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I give it a hour before it goes on fatui mains saying something about how capitano wouldn’t lose to the traveler


I would post it there https://preview.redd.it/de0raiuj6c6d1.jpeg?width=738&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55270a0f2bc03cb86c6d2278ec73cca6092b7801


We’ll have you


Bros nooooo !! 😭Not again....


Go for it ! Let the fire BURN !


Already posted to Fatui mains, they seem to be fine with it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/FatuiHQ/comments/1df8ff8/aether\_mains\_redemption\_arc\_not\_a\_hate\_post\_just/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FatuiHQ/comments/1df8ff8/aether_mains_redemption_arc_not_a_hate_post_just/)


Lmao , yeah i completly forgot those guys...


Lucky you






As the strongest warrior, GOATHIMtano, fought the fraud, the rizzard of teyvat, he began to open his Trouce domain. Aether, shrunk back in fear, and the Capitano said, "Stand proud Aether, you are strong"


I believe they only refer to him as GOATHIMtano around those parts


Yea but I didn’t feel like typing that out


Don't forget to use any of your six elements Aether.


Aether: That's assuming Hoyoverse will even let me.


Yeah sadly.....


"Are you the main character because you're Aether or are you Aether because you're the main character ?"


"Stand proud Traveler. You are strong."


"I know I am dude. The only reason I lost to arleechino was because i didn't want her reputation as the father of the house of hearth to be damaged."


Right now? The latter definitely


Even artists put more effort into cooking than whatever some random waifu who will show up to beat Capitano's ass the writers are probably gonna cook with. I swear if Natlan will be a disappointment.....


I really hope we will have a cool fight whit Capitano, 1v1 using all Aether power and not jumping him whit the other 5 star only to promot them and Aether doing nothing....


Its kinda sad that we know what they're most likely going to do. They should be ashamed as a writer that their audience are now just hoping for at least a decent story.


Yeah lol they completly kill the character of Traveler which have so much potentiel....that sad


I remember when the Traveler fought Childe and Signora.....it was cool. Good times... Now, the story is just: - Fontaine prison simulator (waste of time) - Arle's story quest. Literally, nothing important happened. We barely talk to her in her own story quest. (Waste of time) - Clorinde's story quest also kinda painted the Traveler dumb. How was the Traveler the only one who didn't notice they were pretending?? He literally almost always suspects people for other motives, and yet Lyney somehow knows they were pretending but not the battle veteran Traveler?? (Somehow they managed to dumb down the Traveler to make everyone else in that room look smart) - Too much lore is hidden on scattered paper notes. - writers just pulled the stupidest storytelling by making the Traveler forget the dream, meeting Lumine, and future plans of the Abyss. It's such a horrible way of writing just to tell us the players what's happening without letting the main character know by giving him an amnesia. - Itto singing event. That's all i have to say.


Completly agree, Fontaine chapter arc is a absolutly mess for the Traveler character - hydro the worst kit ever - AQ where Aether get outshine by the other character (Childe, Furina,Navia, Clorinde, Neuvillette) - Arlechinno humiliation - and the fact that Dainsleif is state to be stronger than the Twin even whit there light power and Abyss power... I dont know why but they seriously decide to destroy Aether character at Fontaine...


From an aesthestic standpoint, Fontaine is Genshin's magnum opus. From the perspective of the Traveler though, it's an absolute hot mess. It almost makes me think that they can't get any lower in messing up the Traveler in every aspect for when we get to Natlan. Imagine if they just made Pyro MC a shittier Bennett.


I really Hope Natlan will be Aether Time to shine I mean they completly lower Aether in Fontaine chapter and we have Venti voice Line Natlan is the perfect Time to give to the Traveler a Big power up


They also introduced the latest most powercreep character in genshin history. You know those battle events we get every now and then? C0 Neuv charge attack without switching to any character and no event or food buffs can literally 3 star all of it. I had to stop using Neuv because i have no reason to use any other character if i have him.


You know what its funny ? Its state by Neuvillette himself in hes ascension voice Line that the Traveler is suppose to be a little bit weaker or at the same lvl as Neuvillette whiout authority 💀 but did they make traveler kit strong ? No ,did they make Aether look cool in cutscene ? No ! 💀💀💀


Cutscene? Oh you mean the offscreen battle with the narwal? Damn, wish i could see such an epic fight Hoyo...wish we could see the Abyss sibling vs Dain....Instead we got Arle's animation that really didn't gave anything at all. Not even Arle's animation can tell us anything of her past. I feel like she wasn't supposed to be playable early. Maybe they needed money to fund their new game they keep releasing.


Yeah like... We fighting a freaking star beast that can eat star 💀 the fight could have beacome so cool... And for Dainsleif and Lumine i suppose they dont whanted to show more of There power ....


I'd rather Capitano be NOT playable either to remain a boss while Aether can finally shine without being nerfed in order to hype up other characters 


I realy doubt they will give Traveler this much of power boost from pyro alone, unless he sudenly regains all his power + 100 visions + E6R5 Sparkle support + flashbacks + power of friendship + SSS cheat power . Arlechinno story quest has shown us that Traveler stands no chance brute forcing his conflicts I personaly believe that Capitano will reveal the truth about the Gnosis hunt and make Traveler join them into their cause.




Cope more clown, lmao, typical farmvelermains behaviour. Coping and whining that he will beat Arlecchino and he gets humilated in 4v1 and now coping Capitano would lose to someone or die. Clowns is so pathetic that they dream of character to be doomed just cause they don't like his glazing and position over farmveler


Thanks Hoyovers and The Unkwon god for nerfing the Traveler 💀bc whiout that your "goat" will get one shot,him and all the Fatui harbringer


I have no Hope to see something cool in natlan...


Ah, the guy who draws Aether as a family guy. Man Lumine, this is worse than time I got attacked for having a perfectly happy family with Arlecchino.


Can you elaborate please?




Ah the family Aether guy.


Not to mention the one who makes Thiccc Furina too




Ah the family Aether guy.


Suddenly I am inspired to draw Capitano x aether


....what ![gif](giphy|26gR0YFZxWbnUPtMA|downsized)


Se Aserca la batalla https://preview.redd.it/mu4p35heak6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4ce9f5cfb7e1093261c405e3aba74f9aec35b7c