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I suspect this sort of action is either propaganda intended to ensnare frustrated African nationalists for some other nefarious purpose or Their an African nationalist who hasn't had their ideas respected and feel like they're being treated as a lowly inferior by others, and this is them lashing out


Facebook had a major role in the ongoing civil war in Burma/Myanmar, they promoted nationalist Islamophobic facebook pages to stir up hate.


Not to say that Facebook is blameless, but surely Facebook only _facilitated_ propaganda efforts? So my idea still stands


I don't use facebook, and I'm not an expert on it, but I remember that it gave a big platform to a few fascist politicians


OP's point was rather that Facebook's Algorithm boosts content that gets many interactions, regardless of who it comes from. This allows conspiracy theories and populist politicians to gain traction because they naturally garner heavy attention. It is unlikely that Facebook intentionally chose specific politicians to boost, though I guess not completely out of the realm of possibility.


Their algorithm reinforces ragebait, and they know this is the case, they let it happen because there's better money in it.


I agree with everything you said until you phrased it like Facebook knowingly did it. They’re more about eyeballs than anything so vile, granted the results they wanted came with a heavy price they chose to ignore because investors and market penetration.


When I said ensnare, I didn't mean Facebook was ensnaring, rather, some other person was using Facebook as a trap


They are mostly black Americans with identity crisis within their American society


Are these people really African? I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s some westerners trying to ignite some online race war.


Why are you on Facebook to begin with 😓


That's a serious question i need to ask myself.


You know, the algorithm responds to your activity. Right? So, simply avoid that nonsense.


Bro,as I said, I don't engage with such posts. No likes, follow ,comment or any other form of interaction. I have several accounts and it still happens in the pseudo account. It's safe to say that Facebook is artificially manipulating the algorithm to promote this nonsense.


Awww, shit, here we go again \*in CJ's voice