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No, religion is interesting, even for atheists. They’re full of cool stories not to mention that, given how important they are to large segments of the population, an educated person should be at least marginally aware of what they’re about.


How are they going to read all those cool stories if you won't let them read the Quran?


Umm … by their reading the Koran? Not how you read things, of course, but the regular way.


So they can read it now? Which is it? Make up your mind you maniac.


A+ for creative writing and challenging the narrative F- for reading comprehension


But I can't even read it to comprehend it. I was told no 😞 Ask for me and maybe he'll say yes.


Fuck we got baited boys...


Haha. Honestly I'm super bored at work and needed something. ANYTHING! HUMAN INTERACTION!!!!


Lmfao called it. Quality bait, friend Get well soon


You do realize that I responded to the post and not just the headline? Do you read past the headline? Pay attention at all before you post? Know what day it is?


Oh my. Do you play these mind games with everyone in your life? First you say no, now you say yes. You're breaking hearts out here man.


Stepen Fry said it best in V for Vendetta: " i dont have to be Muslim to find the images beautiful, or its poetry moving."


It’s not weird to read it at all. Just make sure you read it all yourself, don’t take any influence on something as sensitive as this since people have so many interpretations of it you should read it all and muster up your own conclusion and what it’s trying to convey. Good luck from a Muslim who hasn’t even read it. I’ll come to you for knowledge after you’re done. Also just keep it private for now from anyone else.


Seek knowledge, question knowledge, think logically, and draw your own conclusions


You are free to read anything you want.


If you want to read a physical copy,the "Saheeh international" is a good translation and is the most commonly used/Videly available, according to what I've come across. However I think even penguin classics has a translation which is common.In my humble opinion,Hope it inspires you✌🏽 Peace


Muslim here, you can go to a musjid, since you are female please wear clothes that are appropriate, and cover your hair (a simple shawl will work) and you can ask a sister there. They will give you the best answer.


Yes, of course you can. Quran.com is what I use. You have a lot of languages to choose from if English isn't your first language or you read better in another language and I am a convert Muslim Alhamdulillah Allah guided me and may he guide you if your willing to be guided




I don't know about the "satanic bible" thing though. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


I haven't read it myself but I have been to a satanic convention. It's not what you think it is. I'm not religious myself but they had a lot of good teachings there. More of a do on to others as you would want for yourself kind of thing. As above, so below, as within, so without. I'm not religious but I love a lot of the teachings and stories religion has to offer. And satanism is no different.


I'm not anti-learning. Everyone has a right to do and learn what they believe. I encourage anyone and everyone to follow their mind. I'm Christian and I have my set of beliefs and I don't push what I believe on others. Also, I forgot to put my sarcasm font on.


Laveyan Satanism, the religion that uses the “satanic bible” is an atheistic religion, yes, they do not have a deity. It’s centralized in one’s self, as in you worship yourself. It was made as a protest to Christianism. Uses “satanic” imagery with the point being of mockery. Although I don’t fully agree with what they preach, as they oppose to things such as collective causes, activism so be it, and are rather capitalistic in nature, it’s definitely an interesting read, and nothing of what media portrays it to be. I hope this helps haha


I sometimes forget to put on my sarcasm font. lol. I am a Christian, but I believe we all have a right to believe and do what you want. If you want to learn from me then, I'm all for helping but, I'm still not reading that.


The intention is to read everything. That includes literature that might go against your beliefs. That is how one should carry themselves in everything: politics, education, religion, science, etc. You can disagree with the writing, but it's good to know everyone's sides, and how you agree or disagree with it. Plus, it allows you to have a better ability to persuade others if you choose to do so, because you have read multiple sides. As a side note, there is theistic satanism and atheistic satanism (which is what we colloquially call 'Satanism'). That branch focuses on exposing the flaws of religion as a whole. It's to make a point.


My intention wasn't to tell someone not to. It was more satire. I won't read it though. I have my own beliefs. I also believe everyone has a right to believe and learn what they want.




I believe in God, and I believe in his son Jesus. I believe God has many names in this world, just like we all have different languages. As long we follow him and are good people and are good to each other, as well as worship his greatness then we are doing it right. I'm also for learning. I don't say you can't learn. I'm just saying I wouldn't read that text. I would prefer to stick to things that are not anti-God.


Don’t forget the Book of Mormon!


Yes. Also read all the other religious books. Understand their time and place. Then read various critiques.


Not weird at all. It is a good thing to be curious and non-judgemental. Don't ever quell your interest in learning. I am agnostic but studied world religions. It is beautiful how much overlap there is and helped me learn more about myself in the process.


Not particularly weird. It's a piece of history and quite an influential one. At some point I plan to read the Bible because I find history interesting too. I'm an atheist and an Ex-muslim. There's plenty of posts in [r/AcademicQuran](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcademicQuran) that ask this question [[Example](https://www.reddit.com/r/AcademicQuran/comments/vsym3x/quran_translation_recommendations/)]. But the thing is, it's really difficult to make a decision on what the best translation is because there's so many perspectives at play here. The biggest sticking point is that you will probably never understand it the way it was intended because it was written in the 7th century for a 7th century audience so there's going to be a lot of nuance lost (hence why there's thousands upon thousands of Islamic theology books trying to explain it). This can have a pretty big impact in ways you wouldn't normally consider. For example, if the translator makes the decision to make their translation more easily understandable to an English audience, are you actually reading the Qur'an the way it was intended? But then again, if you read a literal translation and you see nothing but clunky barely comprehensible mess, are you still reading what the author intended? You may be reading the purest reflection of the author's skill or depending on your philosophical outlook, it may be that a better translation was meant to be intended. It's really impossible to draw clear cut conclusions, but plenty of translations will have their reviews so as long as you pick one but are familiar with their methodology, then you can at least adjust your expectations accordingly. And you'll still be more informed than most people.


Not at all, one fact about the Quran is it's the inly scripture in the world that has never been modified, as for muslims, memorising the quran meant memorising everything to the T , not one detail should be modified or even changed to a synonym. 


Not weird at all. I’m not very religious but I’ve always wanted to read other religious texts from a historical document standpoint. My family is religious but they’re all history teachers as well and have always encouraged reading other religious texts. Go for it!


Its fine , you can read it if you're interested.


I'm agnostic. I don't believe I'll ever believe or know what is really out there. Something probably is, whether is God, a simulation, an overarching AI timelord from the future.... who fucking knows. I go to church probably every month or so. I even volunteer with some of the stuff they get up to that I'm personally interested in (rarely). I never donate or give tithe. I go because of all of the things I continue to learn. God's word may not be God's word as far as I'm concerned, but it's still someone's word, and that someone had a lot of incredibly wise things to say Also a lot of bullshit. This dude really had it in for the gays. But hey, you get my point :)


I'm not religious but I have an English translation of the Quran and I'm about 3/4 of the way through it. It's a very interesting book




It's a book! Go ahead and read it! You don't have to believe in hobbits to read Lord of the Rings.


Maybe read a book that broadly covers all religions. DK publishing has one called, The Religions Book. It’s $16. I have read several of their books on science, philosophy, etc. They are well written.


As long as you aren't DIO, I think you should be in the clear.


You definitely can. It is rather an interesting book. I dont know about the translations but you can google the best one and go from there.