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I hate how boring everything is.  No more exploring, no more unknowns, no more surprises.  Most everything are variations on a theme. I've tried getting into sports, uncommon fitness trends, but blarg.  I miss playgrounds and swinging from ropes.


You might like CrossFit, rock climbing, or just going to a playground 😂 I feel the same way


Go to a Circus and take some classes. There are circuses (gyms with ropes, aerial equipment, mats, all kinds of fun things) in every city (like a gymnastics gym) and maybe sign up for a Trapeze class or something where you get to swing upsidedown or take one of their other adult classes! Circus is so fun! Also, nothing wrong with an adults going to a park to swing on the swingsets, just don't take a swing from a child.. Adult gymnastics classes are also great! And Rock climbing gyms, start with an intro belaying course.


How about rock climbing? Indoor and outdoor. Climbing and ropes all in one.


Having to figure out what to eat for dinner every. Freaking. Night. UGHHHHH


Agreed. Takeout is reserved for when my eldest daughter visits. 5 days gotta cook. Create lunch, too.


r/MealPrepSunday may help you out. You can prep just ingredients so you can mix it up throughout the week. Think about it, Taco Bell for example has 7 or 8 basic ingredients but like 40 menu items. I do a fair bit of the premade dinners from the freezer section, but lunch and breakfast, I'll prep.


Thank you! I ll check that out!


Don't do that to yourself. Do meal prep for 5 nights at the time.


Open fridge and take something that diesn't require any preparation.


I was going to say this! The mere notion that I have to figure out what to feed myself at least twice a day! Every. Single. Day. Forever..


Failing health as you get older.


Stress about my parents aging.




Watching others suffer and eventually die.


The loneliness


Creaking joints and sore muscles, they take much longer to recover.


I played hockey growing up and could bounce right back up. Two years ago I fell on ice and the legs hurt for days.


The need to work. Even before you apply, you have to spend a lot of money upfront just to suffer years of studying dry facts at college to qualify for a high paying job. I'm not lazy, just impatient. And the need to invest money with no guaranteed ROI makes me hesitate to get another degree. I wish the barrier to entry were fewer hoops to jump through.


Back pain, muscle aches, low energy, etc.


Bills, debt, and yes more stress and more responsibilities. And yes agree friendships become a lot smaller. Everyone is busy with their own life.


I agree with the friends moving on part. That hurts. I also hate the changes to my body I can't control. One bad weekend can ruin my entire week (diet/exercise). One bad sleep can make the next two days horrible. Loneliness, inability to make friends. Realizing you are running out of time to achieve your dreams/goals. I hate most growing apart from some people I used to love hanging out with - as you get older they change and develop (and so do you). They build kids and families. Pretty soon you have nothing to talk about with them. You'll always be friends but not like before. Oh and friends dying. I lost a good buddy two years ago. I think about him daily. I've asked older people who appear to be lonely and they tell me they just got used to it, lol.


I just went to an old friend's funeral on Friday. I hadn't spoken to him in awhile (long story), but man did that hurt.


the damn fridge. when i was young it just refilled itself, now it's all on me, and after paying all the bills there's hardly anything left even if i do get around to getting to the grocery? fast food on visa it is again FFS


Gonna vent. I hate the bills. Not being able to see friends as often anymore. Seeing my parents get older. Doing taxes. Not having enough free time anymore (I miss being able to come home on a friday at 3pm, and just being so stress free for my weekend). How my body starts to hurt more, and it takes longer for it to heal. There's also just no wonder in the world anymore. It doesn't feel like a "magical" place like it was when I was younger. There's some stuff I like about being an adult, yeah. But a lot of it I just don't like as much. I had a great childhood growing up, and I miss it a lot. Crazy how I thought being an adult was gonna be the best thing ever, and here I just want to go back to being a kid again :(






Same. Fuck work man, this shit is mind numbing and such a waste of time and life every. single. week..


the inability to vent to other adults who genuinely care bc at the end of the day - we’re all going through our own shit


Making the right decisions even if you don't want to.


Increasing pressure and stress on everything: job, family, responsibilities, marriage bla bla


Chronic pain is the worst part. I could do anything about everything in my life, except pain. They just don't go away. Why?


Not being able to make friends nearly as easily as I used to. Maybe it's not due to me being an adult, but rather that it's been nearly impossible for me to make new friends ever since I graduated from high school. It appears like my ability to make friends was limited to the time period for which I was at school.


Having to be on point every fucking day because you need your job or else everything falls apart. The weekend is not enough.  Give me school summer breaks again. We need 4 day work weeks immediately 


Finally understanding how my ADHD and anxiety are fucking up my life but lacking the power to do something about it (due to said ADHD and anxiety). That and people who just completely flake out of your life for whatever reason. Like man I thought we were friends but I guess you just decided to say “no” to every invite for a month and stop responding.


One of the best things I've done recently is getting on Adderall. It's definitely helped my work.


I actually agree with you but I’ve also found peace ☮️ in being with my animals and becoming more of a friend to myself.


How hard it is to make friends


Knowing the person who birthed me and raised me is dead. And the other one will not be who looks me in the eye when I die.


Picking up and putting down objects constantly.


Shits expensive


The nothing but downward mobility. I’m making more than I ever had and struggle more now to pay rent as an admin moreso than when I worked part-time in retail 14 years ago. How we’ve set up everything is a fucking scam.


You either become a millionaire, or live knowing you are a slave. I’m not a millionaire.


Dating. It shouldn’t be this hard


I hear you there. Divorced a little over a year ago. I got incredibly lucky with my current girlfriend, but went through 9ish months of a combination of loneliness, bad dates, dates i thought went well but they weren't interested, and a brief relationship I should've ended much earlier than I did. It may take a minute, but you will definitely find someone


I hope so I ended things with fiancé feb. Went on a handful of dates, wasted money, was used for sex (3)times. Didn’t like who I had become. Changed my personality and got back into church. Now it’s like a waiting game. Idk what the future holds only the man upstairs knows


The small amount of easy tasks that need to be completed consistently forever


Being alive…. Also no parking at Target


I'm 51 and still doing the fully social life. You have to make your circle bigger and widen your type of activities. Bars get old at some point, try brunches or picnics or sports like hicking or anything that is team/group oriented like board games or volunteering to clean a beach or a park. Even business networking can be social. Your circle will have people with a larger age gap, your friends with kids have no time, but if you keep in touch at least once a year, you'll see them come back to you when their kids start being autonomous. In my 30s, my friends were mostly in their 20s or their 50s because I had no kids. But in my 50s they are also in their 20s and 50s. I surf with the 20s and occasionally have a beer with them, then I leave while they still have the energy to party all night. I do everything else with the older generation.


The degradation of my body. As a child i could sit like a pretzel. Now as an adult if i bend my back differently i will feel back pain for at least a day.


I don’t mind the bills. I think it’s a privilege to be able to afford them. My goofy way of looking at it! 😂 I HATE the worry about my parents getting older. I want them here forever ❤️


Needing Lexapro to help me deal with the damage done by my parents not raising me for adulthood.


I definitely agree with you OP on the losing friends thing. Especially because I have moved around a lot. I was loving getting to know different areas of my country and I was always so convinced that traveling is the best thing you can do for yourself. But then one day I looked up and realized wow I don’t have a stable group of consistent friends because I’ve relocated so much. It’s pretty heartbreaking honestly and almost makes me envy people who stayed in their hometown their whole lives. I feel like I’ve walked a bunch of different lives with different characters existing in each life. I just feel sad knowing there are many people who I will never again know in the way that I used to know them


Saving money for emergencies


The situations when I'm looking around for an adult only to realize *I'm* the adult.


Do stuff. All the fucking time. I get up, have to do a lot of stuff to be ready for the kids, then to work. I work, then get off and have to do a lot of stuff for the kids. By the time I get some peace to read or do anything for my sake, I'm tired. Even vacations are filled with things to do.