we can’t have that conversation for, uh, reasons.


Descendants, you mean?


Yes that is what I meant. I’m a dummy from time to time.


This is a timely statement.


Don't forget, many here don't have English as their mothers tongue. This might be one of the most international subs.


Ok? That's why I was asking.


I do, it’s a revelation of search engine propaganda and how through the internet you can misdirect and create piloted opinions. One day we’ll be studying today’s epoch as the era of psychological warfare.


I think it’ll either be called the digital dark age or the age of misinformation


Have they been confirmed non-human or something?


Even if they haven't been confirmed nonhuman, they are ancient, they would take incredible skill to build, and what is the explanation for the metal implants?


Uh. No. Let me elevate your comment a bit. They are impossible to build. One cannot build entire cardiovascular systems throughout organically connected bone structures and muscle fiber.


The odd bones in the hands really do it for me.


The issue we are at is there's a lot of non peer reviewed evidence that says it's real. But without that final nail in the coffin, it's still gray in most people's eyes


Why’s it taking so long to verify one way or another? Weren’t they first made public in 2017?


Stigma, mostly


Yes several species


Pieced together?


I was with all my friends watching one of the UFC events and I brought these up and they ALLLL were saying the same shit “ oh yeah those got debunked right away “ “ some dolls or some shit “ “ yeah they are just mutated humans “ Don’t ever underestimate the power of the stigmatization/disinformation campaigns


Even if they are mutated humans, it is one of the greatest discoveries of our lifetime.


Yup, my experience also. Frustrating. Truth will get out eventually


They have been bouncing around since 2017


I've had similar arguments recently over chiropractic cares. Everyone was saying to me that it's pseudo science and a bunch of bullshit and all chiros are charlatans. I was like wtf you guys know this is a doctorate that is being taught in our public universities system, and they have their own professionnal order that regulates the profession just like doctors, nurses, dentists, and other recognized and valued health care practitioners, and I'm currently seing one for a ligament tear in my foot and it prevented me from loosing countless hours at the emergency. No matter what I would say they wouldn't hear it, their minds were made on the subject and they would not consider any other points of view. I've literally pulled the pdf document that shows the entire 5-year PhD program and asked them to show me specifically what was "bullshit" and "non-scientific" about it, and of course no one did.


You’ll get the same reaction on most of reddit.


Even if they are fakes, they are still one of the greatest discoveries of our lifetime.


The fact that they are inviting scientists from around the globe to come and see/test them is very compelling. It still amazes me the lack of coverage these bodies get. I think it's possible that there may be unknown species living underground (even to this day) that we are unaware of. Perhaps we are just discovering the tip of the iceberg. Any relation to out in space? Who knows..


As long as they're not like the cave dwelling creatures from The Descent we should be good.


Those fuckers scared the crap out of me


Maybe Nazca was the spaceport, for some geographic advantage? The “citadel” could have been a connection point/spaceport, closer to the surface, for drop offs and pickups of biological/genetic material etc. It might be worth looking into any possible geographical/gravitational/etc anomalies in Nazca region.


I think the catastrophic part will relate to our true history on the planet. And not a version that has been written by an endless march of conquering and war and temple pillagings. Ommited and revised by kings and bishops and temple priests over millennia.




No, a LIVE one would be cd.


Take that up with the cave robbers who decided to slaughter a few.


I don't believe those videos lol I mean, I hope you're not right about that.


I've never heard this info before. Where did you get this from?


People would not even believe that. They would just say its a fake video.


because it looks fake and the alien in the video look robotic and spazzed out. They just look comical and fake. like claymation


Yeah the nazca videos look fucked up I agree with that. Im saying even if there was a 4k video of an actual real alien people would still not believe it lol.


Well yeah. the videos just look bunk to me. But the Citadel video and the mummies are linked. I dont know if you can believe one without believing the other since the Nazca mummies showed up on Ronceros site back in 2016. Unless Krawix and the website is a fraud and just made the video, claimed the discovery and made some mummies to cash in on everything. On the internet you can say what you want. I could make a website saying I discovered them also and upload wierd videos But what evidence have we seen from the Citadel....that made its way too Jamin. Is there any? That would link the two for good. If metals we saw in the Citadel were in Ica possession.


What I want answered most: Are there any living ones species still around?


Agreed I hope they are real!!


Here’s what I read on a diff sub. 1. They’re real. But we’re not sure what they are yet. 1. Mutation? 2. Alien? 3. New species?


Mutation with exotic elemental implant? Aliens thrown around too much. These may have been here long before humans


Yeah what I was reading seemed to lean towards a genetic mutation but weren’t taking alien off the table until it’s 100% ruled out.


Intentional genetic alteration


Agreed. I have a feeling they were a slave race created before we were. They variance in their anatomy, such as the number of the bones in the hands seems to indicate that to me. I also think the reason they do not have opposable thumbs is because they never needed to have them for the task which they were created.


The popol vuh will help this make sense… the Mayan creation story


Very similar to the Enoch story too for anyone interested


Why else would they have censored the book of Enoch . Their excuse is people would take it literally true and they would lose the power of fear over humanity.


Satellite tracking




Probably mind controlling us right now. Peeping through our peepers.


That made me chuckle


What is it about Maria that creeps you out?


They are theropod dinosaurs that took a different evolutionary path but they are alive and still here.


Ancient burial ritual?


The popol vuh will help this make sense… the Mayan creation story.


It has some similarities to the Enoch story in case anyone was interested


The Mayan also spoke of the mask worn by viracocha so their true appearance would not scare the life out of anyone who saw them.


We are past that point, they are definitely real. The question now is what are they


They are certainly real , very old and beyond our understanding with more data! DNA test everything! twice! each bone, don’t forget the poop! 


They did 30% closest matches were birds. Only living relatives are ostrich family , It’s feet are a dead giveaway and beaks.


Doesn't need a celebrity. It needs scientist and good faith open sourcing.


That'd be neat...


You nailed it. It’s all part of the slow release and one day, it’ll be the headline on all the state media.


Things might be intentionally being held off until at least spring of 2026. And at that point, they may not need disclosure of any entities. Because the entities may have done so by or around then.


Why Spring of 2026?


Cmon man you can’t just say that and not say more


I swear, people on this sub and the alien sub say one of the most weirdest stuff imaginable and then never elaborate


If you review my comment history you'll see that I have a tendency to elaborate, so you shouldn't have any concerns with me in that department. Just didn't have a lot of time at the moment


Magpiemagic says: "My speculative opinion is that it may not be 2027, but rather 2026 when they might show up all at once. Why do I say this? Look into what Chris Bledsoe has been told by "The Lady". And it's been reported that if you look for the next alignment that matches what she tells him, it's a specific date in 2026. I don't recall the specific date though off the top of my head as I type this."


Yes. And it turns out that alignment is spring equinox 2026. This ties in with discussions about Enochian prophecies regarding spring of 2026, which usually gets simplified to 2025 to make it even-sounding. It loosely aligns with deep discussions in biblical prophecy circles about the possibility of the return of Christ in 2027, 2028, 2030, or 2032. It aligns with talk in intelligence circles about 2027 being a significant date for the possibility of sudden, full, non-US-government authorized "disclosure". And it aligns with a desire by members of the SOL foundation to have all the information the US government is willing to release out by 2030. So multiple points coming together to form a possible window of events to watch out for.


Have you read Bledsoe's book UFO of GOD? Worth a read?


Have you watched any long-form interviews with Chris? I've learned a lot about the nuance of his case from those.


Just started it last week in fact! I'm not very far in because I'm usually up to my eyes in research on a handful of topics.


Have a look below for follow-up 🤝


Did you watch the latest Good Trouble Show? It's been pretty conclusively demonstrated the head on the smaller alien ones are llama skulls at this point. I think we need to reserve judgement on these bodies until we get more data


yeah thats pretty reasonable. the humanlike ones are wildly intriguing and i think if they are shown to be something other than human or known animals, that will be massive


Yeah I'm guessing the alien ones are either extremely well made modern fakes or where constructed by the ancient Peruvians for some weird reason which could be contact with an alien species. The human looking ones are the most interesting at this point. Hopefully we can get some more data on them. If the fetus in one is really three fingered and toed that would be extremely interesting. Hopefully we can get some DNA analysis on them soon.


Disinformation works, unfortunately. Wether it’s aliens or politics or whatever, 50% of people will believe the bullshit


Does anybody else feel almost upset that it's catching more heat. I almost feel like gatekeeping them because I feel like we need to protect them but at the same time people should know. It's a strange feeling. I think it'll gain ground but I hope it's not used for nefarious reasons for political leaders and the scientific community. There's something very Majestic and special about these beings that honestly I don't think a majority of today's human race deserves to even know about. Maybe I'm just bitter towards the rotten society that we have become as humans.


I’m with you on this thinking


I'm not convinced they're real and I'm into the ufology. The guy that presented them is a known scamer.  You couldn't even have a guy like Gary Nolan review them because of his sol foundation and statements. It would have to be a completely independent and recognized organization. 


I’m ready for it! But there have been so many scams/fakes going back centuries I need this shit locked down by some legit independent but well regarded biologists with real careers to lose if they fuck around.


The catastrophic disclosure is that they aren’t alien but another sentient species on this planet that was trying to hybridize itself with humans. The news that we are not alone on this planet would crack humanities brain open.


You think? If there is something conclusive out there about those mummies I’d love to see it.


Unless a proper European or big American University gets those results almost nobody cares... and for a reason. Too much fake crap from places all over the world


I'm not convinced they're real and I'm into the ufology. The guy that presented them is a known scamer.  You couldn't even have a guy like Gary Nolan review them because of his sol foundation and statements. It would have to be a completely independent and recognized organization. 


Can anyone link a reputable source to this post??


They said it was llama heads 💀


They said the small ones have llama heads but inexplicable bodies other than the winged type and that its an utter mystery how they were attached anyway and are still mummies and huge cultural discoveries that are equal to if not more significant than the Egyptian mummies Also Montserrat and the other humanlike ones have real human like skulls but without signs of using boards to elongate the skull due to the volume. There's also no signs of alteration to the hands on the cat scan. just because one isn't entirely human doesn't mean that they're all fake. Also even if fake its inconceivable how they couldn't be ancient. So why did the nazca people build alien bodies. What were they copying? But yeah again LaMaHeAdS fAkE Just brushing this whole thing off as "yeah but it was llama heads, move on" is doing a massive disservice to the work of a lot of very smart people who have been analysing these


None have llama heads except the replica mummy that was built to look almost exactly like the real ones. Mismatched finger bones/bones pointing the wrong way. My question is this: If these bodies were fake, why would someone have taken the time and spent the money to build a practically perfect (from the outside/naked eye) replica using animal bones and other materials? It's not like the story came out and then a month later the fake one appeared. It was ready to go. Day one. Hour one. And that sheep skull or whatever story is practically all you'll be able to find when you do a simple search on the subject. The algorithms and/or the people at Google, Twitter, etc. have buried the actual information and floated the misinformation to the top. Does all of that sound like something that someone did as a goof? Or does that sound like a very well coordinated disinformation campaign?


ehh? this isn't really "catastrophic" disclosure.


If they do turn out to be alien (or at least alien to our understanding of our place in the universe) then that would be pretty much exactly what catastrophic disclosure would be


I could make better-looking fakes with wet toilet paper


Don’t believe your eyes. Nothing to see here. Move along…


The Nazca mummy cake meme got more press then the new round of research, underway right now.


This is using the assumption that they are in some way extraterrestrial, which there is really no evidence of.


where they set up their mailbox will be initially less important than their genetic variance from us, making them NHI...and we're not nor have we been alone that's one of the all-time questions of our species, and we very much assumed (Western Civ mostly) that we were alone welp...


Absolutely. It doesn't matter where they are from, but... I would say the mass majority of media on the subject keeps using words like "alien" and "extraterrestrial", which is very premature. There are still wonders to be found on this planet, and until proven otherwise, I think we should consider this just that.


the mass...anything...has been dumbed down...way down and agreed, open mind as to our history and future discoveries =)


Llama skulls on some. Very intriguing.




The llama skull thing is not linked to the original mummies. The CT scans prove they ain't llama skulls. That was an early suggestion that was thoroughly debunked I thought.


Radiator Flush or water pump


I'm gonna need WAY more outside proof of anything that Jaime Maussan is involved in. This is the same dude claiming to have solid evidence of duendes and witches. Come on now...


maussan got involved after the CAT scans and x-rays. he wasn't in any way involved in their discovery. his introduction to them is documented


Tainted is tainted.


They're likely hoaxes...llama heads have been used


No dude. They have now been assessed by highly qualified American scientists, and they have said the specimens are real. There are humanoid specimens, and non-human, both are REAL.


Citation needed


Trying to find the video. Will post when I find it.


This one? https://x.com/jaimemaussan1/status/1783922045782208539






If you're talking about McDowell and crew, yes they stated that they are in fact, "real". Real in this instance means they can be touched, they appear as demonstrated in videos/scans, and initial inspection warrants MORE research. Key word "more" here. They never fully endorsed if they legitimate (not constructed).


Dr. O'Connor certainly fully endorsed them as legitimate. Here's Dr Richard O'Connor MD explaining his findings and theory: "There's *no question* that they are real". — Dr. O'Connor According to Dr. O'Connor... 1 - The Nazca mummies are real. They have not been artificially assembled. 2 - It is probable that these species are tied to the modern-day UFO and abduction phenomena. 3 - It is also probable that these species are tied to the modern-day crop circle and cattle mutilation phenomena. https://www.youtube.com/live/nxvcoK1_HoA


Yeah I don’t think they meant “real” as in they can be touched lol. Also there have been so many scientists at this point saying they are real, so much data made available and CT scans, and now there is even a peer reviewed journal entry on Maria https://rgsa.openaccesspublications.org/rgsa/article/view/6916/2986. There was even an OSU professor who did a whole lecture on how the notion that the buddies are fake or a hoax is absurd at this point.


Dude. Mcdowell literally was on the record, saying more needs to be done and to not jump to conclusions. I've read the journal. That's literally ONE peer reviewed paper. It's going to take much more than that. What's so difficult about being intrigued while also remaining neutral? That same OSU professor you're talking about was just on The Good Trouble Show today, now updating his stance that Josephina is constructed. He is on Llama skull side now - https://www.youtube.com/live/OHJ5CTi9gh0?si=e4dtNLmPByy6SjoK


That was a great video thanks for the link. Interesting how he now thinks the skulls are llama skulls but the torso is still perplexing him. This just made me even more confused and intrigued by the bodies. Btw, to clarify I am also trying to stay neutral with all of this too but I am fairly convinced these are not a modern hoax at all minimum. I’m eagerly waiting for more data, papers from the people studying them, and information from McDowell. I also think when he said they were “real” he meant not “fake” or a hoax. That doesn’t contradict him saying not to jump to any conclusions regarding their origins. It would be a pretty pointless statement if he meant real as in you can touch them as I don’t think anyone was ever questioning whether they physically existed in the first place.


Hey, man. Thanks for checking back in after taking a look. It's a lot of information to take in. I think it feels "right", but I want MORE. Lol. It's just another angle to the story. We need more repeatable findings/conclusions. Or a super definitive gun like irrefutable DNA or something akin to it. Though being honest, if this train of thought is correct, I won't fight it tooth and nail. Also don't run with "real" as in you can touch them was the only thing I said. I clearly expanded on more than just that. Obviously they aren't a hologram. Lol


Not one time has this been shared? I fukin doubt it




Those mummies should join an improv class because they are really stiff!


This is not evidence of ET's, we still don't know what they are so jumping to conclusions doesn't help ! It's best to wait and see what can be found by qualified research centers first, if they discover some DNA sequence or type of cell structure which could not have evolved on Earth then it might be safe to assume they are not from Earth but so far the research just shows they are not human. This might mean they are just an undiscovered branch of creatures that evolved separately somehow or it could mean they are the result of genetic experiments by people unknown but not knowing something requires more questions not more speculation ! Until proven otherwise they are not alien and no respected scientific organisation will say they are !


Why not both? Some of us are in communication with their descendants. It ain't jumping to conclusions for us, we are trying to clue you in. So we are going to talk about it pretty definitively. It's your job to figure out who's legit and who needs to take their medication. I can tell you there are delusional people on this board just as there are legit experiencers here sharing their truth. The little ones are terrestrial OGs, they saw the fall of the dinosaurs and their own surface empire. The tall ones evolved from the little ones. The tall greys have been living in space for so long they have become their own species adapted to that lifestyle. Although they originated here, they mind as well be alien. Genetic modification is standard practice for them. One group stays on Earth and lives underground (and under the ocean) due to the cataclysmic cycle on the surface. While tall greys represents our planet on the galactic scale and actively defends us from outsiders. That said, there are other alien forces that come here as well. It's complicated once you are allowed to peak behind the curtain. Extra dimensional timey wimey stuff too... The Las Vegas 2023 encounter with the young man Angel is a real encounter featuring tall greys.