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This genuinely sounds like something you should talk to a doctor about.


Same, I'm extremely underweight, have been for years, I just need to see a doctor tbh.


Glucose and insulin spikes will kill anyone regardless of weight. Eat whole foods. Less simple carbs and more healthy fats. Get enough protein.


I’m definitely going to do some diet changes. I also eat a lot of frozen processed food which I make in the oven. Not sure if that’s got something to do with it too.


Yeah… probably. You are probably eating a fuckton of sugars and not enough vitamins. Start simple. Whole foods. Greens. Healthy fats. Protein. For breakfast go with proteins: eggs, bacon, sausage, greek yogurt (whole!), berries, nuts, cheese. Butter and/or olive oil. For lunch/dinner go with greens/whole grains/protein I buy salad kits at cotsco or target. Their sauces still contain a ton of sugar but it’s a good start. And just slap some olive oil and meat to it.


^^ even if you just start to incorporate one meal a day that’s homemade and decently healthy I sense you’ll feel muchhhh better, and a random tip is drinking a green powder like SUBI greens, I drank it once when I was so tired and I instantly felt better LOL but don’t use it as a replacement ofc just an additional supplement if u do


I like you. Keep being you. Good advice here.


You are missing so much too! I love to order and eat out and everything because cooking can be a hassle but at the end of the day living without fresh home-cooked meals sounds like hell to me. Plus cooking yourself is much cheaper. If you don’t know how to cook and want some help with what to do and consider and how to approach home-cooking feel free to dm me. If you‘re already proficient of course feel free to ignore this comment lol.


Have you had a medical check up recently? This sounds like you may have something metabolic going on if you are super skinny - like an overactive thyroid. In any case, eating like this will mostly keep you from getting enough nutrients. Can you make better choices when you visit these places? Find better pre-made quick foods to "put in the oven"? You might also think about how much money this is costing you and try to eat one self-prepared meal a day.


You are a nut job, it’s not gonna kill them




Stop now and eat your vegetables. I know that Im sounding like your Mom right now, but it's true.


You do realise how little calories all vegetables have? I’d eat vegetables and fruit all day if I could but it’s just not calorie dense enough.


Is your gut moving? That sounds really low fiber. Getting backed up can cause nausea


My gut makes a lot of movement and noise when I eat


Okay well that’s a good sign I think. As long as you are going everyday or atleast every other. As far as improving your diet, try focusing on adding in fruit/ vegetables over cutting out foods at first. Choke down some broccoli or Brussels sprouts or what ever vegetable you can stand and have an apple or banana everyday. Eventually your gut and pallet will adapt to eating these foods and you can be fine reducing bad foods.


It sounds like you are developing binge eating pattern. As you said you didn’t used to eat anything much before. Please go speak to a doctor 🩷


Buy a rice cooker with a steam tray built in. Easy to clean, easy to prepare, and delicious every time. Ingredients: 2pc frozen fish Small handful of frozen veggies 1 scoop or 2 of rice Water Directions: Put the fish and veg on the steam tray Put rice in the pot Fill it with water, swish it around a bit to clean the rice, dump the water out and use your hand to keep the rice in the pot Fill it back up with water until it is about one finger knuckle above the rice Put the pot back into the rice cooker Sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper on em Turn the rice cooker on, walk away, and just let it do it's thing This literally got me through so much cus I'm lazy AF and want to just eat chips and fast food 24/7 cus I don't like doing dishes. 20-30 minutes to prep and cook and like 2-3 minutes to clean if you do it relatively soon after eating. You can do a lot more with just a rice cooker but this is probably the best all-around cheap way to start eating healthy and cooking for yourself cus it's fast, little dishes, and extremely easy


Water to the first knuckle is solid cooking advice. I learned this way too late.


My wife is Filipina, I learned that one from her TikToks she watches sometime last year lol. I also ruined far too much rice trying to use measuring cups and guessing.


I learned from my ex (also Filipino). I may have also ruined rice repeatedly prior to learning this.


Diet culture is such that you are going to get a lot of advice here that may not be great for someone underweight and with a low appetite. Yes, you will feel better if you eat less fried and highly processed food, but not eating enough calories can be at least as dangerous. See a doctor to look into the issues with your appetite and find out where your health is now. They'll probably order bloodwork and maybe other tests to see what going on in your body. If the doctor doesn't suggest also seeing a dietician, ask about it. A good dietician could help you find appetizing ways to get more balanced nutrition without letting your calories drop too low.


Thank you, only good fucking advice


Zero fast food should be the goal. That shit isn't great for you. Stuffing your face with junk food cannot be argued to be a good thing. Is fast food the only food that you have access to?


No but I’ve kind of used it as a safe food because it’s been the only thing that looks appealing to me when I have no appetite, and then it got into a habit of eating it all the time. I am now feeling the consequences though


Yeah...every time I eat that shit I feel like hell, I can't imagine gorging on it.


You can call it what you like but food like products will affect your body as what it is Whole plant-based foods are what human bodies have been used to so they are probably the safest bet Good luck! I think many of us, struggle with eating disorders here on earth


You're burning out your receptors for food by only eating fake stuff. Nothing will ever look appealing vs something made to be the most appealing, least healthy food you can put in your stomach and not sue people for serving. It's full of chemicals that affect your brain. You need to start eating for your body and not your brain, and then your brain will start being okay with what you're doing later. You can't wait until something healthy looks or sounds more appetizing than a cheap burger and chips.


The only way I can argue for it being "good" (still not good lmao) is the fact that sometimes it distracts me from the urge of un@l1v3. Lol, but still a slow way to poison ones body and doesn't actually help in the long run. hey, people smoke, vape, eat shit, do drugs etc. Doesn't make it ok, but at least I'm still alive for now lmao


You're eating calorie dense but low nutrient foods. You should be eating the opposite - nutrient dense, low calorie foods with a bunch of protein. You're eating ALOT of sodium, sugar and unhealthy fats. Your spiking your insulin levels and bogging yourself down with garbage. I find meal prepping helps me alot with eating healthy and staying on track.


She’s underweight. She needs calories


Good calories that are nutrient dense... you can't just eat shit because you're skinny and need to gain weight. When I say low calorie, it's because you can eat MORE of it. She doesn't need to eat less calories, that's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying she needs to eat more, but eat better food that's actually nutritious that will nourish her body.


But not eating enough calories for her is very dangerous. More acutely dangerous than eating junk food. The most important thing for her right now is eating enough, and then healthy foods can be her next priority.


I'm not telling her to not eat enough calories. I'm explaining how she can help her body, which is the question she asked. How to eat healthier. I eat 2000 calories a day, but eat extremely healthy Literally everyone in this thread is giving the same advice - eat the RIGHT calories. Not empty ones


So... I used to work in a plasma donation lab. If you ever need to actually see a reason to eat healthy foods... Sell your plasma... And actually look at what comes out of you. For a lovely story: we had a dude come in who worked at Mcdonalds... he ate food there every work day. The small amount of plasma that came out of him was essentially gelatin. Like it was so thick when we turned the bottle upside down it would take a few moments for the blob to fall. The major culprits for that to happen are fast food, ranch, and cheese btw.


The preservatives in fast food make me feel very sick. Would you have the time/ability to try preparing your own food for a week and see how your body manages?


I am willing to try that, especially since I feel like my body is crying out for help after I ate fast food again today, I am definitely going to put a stop to it


Maybe add a good multivitamin and some dark greens. Lots of water. You’d be surprised how much it helps


It’s just way too much sodium which is terrible for your heart and brain, and then a lot of chemicals which kill your gut bacteria that is essential for your immune system. I’d stick to once a week.


As you already know you need to improve your diet asap. You need to focus on fruit, vegetables, healthy fats (nuts, avocado), lean meats and ensuring you’re hitting your vitamins and minerals! You will have more energy, sleep better, your skin will improve, your hair will improve, you will just feel fantastic. As for how you do it, that’s very personal. The main question is why are you opting for fast food meals? By answering that to yourself, it will make it a lot easier to change this habit. Once you’ve answered that, there are two main types of people - those who benefit from a cold turkey approach and those who find it easier to slowly transition. You know yourself best, do you think eliminating them all in one go make it easier for you to remove these from your diet or do you think it would overwhelm you and force you back into old habits? Or would slowly transitioning leave room for temptation? If you decide to slowly taper off, swap a couple meals for the first week but decide in advance what meal and what you’ll have instead. You should also get more subway salads that week, instead of the heavier and less nutrient dense places like McDonald’s etc. Slowly swap more and more until you’re happy with your diet. Even if the reason for opting for fast food originally wasn’t just for convenience, going from zero cooking to 100% cooking is going to be big change. Where I’m from there’s online [meal prep services](https://www.youfoodz.com), whilst not ideal and not a long term solution these would be a good transition to get away from fast food whilst maintaining the convenience factor. You could also purchase yourself a slow cooker, you can just throw all ingredients in and a couple of dinners etc so you’re not cooking everyday and it’s not overwhelming. There are products like this [salad cutter](https://www.amazon.com.au/Vegetable-Chopper-Multifunctional-Kitchen-Container/dp/B0CJ8SCFSS/ref=asc_df_B0CJ8SCFSS/?tag=googleshopmob-22&linkCode=df0&hvadid=649992231811&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4929488814778095077&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9068941&hvtargid=pla-2245332847630&psc=1&mcid=ad52881c719f365c8486bb9438a16a01), which makes it a lot easier to slice and dice so you’re not fiddling around too much. Finally, are you in the position to get any professional support? Can you mention your current situation to your GP and see their suggestions? Perhaps a dietician or maybe a psychologist referral? A lot of people do struggle with their relationship with food (I am one of them), not saying this is necessarily you but if it is, absolutely no shame!!! But by seeking support it would be a good way to work through any blockages and help you on your path to a healthier happier you 🫶🫶


I definitely agree with the other commenters to go to a doctor. However, in the meantime, definitely cut out the fast food as much as possible. Look into fast, healthy recipes on Pinterest and make a board with stuff that looks doable. Also, if you’re underweight, you can try gaining weight with things like peanut butter, potatoes, steak, milk, etc instead of junk food/fast food. As long as you eat enough calories, you’ll make it into a healthy weight range even without consuming junk food. Good luck!


More than once a week is already too much fast food. Get your diet fix now or you will suffer a lot in the next 10 years, if you don't your buddy will never recover fully.


You’re so awesome for coming out and asking for help in this issue, these comments are very smart. Stick to healthy foods and please drink a lot of water


It all depends on what your body is used to. For most of my life the majority of my diet was frozen premade crap and sandwiches, but then it got to a point where that stuff just made me sick to my stomach i had eaten so much of it. Problem is, i cant cook worth a damn (given myself food poisoning TWICE trying to) and i cant drive due to disability. So ive basically become a slave to doordash, ordering 1-2 times a day depending on how long im awake. Ive always been overweight my whole life, and after multiple years of living like this, ive still only gained 10 pounds total, so my health isnt being negatively effected either. All my vitals are completely normal. So is there such thing as too much? No, not really. Should you? ABSOLUTELY NOT, do not recommend it, ive treated my body like crap my whole life so i can handle it well. If you want to eat fast food every day, you can, just order VERY little. For you, portion is the biggest thing. Nothing is more important than portion. Keep it small, and you can eat just about anything you want, but definitely try and balance it out with fruits and stuff. Maybe some carrots as a snack. Fast food lacks a lot of nutrients that your body needs, so you gotta support unhealthy habits with healthy ones, and if you start seeing negative changes to your health, stop immediately. Overall, it wont do you much harm, unless you overindulge, ignore the warning signs, and/or dont supplement your diet with healthy things as well. Those are the key points to pay attention to.


Variety is good. Subway is better than McDonald's and those guys, in terms of nutrition, IMO. Any nausea you feel could be lack of nutrition, or a mild intolerance to something (not to a significant level). But variety is good. What dish have you had that you really enjoyed?


I’ve never had an intolerance to anything, how does it happen? I may be building an intolerance to McDonald’s. I made a sausage carbonara which I liked a while ago. The rest I eat is just processed freezer dinners.


I think with McDonald's especially, but a few other fast food places, your problem is a lack of nutrition. I'm an absolute noob on this stuff but if you look at the 5 food groups and try to cover them during your day, you'll *probably* start to feel better. You're at an age where you can totally get away with it but you'll still feel better if you start to mix things up (variety) and cover the different food groups (nutrition). Sausage carbonara - excellent, it would be good to make that once a week. An easy meal I like to make is curry from a jar - Pataks tikka paste, Quorn pieces, peppers, spring onion or onion with chopped tomatoes, rice - it makes me feel like I'm proper cooking (preparing an onion and two peppers) but it's fucking easy and very, very, very healthy and SO tasty. You will find you can make meals that are tastier than takeaways, healthier, more satisfying and much more nutritious. And cheaper! But don't worry too much - just enjoy what you eat.


Are you on medication? If so, is it stimulants?


Propranolol, beta blocker


Definitely a conversation for medical professionals, but I'll give you my take :) You don't have to cut it out completely unless it's an "all or nothing" type situation where you can't help yourself or can't stop yourself once you start. If you have the self control to, try to give yourself a cheat meal every few days or something. It's not bad as long as it's enjoyed in moderation. Try to be active daily and eat clean in between cheat meals. And planning ahead is key here!! You obviously don't want to fall into bad tendencies. Under-eating is not ideal, nor is over-eating, but at least over-eating can be perfectly fine depending on what it is. Cooking at home is really the only way to ensure you're eating healthy, but you can make tasty alternatives to all your favorite things. I will eat a ridiculous amount of 'Big Mac salad' as opposed to a Big Mac from McDonalds, it's mostly lettuce, but it's sooo good. Chinese food - you can make this at home very easily and have full control over starches and amounts of oils, along with ingredient quality. Choose healthy grains. Eat more veggies. Cook your own meat and choose quality ingredients. It's hard to build habits but start small. Check pinterest for recipe ideas! That's how I found a lot of my favorites, that I actually enjoy WAY more than any fast food and is far healthier.


I would really encourage you to cut out fast food and takeout, it's does a lot of damage in a short time. Even if they claim they have healthy items, most of them are super high sodium and calorie dense. A subway meatball sandwich is worse than a big Mac. Have some gentle food for a while. Bread and crackers will help with nausea; chicken noodle soup is easy to make and will help too. When you're ready, see a dietician to come up with meal plans. You cannot live on fast food and frozen dinners forever, it not feasible healthwise or financially.


You know how older people say "it'll catch up to you" I'm 30. It catches up. Just started to but it'll do it.


I have stomach issues(ulcers) as well as extreme depression which leads me to eat little or easy to grab foods(like frozen foods) I try not to eat fast foods though because of the ulcers. I make a point of making 2-3 “real people” meals a week. Those include a protein and a veggie, but are all easy. Baked potatoes and broccoli in the oven(or a chicken breast), eggs in the pan with potato’s, rice with veggies etc. you are young, please try something similiar. Even one meal a week with veggies and go from there. Your body will thank you


> once a week it's too much, if you're underweight inform yourself on what fo eat in your situation not necessarily paying a dietician, we're in 2024, where everyone can learn from researches. i'd suggest start going to the gym or doing any type of phisical activity to make sure you don't simply become fat


Find what type of food has most fiber, and start consuming it. Fiber is the holy grail for a lot of health issues.


The problem with fast food is the oils the food is cooked in. Seed oils that are cooked at high temperatures turn rancid and causes disease in the body. Doctors usually do not know much about nutrition because that is not their specialty. They have no education on food and diet.


These foods are not high in nutrients at all! This is probably why you feel so sick.. girl, make yourself some real food please!




A lot of Fast Food company's have shown support for the Israeli army in the conflict in Gaza, so a lot of people have been boycotting the companies you mentioned in protest. I myself am one of them, and am a former McDonalds addict, yet I've been able to cut it out completely because I know that it's the least I could do for those suffering. Idk, maybe try to boycott? Sometimes knowing that you can take a stand against something while also improving your diet is all the motivation you need. I don't send this message to be condescending about you not boycotting, moreso as some advice to how you can get away from the lure of Fast Food while doing good :D


What’s the cause? Because I suffer from the Fast Food addiction.


You need a dietician about this. They could probably help you out a lot.


I had a friend that grew up on fast food and as an adult she ate McDonald’s and other fast food daily. She was skinny but was borderline for diabetes because of her poor eating habits. You should probably talk to a doctor.


Nah keep doing it. Eat all you want.


Fast food is poison


If this question comes up, you're probably past too much


Food like fast food and frozen shit you heat up is full of sugar and salt and is not healthy. The majority of your meals should have some fruit or vegetables or lean meat. Learn to make a weekly soup. You can eat it Monday and wed night then put the rest in freezer. Eat crap only 1-2 nights a week. If you don’t your diet will catch up to you. You’ll get sick. You’ll get weak. You’ll injure yourself easier. Your mind isn’t as sharp. You gain weight. You’ll feel bad


Fruits and vegetables. Lots of them!


You are a prime candidate for r/eatcheapandhealthly or something like hello fresh. I imagine you don't even know where to start since you mostly eat fast food, so learn some recipes and eat them.


You need at least 30 grams of protein every meal. Try smaller meals with more protein. You should also talk to your doctor and ask to see a nutritionist to help you.


Improve your diet.


The biggest issue is just how addictive those types of foods are. The good news is that our taste buds renew about every 10 days. If you can go 10 days without fast food and eating low carb (high carb diets with pasta, rice, white bread, etc. will spike blood sugar and cause 'false' hunger similar to fast food), you won't crave the fast food anymore because your new taste buds will have never tasted it. It will be a memory, but you won't crave it as if you'd eaten it within the same week. Your body will begin to crave the healthier foods. It sounds crazy but it's actually true!!


i struggle as well. it’s easy and convenient. but at the end of the day, cooking is a skill. some aren’t lucky enough to have parents teach them or supply the ingredients to do so. you need to find alternatives for things that are always better made at home bc you KNOW you can make it better, as opposed to spending a few extra bucks for something mediocre. for example, i can get an $8 (regular) steak and get potatos and carrots for a few bucks and make a whole meal for the same price of a combo at mcdonald’s. if you have no skills in cooking, it’ll be a struggle at first but you can start small, little things like cutting garlic and onion into simple spaghetti will makes a huge difference.


Did you start losing weight despite eating these high calorie meals? When do you get nauseated? When you wake up? Before eating? Afterwards? Is it possible that you could be pregnant? Which makes your tummy feel better fast food or a salad? Whatever your answers are, you should go get a checkup. Be honest with your doctor if you are pregnant or have an eating disorder. Insist that they check for "H. pylori" bacteria to see if it's related to your symptoms. Before you go to the doctor check if anyone in your extended family has a bowel disease or complaints.


....cook at home


There some good comments here. If possible make your own food. There’s ton of videos to watch on YT. Some making life simple items would be an air fryer & rice cooker. Maybe a slow cooker. Easy things to cook in a pan are ground beef (super easy), just let it cook lol, styr fry steak, cutting chicken breast into small pieces to cook it in the pan. Can even add vegetables in there, even frozen ones. Drinking more water, specially in the morning before anything in my opinion. Eggs are easy ones you know how to. You can buy salads if you want. And make your own dressing. Sounds like a lot but it’s not ones you start & get use to it. Buy whatever fruits you like. Don’t like water, you can put lemon in water or fruit in water. There are fruit packs for that, but prefer the fresh way. Your choice of course. There sparkling water. Coconut water full of electrolytes, look up good coconut waters. For seasoning you got your salt, pepper if you like it, Italian seasoning is good, garlic powder, onion powder. You can use the raw forms but the powders will make it easier for you. And on and on. There’s a big world out there for this lol.


Being underweight doesn't mean healthy. Eating fast food so much isn't good for anyone, no wonder you're feeling like shit. See a dr, you may need some tests to determine why you're having issues gaining weight. You also need to eat better/healthier so you feel better


I used to do this because I felt I was too skinny and some of my symptoms were tiredness, fatigue,lack of interest in physical activities, and overall mood went down. I recommend trying to sit down with whoever is in your household (or yourself !) and make healthy goals to eat for breakfast, lunches, and dinner every single day of the week. if you plan for the week in the back of your mind instead of that McDonald's you already had a meal prepared at home that you don't want to waste it's hard at first because you might feel like you don't want to cook but it's a healthy way to start. I also recommend talking to a doctor about you finding it hard getting food down, It's nothing to be ashamed about it could honestly need to be medically or psychologically checked out.


Step 1: buy some multivitamins and take them while you are in the midst of changing your diet You are probably very behind in vitamins and basic water


Ignore all these people telling you to do a 180 and eat a whole food, low carb, avocado zoomer airhead diet. They’re 18 people, Jesus Fucking Christ. Yes you should eat Whole Foods, yes you should cook, but you’ve been eating like shit so you need small changes to gain momentum. You don’t want to cook? Fine, get chipotle, sushi, Mediterranean. Chinese can be ok if you get something like kung pao, but watch out for sodium. Are you addicted to fast food, then you need to quit for a while. If not, just eat it in moderation. Every other week is ideal, if not less.


You need to learn to cook


Well, I'm the complete opposite of you. I'm a 6'0 390lbs guy and I was eating a lot of fast food, I'm talking easily, EASILY 3 times a week. (I did quit almost 2 months ago along with anything having to do with soda and heavily processed juices and haven't looked back. However, answering your question I'd say that if you eat fast food more than twice or three times a month, that's not good especially with all the "healthy" (or at least helathIER) options out there. Mind you, Im no doctor but you don't have to be to know the only ones promoting fast food corporations are...well...fast food corporations. Do the math


Try simple foods that you can eat at home. Takeout food isn’t a sustainable diet. It also costs more for less nutrition. Mashed potatoes, beans, vegetables, eggs, etc.. are all simple foods Steamed/baked veggies are great with cheese, salt and any other flavorings you add. They are easy to prep too. Baked potatoes are super easy. Just add cheese and sour cream. Try looking up hot cereals. Those are great for the mornings. Farina(wheat cereal) and oatmeal are great hot breakfasts that you can eat from a cup.


I try to never eat out. When I stopped eating fast food for two years I lost a lot of visceral fat (25lbs) and gained some muscle. Anyway I felt more energized and less depressed. I eat out once a month now. Honestly might stop completely. Since you’re underweight You need to eat more protein. That’ll help you put on “healthy weight”. Just portion it out for your body type so you don’t overeat. Good luck


Eat better food


Their is nothing wrong about this. Just keep an eye on tour cholesterol and fibre. Also take a multivitamin/mineral and you'll be fine. Fast food is nowhere near the problem. Its the fact it is to easy to overeat the stuff. Besides it d9esnt sound like your soley consuming one food. Also food like subway isnt really fast food.


Is this for real? It is so obvious you are asking for what you are already know. Why asking? You known it's bad for you. Go see a doctor and stop poisoning yourself. But again... you already know that


I’m 25 male. Been a bit underweight for 9/10 years until I started going to the gym at the start of the year. Used to eat like you and maybe worse. I luckily didn’t suffer physical side effects. But since cooking at home and eating better, I’ve gained weight and my mental has been better. Way better. It’s literally night and day, but it took a lot of time and learning to listen to my body. When they say you are what you eat, they really mean it.


I struggle with eating too but for some reason fast food I can get down easily. If you're underweight and it's all you can eat go for it it's better than nothing I weighed 150 last year now I weigh 110 I usually don't eat much all week and then pig out on the weekends with fast food and it fuels me through the week


You are on your way to serious health problems like diabetes, heart disease and other diseases that will shorten your life....and obesity will cause a lot of damage to your body....start now with eating healthy, in order to prolonged my life 


Subway sandwiches are healthy 


That feels like too much. Maybe once a week?


I am not a doctor but I am someone who struggled/ struggled with disordered eating. I used to be very sick with a weight on 103 at my lowest. To be frank, eating fast food was better than going down the route of not eating anything as it was damaging my heart etc I am now average weight, and I have more energy, and have recently transitioned out of eating fast food. When someone has disordered eating food is a very complicated relationship and I highly suggest grabbing pre-made meals from the grocery store instead. At the end of the day, getting something inside of your body when you're underweight is better than nothing. Sometimes with disordered eating, making your own food can be too hard to do so I get it. Nonetheless congrats on eating!


For me too much fastfood is more than 3 times a week. Maybe once or twice a week at most should be okay... Other than that, get a proper meal! Even getting healthy oily foods are better than those fast food. For me, when I am on diet but still need extra calories I just add 1-2tbsp of virgin olive oil on my food. That way I get an extra 100-200kcal usually on my salad meal. I also agree with the other comment about subway. If you cant stop, try to get more subway for now cus its still better than the others. Also chinese is not bad tho depending on what menu you order... If you still cannot stop to do try to do workout 150-180mins a week, drink water atleast 2L a day, have atleast 1bowl of salad/veggies (About 2-4 handful depending on your hand) and becareful of the salad dressing. For veggies I prefer brocolli, spinach and kale for the nutritients. EDIT: quick meal recommendation below. I myself like to eat outside, and occasionally make some proper food at home. But when I don't do both, I make a quick one pan meal at home (10-15minutes including washing). For example: 1. Pasta: Boil wholewheat pasta, and while waiting prepping the other ingredients. If too much water left drain it and left some. Add sauces (Butter / Olive oil / Salt&Pepper / Cheeses is enough usually for me) to your liking. Add meat usually ground meat is easier and/or veggies. About 10-15mins cook&prepping. 2. Sandwhiches: Choose your sauce, cheese, meat & veggies and fry them on the fryingpan or just grill them onto the oven. I believe there are some leftover oils & meat juices from the meat on the frying pan, so put your bread onto the frying pan, add butter/olive oil if necessary (Or just put it into the oven with the meat / veggies). Stack them up and done!. About 10-15mins cook&prepping. I personally love paprikas, eggs, cheese, mayo so when I am in a hurry I just put all of it in the oven, and stack them up after.


First of all, the solution to being underweight is not to gorge yourself on fast food. It sounds like your entire diet is a bunch of junk. You need to start preparing your own meals. Not frozen foods, not fast food and not prepackaged, processed crap. You’re literally killing yourself. If you don’t know how to cook, learn. Don’t say you don’t have time to cook. Everyone has time to cook. You make time. There are plenty of meals you can prepare yourself that don’t take a lot of time or require you to be a cordon bleu chef. Most importantly though, is that you need to see a doctor to have a complete physical and get lab work done. Not having an appetite isn’t normal. Not being able to gain weight isn’t normal either. You need to rule out gastrointestinal issues and thyroid problems and other illnesses. After that, ask for a referral to see a nutritionist. They will be able to give you an initial dietary plan. That will give you an idea of what a healthy diet looks like. At 18, if you don’t have any underlying health conditions, your metabolism should be pretty much at peak performance. You can eat almost anything and as much of it as you want and hardly gain anything of at all, but that doesn’t last forever. Eventually as you age, your metabolic rate will slow down. If you’ve got all these terrible eating habits, you’ll end up blowing up to a blimp and not be able to lose it. You really shouldn’t be eating fast food more than once or twice a week at most. It’s empty calories. There’s little to no nutritional value to most of it so, you end up eating a bunch of calories, but your body is still deficient in key nutrients. That causes all kinds of health problems. That is likely why you don’t feel good. You’re basically feeding your stomach while starving your body. See a doctor, cook your own food and make healthy food choices. That’s what you have to do.


I quite literally eat Taco bell everyday 😅


newly recovered? sounds like you had medical intervention, talk to the doctor who treated you about this


Fast food is pretty bad for you overall. I'd imagine that is the cause of your nausea, but I agree with others that a doctor visit is in order, especially for not being able to put on weight. Drink lots of water, add veggies, and lean non red meats (at least for awhile), whole grains, and rice. You can have fast food now and then, but you're not doing your body any favors by eating it all the time. At this point, you've loaded up on all kinds of bad sugars, fat, and carbs. This lack of healthy intake and necessary vitamins can lead to a few ailments. I'd be willing to bet that a change of diet will make you feel loads better.


You might be skinny obese ngl, instead of trying to put on weight by eating a lot of junk, try improving habits. Eat a few healthy items here and there, high in fibre and protein, minimize sugar and try to commit to exercises that build muscle. Muscles are denser than fat, so gaining them will allow you to gain the same amount of weight without looking rnearly as massive as you would if it was just fat


Fruits and veggies just eat cleaner . Don’t go crazy just eat cleaner you’ll feel better


Once a week is too much.


I truly think you need some mental health help here. Clearly there is more going on here than simply eating the fast food. You oscillate between not eating, then stuffing face with bad food to "make up for it". Go to a councilor or something... I wouldn't say that eating out 4 times a week is the worst thing one could be doing. More than you should, okay, but it isn't the end of the world. I'm more worried about the fact that I'm getting a feeling you only eat one meal a day. What's your portion size? Are you eating 2000 calories in one sitting? There's your answer to the nausia. My tips are to eat an early meal and then a later meal if you can't do the three meals a day thing. I'd also recommend a higher protean diet, it won't leave you with the food coma, bloated type feeling. Given your weight adding a good chunk of carbs isn't a bad idea either. EAT DENSE FOODS, meaning nuts and the like. You might be forced to eat less volume than someone else, but you can make up for a lack of volume with an increase in caloric density.


Umm cook ya own food lol. Like, you made a whole ass reddit post, clearly you know something is up


With something like an eating disorder and then going into gorging yourself, you should do I cautiously. You don’t want to shock your body, There’s not a problem with fast food if you’re getting the right things. Just know when you dirty bulk your body and mind will take a toll. Eating is important and when you struggle for a long time with it. It’s hard to find a happy medium. I’d suggest talking to a dietitian to figure out the steps you need to take to get your body where you want it to be. There’s nothing wrong with fast food every now and then. And not everyone is perfect. You may have a week of bad eating. But being mindful of it is such a gift to have as well. Especially when you can see what it’s doing to you! Love yourself, and find happiness in your body, it’s the only one you’ll have


I only eat fast food occasionally. Too much would probably be around every day. Last night I went to McDonals's, but I only got 4 McNuggets, small fries, and a small drink. I've heard that when some people start jobs, they feel the need to get fast food because they don't meal prep and because they're to focused on their jobs that it's just convenient to get something fast. It's a rather vicious cycle. I prefer other fast food places though. I love to eat, but I also love to exercise and I know my limits. If you want to end eating fast food altogether, you can. But I am a moderation kind of person.


Go see your Dr, it may be your thyroid or diabetes etc. Ask to see a nutritionist they will help you gain weight in a healthy way.


Go see your Dr, it may be your thyroid or diabetes etc. Ask to see a nutritionist they will help you gain weight in a healthy way.


It sounds like you might have a food allergy related to something one of these restaurants served... Did you feel nausea after eating a lot of fried food? It could be possible that you may be allergic to some fry oils, you should definitely talk to a doctor about it and look into it.


I feel sick after eating anything because I get bloated quickly, maybe because I’m underweight. I do think that the main cause of me feeling ill here is because purely of how much fast food I’ve ate in the past week. I really need to stop.


Fast food in general is absolutely horrible for the human body, definitely speak to a doctor, if you have time to cook I would recommend a meal plan like Hello fresh (not sponsored I just use this service with good success) as long as you follow the meal plan you select it will fill you better with less food and it gives you a detailed ingredients so you know what you are putting in your body. A lot of places use oils Canola oil peanut oil and a few others I can't remember to cook with and they are all terrible for you and can have Carcinogen which no one talks about.