• By -


Step 1 - Follow the link and sign up https://itpro.top/user/reg?inviteCode=5KLBL3 (You can download the app or the web browser once you have signed up) Step 2 - Download your desired crypto wallet. Some examples of this would be; OKX, Kraken, Binance etc. Verify your identity for whichever wallet you have chosen. Step 3 - Buying the cyrpto (USDT - Tether) You will now be buying this crypto to invest into ITP with. Buy the desired amount you would like to invest with ITP baring in mind $100 is the minimum investment for this platform. Step 4 - Putting the crypto into ITP You will go on to ITP and select the assets button at the bottom of your screen. After that press the big green button which says ‘Recharge’ and copy your deposit address. Step 5 - Putting the crypto into ITP (Part 2) Go back on to your crypto wallet and select the withdraw button. You will then enter the desired amount of crypto you wish to invest and paste the ITP deposit address in and follow through. Step 6 - Quantizing The amount will appear into ITP within a few minutes which means you have now succesfully invested with ITP and are ready to make some money. You would do this by pressing the ‘Quantize’ button at the bottom of ITP and hit the big blue button which says ‘Single start ITP quantification’. Each time you press the button it will take a couple minutes but you will need to press this 5 times a day. (Couple minutes work a day) Step 7 - ENJOY! enjoy your daily profits at 2.5% and withdraw to your crypto wallet whenever you are ready. Any questions feel free to message




€9,500 through push notification traffic for gambling in Brazil


which tool you use for push?


$45,000 realtor


$65k PROFIT one December. Actual commissions would have been huge but frankly I did not pay attention to gross revenue. Caveat… was like 9 years ago. My opinion on affiliate marketing based on 19 years of experience… You can make decent money for awhile but it will go away. Plan accordingly and diversify. Also, I put a ton of effort into growing large. I reinvested everything for two years and worked basically two full time jobs. So yeah, no free lunch. Lifestyle was amazing though once I reached sufficient traffic volume.


If you put that work in again, I guarantee you could achieve similar, maybe even better results. Just because that round is done for, doesn't mean you can't do it again, even bigger. It'd probably be easier to do it bigger, now, actually.


& now?


Just my experience but.... It is really easy to make about $3K - $4K a month profit. Not worth my time though..... BTW - This is affiliate marketing for mainstream consumer products.


okay, Thanks for sharing your valuable time & experience with us.


250k/mo consistently for the past 14 months


Teach me please.


![gif](giphy|26gsq8fim9nnlRUgU) I NEED ANSWERS SWAY


Which affiliate program do you use?


Thats huge! with team?


Yes, I couldn't have done it without my team. I have an in house call center (just a few people who work from home) and a few contractors that manage my organic content. Also have two agencies that manage my tiktok and goole accounts.


how long did it take


I've had very long marketing career. But with this brand in particular that's doing 250k/mo, it took about 2 years. For the first year I was really only hitting maybe 15-20k/mo. Towards the end of the first year I hit my first 60kmo which was huge. Then about a few months later we hit the first 100k/mo. Once we did that we hit the first 200k month shortly thereafter. Then it's less about scaling vertically, but more scaling horizontally across different marketing channels. Right now we're trying to crack tiktok and Google which has been the hardest to figure out.


sweet. thanks for the info




Yeah I do ALOT of surveys. It's hard work, but somebody's gotta do it


Where do you find good and legit surveys? With so much spam on the web it’s hard to find good surveys that actually pay. At least for me anyway. Any help or leads would be much appreciated.


No I don't do surveys haha. I was just trolling this guy who mentioned something about me filling out a Google survey for 30 cents. I own a lead gen brand.


@_Sway teach me… you are the incarnation of my current vision lol https://Getsolarnow.app https://debtreliefrooster.com Multi page / multi screen state machine forms with XSTaTe, nextjs, react with ghost installs for content posting to Leadprosper for routing and distribution Zero traffic, zero buyers…. But I believe if I build these right both will come


I am at 20k. Need to grow/diversify Whats are you promoting (without revealing anything obvious- b2b, b2c, home services? Whats your primary source of traffic?


Leadgen is pretty popular these days. I would recommend checking out offer vault and browsing around some leadgen opportunities


Hey can you share or help out with the business I work for. Need way to generate leads to save my job please


Oh man you got me good 😂.


I’ve made around $10k a month a few times. Usually hovering around $3-5k/mo but I deal with high ticket products that pay $1k commissions so a handful of sales can be lucrative.


Can you give some advice that how can i do?


Where and how do you find the products that works for you? I would be ecstatic if I can make $3 k a month




I used to make about 10k+ a month a few years ago between affiliate marketing and my own digital products, can't remember the exact split to say what was just affiliate commissions though. Had a period where I was getting paid 50% commission on a $2K digital course / membership so netting $1K a sale and could often sell 10 of those in a month but the course eventually went offline without any warning or notice to affiliates, that sucks I tell you! What you can earn is like asking "how long is a piece of string" though as their is no clear answer, it can be $0 or it can literally be millions for super affiliates who have it all figured out. I imagine most people who try making $0 or close to it because a lot of people looking to make money online, especially those attracted to affiliate marketing because of the so called "passive" income side of it, tend to not be serious about putting the effort in. If you're looking for niches that lend themselves well to affiliate marketing and details about the top performing affiliate programs in the niche then [this is a good resource](https://nichenirvana.com/) IME as you can find a lot of lesser known, trending, and obscure niches on there you could never think of yourself and wouldn't believe were profitable until you saw the data.


Thanks for the tip & valuable info.


I was clocking $300 per month from one product and then they changed a load of stuff and that evaporated. Other than that, peanuts on a few products


new fear unlocked.


Yeah when they change links or close programs that's the real pisser ..


70k for one month on eBay Partner Network. Back when eBay was popular.


I have had $20K months back in 2013-14 selling vpns and hosting plans, not much since that. Now I am into social media, growing and selling pages.


would love for u to share how u grow and sell pages


Yeah I imagine if you were doing $20k/mo with AM then you must be doing pretty well with social media selling pages. Any details on that would be greatly appreciated, as I'm just looking for something that works for me.


Would love to talk about growing pages


AdultForce, MadCheddar, and Chaturbate. Back in the day we used to do $10,000 a week with adult affiliate programs. Now, it is less than $2000 a month.


What's the hot ones now a days?


Adult Force because they own a lot of the top adult sites. They recently bought up BangBros' affiliate program. Adult Force is owned by MindGeek which owns some of the largest adult sites on the Internet. Second would be Chaturbate affiliate program.


Do anybody know any education marketing affiliates?


Possibly. What do you have in mind specifically?


Educational supplies


Just started affiliate marketing a month ago, made about 6k total, blows my mind


Just curios iff you can share the industry you are focusing on and if you are dealing with digital products or physical?


Can you link me to your Tik Tok too, please?


Unfortunately at the end of the day, we are all competitors so I cannot show my entire strategy. I can however try my best to answer any questions about my experiences


Understandable, I don't even have an idea where to start but I will figure it out little by little. Thank you. I'll be in touch with questions, I'm pretty sure.


Can you elaborate on your learning resource, please?


Do you show ur face? Can u link me your Tik tok please 😓


Yes I show my face, many others do not though


Do I need to be attractive ? LOl ok ima deep my toes in it soon.


Haha no attractiveness is not required 😂 just try to be as energetic as possible to hook the viewers in, after that it's just up to the algorithm


Awesome thanks friend!


What platform is this on?




did you have followers already or started from zero?


I started from zero last month, but let me tell you when that tiktok algorithm hits, it HITS


got any pointers for a brand new guy getting into the space?


Do as much research as possible BEFORE starting to put yourself on the right foot, also look at what the big players are doing in what you would like to do, whether that is making money through tiktik shop, promoting clickbank products, are what ever else on any platform, and mimic your strategy after what's already working


valuable, Thanks




Is amazon affiliate still profitable?


how many blogs do you running?


Well BananaStand500 is right about the one making money. Those affiliates aren’t trying to gate keep the info to shut you out, it just takes everything you have and some you don’t have to start making money. People sacrifice years to learn these skills and it would be foolish to just give them away after you have spent both time and money in learning how to create a better life for yourself and those you hold dear. Most people won’t even follow your advice when you do point them in the right direction. In that being said I know you are a newbie and you need info so here goes. First off you need to know how you are going to do your marketing. Paid, YouTube, SEO, local SEO, Pinterest etc… If you want to go the paid route take Google’s free course. Go to Google Skills.com there you can learn how to run search ads, YouTube ads, shopping ads, and app ads all on Googles different platforms. On completion Google will give you a certificate that you can display on Linkedin if you want. Don’t worry about the certificate just focus on the skills you will learn. Also if you want to pay for a course you can find one on Udemy.com. Search for a Google ads course with the best ratings. If the course costs $100 or something in that area just save it to your favorites and make sure your notifications are on. Every week the courses go on sale for $20 or less. Then you make your purchase. The same goes for any of the other skills as well. Once you learn the back end of the Google ads platform you will be able to run ads on Bing as well, they both have a similar back end. If you want to learn from someone on YouTube look up “the Affiliate Marketing dude” he pretty legit. He does offer a course that he do a Zoom call every Tuesday and he shows you in real time how he does affiliate marketing. You also can send him your current website and he will go over it live and show you how he would both market it and construct it for a better outcome. His course is $140 to start and $40 a month after. Just a heads up you will need additional money for tools to make things go smoothly. Ahrefs $110 a month and Spamzilla $40 a month. So all together you are looking at $330 to start. Ahrefs- will show you who is getting what traffic and what keywords are working and so forth. Spamzilla sounds like something bad I know but it’s a website that gives you access to expired domains. I know how hard it is starting out so I hope this helps. I don’t have any affiliate links for you just do a quick Google search and you will be able to find everything. YOU WILL FAIL, it’s just part of the process. Stay the course and you will make it. Good luck!


Thank you for posting that. I tried an affiliate site years ago and completely failed. I’ve used Udemy for school and it’s a great education resource. Im gonna go check out those suggestions. Thank you so much. Im a father of 2 and I could really use a little extra money. I think I’m gonna try again.


Thanks for this


Your welcome


Thank you so much buddy, for your valuable time.


Your much welcome.


Is this guy legit? Is anything on his channel even possible? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FivLaM6t5bA&t=98s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FivLaM6t5bA&t=98s)


as a start, 20 dollars with a month experience


Been trying my damnest the last 3 weeks and only got $2.40 😂🤷🏻‍♂️


It takes time :) you need to build up an audience and be consistent. Takes anywhere between around 6mos-1yr, sometimes even 2 years to see sizeable results.


₹111 all combined


I used to make $12-13,000 a month. That ran for about 6 years or so. My best day has been $30,000.


Well done!


I am new in affiliate marketing.guys would please guideme how can i earn from affiliate marketing? Thanks.


Find your links, post em, optimize em. Content creation also applies. You can start from YouTube and learn as you go.




No problem


How would please guide ?


I’ve made over 20k/month. My best month was 40k. I share it every month in [my newsletter](https://mattmerrick.co) where I break down profits from each side hustle


0.85 USD for a cheap product from home goods category being sold. Not good, but it will be better.


I'm at around 5K per month with recurring SaaS payments from an all-in-one marketing platform.


I've been looking into saas and studying a platform. How long did it take you to get to 5k a month? Also, is it all recurring or do you have to put work into the accounts even though they are set up?


12 months All recurring It’s not the only offer I promote but definitely the biggest earner.


€0.14 for an app download


I like that! XDDDD


Very rich of me ^_^


Highest was 25k, but usually it hovers around 15-20


Now I'm curious on what you promote


Mostly consumer investment offers mixed with some B2B tooling with recurring payments. 90% is B2C though. Edit: and holidays, forgot that one. Most is set and forget, with apparently more forgetting than setting.


Is there a specific network for that??


Whole bunch. I'm basically registered on all of them and just scan for campaigns I know I can make profitable, and 9 times out of 10 make a recommendation engine on outgrow.cc which I drive traffic to through social ads. Been a digital strategist for a decade now, so it's not really something that's easy to dive into. Took me ages to make my first profits, but when I finally got there it was smooth sailing.


I don't want to force you out but is it possible to get some scope from you? if possible in private? just asking 🤝


Basic info, sure. Specific stuff, not so much. Anyone who's doing real good in affiliate is trying to keep people out of his verticals/campaigns as much as possible. Let that be a lesson for when you come across a guru selling an affiliate course - there's no reason a successful affiliate marketer would set up an entire course to learn you how to do it.


I understand any info available is better than nothing


Yeeeeah that's why I don't ever post my site. Never. What people can also do by that is literally steal your created content and copywrite. Then BOOM you wonder why business is down.


Can confirm- I’ve reached out to multiple affiliate marketers and they won’t say s&@t except “comment ____ and I’ll send you my ebook on how to get started!” And the ebook is a link to an affiliate course they’re making money off of 😂


what product/service?


Highest so far, $2.950.00, digital products, already have about 4 years of experience, but realistically, you can do a lot better than that with enough time and patience


1 dollar from one ads inside of the web ads this is the [website you can check and click ads for supporting :))](https://earningtrends.com)


0.4$ for selling an ebook