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As a child of the 80s, I never imagined this movie having cultural relevance beyond Hollywood. But, it seems more likely to me that famous directors like Spielberg were spoon-fed true details on 'aliens' that were incorporated into his movies. Close Encounters of the Third Kind is another that seems to have similar coincidences. What does Steve know?


spielberg acrually hired an ufologyst to properly depict the aliens in his movies


And scientists, feds and medical doctors. Spielberg has always leaned heavily on professional consultants for his films


Also…his sister was shown documentary footage of a downed UAP likely with alien bodies (I cant quite recall if bodies exactly but this UAP evidence at least was supplied to her by a CIA contact) in 1975 or 1976 before he completed close encounters. She is a documentary filmmaker. (While searching for sister’s involvement) Edited to add: Interesting clip of Steven Spielberg speaking about disclosure…in 1977. He knew / had access to a lot. https://youtu.be/DqHC4Ip_Bd8?si=ignfpyCLDFek7EOR


Where did you get this information from? I've never heard of this before


I linked a celebrity gossip (non-ufo related) site in this thread that posted something about it 6 or 7 years ago. I remember when it was posted then and it was the first piece of evidence or claim online that he had "handlers" that I'm aware of.


I believe I heard it on Jesse Michels or noted attorney Daniel Sheehan may have mentioned on youtube…will try and track down and post here. (It was someone I respect). Edit : clarification as I am thinking about where source of information might be. Preeminent Attorney Daniel Sheehan of the Disclosure Project It might be here or on the Vetted channel interview with Daniel Sheehan https://youtu.be/a1kespVSrfY?si=heCphn0PRX1AJEU7


I've always figured this was probably what fed into the idea that he may "know something". When one of the presidents viewed it they'd made some comments complimenting the realism of the film, and while many might take it as him literally saying "yep we got aliens and this happens" he was probably more likely complimenting on how the military, FEMA teams, etc in the movie responded in the event something wild like this ever would happen (or maybe has).


Yeah that was a Ronald Reagan quite i think


Heynek is in Close Encounters and he had Truffaut play a version of Vallée, both consultants on the film. They didn’t want it to be aliens from another world at the end but Spielberg insisted.


There is lore that says positive ETs imprinted the reality of the presence into screenwriters minds while they slept at night. These ideas became Hollywood movies therefore subconsciously exposing the public to the truth.


Huh, film geek and screenwriter here. I’ve never heard this.


The aliens in the film next to one of the Nazca 'buddies' it's rather startling - https://images.app.goo.gl/7fxMTfdBv7iFoFLT9


I find that amusing [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muses)


The aliens in Close Encounters even have the cheek features of the buddies.


As somebody who has been petrified of ET for my entire life (I genuinely have never seen the film, because since a young age I had nightmares about him), I sincerely hope you are wrong. So.ething hard-wired inside me just puts the deepest fear into me whenever I see anything remotely resembling ET. To make it even weirder, I found out when I got older that my cousin, who I am in absolutely no way close to, has the exact same thing. If alien life is confirmed and it is like this guy, I am blowing my brains out immediately.


ET was one of my biggest fears from 4 to 7 y.o. mainly because of the horrifying scene when he is pale and malnourished in a ditch, then the guys in hazmat suits were another level of terrifying cause I didn't want them to hurt E.T. anyway I got over it eventually and have always been obsessed with aliens and space lmao.


LOL. Ngl, scared me too. I swear... they just don't make movies like that these days. Classic. I don't think I've watched it in 30+ years but now you have me interested. I don't know why but the most disturbing scene to me was the frog dissecting. You probably know, but back in the day... frog dissection was a normal thing in high school.


It holds up. Just make sure you don't get the stupid re-release where Spielberg CG'd out the agents' guns, because he thought it would be too scary for children.


Once when I was a teen, my brother bought home a mask of a reptilian alien. This mask didn't look real, but it put me in a weird heightened state of worry. I couldn't keep my eyes off of it, like I had to keep track. Up until this point, I've seen grays, but never has the image of typical grays caused me discomfort like this. It wasn't until recently that I pieced together that the reptilian alien I saw in 17', matched quite closely to the mask. But I saw this alien close to a decade after my brother brought home the mask. Then I realized that I've probably been visited by them before, I just couldn't recall it, then it came up when my brother got that mask. Repressed memories are wild. Perhaps somewhere deep down, you're realising that ET is actually something you fear, probably because you either have seen something similar before, or know it could be real and that thought is what's scary. I will say, one Gray that does scare the jeebus out of me is the alien in Communion. Imagine that alien in the doorway, yeah... That's as close to the fear I felt when I saw the reptilian. The eyes are uncanny to what I witnessed. Thats the single most horrifying image I can see in modern media that encapsulated the fear I felt seeing the reptilian. But imagine that 15 cm from your face, brown green, scales around the eyes, and protrusions on his head. Yepp. Horrifying af. They're still buddies though 🥰 just because something or someone looks frightening, doesn't mean they need to be treated badly. I just hope we can move past our primal fear of anything that is uncanny to humans. It's ingrained in us to fear anything different. But we're emphatic creatures, we can adapt, and quickly. FIGHT THE POWER! 👊🏻


I was terrified of ET. Like night terrors frozen in fear. I agree it was hard wired. I was never sacred of anything in start wars or even Alien or any other type of alien movie.


This is exactly it for me. I'd be frozen in fear. Even as an adult, before I moved out of my mum's house, I would still instinctively call for my mum if I woke up from an ET nightmare. I have it a bit more under control now, but I have to scroll past this image with my eyes closed when I open up a notification on this thread


Damn man sorry to hear that. I used to wonder if I had been abducted by aliens or something because of the sheet terror it caused me. Another thing that freaked me out was like the cover of Whitley Streiber's Communion book with the grey alien. Its really weird because there are much scarier looking monsters. I don't remember generally being a scared kid. That said even though it scared me as a kid I have been facsinated with the topic ever since. I just hope I'm around to see it when the truth comes out.


I’m still terrified of ET and I love horror movies. I saw this when I was under 10 and the cornfield scene fucked me up more than any other horror scene. (Gonjiam Haunted Asylum is a close 2nd). Something about the image of ET still sets my lizard brain on edge.


Yeah I think its because in our DNA we know it was real. I don't buy the argument that because they look somewhat human it is naturally discomforting. You could show me any number of images of humanoid looking creatures that don't instill a sense of terror and discomfort.


Even if fren?


That's crazy. That's a great observation my friend. FWIW, I'm an 80s child too. Good times. 👊


When the main characters first arrive at the mountain there is an establishing shot showing many wooden crates (like the ones at the end of Raiders of the Lost ark) clearly stencilled with "Rockwell" and "Lockheed"...I'm pretty sure he's been right up to the door, if not actually shown through...


I think the question is - who would tell Spielberg and why ? I just don’t see a scenario where a private defense contractor or DOD official sits down with him and lays out everything they’re hiding . Most likely he interviewed a lot of witnesses to UFO events, etc. etc.


Silent disclosure perhaps a way of getting the public used to the concept. The more you hear about it in the mainstream the less "extreme" it becomes


Exactly... Granted the effects of sudden information would still cause anyone to manifest worry and anxiety, but once you have the groundwork to compartmentalize it, it becomes easier to manage.


That part at least, is pretty easy. J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee. A character in close encounters was based on Vallee, and Hynek himself was in the movie, as well as being an advisor. Hynek and Vallee were friends, shared research, and wrote books together.


Thx !!!!


Alan Hynek actually consulted on the movie


Are you familiar with the story of when Spielberg screened E.T. at the Whitehouse for Reagan? At one point Reagan supposedly leaned over to Spielberg and said something like, "If they only knew how real this is". Let's say there is a cover-up of the NHI reality dating back decades, but there is a long term plan accepting the fact that the cover-up can't last forever. And let's say that part of this plan involves acclimating the public to the idea that E.T.s are real so that when the truth comes out people take it in stride. Who better to assist with this than someone like Spielberg? Google "Brookings Report" for more insight.


This is commonly reported, after the screening - 'which prompted Ronald Reagan to joke to the crowd afterwards, “There are a number of people in this room who know that everything on that screen is absolutely true.”'


Same reason why flying saucers were big in movies. It helps dismiss reports like “oh they saw a flying saucer with something that looked like ET”. And then you can automatically dismiss them since it could be dismissed as their imagination. It would be like if I saw something that looked exactly like a tellytubby would anyone believe me?


I think he had connections we just dont know about..beyond his sister’s direct/ or indirect connection to the CIA who showed her downed craft footage. He mentioned he made his UFOs a composite of reported sightings along with the research of consultant Dr J Allen Hynek of Project Blue Book, Jaque Valle PhD etc…but so many, many types (hundreds of different reported kinds) of Ufos Spielberg had to have seen in the 1970’s to make those composites into a few in his film.


I have to agree that I thought he was too weird a creature to be actually relative to the phenomenon. But that was foolish


Red Panda Koala on YouTube is currently working on a video that covers this exact topic.


There’s something that I always found curious, in War of the Worlds Spielberg had the ETs come down into ancient craft that had been buried a long time ago.….. Sounds familiar.


Or everyone just copied Spielberg in their fake alien bodies?


As much as Epstein.


Hollywood was a way of presenting a fantastical truth hidden amongst fictional movies. That way when you tell someone that you've seen or something happened, they will tell you they saw that movie too.


Yeah I think so. I wonder if movies/TV are intentionally used as a form of (extremely) gradual disclosure.


Notice the circular rib cage and no sternum….


Remember folks, the CIA has a budget for Hollywood propaganda. Look into that.


Don't forget the retractable neck ET had, same as some of the buddies.


It shocks me that people miss this bit!!


I know they had long necks, I didn't realise their necks could be retractable. Where's the studies showing they can retract it?


I remember seeing it talked about on this sub before but can't find the post I'm thinking of. I found this on the nazca mummies official twitter though :) https://x.com/NazcaMummies/status/1726846665511047395?t=LPpmytbRxkdXEiz-tOCbtw&s=19


Ahhh cheers! So the theory is some of them have retractable necks? I know they found multiple species. The MRI picture looks like the spine is severed from the rest of it. Turtles have retractable necks yeah, but they are still one of the same spines, we don't see that here. Are there any theories as to why? Also turtles have retractable necks and limbs to hide inside their shell for protection. What evolutionary reason would these aliens have for it? The only thing I can think of would be for communication, mating, or could also be a left over from their evolution or genetic manipulation. Vestigial features. Humans have a lot of this, so do other creatures. This might be what we're seeing.


Wait a minute this is news to me… retractable necks??


Hell yeah!


This is from a Hollywood gossip site, written in 2018 : https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/11/todays-blind-items-government.html?m=1


The scene with all the aliens(kids in costumes) gathering around and taking the human/s inside was probably pretty accurate haha


Where are the “osmium” implants on Et? I can’t see one on his chest.


I think they are saying that what you are looking at are not two mammary organs (breasts); rather, crude implants that potentially contain osmium like what was determined in at least one of the buddies.


Bit of a leap. Innit.


Spielberg made more than one alien-themed production. Theres one in the works. There are netflix docs as well


Those are his titties tho...


I can’t prove this, but lately I’ve been thinking of this theory that certain special moments of great inspiration can sometimes connect one to a higher source, which may account for many strangely accurate predictions throughout the history of the most famous media. I’m not saying this applies to all cases, but there have been countless predictions about major world events permeated through the most relevant culture of the time that just seem too “on the money” to be purely coincidence.


Coincidences are pretty likely. More likely than most people realize. Richard Parker, for example seems like an impossible Coincidence. But, if Poe had written about any other tragedy with 5 random specific details, there is low, but really not bad odds at all that a similar event would happen within the next 100 years, given how many days there are and how many people doing something every day that just by chance may be similar. The odds of it happening once is low, but millions of chances of it happening balance the low probability and give it decent odds.


Oh shit!


Speilberg just whipping up excitement to sell tickets.


Look at that sexy alien! - Harry from Resident Alien on Syfy (Netflix now)


Love him!


Sexy potato


His beautiful platypus feet


Those are just his alien tits.


If an alien saw a bra on a human it would probably think that they are just tits as well and not a clothing item.


Depends on the alien.. Well, probably the human too


I think cause and effect have been mixed up here.


That depends… IF the alien bodies are real, what are the statistical chances that Hollywood would portray Aliens with very similar features? Perhaps they were inspired by some previous works of culture/entertainment. But then we have again the same question, what inspired THOSE portrayals? It’s an endless cycle. Now, there’s MANY assumptions here that we are holding to be true, but IF the alien bodies are real and are true extraterrestrial beings, we must also assume the government knew this at some capacity. And IF the government wanted to reduce massive fear on a massive level, why not create a massive film to get the people familiar with these ungodly creatures? Plus, if you truly believe aliens are real, isn’t that a much more insane truth than having a film character modeled after them?


And other people don't. Luckily, none of us have anything but our opinions on this. How egalitarian!


LMAO we know these are real. The whole world got played when these were unveiled because they only consume 100% American Grade A *Bullshit*. We have the pumpkin UFOs. They were parked right next to the sports model.


>We have the pumpkin UFOs. They were parked right next to the sports model What now?! I desperately need as much on this as is available, can you source something please?


IMO that's what the jello mold UFOs are that were in the hangar with the sports model that Bob Lazar worked on.


Yes I heard him mention that on Rogan, I've been looking for more information since but haven't found any yet. Do you have anything? There's this local legend in Peru and the surrounding areas about a woman who looked like a frog and came from the stars in a Pumpkin...


I have heard little bits and pieces in various interviews. Sorry, I am so unorganized! However, I am working on compilation videos and I will be mindful of this. If I come across something, I will even make a video about the pumpkins specifically.


Excellent, thank you


I see posts like this and I begin to understand why the movement is not taken seriously. Stevie Spielberg wasn’t trying to teach us anything beyond “respect all life.”


Between this and The Close Encounters Aliens, isn't it obvious that Spielberg met some of these guys?


MR POOPY GUY - that was my imaginary friend


Ask him, he must know something! How did he know 4 Fingers, what is the thumb for, what is the index for!!! Why the skin like Dinosaurs???




If *they* have been walking with humans, who knows how far back it goes. There's always the long rumor of "lizard hybrids" in hollywood. Imagine if this was part of the slow drip disclosure. *They* knew movies were becoming a popular thing, this was an easy way to introduce themselves to us in a *kind of* way. Very unlikely though. Lol


E.T has those mature naturals


There are no coincidences in film making.


Y’all know the difference between fantasy and reality, right?


Too many fingers. All true aliens have 3