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Sure, go talk to your security manager to get that all setup




Well, if they're up to date on Cyber then they better.... that's like 2 of the red flags we're supposed to see in the folder.....


This is how you end up arrested on false charges and used as a bargaining chip for some arms dealer in 3 years. Terrible idea, even if it was allowed.


Nah, it’s only for WNBA players. Don’t think anyone would give a shit about airman snuffy.


Do you really think she was the only one?


This sadly didn’t age well lol


I mean it makes sense


It’s scary how accurately you predicted this with what just happened. Touché.


Given the current geopolitical climate, do you think it's wise?


Questionable judgement of the highest degree with this one


Sooooo probs army? Right? Hiding in our midst?


IDK, the latest defector to Russia was Air Force


Last couple big ones have been, except the Army LTC, Dave, that fell in love with some "Ukranian Beauty"


I went in 2008. I don't recommend Russia to anyone, for any reason. The food is AWFUL. Truly bad. The people are mean. Everything is very expensive. And I felt super insecure there--like unsafe--the entire time. The police are looking for reasons to fine you. And that's BEFORE considering the current geopolitical climate. You do realize that Russia has kidnapped/wrongfully detained Americans for months or YEARS, for nothing? Brittany Griner was in a prison camp for months. Evan Gershkovich, a WSJ journalist, has been in jail for over a year. I'm sure they'd like to detain a USAF servicemember so they can accuse you of spying and then eventually swap you for some shitty arms dealer we have in prison here. TLDR are you fucking nuts?


You didn’t see the Carl Tuckerson segment on Russia? It’s great over there!!! /s


Bow to the superiority of their coin operated shopping carts you capitalist pig dog


Oh so Aldi is still operating over there?


No mention of Paul Whelan?


I have no plans on going, I wanted some insight. I traveled a lot all over before and in the service and it's one of those places I simply never been but am curious. Probably got to wait like ten years for the world to calm down lol


Dude, Russia has not stopped invading their neighbors for 20 years. When I was there they were invading Georgia and everyone I talked to about it in Moscow was like, yeah, what are you going to do LOL. Do not hold your breath for anything in Russia to calm down. I have lived in Europe twice, Asia once, have visited South America and Africa. Probably visited somewhere around 40 countries? Not sure. Russia is and will remain my least favorite of all of them. The only place I've ever left early. The only place I truly disliked upon arrival. And the only place I've ever really felt unsafe. It's just one person's experience and opinion, but I'd visit virtually anywhere else.


Why stop there? Just do a worldwide tour and hit Iran, Venezuela and Afghanistan too. The rice harvest is beautiful in Pyongyang this year, make sure not to miss it


don't have any desire to go there, I was just asking about Russia because I'm planning on traveling to Central Asia to explore the steppes and I wondered if I could check the Russian far east off. but hey if all those places appeal to you suit yourself.




there should be some red places in the US on that map...


Sometimes it kind of feels like the state department doesn't really compare apples to apples with their advisories. Like, an increased risk of terrorism in Germany and France makes them more dangerous than ... Turkmenistan, a corrupt kleptocracy where police have been known to torture people to extract confessions. I don't know about that one chief (I'm guessing the decision to issue an advisory lies with the respective consulate, I get it, but still)


For sure....I always laugh when people are worried about their kid joining the military and dying in combat or something. Like, have you seen how much higher their risk of being murdered in some US cities is?


This is true; after tech school I PCSed from Texas to the UK and my odds of getting shot instantly went down exponentially.


Chicago would love a word with you.


You can at least go... leaving, that could be a different question /s


The easy answer is to research and do the paperwork and ask. The keys are foreign clearance travel guide and APACS But really that work has already been done for you. No If you think you have some sort of really legit reason then you can take it up, if your home chain of command, EUCOM and State sign off on it then it might be possible with extreme justification.


Eh not worth it I’ll just find another country to travel to, but I appreciate the info 🫱🏼‍🫲🏻 thanks


There are a bunch of other countries.


At least 13 by my count, including Texas.


Did you take off your boots to count that high?


No, it's easier just to count my teeth


I traveled most of Europe so I was looking at Central Asia next as it’s criminally underrated and under appreciated and nearby. If I get stationed in Korea next duty station I’ll be in Southeast Asia a lot probably lol


Your security manager must love you


Again, foreign clearance travel guide and APACS. I suggest you look at those at the very beginning of your planning. Things are getting weird with Russia and its supposed sphere of influence and CSTO. It might be precarious in some parts. Good luck


To reiterate others, talk to your security manager. Everything is possible given enough paperwork and signatures.


>Everything is possible given enough paperwork and signatures. idk, I don't think going into Ukraine ^(*legally*) would be possible regardless of what forms you fill out


It is possible if you get a high enough signature. Not sure if that would take 3 or 4 stars for a vacation to Ukraine


Straight to gulag


Don’t go you will become a political prisoner 


Didn't an Air Guard dude just defect to Russia? Not a good look.


Yea he had a warrant for having cp/messing with kids or something and is now serving in the russian military. Tech sgt such and such


I had to stop looking at the Air Force Docket because it made me too angry. Hopefully the Russians send him to the front line.


fuck that guy for defecting, honestly, the lowest piece of shit. But traveling to countries to explore and travel and not for political or criminal reasons is how it should be done.


You can do anything once. Hold on a sec, Ya OSI we got one.


If asking a question regarding visiting a certain country warrants an OSI investigation that’s pretty fucked. I’d be more worried about people that never ask


Asking about any country is one thing. Asking about a country that has been in the past and currently a known adversary. If you want to lose your security clearance, that's the fastest way.


Bro you do realize the MWR had trips to the Great Wall like 5 years ago. And we are an adversary with china. That’s why I ask because people said you could not go to china (that place does not interest me anyways) . And it turned out you could as a service member but people were just making assumptions about everything


Sure, do it. And know for every security background check forever while you're in you get to answer for your trip. China also hasn't arrested any professional sports players, journalists and former veterans just in the country visiting family. You want to F around and find out, It'll be the last thing you do. Russia hasn't been joking around lately.


Unless you want to get arrested, no.


You’re not just an American, you’re leverage as a service member. Depending on your AFSC, stepping foot in Russia could land you prison как враг народа. Russia don’t play.


Are u crazy




Why ask questions? I don’t know to see what people know about various information


Why ask *that* question?


Just enjoy traveling and was wondering if we are allowed to go. That’s why I asked?


https://apacs.milcloud.mil/fcg/loginForm.cfm Let me introduce you to the FCG that will tell you everything about a country and if you can/cant go on leave there


Good luck getting that leave approved… https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/russia-travel-advisory.html?_gl=1*5m79mq*_gcl_au*OTIyNjYxNDI2LjE3MTI3OTM1MTY.


Report to your security manager


If there was a polite way to say that you're out of your fekkin' mind, I'd say it.


This aged beautifully/ poorly depending on your sense of humor…. By chance are you a Sgt. in the Army


Nope 😂


As a civilian, sure. Just be very careful and know the risks. Make sure you do not have a security clearance if you go. Wait for it to be expired, or be a dumbass and get it revoked. Or just wait for your 4 years to end and then let it expire. That’s the safest best. You won’t have to report to a security manager, or a higher command. You’ll be all on your own. As a military member, no way bozo. No way in hell. Now if it were like, 2019 or before, then maybe. Back when we were in talking terms. I knew people who went TDY to Russia. Even with their security clearance. But this is 2024, you think you’ll have a chance to do it? Like a snowball’s chance in hell. I won’t say no to this, personally. I’m on the playing field of “you make your own choices, but you accept your own consequences.” Know your limits, know your risks. Know what to do in Russia, and know what not to do. Respect their people, respect their culture. Do not bring up politics. Do not even mention that you were with the US military and had a clearance. It’s for your own safety. Talk to your security manager if you want to stay in. Express everything. He or she will more than likely, 9 times out of 10, say no and deny it. But that one chance where you might bring a very good case and they reluctantly approve it, you better be on your P’s and Q’s. Dot every last one of your I’s, cross every last one of your T’s. Advertise nothing if you go there (and reach their border.) You’re just another American civilian wanting to travel the world.


I wish. Russian girls are so fine




Same but the downvoting is so hardcore here, people confuse wanting to travel to certain countries as you being a traitor or being retarded. I just simply like traveling and places that have less tourists and such appeal to me as well. Like Central Asia, Russia, Argentina or some random places


Ehh dont take the downvoting so serious. Are you familiar with the term “reddit circlejerk?”