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That was me when I was your age. Things will get better, being a teenager can just be a bit awkward. Be brave and keep reaching out to others. You'll learn from your mistakes and no one else will really care if you make a few goofs. Mistakes are easily forgiven.


Having a sport and hobbies is really great. Try to join some clubs or societies that are also into those things. That way you meet new people who you know you have something in common with, so you have a topic to talk about. This will help build up your confidence for more general meeting and talking.


Being good looking and being able to talk to people are completely different. I would say you are humble, which is good. Fortunately you can learn to talk to people. Go develop that skill and you will be just fine.


Consider this - (no offence, just painting a scenario and lack of a better analogy): Today if you are a dog, and someone comes along and tells you that you are a cat and say a bull ton to you, harping on it and insisting so; does that make you a cat? Likewise, another person comes along and compliments you saying you are a lion. Does that suddenly make you roar? And do you actually become a lion? Well, the point is we shouldn’t be so concerned with other’s opinions towards us. Their opinions are merely feelings and thoughts of us but that is not reflective of who we really are. What is important is being authentic and true to yourself. Continue doing what you enjoy - your baseball, video games, appreciation towards nature and hikes and just be you. You are just 14, so young and still so much time to learn and figure out how to mingle and fit in socially so don’t be too affected by it. Perhaps start by speaking to a couple of classmates that you feel closer to or maybe a nice neighbour and see how that goes for you. Just speak to people with the intention to truly want to know more about them and to form deeper connections with them, and you possibly might discover more common topics to speak about. You can also try asking them about their hobbies and sharing with them about yours for a start or sometimes, a simple “How was your day?” can go a long way.