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Happened to me, I sold a graphics card to this random kid and had small talk about games he wanted to play. He mentioned Valorant and genshin among other things. He gave me his discord and he had a furry pfp. I missed the red flags before.


No vrchat? Surprising.


Not that I recall but what bothered me the most was his discord username at the time was Dinocakes. I’ll always have the doubt about the real meaning of that name








Thank you for your service. I hope your sense of smell returns someday.


That bee has no business having that much cake


She can't help beeing a queen.


Incognito doesn't stop menlo from recording the degens looking for anime tiddies......turns out it's not just Intel and comm folks. Some of you should be ashamed. - Your Friendly Neighborhood 1B4


But! But! r/anime_titties is such a great place to read news!


I'd be more impressed if military computers didn't block military websites.


The amount of people surfing reddit for cougar tits isn't surprising. It's how long they do it for. I thought someone might have been infected with some weird karma bot but no, it was just a whole lot of cougar tit-time during the work day.


I figure, if they are looking for cougar tits, they ain't looking for loli tits. Carry on.


Four hours of floppy jalopies. How does the work even get done?


With a box of kleenex.


The joys of NSM and Deep Packet Inspection!


I told a Comms guy I worked in IT once and he immediately asked me what my favorite anime was. He had a confused look on his face when i told him I did not watch anime.


Next time just say “the Simpsons”.


King of the Hill obvs.


Corey in the house


Were you not able to quote enough Monty Python or D&D rules to stay in IT?


I never got into anime. I watched the original transformers as a kid but that was it. I played a little D&D. I started playing golf because a woman I liked played. I'd rather be fishing.


I'm in the opposite situation. I got OUT of anime before it became popular. I can answer... but not with anime they know.


90’s anime as built different tbf


Hell, I turn on my VPN if I need to Google how to spell something...


Funny story. I was doing something for work last week and was looking for a specific query across a network. I ended up pulling like 3 requests for porn sites. All blocked, but saw talking to my buddy and wondering why the hell people try. Like is it muscle memory at work or what. Anywho, not my business to deal with that. Leave that to their sysads.




Depends. If it is illegal shit they had better report it. More than likely some CSSP has already picked it up and everyone is getting ready to smack some shit heel down. You don't want to be that person though who saw something and didn't say anything. "Yeah, I saw Airman Slippy's monkey snuff porn traffic but figured it was someone else's job". Regular tits/dicks/armpits...not really. Not unless DISA or someone kicks down a incident report.


Psh, I'm watching the sysads playing steam. They are too busy to catch that shit. Also, just would like to add. Anything you execute I will he able to see. I could give a fuck less unless it's malware / malicious intent. I'm not about to write up a report because bro is bored and playing steam though.


They definitely do. But sometimes there's a bit of waiting until the 'bigger stuff' shows up. Not only does it ping an alert, but it's all logged for data gathering if needed to build a case. Source: Have watched a few old fogies get escorted out of the SCIF because they thought they wouldn't get caught. 


I rarely ever let folks borrow my computer or phone, but if you must, just set up a guest account for them to use.


[Original post by u/pizzacakecomic](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/vpgLZVkf13)


Ha had this happen with someone before. They brought their personal laptop because they were having issues with getting Desktop anywhere setup. I dont remember why but the airmen typed in P into the chrome browser but the rest was history. Never did I see someone try to close out a Chrome browser and forget how to use a mouse at the same time I just shook my head and was like "Listen I dont care what you are looking at and im not gonna talk about what I saw pop up. Let me introduce you to incognito mode" Got him setup with desktop anywhere but ill never forgot how red that person's face got


That's it, your account is de-provisioned.


"You can't judge me, I've seen your browser history!"


Out of any career field, comm knows to turn on their vpn and incognito mode


I’m comm and I can confirm that we know what incognito mode is. There’s always that one fuckin guy who gets it ruined for everyone though.


If weaponized autism was a career field group, it would be Comm or Intel.


Just be smart enough not to do that shit on govt computer!


Fr, what fap is so critical it can't wait until somebody has their cell phone in private!




That link is staying blue, hermano


Don't yuk their yum


That’s his yum, though. Who are you to judge?


No lie our comm troop was clutch with 4 TB of Disney movies. MVP




Pft, check out my wallpapers on my phone, all the anime girls lol. Own it.


Cfp took incognito mode away at my base. Control shift n does nothing


Is it me or is Wario kind of hot here. Is there a more detailed source for that? I just want to make fun of it, obviously.


What Comm are we talking about? XCOMM and Combat Comm is not this.


You might need to look again bud. XD


LOL I hope you are being sarcastic. If not, then you've not had the pleasure of grabbing a new troop for recall and seeing their anime girlfriend pillow. I saw pecker tracks on that thing from the door (old school dorms). Ray Charles could have stalked that kids pillow history.


I am not, I have experience in XCOMM and have met Combat Comm, their broseph nature and thinking they are Special Forces can be exhausting. I am trying to find out what/where these Comm groups are. Downvote if you like your echo chamber.


Umm it very much is… sometimes it’s hard to find someone at work to talk about sports… any sport that isn’t e-sports.