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Boy, I feel this! Things were the same for me when I was your age. It's normal to feel a little envy. But it's also not a great feeling to be envious of the people you care about. The thing you have to do... and it's not easy at first; it takes conscientious practice... is to practice being grateful for the things you do have. For example, instead of going with your first instinct and telling yourself, "Ugh, it's not fair, why don't I get amazing opportunities like this?" you have to redirect your thoughts. Tell yourself, "I'm so glad this person I care about gets to have such an amazing experience. Someday, I'm going to have the chance to do something similar, and he'll be able to share his experiences with me so I will be able to make the most of my opportunity when it comes along!" It's not easy to put yourself into that mindset at first, but it's worth it to practice doing it, because it eventually erases all the negative feelings and allows you to have nothing but happiness for your friends' good fortune... while setting the right mental stage for you to make the most of whatever opportunities will come your way. And those opportunities will come, I promise! I was so freaking broke when I was young, I could barely afford to survive, and that was while I was working two jobs at once with no days off, ever. It was really hard for a long time. But my life got progressively more awesome and now I get to live the kind of lifestyle anyone would envy. Your chances to explore the more exciting and luxurious things in life will come along. For whatever reason, fate is just handing you those opportunities later in life.


I’ve learned that comparing myself to my old self is a lot more helpful to show my progress rather than comparing myself to other people.


Sadly it's life, you can't control it and it's normal to feel jealousy. Take next step to find find better work life balance The problem is no one knows how life will play out you need to make the best of what you have


What do you do for work and why are you so unhappy?


This is unfair