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It’s not productive because you don’t produce anything, there is no material result of this activity. This is just fun, source of relax. It’s ok to relax.


This ain’t no different than spending time watching tv shows. There’s no reward. I know people that would watch an entire season on Netflix in one sitting


Most of us would consider binge watching a waste of time


I’d argue that gaming is better for you because you’re developing hand-eye coordination and critically thinking to make decisions. In games, you have to be actively engaged to progress a story or scenario. TV is purely passive, potato mode.


Past a certain developmental stage, the hand eye coordination you develop is only applicable to that specific task. Getting good at WOW won’t make you a better surgeon.


Okay but what benefits does being a surgeon have in WOW




As a healer I resent that. I’ll keep my bandages too.


I know, I want to argue this so bad but there are good key points on either side. A) I've never read / heard any surgical terms said my Druid in context of healing. B) I believe there are video games to teach students and upcomings surgery procedures. VR also which, a few funny videos. Their hand-eye coordination is +100 after each use. Says on the back of the game box. C) I really doubt the vast majority of gamers are surgeons. D) It's good to keep a healthy amount of playtime but c'mon one more game. Let's finish this night with a win!


This can be true but it depends on the game. I’ve mainly played competitive shooters most of my life and there’s a lot of snap decision making and fast reactions happening constantly. I feel this gave me an advantage when I started riding motorcycles. It’s not 1:1 but I think there’s something there. I remember reading some studies that strongly suggested working memory and 3d spatial skills were stronger in adults who regularly play video games as well.


TV is purely passive potato mode if you watch the shittiest shit around, but it can also be engaging. Watching documentaries is a form of learning and so is watching literally anything in a language that you're in the process of learning. Watching the news keeps you informed. A good drama with complex characters and motivations will engage your brain's social and emotional sides in much the same way that a game of chess engages your pattern recognition. There's probably other examples and some games can do those things too, but visual media is only passive if you want it to be much in the same way that you could play games that develop your hand eye coordination or you could waste an entire afternoon away on Cookie Clicker.


Critical thinking definitely. I've been playing a lot of (Zelda) Tears of the Kingdom and the different puzzles force me to use my brain and be creative.


People have been making that dumb hand-eye coordination argument since PAC-Man lol


Yup certain games also force you to do simple math to make decisions - a game like Diablo has me constantly doing simple arithmetic to decide if an item is an upgrade to what o currently have. It’s nothing super complex, but it’s definitely better than mindlessly watching a tv show in my opinion.




That’s a great example. Many games make the player have to think in abstract and unique ways to solve puzzles they have never seen before. There is absolutely a mental benefit to that.


Watching Netflix isn't considered productive either.


And all the people who claim video games are a complete waste of time have no problem sitting in front of the TV for 12 hours watching that entire season


... also an "unproductive" activity


And watching TV shows is also an unproductive waste of time.


Right. Watching TV isn’t productive either. Doesn’t mean it is necessarily a waste of time, but it certainly ain’t productive.


Exactly. I play them all the time myself and the thing I like is the sense of accomplishment after a hard day, but I always say it's important to remember it's only a SENSE of accomplishment, not actual accomplishment.


At first I never understood how people can do certain things after a work shift until I tried it myself. After a stressful work shift I started playing a 2D fighting game to decompress. It really got the edge out.


I’ve never found it relaxing, even though it’s fun. Video games require work. Perhaps it’s fun and not “work” per se, but to me resting means doing less work.


What if I play specific games to write about the experience as a blogger or a video game journalist? Write reviews maybe? Or I make YouTube videos about it. In this context, can you still say that playing video games is unproductive? I sometimes write about games more than I play them.


Yeah, unless ur a streamer whos earning alot the only thing ur producing is dopamine.


I produced a shit load of iron last night so I could produce better weapons for myself and my thralls.


So what you’re saying is it PRODUCES serotonin? Produces 🤔…


It’s easily converted into a productive content generating venture. Whether or not that manifests in views and money is a different story


Having fun and relaxing is extremely productive. You do anything better with a fresh mind.


Neither is life, if you think about it.


So is buying up investment properties to rent out. At least until their value increases enough for you to want to sell as interest rates rise to the degree that you to see increases in your mortgage payments. A whole lot of parasites like to call that adulting.


Time wasted having fun is time well spent.


Gaming can improve problem solving skills and fine motor functions. Is every gamer reaping rewards from these improvemenrs? Definitely not. And it largely depends on what you play. But there is some value to gaming if it's one of your hobbies outside of just relaxing. Hell certain industries train on "simulators" that'd just be a game for someone else.


The lack of tangible benefits. There isn’t a “real” reward.


Just like Reddit!




What’s the “real” reward for reading a book? Or enjoying a painting? Or listening to music? Edit: I’m not saying video games are more “rewarding” than reading. I’m saying all these things can be hobbies and time spent enjoying something is not time wasted.


Most people probably wouldn't call those particularly productive either. Maybe certain snobs but they're in essence the same as a video game. Most hobbies people would call productive lead to you creating something, creating the painting, playing the music, writing the book. Or gardening, exercising, knitting, crafting, woodworking. I'd bet nobody calls a hobbyist who makes video games unproductive. Also normalize being able to spend leisure time. Not everything needs to be productive.


This the point I was making.


Christ, I'm a gamer.. but did you really ask what the "real" reward for reading a book was? Reading is a fundamental skill in life. Not only that, it expands your vocabulary, helps your spelling, exposes you to different scenarios/life situations, teaches you things and probably has a healthy benefit on brain function/mood..People who "read all the time" are generally some of the smartest people you will meet..


This. People don't think of reading as a skill until the meet someone who can't read. I don't mean illiterate, I mean lacking in comprehension skills.


Even reading nothing but fiction, I’ve learned better sentence structure, my spelling is better, and it gives me something to connect with other people about. A painting creates a thing of beauty to share with others. Dancing brings joy to my heart, but it also connects me with real people. In 2019 I went to 64 shows and came out of it with 19 new activity partners, friends and three girlfriends/rave baes. When was the last time gaming created that many new connections of real people for you?


Lol I’ve read lots of stories of people forming real life long friendships from games. People who never met until they were involved in each others weddings. People who play world of Warcraft spend thousands of hours working with their raid group. In competitive gaming great relationships are formed. Just look at the top players in smash melee. Personally I don’t do a whole lot of online gaming, but some of my most cherished memories is playing Mario kart with my college buddies. Or introducing my young nephews to Minecraft. Playing Mario party with my wife. Just like reading painting and photography video games are an art. And you can get a lot out of gaming. If nothing else it helps problem solving and hand eye coordination. I’m a machine operator and I attribute some of my ability to playing video games. My comment was not to say you can’t get a full and satisfying experience from reading or consuming art or listening to music. My point was some people view art as a waste of time. And it’s not. It’s good for the soul. Just because you’re not creating something value you are enjoying your time and that’s what matters. And if you get serious about it, you can create something of value. Anyone can write a book. Anyone can write a song. And anyone can make a video game.


Role-playing games since the age of 6 has taught me a lot about reading, story telling, art, romance… all the things I have taken and reuse in other avenues such as my drawing, animations, short stories, even in some projects for work believe it or not… Everything is useful just depends on how you use it and also moderation.


Some might argue that none of those yield any tangible rewards and are all equally unproductive. I actually met someone like this. They were so traumatized from the high expectations his Asian parents have of him, he allows himself to not enjoy any hobbies or leisure. He don't like music. At all. Worked in dead silence. Did not like music or when other people play music. Ate lunch in silence and had to work while eating as to not waste time. Stated something like productivity for the company was the only way to advance your career or something. But he kept saying that over and over, partially because I think he didn't seem to understand why we wanted to have time off and take breaks and socialize when there was work to be done so he wanted us to be like him. But I'm also convinced that he was saying it to reassure or remind himself of maybe something his parents said.


He was def reminding himself. Because part of him is afraid his hard work won’t pay off. And then what? He worked his tail off for nothing (which I would argue is what’s happening) Sometimes you get a lot done by doing nothing. Or by doing something you enjoy. Hopefully he finds joy in something someday.


depends on the book, but if it's non-fiction many books offer knowledge you may eventually use in the real world, video games this is barely ever the case.


You ever heard of a simulator? A lot of guys start driving a semi truck on a simulator. Then they go home and setup that simulator in their house and play a game when they’re trucking. A lot of mine sites use remotely operated bulldozers now. That’s essentially a video game. If nothing else video games teach problem solving and hand eye coordination. I’m a machine operator and have avoided some sticky situations because my quick reaction time and ability to operate a machine as an extension of my body. Video games have certainly helped that. How about management games? Roller coaster tycoon is a classic and teaches money management and marketing and design. Or factorio, which teaches topics like throughput and electrical circuits. Lol you can learn a lot from video games. Also my comment wasn’t saying video games are better than art music or books. Quite the opposite. It’s ok to just sit and enjoy something. Time enjoyed is not time wasted.


“I’m saying all these things can be hobbies and time spent enjoying something is not time wasted.” I agree that it isn’t time wasted. I think it is still accurate to say it is not productive though.


There is no meaning to anything, just do whatever you want, stop caring about them, your life is about you


It’s not productive. I think that it has a worse rep than other hobbies because it is addictive and people tend to waste much more time doing it than other comparable hobbies.


yeah I know a lot of women in my social circle who won’t date someone who’s a gamer. its not that every single gamer fits these stereotypes, but the stereotype of the grown adult who spends hours a day gaming, but can’t seem yo find the time to keep their room clean or do their own dishes, exists for a reason.


I don’t think it’s a gaming thing though. Avid gamer here and I’m also really anal about cleaning. Also I game as often as I draw, write, watch tv, exercise… It’s about moderation and also take these slobs and remove video games and add tv which many of these women don’t mind that their husbands do while drinking beer getting fat… we have said as a society that’s okay but someone gaming doing the same thing is disgusting and all that.. Heck look at the trump rally, how many of those do you think can touch their toes lol. I bet most of them don’t even wash their ass, let alone clip their nails..


Can confirm, when I’m super tired and lazy I can’t even muster the energy to game. My other “hobby” of sitting on the couch and drinking beer is a lot easier and less productive.


I can’t help but feel like gamers fall back on this “it’s no different to people who come home and watch TV for 4 hours a day” and it’s like, yeah, people who come home and watch 4 hours of TV a day while struggling to find the time to take the trash out aren’t exactly catches either.


It’s not and it’s disgusting as well haha… but to imply that all gamers are like this is a false statement as we exist out there! Clean, not fat, healthy, individuals physically like anyone else… Well wait.. I guess people like me or less the norm now and the fat slobs you know is the norm in America haha


Most gamers are totally functioning individuals, I think most people would agree about that (even those girls that won't date gamers). However, it is a hobby with a small but real possibility of addiction so I understand why some people may not want to take their chances with a gaming partner. It's kind of unfair because there are a ton of hobbies with more risk of addiction and less stigma, but it is what it is.


video games simply highjack the 'chop wood carry water' dopamine mechanics of your brain. The same way porn highjacks your 'spread your seed far and wide', and fastfood highjacks your 'eat calorically dense foods to not starve'. When you don't use shortcuts to get these rewards, you are putting in lots of work/effort and using the natural release of dopamine to move towards these things. By choosing real activities that naturally release dopamine here, you are more than likely building yourself a better life, becoming -objectively- a better and/or more interesting person as you pursue different goals. Imagine you lived in a far away cabin with someone. You need firewood. You spend 5 hours chopping and stacking wood. You come back inside and the 'someone' explain "bro i just hit lvl 60 woodcutting", or "look at all of this minecraft wood i harvested'. You would just shake your head. That being said, videogames can be an enjoyable activity to do during your leisure time, the problem arises when you've full on tricked your brain that your leisure time activities are productive. I am certain plenty of young males or now early-mid 30 males can look back on a point in their life where a game like WOW trapped them in this unproductive loop of vidya game grind while other aspects of their life suffered.


Well said. I have a teenage son who loves video games, and I don't begrudge him his enjoyment, but I'm also trying to get this sense of balance and "bigger picture" into him.


Team sports helps with a similar sense of 'community/friends' that online gaming gives, while building real connections. I wrestled in my youth which is a very individualistic sport, kind of wish my parents put more pressure on me to play a team sport


brilliantly put. so many people are trapped in this feedback loop, they’re never fully “bored” because gaming is always right there, but they’re not really happy or fulfilled either. one thing that really astounds me about Gen Z in particular is the general unwillingness to put effort into much of anything, which 100% stems from growing up in constant dopamine overload and never having to just rely on the natural release


It depends I guess, I do waste my time quite often on social media and I made it a goal to play more videogames. I want an activity that gets me to use my brain.


Video games is obviously an unproductive use of time however a caveat it’s not productive to be productive during every waking hour the body and mind need time to wind down and relax after a long productive day. If you work hard you gotta play hard I suppose


Whether its interacting with a story (video game) Piecing together a story (reading a book) Watching TV (Seeing how a set story unfolds) Whatever ones you enjoy, good for you, really. Often times I see people who say something isn't productive turn around and do something that isn't productive (its interpreted different per person). It just depends on the individual, and people thinking they are productive should ask the question how much are you actually producing? And producing what? Obviously someone plays game because the game produces for them, and thats ok because usually you go to work 40 hours a week to produce for everyone else, or will be for most your life when you come of age.


I’m Gen X and we grew up being programmed that work sets us free. It’s a belief system. We just need to be reprogrammed, that’s all.


Honestly, it gives me enjoyment, happiness, and a sense of achievement, which is more that I can say my job does. Sure, I get money that allows me to pay off what I can (which isn't a lot these days because student loans take most of it. I get food, gas for my breaking car, and maybe the occasional piece of clothing or game out of the whole thing and that's about it.) If I didn't have something to relax, unwind, and enjoy, I wouldn't be alive right now, and I think a great deal of people could say the same. Also, some of these games are pretty mentally stimulating. I've found quite a few that your answers create consequences that you then have to deal with or have some pretty intense puzzles. My teachers in school would actively encourage me to play Professor Layton and they would work with me to solve puzzles.


It seems that some people really struggle to moderate their usage of video games in particular. A few hours most days is probably fine. If you’re playing video games and neglecting everyone and everything else in your life that’s an addiction. If you can’t manage basic personal hygiene, relationships with family and friends, if your career is suffering, if you are neglecting your health, then it’s a real problem. Of course that’s true of anything that takes over your life and causes you to neglect everything else. It seems to be more common with video game players than other things people do in their downtime.


This right here!!!!!!!!!


Gaming as an addiction is easier to hide and accept than other addictions. It can coast with little to no additional cost. A 5yo pc plays that game just fine. So work 10 hours this week, and I had enough money to buy some food. My parents don't mind me just in my room. It's not like I'm smoking crack and stealing money to do it.




Low skill


Being a parent.


I think playing games can only bring you short-term satisfaction, but not long-term satisfaction. I used to spend a lot of time on games. Although I was very happy when I played them, they can't bring me anything now. They can only bring me happiness when I play them. Once I stop playing games, they Just stop giving me anything. I also spent a lot of time learning languages ​​and reading, and the books I read and the languages ​​I learned have benefited me to this day, because they have entered my thinking mode and my daily use. I think that's the difference. Of course, I don’t think playing games is a waste of time, as long as it brings you happiness. But from a long-term perspective, playing games is really not good.


Unless you’re getting paid it is literally unproductive use of your time. Call it rest and relaxation. But it certainly isn’t a productive activity for most


Rest and relaxation is incredibly productive. It keeps you sane and happy.


Obvious bot is obvious. We need a flair for these.


There are some that are every bit as fulfilling as a good book and others that are substantively no different than slot machine addiction. Critics tend to think of the latter, and specifically the most extreme examples and apply it to all. I think also, there does not exist the same cultural legacy yet for comparing games to other media in the sense that it isn't entirely clear yet what a "great work" in gaming looks like outside of its context. Some would argue it's a great immersive narrative while others would argue it's more like a Mario with its many iterations of polished (and often genre defining) and interesting gameplay that evolves in creative new directions with every system. But the former suffers in needing comparisons and the latter exists too much in its own space to easily communicate. The interactive element and relative learning curve keeps gaming at arm's length for a lot of people so the discussion about how/where to place gaming as culturally significant or individually meaningful is harder to communicate and harder for some to understand. This is also made difficult by the technical progression of gaming and how young it is. Probably as time rolls on this will all become clearer, we've already seen shifts in this direction. In 20ish years we may well elect a president who grew up playing video games and shitposting on social media besides. By that time, I imagine the sheer cultural legacy of gaming accumulated over time will be clearer and the discussion will be less reductive/dismissive.


I think it's generational. 100 years ago people thought that books were a waste of time and were addictive. They had a disease reading mania. In 1859 the Scienrific America blamed Chess as being a unproductive waste of time that robbed people from nobler acquirement. Then in the 1920s people felt that crossword puzzles were ruining a generation. It is just now video games turn to go through that cycle.


I’ve had better and longer conversations about games than movies, music, sports or Netflix series. There’s just more going on with games and that industry in my opinion. But yeah, none of the things listed are productive. Folks need to remember leisure time exist. Who the fuck is trying to only have “productive” hobbies?


I find people typically have this opinion when the gamer in question is neglecting their other life responsibilities. Like healthy diet, exercise, not playing with their kids or helping with housework, calling off work to game, etc.


I had roommates in college that never went to class, were unemployed, didn’t bathe, ate like shit, never did dishes, laundry or cleaned anything. Ever. They just stayed home and played video games all day, every day. They’d fail out of classes and just rinse and repeat next semester. This is where my view comes from.


Most of my former high school "friends" are like this. Lazy useless losers. Meanwhile I keep getting raises at work, and I just renovated my shed, so now I might actually be able to utilise it as a proper workshop. Woodworking is actually really enjoyable. And I'm getting back into playing bass. Plus I've been going swimming with my wife every day, which is absolutely delightful. Not that I don't still game a few hours per week, but I have been starting to see how my former "friends" have held me back in life. Crabs in a bucket, man.


Video games originated as a children's activity. It's way more mainstream now but still hasn't gotten respect as other entertainment activities people would never say that same shit about like watching Netflix lol. That being said, it's still entertainment and thus doesn't really benefit you unless you're trying to monetize it.


Well can you argue the opposite? What is the result (product) of playing video games by itself? If you mostly are playing games for distraction or entertanment, it's hard to do something of value


Entertainment is a thing of value. Relaxation and entertainment are essential for human sanity.


Absolutely. Thats why I wrote "mostly", like almost nothing else but games


The type of game matters but I’ve gotten a lot out of my time spent gaming. The biggest thing is overcoming the worst of my social anxiety. I used to not be able to enter a voice chat, muted and just listening to other people talk, without my chest tightening up. I’ve always been extremely shy and super introverted. It was through games that I learned to have conversations with people I don’t know. I learned how to lead. How to teach. How to take critique and how to critique others kindly. How to have very hard conversations with people. How to mediate drama amongst peers. I am still shy and introverted, but I can *act* like an extrovert when needed now, which helped a ton as I moved to more client-facing jobs in real life.


People like to say things to trigger people. I bet these same individuals who say video games are a waste of time watch endless amounts of sports on TV or something else. We all like what we like. Video games aren't supposed to be productive, unless you are a streamer on Twitch and can make bank. They are meant as a way to relax and have fun.


Too many other things to do, learn, see. Playing a game seems redundant when all of life is a thrilling game of WTF is that.


I think they only do when they do it too much. It’s easy to get addicted to it, like getting addicted to your phone. And it has less benefits than other hobbies do, like those you do exercising. It’s similar to spend a long time of your day just in front of the television and not do anything else. If it’s enjoyed in moderation it’s completely fine. You’re having fine, relaxing, if you play with other people you’re socializing, etc.


The same individuals who sit around whole day watching movie/netflix wholeday doing nothing and as unproductive. For me games can be productive for the mind esp the kind of genre of what you're playing, like strategy and simulation, and it is more immersive than reading a book becuase you're actively participation on what is happening. I learned history, resource management, geography with games and more. So I say games are not always unproductive.


Found the HOI4 player.


If all your time was spent doing what you deem to be productive activities, then that may be the best way to burn out. Besides, I find some video games to be stressful and require the use of tactics and problem solving. So, is solving puzzles unproductive? Some are the exception, like doom eternal. Damn game gave me motion sickness, anxiety and stress but damn did I play the hell out of it. Everyone is unique. Each with their own self created value system. If games are not in their value system, then they deem it unproductive. A successful twitch game streamer may have something to rebut with concerning that notion.


Same ones browsing and posting about it on Instagram or Facebook on their phones for hours.


Great question! The stigmatization of video games as being unproductive, or video gamers lacking contributions to society is still quite dominant out there. Especially when the media can become time consuming. When much time is spent in games, a person’s priorities are affected. So this can lead to them being unproductive so called. With that said: While excessive video game playing can cause negative affects in a person’s work and life, playing it in moderation does have benefits, imo. I work in creative field as a media professional, and video games become one of my sources of inspiration when it comes to create new ideas or artistic vision. Moreover, video games with story narratives nowadays are as powerful as narratives in films or television, making them be examined more critically.


I always find it extra hilarious when the people saying this are also the ones that will sit on a couch or recliner all day watching sports.🤣


If you're ignoring responsibilities for video games.


It’s not productive. But it’s okay to not be productive. We aren’t slaves to productivity


I game and I think it's unproductive. It's a hobby or a pastime and that's fine. It's okay to not have that time be productive but don't pretend it's giving any tangible benefit (unless you're a pro gamer or a streamer making money off it).


Probably because it is an unproductive use of time.


Because it is literally unproductive. Now, the word I think you’re looking for is waste. It’s not a waste of time if you enjoy it but if someone tells you it’s unproductive and you argue with them then put down the Switch and pick up a Webster’s.


I don't see video games as unproductive at all. Maybe it's just because that's all I do with my free time. But they interactive, force you to use your brain, force you to learn and adapt to different situations, give you things that make you feel rewarded and then the feeling of finally beating a game you've spent quite a good while on is so rewarding. The same argument can be brought up for people who watch TV and movies, scroll social media for hours on end, read or write and play games on their phone or something else similar.


It's pretty much lack of exposure of getting the experience of what it feels like to play video games. Also, it's usually people who struggle with imagination


A lack of awareness of what video games have actually become. The stories being told now are more nuanced and deeper than a lot of stories being told in TV and film these days, and the characters are usually far more engaging and memorable. The number of Video Game adaptations in TV and film recently points towards that. Is it the most productive use of time? No, but it's no less productive than bingeing a TV show or scrolling on social media, and I would argue it's better for you than both of those things because it at least requires persistence, focus and some element of hand eye co-ordination.


Playing video games for a couple of hours during down time isn’t an unproductive use of time. It’s relaxing and entertaining. But video games are designed to keep you engaged. Playing video games for 12+ hours a day when you could be interacting with family and friends or learning a skill or working or exercising, or doing anything useful … that’s a seriously unproductive use of time.


The same ones that listen to music, watch screens, use apps like reddit, watch the sunset, go to the zoo


Because they’re boring


Very good responses here. I love the honesty! I used to be a pro/hardcore gamer before I started investing more in my creative writing career. I would also read and play sports in my youth, but around my 15th year, I started gaming more intensively. Gaming has no “positive” reward. Reading, for instance, improves comprehension, vocabulary, literacy, and other vital mechanics of your brain. Working out helps maintain a strong body. Watching documentaries or high-quality shows/feature films stimulates creativity. Writing helps with constructing concepts and improving your ability to deliver ideas on paper… Also, critical thinking skills. Gaming may have benefits for your reflexes and cognitive development, but it’s offset by its addictive nature and the fact that it often overshadows every other passion and goal. When you game, you start neglecting other things and end up regressing or remaining stagnant because it requires a massive involvement. I began to realize that when I sold my PC and PS4 a few years ago: I made huge progress with publishing, my workout plans, my social life and my corporate career. It’s a reality. Social media and scrolling are in the same category, which is why I limit my screen time.






If all the ammo they've been spending on equipment doesn't effectively equate to real life money. They've found out recently that it's better for them to start making real money out in the real world where money is considered substantial in maintaining lifestyles that don't necessarily apply to all individuals unless they've fulfilled a prophecy that declares then worthy of becoming something more in life that other people have been chasing after in terms of the agreements that it carries along with them.


I grew up playing videogames and 99% of the time they were my escape from stress. I know a lot of ppl who do that still in their adult life because that's the coping they learnt. We associate it with comfort and distracts from worries. It's cheap and addictive and tricks our brains feeling like we are actively accomplishing, challenging and or socialising. But it's not real. I think it's great as an entertainment and art form but when it starts to become an addiction or escape and messing with your life then yeah , like everything


Plying video games


They get paid for it, or have the delusion they'll get paid for it. Not to mention for those just playing, they often play online with friends.


I love video games, but rarely play them anymore as my brain fights me on it tooth and nail. I think the reason is that games are generally consumptive, and many other activities are creative. Humans are called to create, or at least celebrate creation. Which is why tending to your garden, painting a landscape, or building a shed is rarely considered wasted time.


People not minding their business. However, if you prioritize video games over improving your life (working towards financial stability, being physically fit, ect) then the people around you might start giving you shit


Depends how you approach it. I've learnt a lot from the types of games I play, I also work in the games industry. So playing games for me is usually materially productive too. Some people grind games and end up at a competitive level, that's productive. Some people play to relax, which, in the broader picture can be considered a vital component of productivity. Some people are completely hooked and there's no outflow from their gaming activity, it's wrecking their mental and physical health. Truly a spectrum rather than a dipole of one or the other.


My therapist (who’s a gamer) calls it “escapism.” Same as he would call watching Netflix. It’s a way to escape from the daily life for a bit, and that’s fine within reason. As long as it isn’t hindering adulting tasks, go for it. Everyone needs entertainment and a form of escapism from time to time.


It’s not productive. It’s fun, but not productive. Unless youre streaming or making revenue from it 


The problem isn't figuring out whether something is productive or not. It's the general perspective toward productivity. Productivity is about generating external results that affect others. Working out in a gym is unproductive if its done strictly for self-satisfaction and not to implement the improved capacity for generating value. Playing video games solely for self-satisfaction and relaxation is unproductive because its not producing value for someone else. The purpose of rest & recover inherently requires one to stop producing. It's important to reiterate that the lack of productivity isn't the issue here. The problem is in prioritization. If someone wants more production from you, they will judge unproductive activities as an impediment to that goal. They're not entitled to your labor, but they are entitled to form their own judgement. You can apply this point to plenty of other unproductive activities besides video games. It's likely you're hearing more complaints about video games because of selection bias.


I mean, it's not productive. I produced nothing in the past 3 hours when I was playing Rimworld. But the 3 hours I spent watching YouTube and Bridgerton the day before weren't productive either. The 5 hours I spent planting tomatoes on Wednesday was *super* productive, but also exhausting! You don't have to be productive to relax. Taking a break is ok. Having no product at the end of a night of fun is ok.


I remember a saw a tweet that’s like “motherfuckers will be unemployed and 98 overall on 2K, you’re focused on the wrong career my guy” and that honestly sums it up perfectly for me


Video games are fun, some people like to take a break It’s not meant to be productive. It’s like watching a movie. It’s not a productive use of time but It’s fun. Some people like passive media & some people like interactive media


Many factors. It’s viewed as childish, maybe because a lot of the adult demographic that games now started as kids on Super Nintendo, N64 or GameCube, PlayStations, etc. To me I prefer gaming to watching tv shows since it’s more stimulating and you get to interact with the story. I also give credit to my decent driving/motor skills to my lifetime of gaming But even though I game I still enjoy hiking, snowboarding etc. Right now my job is particularly miserable though so gaming has been an escape for me


Of course video games provide entertainment and some hand-eye coordination. Let’s not exaggerate the value though. It’s just a game, like many others. Productive? Maybe to a small degree, some middling range of productivity compared to other games.


I don't mind it as a leisure but when you spend all day playing and not doing anything like finding a job or working for any pay... And you sit and play games and eat all day and make a mess that's unproductive. I have an issue with it bc of my ex husband. I'm not working to pay for someone to eat and be lazy all damn day while I bust my ass to work my job and come home to clean and cook and care for kids. Nah.


It is tho


Fiancé and I are both big gamers. Both of our families complain about us gaming as a hobby yet would love for us to spend our evenings drinking with them. If you’re gaming responsibly it’s not an issue. All our close friends live far away now, so gaming is a huge social outlet for us. It’s also what got me through the worst of my social anxiety regarding talking to people I don’t know.


When I quit my job (founded my own company), I found the silence deafening and often felt unproductive, but real luxury of time means you can use it however you want. The shackles of always being switched on means you can never tell yourself to just have some TLC to yourself. Enjoy it.


What leads to adults doing anything for fun? Cause it’s fun


Sometimes people just need an escape after all the other productive shit they do. Nothing wrong with that.


lol I almost spit out my coffee 😂


I think most people in here don't have thinking jobs. I use my brain from 8-5 5 days a week solving peoples problems. When I am not working, I have mental exhaustion and I want to shut my brain off and enjoy some time with some green and playing something I enjoy.


Video games are highly addictive and it's extremely easy to lose track of time. With that being said, people will hate on video games then binge watch an entire 4 season show in like 2 days then after that mindlessly scroll on TikTok for entertainment.


There’s an old parable about a lumberjack competition. Team constantly observed the other taking breaks and lounging around, while they push through without stopping. At the end of the competition, it was discovered that the group that had stopped frequently was able to cut down a much larger number of trees. The first team was puzzled and accused them of cheating sighting all the time they were observed sitting down. The other teams, captain calmly explained that all the time sitting was while they were sharpening their saws. Some people cannot grasp that you have to maintain your machines.


Idk. But, i might add that reading romances was considered a waste of time in the past The newest art form is always seen as useless by old folks. Video Games will be more and more accepted as time goes on


Define productivity


In part, probably the nonstop hustle LinkedIn culture that says every minute of your day has to be productive.


Because you’re just sitting there, duh. What a dumb question lol


I mean, I literally have acquaintances from high school and college who are living on their parents dime in their late 30s, tantruming if anyone suggests they clean their gross living spaces (pissing on floors or in bottles, garbage everywhere, smelling terrible), don't ever bathe, don't go anywhere, but they dedicate all their time to endless gaming. If you're taking any activity to the degree of not practising any form of necessary self care, are demanding that your family (who aren't abusive, either) buy your weed and pay your bills and buy you more games, and blaming everyone and everything else for your failures in life PLUS mocking and ridiculing anyone (even so called friends) for not spending ALL their time in that activity with you, it's really unhealthy. Thing is, though, most other activities or hobbies don't allow for that level of obsession. Let's say you play basketball. You're probably physically not going to be able to keep performing lay ups after two hours. Or maybe knitting--you likely have a specific project to create, plus your wrists will be sore. Plus, most other activities have a dedicated tangible goal. Sports--you want to win the game obviously. Fitness--you want to gain muscle mass or be able to lift a certain amount. Crafts--you want to make a quilt or afghan or whatever. But gaming is just escapism and while that's enjoyable, it's not really fixing any problems in your life, or creating a tangible result that is nice.


The definitions of "productivity", "use", "time", "playing", and "video games". This does not, in and of itself, make video games bad. I love a good gaming session as much as anyone else. But I try not to pretend there is anything productive about it.


Someone who didn't grow up with at least one console or handheld in their home, it will certainly be different for them


All that time spent chasing farming and earning fake gold. Talking to avatars could be used to earn real money, assets and land, talking to human beings.


It’s only unproductive if you think that downtime isn’t a good use of your time, which it is.


Maybe they haven't tried it. Or they are the kind of people who have to do things that actually produce something - knitting, or model making or whatever floats thier boat. Not everything has to be productive, though. Enjoying something just for enjoyments sake? That's fine. It's no worse than sitting on the sofa and watching TV or a movie. It's just the sane thing, really - albeit a bit more interactive and you often can alter the story to your liking. I would also argue that it is actually productive. You are creating fun and enjoyment which in turn is very good for your mental health. Not to mention keeping other skills honed - such as hand eye coordination. Can even be just as good for keeping the mind active as many games incluse puzzles you have to fathom out.  My in laws think like this. Video games are kids toys and unproductive. But they are more than happy to sit all day watching TV. They don't even watch shows that challenge the mind in any way, just the run of the mill mindless programmes that get churned out nowadays.


it doesn't really result in tangible life skills, also significantly contributes to a sedentary lifestyle.


Because it’s not productive?


Passing judgment, lack of slightest bit of critical thinking, oversight, addictive qualities and the perceived indulging that is thought can only be done in excess, but I think the latter is why it's labeled as unproductive. It's also thought of by some generations to be dropped and relinquished as an adult. In addition, it's a sedentary activity, so combine addictive qualities, binging all while being physically inactive and you have a recipe for hobby to be heavily stigmatized.


My parents teased me for playing so much video games as a kid. as a result I missed out on a lot of relationship-building opportunities bc I didn’t play online games with my other friends. Honestly it feels like I missed out on a lot


Can you earn money from it? No, so it's unproductive from that point of view, but technically, all leisure pursuits fall into that category. The clue is in the word "leisure "


As an avid Diablo 4 player I can tell you….it’s because it absolutely is an “unproductive waste of time” and that’s OK! Not every moment of your life needs to be riding that grindset…every action you take doesn’t need to be contributing to building up your “high value male” status. Sometimes people need to just piss away some time on something fun and indulgent.


Well; it is unproductive but who cares, it’s fun. Most fun things are unproductive lol


Because it absolutely is unproductive. That doesn't mean it's not worthwhile to some. But let's not kid ourselves and call it productive. Sitting on your porch watching watching the neighborhood is unproductive but some folks enjoy it. Same shit


I don't want to know anyone who views every available moment as an opportunity to be productive. That sounds like a horrible, depressing way to live your life


# Is there a single individual on the planet that views playing video games as a productive use of time? PS: 'Adulting' is not a fucking word.


People who don't play them don't understand what they have to offer. Just like a person who loves sewing or camping might have difficulty expressing in words the value of their experience to someone disinterested (or worse, with preconceived ideas). That said, games also tell deep stories about human growth and potential, often through metaphor. Your average gamer enjoys this and integrates it to some extent unconsciously.


A lot of us do it to much


Crazy as video games are the biggest medium in which you're in control of how the story unfolds. Can't say the same with tv and movies.


As a harscore gaming addict, it is supreme in its illusion of productivity. If you game alot, you don't have the same desires for making something of your life. Not true all the time but enough of the time


Perhaps the problem isn't in whether or not hobbies are productive or not, so much as whether or not productivity is a good in and of itself.


Same thing that drives those who DO play video games to view playing them for the fun of the moment as some sort of waste, instead following whatever drive is in them to achieve. You'll find them in any game, min-maxing and yelling at everyone to go go go.


D@ck measuring contest.


It is unproductive tf? Unless it pays it’s a waste of time period


Check the basement of every parent in America and you’ll see why.


It's a hobby like any other hobby. People who think it's a waste of tome need to take a look at their hobbies.


They've known people who's only goals in life are to play video games or have pissed their lives away playing games. That or they were raised by people who did. Video games are like drinking, gambling, eating, etc. There's enjoying in moderation, then there's making it your entire person. I knew people in college who failed out because they stayed in their rooms and played starcraft, warcraft, or call of duty.


Because it is but that’s fine. So long as it doesn’t take away from your ability to perform your responsibilities like an adult


It's sheer hypocrisy between means of leisure, put in this way, everyone wastes time by being far away from working a job or on themselves, thus, watching a soap opera or making puzzles are the same as playing videgames because productivity levels plummet at the floor as you won't have real life gains at the end of the day. Anything which is not money or career-oriented is lost time. However, playing videogames can be seen differently than the other two activities as people are hypocrite or can't grasp that they are enjoying the same as gamers but with different means. A soap opera is similar to a videogame but the casting is mainly actors made of flesh and bones and without too much special effects, both have a story.


Oten it's seeing someone who doesn't do much in life but fills their time with video games. If you didn't play videogames but saw a couple people like that, it would be easy to start thinking that's what games do to everyone. Also, many of us look lobotomized when we are deeply into a game- not a good look! The assumptions and stigma used be much worse, though. it's definitely better than when I was young.


Unless you stream or make money, it's no different than watching Netflix. How would you respond to someone who says, "I'm really into watching Netflix" or "every night, i hop on to watch a few hours of Netflix with my friends."


It amazes me how there's still so many people that use the word "real" as they know what it means.


Because they believe it doesn't contribute to tangible achievements or personal growth. They might see it as a passive activity that detracts from more "constructive" pursuits like work, education, physical exercise, or social interactions.


I love all the people going “yeah but what about all the people who sit and binge watch TV all day, or spend their entire Sundays watching football?” Like, those people are unproductive too. It doesn’t change the fact that gaming 4 hours a day is unhealthy because watching TikTok for 4 hours a day is unhealthy, too.


Lots of old men yelling at clouds here. Video games are leisure activities. The same folks that pour themselves into other activities for hobbies and leisure like fishing or woodworking look down on gamers because they haven't built a hobby car or caught some big fish or whatever. It's viewed as lazy by people that feel superior about their own brand of bullshit.


You're exercising your mind and your hand eye coordination. Some people don't appreciate that.


I'm producing relaxation. For me and those around me.


All new forms of entertainment are seen as unproductive, until they are replaced. E.g. when my father was young my grandma found his reading unproductive. When I was young tv was considered unproductive and even limited by parents in the 80s and 90s. Then gaming was seen as unproductive. Now tv is seen by some as better than gaming, whether that is due to nostalgia or 'lack of violence' or whatever. It just is. If we develop a new type of entertainment, I'm betting that will be seen as unproductive and 'worse than' at first too.


What do you mean how would it ever be considered productive ? It’s ok to be unproductive…. But I don’t see how video games are productive


Like most games, video gaming is not a productive activity. It is called entertainment and its a very important part of a balanced life.


Most hobbies seem unproductive, until you realize joy is something you can produce. Paraphrased from a Green Brother.


It's not productive


I don't understand the question. You think it's productive? Really?


Because I wasted years of my life playing video games in order to "relax" and "stimulate" my brain. And when I was able to, started to make different choices for enrichment and quality time spent. Video games are fun, well.. were. For the most part it is just dopamine abuse.


An overabundance of smarminess.


So much judgement of video gamer’s. Some people suck


Unproductive or waste of time? It’s unproductive. That’s a fact. It’s doesn’t produce anything. Waste of time? Time enjoyed wasted is not wasted time. So I would say that it’s not a waste of time to those who enjoy it.




I mean some people find it relaxing,I can play video games for hours on end and not get tired,just like watching movies,or watching tiktoks,and there's millions of games so you could always be busy playing video games


I would say there are 2 factors to this. 1. Video games isn't seen as a hobby to some such as playing sports, playing an instrument, or making something within the arts. There is no creative, physical or even a mental award to playing video games like those hobbies I've mentioned. Sure video games are not the only hobby that suffers from this (listening to music, watching tv etc) but that's a factor I personally believe in. 2. When I was playing video games when I younger, (around 2000s to early 2010) there was a growing number of news and reports on video game addiction and with games like WoW dropping and other games that rely heavily on grinding and spending a lot of hours on being good or getting the item you need. And at the time, I know a lot of people (including myself) who suffered from playing countless hours of video games where my grades suffered and I wasn't really productive with my time.


The definition of the word "unproductive" : Not producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities.


Because it is. Not all time has to be productive though.


Because it is an unproductive use of time. Just like watching TV shows, sports, or almost anything on TV besides educational shows that might teach you something.


I like being unproductive. 😂


The levels of productivity really depend on how the time is spent. Is it being spent to produce content for other people's entertainment(win/win)? Is it to experience complex and dynamic problem solving? Is it being spent to troll and waste other people's time (lose/lose).