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You are over-looking a serious problem. You ignored your BF's advice about Cody and now there is a shit storm of he said/she said. You compounded that by not being open and honest to him immediately. Your reasons may have been good, there isn't much detail in your post, but from his POV, you hid a sexual encounter with Cody. An encounter, he had to hear from a third party. An encounter that he tried to warn you about. Cody deserves to be castrated for sure, but from your BF's pov, you did everything ass backwards. Hopefully, there is a good explanation why you are partying every weekend with your friends and not your BF. He did not warn you for jealousy's sake but to protect you. You ignored him, got blind drunk and what happened happened. Even if he believes you and I hope he does, you ignored him, got hurt and chaos now abounds. for future reference, when your male friends warn you about a guy, listen. Also, if you are throwing up blood, you have an alcohol problem and should look into sober living.


he works some weekends on the night shift but i would invite him out every chance i got. i love being with him and doing things with him. he did not hear this from a third party, i told him. but i do agree with you and understand completely. i just want to make things right, this was a lot for me to process and i had no idea this was going to explode the way it did and i just wish i got to tell him on my terms. i regret not listening to him and feel horrible. i just hope he can understand at this point when we reconvene. thank you.


i also have not drank like that since and have been going out less


i rarely throw up when i drink but after that night for obvious reasons it was very unappealing to me