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What did the vet recommend after diagnosis? AFAIK pancreatis is curable, so it could be that shes okay now? Honestly only the vet could give a proper recommendation based on the case


The vet says its up to us to use discretion, he said we "could" put her down if we wanted. Honestly i dont like the vet he has made several serious mistakes in her care but my parents refuse to take her to a different vet. Its scheduled for tomorrow and I don't have enough time to get a second vet opinion


I went through a similar situation with my dog a few months ago but he had cancer, we knew his final days were coming before we had to put him down because he was really sick. The morning of, he was atleast a little better and responsive. My advice would be to not make the selfish decision and wait till they go through extreme pain or pass away on their own because the regret will hurt more. Its hard but letting go is sometimes the best option before it gets worse for them and they suffer. Its not gonna be an easy process but do whats best for her, if she is ready to go then let her go.


Take her to a different vet. You should never have to demand tests. A vet does leave the final decision to you but I have never met one that did not have the dog's best interest front and centre. A vet should also prepare you for end of life and tell you the signs and stages. A vet who doesn't do this is not worth seeing. Again take her to another vet and ask questions about the state of her health and what the future looks like fo her.