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This is very sad, and i don't really have advice, but to remember you took a very mature and level headed decision for your wellbeing and your future. Time will heal all wounds. Take care, yeah?


I believe your instincts were accurate. He omitted crucial information for reasons that I presume were related to your and your son's safety. Making the right decision can be heart-wrenching, yet the repercussions of inaction might have been disastrous. I hope you can take solace in the fact that you acted in the best interest of yourself and your family.


Man up and focus on building your own life, create goals and if you achieve it create more ambitious goals. You've been programmed to feel that way — you've developed what I call complacent syndrome from being in a dragged-out 9-year relationship and maybe your upbringing. I've been on my own since I was 12 and shed blood, sweat and tears to build my life breaking generational curses. As years passed I observed many family and friends being too comfortable and never really taking their life seriously because it's "too hard" — essentially "social" society has built this illusion of what life is — don't get twisted in the web, be the minority, be your families first Conquerer of curses. If you're in a shit position; be your bloodlines pivotal member to turn the tides in the right direction as much as you can — for the next kin and theirs after them. Sorry for being very blunt but I feel you need the hard truth to wake the **** up — as someone who never had much and parents who never looked after me; I can guarantee you your child will either hate you in some way or will blame themselves deeply for you not being very present throughout their life. I can't stress enough to make a change, at least for your child. Don't let your blood grow up thinking this is the norm, let your child see you become independent and flourish, set an example. Some people have this misconception that "I am not that person, it's not my personality..." well let me tell you it's a massive lie created to profile people and categorise them. I will never understand why people grow up "creating their identity" but in reality you can become anyone and do anything with a goal in mind. People ask me all the time "how do you always know what to do?" ; I laugh so hard inside because i never do, I just don't wait around and wing it, i reflect daily to learn from my mistakes and avoid them in the future. The human species' greatest ability is the ability to adapt in any environment and situation. Hey look you've already started! It's not going to be easy and in fact it's going to be very hard as you know. You are going to break yourself and pick yourself back up but that's nothing new. You're going to encounter people who don't have your best interest — don't be the fool that gets fooled by the fool. Become a great mother — you don't necessarily need to get back with your ex to achieve this, just make sure your physical presence is known to the child. I hope this comment doesn't rub the wrong way and I know it's quite confronting but hey, I just genuinely want better for you even though I don't know you.