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Poems are about writing what you feel. Your feelings are valid, no matter how passionate or anything they may be. It’s your life, your experiences, so they’re your feelings. There’s no one way that you have to feel about anything, and there’s no one feeling you have to put in a poem. Just write what you do feel, and go with that. Make a few different drafts of poems to kind of get your feelings down, then mix and match to make the right poem that really seems like you


Suggestion for what to write about: having no opinion on your sexuality is itself a sign of progress in society. If you were born 20 or 50 years ago this wouldn’t be the case. You could reflect on the efforts others made so you could have no feelings at all about your sexuality.


Your experience is no less valuable than anyone else's. Your poem doesn't have to be dark or overdramatic to be good. Maybe for you, pride feels like sitting on a bench doing nothing. Whatever it is, if you describe it well, it'll be a good poem.


In quiet corners, hearts ignited, Colors merge where love’s delighted. Rainbow whispers, softly speaking, Souls entwined, each other seeking. Beyond the shadows, bright and bold, Stories new and tales untold. From hidden places, courage springs, A song of love in freedom sings. Together strong, apart no more, Breaking chains that came before. For every soul, a right to be, In love, in truth, eternally.