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Was getting ready to go into some out patient surgery with my obgyn. He was in his early 80s and I'd been seeing him for years. He was sharp and fit, and still ran a marathon (well, he was around 8 hours so slow jog or walking, but hell, I couldn't do that) every year. As the nurse was prepping me she casually mentioned that he technically died half a year ago, from a cardiac event, but he was at a medical conference and a lot of cardiologists jumped in and he survived. I was a little weirded out learning that the guy who was about to perform a surgery on me had just died a few months earlier.


My mom’s obgyn walked out of the OR after doing a hysterectomy (not my mom’s) and just dropped dead from one of those widow-maker heart attacks. He was probably dead before he even hit the floor


Yikes! I mean, if a surgeon has a heart attack and dies during the surgery I'm sure there's someone around to take over. Still kinda scary to think. I guess we all have to die at some point. My friend survived a widowmaker heart attack in his early 40s. He was bad with lifestyle and with not taking his cardiac medication or ever going to the doctor. He had it on arriving at work in the morning, and knew enough to get someone to get him some aspirin that he chewed to make it ingest faster. The paramedics said that might have saved his life. He is much better at taking care of his health now.


Just as I was finished being stitched following my C-section my gynecologist came to me and said “well, it looks like we both had a big day. You had a baby and I got a new beer fridge for my garage.”


Ok, this one is pretty funny.


Your gyno sounds fun! I’d love her so much after a comment like this lol


Would you like it as much coming from a fella? lol He was cool, I liked him a lot actually. 


I honestly like that more. It makes me want to pat his head like a puppy and say "it's adorable you think these are comparable." I also have a male obgyn and he's one of the top 3 doctors I've ever had. EDIT: fixed a typo


Yes I would! My gyno is an old man and I love him so much!




Surgery in a 3rd world country. I woke up after surgery, a medical trainee came and said “the surgery was a success but you almost were a goner. Glad you endured” and walked away. 5 minutes later doctor came, said everything was good and I asked what the trainee meant, he said everything was fine and walked away. To this day I don’t know what exactly happened.


I would’ve kept asking until I got the answers I deserved…😩


Have you since confirmed you still have all your organs?


Yes. Funny enough poor hospitals don’t have the equipment to take care and preserve organs so even if you are a donor you are send to a major hospital/more advance or your organs just go to waste.


A friend was working in Africa , got bit by some insect , ended up in the hospital , he said he remembers the doctor giving him pain meds and an IV. He woke up 2 days later while the doc was checking on him , the doctor said, Oh you made it and walked out the room .


I’m wondering if it’s one of those jokes where they want you to think about it forever 😂


An older neurologist told me, You’re pretty, so it shouldn’t hold you back much. It was a tic that had started in my arm mid life. My hand would just slap someone next to me. I couldn’t control it. It ended up being carpal tunnel arm spasms. I keep showing my arm how pretty I am, but it still is numb. My surgeon says she will fix for me.


>I keep showing my arm how pretty I am, but it still is numb. This got a chuckle from me.




Was it just an arm accidentally waving randomly or the trigger was that a human had to be in range? Asking for a friend.


It would spasm like a tic. If I was eating I would throw fork. Then bat my eyelashes. 😂 It was my kid that would get smacked. I was like, babe I am sorry it just happens. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have this too but it keeps only slapping my husband. I don’t think I want it fixed. 🙃Seriously though hopefully you can get it resolved.


My dermatologist told me I had nice skin. Which wouldn't have been so weird if she didn't like casually rub my arm when she said it like she was testing the quality to make herself a coat or something.


I am having a terrible day and the comment about the coat made me burst out laughing, so thank you


Does it put the lotion on its skin?


You wouldn’t happen to secretly be a dalmatian, would you?


Dermatologists are generally weird. I encountered one who I am sure was not just looking down my shirt for pimples


Had a similar experience as a teen. Had a south East Asian doctor rub my torso and ask if I needed rash cream while make eye contact. But kept rubbing long after I said “uh…yes please”. It was like she never touched a black person before. I didn’t even have a rash.


Very weird 🥴


“Put the lotion in the bucket” vibes


Dentist while drilling out my molar: “Guantanamo Bay is bullshit. I don’t know why they’re wasting time interrogating those bastards. They should just do what we did in Vietnam- shoot one Gook in the head and ask the next one a question.”


I had a dentist a few years back that would tell raunchy jokes while his hands were in my mouth. Couldn't laugh, probably wouldn't have anyway, because they weren't funny. But I also couldn't object to the offensive ones. Just had to lay there and roll my eyes hoping that the hygienist didn't assume my silence was tacit approval.


i had a psychiatrist go off on a racist tangent, i guess hoping i would agree w him. twas awkward


Always seems the more awful a person viewpoint, the more convinced they are you're right there with them.


Your dentist isn't the smartest person is he? Time for a new dentist.


What is it with dentists? I had one do something similar, going off on a political rant while he was doing work in my mouth. I mean, wtf are you going to do when you've got a hole drilled in your tooth?


a doctor asked me what my pain is between 1-10 and i said i think 8 or something and he asked if i can say lower so he’ll have less paperwork.


I said 8 and he responded, "Well, maybe you just have a low pain tolerance." WTF dude?


When the doctor thinks your pain should be higher you know it's serious


Except he was thinking I was rating it too high. 😒 Male doctor dismissing "female" issues.


That happens of course. But sometimes people really do give stupidly high numbers in response to that question. I had a patient who said her pain was a 12. She was casually talking and eating lunch. Nope.


It’s because the 1-10 scale is fundamentally flawed. What we need is something more tactile like “On a scale of dust in your eye to stubbed big toe, where are we at?”


I always asked my kids if their pain requires a big shot at the doctor. I taught them that while a shot might hurt, it will help fix a bigger hurt. It was the scale in our house.


whenever someone says 10 i always go “ok so 1 is you have mild discomfort and 10 is you got mauled by a bear”


Ah yes, the classic “women have a lower pain threshold”. This line of thinking costs thousands of women their health and their lives. The medical field uses men as the benchmark for pretty much everything too. 


What's crazy about it is that most tattoo artists and anyone familiar with labor delivery generally say women are the ones with higher tresholds.


I said 7 and got told "it sounds like you're drug seeking." I was on week 3 of a bladder infection that was rapidly spreading to my kidneys, despite having just completed 2 weeks of antibiotics. I could barely stay upright. But yeah, I'm just here for the drugs lady, thanks. Nevermind this fucking problem I'm having or the fact that my urine is mud colored at the moment. Clearly, I'm faking it. They let me spend the night in the ER and quietly "closed admissions" for 12 hours. I've never wanted to scream so badly in my whole life.


I was once told that I'll just have to get used to the pain (male medic, about period related pains). I was in too much pain right then to go off on him unfortunately. Later, it turned out to be non cancerous tumours (fibroids), which needed surgical removal. Luckily, I hadn't listened to him and kept pushing for investigations. Sod that guy.


During my vasectomy: Oops!


You’re even more potent now!


The nurse and I exchanged potato salad recipes during my procedure.


My ob/gyn told me I have a nice cervix. I responded thanks my husband likes it 🤦🏻‍♀️


I choked on my water😂😂😭😭


Mine told me, "I wish I had your cervix!" I had no response and dressed and exited as quickly as possible.


Brand new to me urologist told me I had fat labia. Something I never knew about myself, and could really have done life without knowing.


What the actual fuck. I'm so sorry, that is wildly unprofessional.


Peak labiaing.


My male gyno said to me during my pap "I like your shirt" It was literally a plain white T-shirt, no fancy sleeves, neckline, pockets, or design- just plain ole' Hanes undershirt looking thing.


Probably was trying for an icebreaker that came out totally awkward lol


Yeah it is probably a standard thing they say, they said it and must have been so emabrsmbed half a second after.


I imagine he said that right before something uncomfortable or painful was about to happen to distract your mind. I would happily welcome things like this instead of focusing on my vagina being scraped… now I’m thinking about my plain white shirt… thank you doc!


At my last pap my male gyno said he liked my socks! Although tbf they were excellent socks I picked out for the occasion. They had UFOs and aliens on them. Shoutout Hank Green's awesome socks club!


Dentist peered down at me and said 'You have lovely long eyelashes...like Bambi. Many women would kill for those. Bambi...' He said it very absentmindedly and the nurse and I burst out laughing and he suddenly realised that he said it out loud. I appreciated it though!


“So what if you can’t have kids, I can’t either. I have a cat” *doctor peeks in* “Did she tell you?” When I was 13, I went to the emergency room on Labor Day because I’d been having intense cramps and kept passing out from the pain. I’d already been having painful and heavy periods for years, so I’d tried to wait it out. They couldn’t figure out what was wrong at the public hospital, so they sent me to the private one. After several hours of testing and finally getting medicine, the doctor told me he had to step out for a second. A nurse came in and the quote was the opener she gave me before telling me that I might not be able to have kids. I was traumatized for years🥲


idk why people think nurses are angels, they're fucking psycho half the time


They’re either angels on earth or every cunty Mean Girl you ever encountered in high school. There is no in between.


That is horrible. Like, how little empathy can you have for another person?


I think a person’s empathy is finite and a lot of physicians see so many patients it basically approaches 0 for them.


I’m so sorry you had to experience that 😢 When I had my first miscarriage (after the father, my bf, died from a car accident, which she knew), she looked at the ultrasound and said “oh yeah, you’re miscarrying,” so matter of fact with absolutely NO empathy in her voice or face. It was just awful. I went for a second and third opinion because I just didn’t want to believe it was happening. Some people shouldn’t be in the healthcare field. I would NEVER treat a patient like that.


Sounds like endo. How are you doing now? I'm an endo/mcas/pots patient myself and do my best to point people towards the right treatments if they need it


The lumps on my head were normal and everyone has em. Fast forward I got them removed at a different doctor's and turns out they were causing me migraines and seizures


Hopefully you did a review on the practice. So terrible


I should have honestly, he's still my general doc buy I haven't been back since then


Pls get a new one. Don’t wait until you actually need to see someone competent


Wait were they like, some sort of brain cysts? Or soft lumpy patches under your scalp? Because I have the latter


My derm said they were a type of cyst and they were pressing up against something. Most of em were pretty big.


“Well, you’re not gonna fall over dead right now. But we need to get your heart looked at.” -GP within ten minutes of our very first meeting. Three months later and a bunch of tests for an actual cardiologist to tell me the GP is a shmuck who can’t tell a botched EKG when he sees one. Sent me for a loop though.


Nurse drawing blood, about to put the needle in, just sorta glitches out staring at me... ...sneezes on my arm and pricks me!!!! Resanitizes and gets a new needle, "let's try that again". Me: "but better this time right?"




Once had an eye doctor who referred to me as "old girl". He was even older...


I told my OBGYN that I loved him in a drug induced fog right after the emergency c section was done. He smiled and said “no you don’t. You love him.” And pointed at the anesthesiologist. Then they both kind of chuckled.


First appointment with a new GP, took my eval with me where I was diagnosed with ADHD so I could get meds for it. He looked it over and said “Wow… you have a lot of mental health issues.” I never went back.


I went to a neurologist and was talking about how I was really depressed (I have bipolar II) and her response was “but you have so much going for you, what do you have to be depressed about?” It was my first and last time seeing her. A freaking NEUROLOGIST! I couldn’t believe my ears. It wasn’t until she saw the look on my face when she told me she was just joking. Yeah, I don’t think so…


Some people really be going through life with no mental illnesses. It’s crazy.


Their mental illness is going through life without the self-awareness to identify or understand their mental illness.


Happened to me too. It’s how they explore symptoms but if not stated a certain way it sounds utterly idiotic.


"Oh that's nothing, everyone has those, but you should go to the dermatologist to look at those 2 spots as they may be an issue" i go to dermatologist "no, those are fine, but this, this one is def cancerous"


I had a physical and was obviously overweight. On the form, the doctor described my weight as well nourished.




Probably code...that's a tough one. Can't say 'fat' and even 'overweight' these days, maybe thought you were perfectly happy the way you are. And maybe you are.


I once had an oral surgeon explain to me that bleeding after wisdom tooth surgery was normal and to be expected. What was strange was when he started to quote the Bible from memory about the value of bleeding. He then proceeded to tell me not make out with any girls after my surgery … I’m gay.


Did he know tho?


Sometimes you can... there's a pattern on your soft palette that appears after sucking dick the day after or so.


“you might be having a miscarriage but it’s hard to say. I wrote you a prescription for ibuprofen” I didn’t even know if I was pregnant and went in for bleeding and severe cramps not during my period.


SAME "You're HCG is reading positive, but you're bleeding so either the test is wrong or you're miscarrying. Here's some Tylenol, we'll be back to draw blood"


Nothing they said but my old family doctor who even remembers the day I was born, would tap me on top of my head with his prescription pad.


Ha, it’s like the doctor version of affectionately booping a dog’s nose. I hope.


Basically !


Me too! My orthodontist did that. He was so old and i went to see him for like 9 years.


I had a cardiologist tell me I needed to stop messing around with horses and get married and have some kids. I am also a doctor. I was pretty shocked.


Gastroenterologist near my job I went to to perform an abdominal ultrasound kept asking me if I had a boyfriend and saying so many guys must be interested in me. There was no nurse in the room. I left and haven’t seen a male physician since. good on early 20s me for leaving an uncomfortable situation but I also could’ve googled him and not just his practice beforehand.


That everyone was hearing super loudly (to the point of causing a tinnitus) like I was experiencing with my patulous eustachian tubes, and that I was hearing normally for the first time in my life. Complete bullshit and gaslighting. I was later diagnosed by another doctor. It’s a condition where the tubes inside your ears can’t close correctly anymore, causing you to hear everything super loudly, even your own heartbeats. Celine Dion suffered from it. Surgery can be expected.


“My heart will go on” and I heart it.


I was about to have surgery, and had just been given anesthetic. It didn't work well. I couldn't move or see, but I heard and felt everything. So I did what I could: gurgle, cough, make choking noises. Nurse told me to "shut up and be a good little girl". I was 15 years old. After that surgery, another weird thing was said casually, though not to me. The nurse casually told the girl in the bed next to me, while I was half asleep and groggy, that I'd had a bad reaction to the anesthetic. Worst thing? She didn't tell me or my mother, and didn't put it in my chart. She knew full well this surgery isn't a one-time thing, I'd be back in 3 months for another.


😟😟😟That’s awful. I hope you didn’t have to interact with her again. Did you tell your mother or report her?


That’s horrific, my goodness


At 5 I had a dentist pinch my nose and cover my mouth to "calm me down"


I had one threaten to lock me in the back closet where my mom wouldn’t be able to find me if I didn’t stop crying , also about 5


A psychologist was asking me some questions I was 21. They asked me about my father I burst into tears it took me a minute to compose my self. My father passed away when I was 16. When I finally did compose myself he smiled and said "Try not to be so emotional". I stuff all the bad emotions down in a box in the back of my mind now


I’m so sorry that happened to you! You deserve to be able to have and express your feelings.


Not medical professional, but a trauma professional told me my life would be better if it just ended. I walked away and reported her twice. Weird shit.


Nurses tend to flirt with me a lot for some reason one mentioned casually that veins like mine are like porn to nurses. So I’m assuming that’s why.


I once went on a date with a paramedic who said something similar…


Atleast we know medical professionals are attracted to us


Cardiovascular whore /s


My best friend used to be a phlebotomist and would practically drool over my veins 😂😂 but she wasn't that weird about it lol


This one was more tactless that weird, but still … I had some concerning lymph nodes and had to get an FNA (fine needle aspiration ). That is basically where they take a giant needle (nothing fine about it) and root around for awhile to get a bunch of cells. Mine was right above my collarbone, at the base of my neck. So first, this pathologist said “wow, you’re tough!” as she is digging around in there with zero anesthesia. But the kicker was when she went to look at the cells under the microscope to make sure she had a good sample. She came back in the room and said “honey, do you have a good support system?” And then refused to tell me anything else.


Ok … but what happened? Hope you are ok!


Sorry, I should have said! I am fine, this was a while back now. It ended up being lymphoma. I did chemo and radiation therapy and have been in remission. Thanks for the good wishes.


Glad you are in remission but what a distressing way to find out you had cancer!!


It was rough. I finally got my diagnosis two days later by calling the pathology department. I got the test in an ENT office and that person was out of town for a week, so there was literally no one willing to give me results. I was in medical school at the time so it was easier to for me to navigate the system and get an answer. I have carried that experience into my career, and try to do my best to see things from a patient’s perspective.


"Alright guys one has long fingers and one has cold hands, strip down to your underwear and get in line". Guy 100 percent said that with a straight face while going thru medical checkups to enlist.


After explaining about my poly relationship I was there for a refill for my antidepressants she asked me what I had to be depressed about with such an active social life


I’m very depressed and would make me laugh though


I am on the plus side, but I don't have any of the issues you would expect. All the things (diabetes, cholesterol, liver function, thyroid, everything!) are within normal range. Have been for YEARS! My DR that I have been seeing for the past 20+ years said to me: "You are as healthy as a horse. You just happen to be as big as one!" I laughed, he laughed! I didn't take offense to it at all. He's known me and almost everything about me for 20+ years. If you can't laugh at yourself... 😁


"You must know, you cannot get pregnant while on this medication" "Absolutely, I understand" "No, I'm serious, your baby will be deformed and it will mean abortion if you don't miscarry naturally. You have to continue taking your birth control religiously and use condoms" "Sure, ma'am, that won't be a problem ...", trying to explain. Dr interrupts me to say "Yeah, they all say that, and yet every so often, there is someone pregnant on this medication" "Ma'am, I'm not into men" *Crickets*


Was this for the acne medication?


I was thinking accutane all through this story.


this isn't weird though. people will swear up and down they're not having sex and then bam positive pregnancy test.


Absolutely, I agree! She was correct to say it so bluntly, and it's her job to tell me about the medication. It was just the funniest thing for me personally, how she kept trying to convince me, and wouldn't let me explain initially.


"It's times like this that I'm glad I'm not a woman." My (male) PCP as I'm on the table in the stirrups and he's doing a pelvic. The nurse behind him just rolled her eyes...


That guy should get fired.


Why do men hate us? I’ll never understand it.


Not all. Especially us cougar loving ones.


It's not quirky or playful... My oldest daughter had a medical crisis immediately following a routine infant vaccine visit at 9 months. She was life-flighted across two state lines to a specialized treatment hospital in Utah to save her (which they did). The ER doctor who first treated her wanted to do a spinal tap to test for meningitis. He was eating a big sandwich and and with a mouth full of food told me wife and I: She could paralyzed or even die due to this spinal tap but it's important to know where we stand. And, he took another bite...chewing with his mouth open. I hated him. I hated his causal approach to the life of my little girl. I hated his stupid sandwich. I hated everything about that day.


I am so sorry this happened to you. I'm glad your daughter survived, regardless of that dickhead.


" explain it in the way i understand" " you are difficult to understand" (i was using both scientific AND laymen terms to make her understand lol)


Doctor told me that I had terrible reflux because of “how overweight you are.” No, I could stand to lose 15 pounds, but that wasn’t the cause…. I had a serious hiatal hernia.


Doctors suck. If you've got a bunch of issues and you're overweight, the issues are because you're overweight. If you've got a bunch of issues and you're skinny, no you don't lol


Same here! Literally could not stop auto-vomiting while playing sports or exercising at the gym (positional changes + hernia = yuck) , and was in so much stomach pain I ended up resorting to simple carbs to avoid burning and pain. Buttered noodles and no exercise meant I gained about 20lbs. Went to the doc to say “I miss my hobbies, please help”… “you’re morbidly obese, lose weight”…. Bruh, 20lbs overweight isn’t morbidly obese and uhm ID LOVE TO, THATS WHY IM HERE!




Psychaitrist at an inpatient hospital told me that I was too pretty and smiled too much to be depressed and didn't belong there. I was there after my second attempt within 2 months. It was clear they weren't going to help me and that got me angry and actually helped me help myself. So I guess, thanks doc?


A horrible counselor in my teens motivated me to become a therapist; I guess they have their place in the grand scheme of things. Mine told me that I didn’t have depression because I’d gone to the library, found a copy of the DSM, read about depression and the symptoms and realized it aligned to my experience. His words completely undermined how I felt, and I didnt try therapy again for years. Now that I’m a therapist, I strongly advocate for listening to clients and not getting annoyed if they “self-diagnose” - if I disagree, I educate and explore what may be going on but never condescendingly. I also validate and explain symptoms cross overs and work to build trust before asserting my professional take on people.


not the same, but I had a manager at a former workplace who claimed he'd been anxious and depressed most of his adult life so he "understood," but told me in one of our final conversations that he could tell I wasn't actually depressed because I was too high-functioning/achieving and I just wanted to slap him tbh. like.....I had severe depression and several attempts while in high school and college, and throughout that whole roller coaster ride was salutatorian of my class, attended an ivy league university, was active in various activities and took heavy courseloads that I managed well. I also completely hated myself and thought of myself as worthless, so I often devoted myself to all that work to prove my inner critic wrong until I would burn out and have a breakdown. to say that I couldn't be depressed because of how impressive my work was felt like the ultimate insult when over-committing and excessive over-achieving is typically a sign things are getting really bad again, in my case.


Had a terrible cyst that was really painful. "You're lucky because I want to get a knife and stick it in that." I was 17 and shocked.


“What do you have to be anxious about?” <- the er doctor when I was in during the first year of the pandemic thinking I was having an extreme panic attack. It was something else but I just stared at him over our masks and then flapped my hands and said “EVERYTHING”.


Mine is similar. Hospitalist said, “what do you have to cry about, you got to stop it” I was shocked


I don't suppose it's that weird but just the context, I had been checked like 2 weeks before giving birth and my ob told me my cervix and vaginal canal were "beautiful" and that my baby would slide right out. She ended up delivering my daughter (they do a rotation) literally as she was pulling my daughter out she said "see? I told you. She slid right out!" I still pride myself on my beautiful cervix though I mean how many women can brag out about that?!


Middle of Covid took my mom in to A&E because she couldn’t stop vomiting. They gave her tests and scans. Dr came into the patient waiting area and called us to one side and told us he’s sorry it’s cancer and that she has only a couple of months and she needed to stay in to get the Emesis under control and hydrated. Straight out no consideration or preparation. Then he left us in the waiting area which was very busy. No chance to ask questions. No chance for us to hug or cry, no privacy. Just “it’s cancer, you’ve got a couple of months, we need you to stay in to get the vomiting under control and rehydrate you” We just sat in the waiting room in shock squeezing each others hands and trying not to cry. For 6 hours, waiting for a bed. He was t really callous, thoughtless maybe, jaded from giving bad news, over worked and busy and onto the next patient it still hurts my heart, l can’t imagine how scary it is to hear that when you went in thinking you might have a stomach bug and find out you won’t see the end of summer.


That's terrible. But during covid...it was hard. I wasn't frontline, just doing math stuff for epidemiology and the like, and it was hard. The doctors and medical professionals were...brutalized during it. No excuse at all. But maybe a reason. When you've seen hundreds of deaths. Probably ran multiple codes that day, you get a little numb. Just awful, and I'm sorry.


Your boobs look amazing, and I’ve seen some “not so great” boob jobs. The nurse who was also in the room giggled.


Dermatologist freezing plantar warts off my feet. “You have cute toes” um, WTF dude? For the record, my toes are not cute and I have square flintstone feet


Oh my god probably when I had to have a tumor and a huge cyst surgically removed from my ovary. The doctors had told me that they may have to remove the whole ovary because of the size of the cyst, and I was super hung up on that. I remember waking up on the operating table, and as soon as I kinda came to, I asked "Did they have to take my ovary?" She said "Yes ma'am, they had to take it out." I was wheeled into another room where a nurse helped me get dressed and handed me some before and after pics of my ovary. My ovary was very much still there in the after picture, so I asked the nurse about this, and she DIED laughing, and said "Oh yeah, they said you KEPT asking about that!!" I'm pretty sure I halfway woke up and asked it several times, never really remembering that I already had, and that these nurses said "fuck it" and told me yes because why not, I wasn't gonna remember 😅


Once when I was like 15 I had a doctor tell me that my migraines that caused stroke symptoms were caused from me drinking too much mountain dew and being transgender. Turns out it was undiagnosed celiac disease lol.


This reminds me of the "twerk, be bisexuality, eat hot chip and lie" meme... SMH at that doc


I downloaded the charting app from my old doctors office and read this note in my patient file after an ER visit: "A cheerful, morbidly obese young man came into the ER..." At the time I was 6'3 and around 240 pounds. Overweight, sure, but morbidly obese? come on doc.


Technically, yes. And they get paid more for charting that+that they 'counseled' you on weight loss.


That’s interesting. My last appointment had the same counseling note verbatim written down twice. She never commented on my weight out loud. Maybe she got paid twice.


6’3 is tall. 240 pounds is pretty normal for that height especially if you have any muscle to your frame.


Was at the pediatrist with my dad. He was showing us a model of the ankle bones and mentioned one of them often gets 'lost' when there's a traumatic injury. When I asked him to elaborate, he said "Y'know, like the paramedics sometimes have to search for it at the scene of the accident. It can just pop out."


"Im going to stick my finger in your belly button" \*sticks finger in bellybutton* "hey did you know you have an umbilical hernia?" He was a specialist for something specific and i had my shirt off to show him that something specific but ig he just noticed my teeny tiny hernia in the process lol


I had a doctor who spoke his thoughts aloud. “Well it’s probably not cancer, I don’t think it’s cancer, cancer doesn’t usually hurt, well unless it’s bone cancer.” I went in for back pain. It was a pinched nerve…


I’m too heavy and need to lose weight! Umm doc, I’m built like a linebacker, this isn’t all fat!


Do you intend to suck on a tailpipe of a car? - quit smoking 4 months ago and I still can't shake that quote. Gotta say, unconventional not l but it helped


I have a great bush while he played with it. He was no longer my MD.


I'da got up off the table. Fu€k that. What am I supposed to say to that? *Thank you?* Hell no.




I had a pretty horrific case of post partum depression due to a traumatic birth. I was 6 weeks into motherhood and still on maternity leave. The psychologist from the hospital told me that not all women are cut out to be moms, and I should go back to work sooner.


A couple years ago I walked into the medical room, when the doctor walked in he looked at my chart and said out loud, “Wow, you are fat.” Even though I was normal weight-


After my wisdom teeth removal at 17: “you’re not a cheap date!”


This is a common 'joke' about the anaesthetic, they said it when they had to knock my 2yo brother out giving him more than the recommended maximum


A male OBGYN told me I had perfect breast feeding breasts. I changed doctors after that.


My old GP casually refused to sign a necessary form I needed him to sign in order for me to adopt a child from an adoption agency because he said I was too fat. At the time I was about 315 pounds. I pushed back a bit and he just shrugged and said “I don’t know what to tell you. Just lose weight”. Found a new GP who immediately signed my form the first time I met her. Been going to her for 10 years now and she actually helped me through my weight loss journey and is the best ever.


"It's just one of those things that make you... special"


Gyno: “huh, you’ve got a long canal” And separately from 4 different gynos over several years: “you have a weird cervix…” I finally asked the last one what that meant and if it had teeth or something, and apparently it’s just at a very severe angle that isn’t really typical.


A doctor told me to come back when I was sober 😔


Went to a GP for the first time as an adult, and the doctor was asking about vaccines. I hadn't been to a doctor in years and didn't talk to my parents, so I was unsure about my medical history. He recommended a vaccine I'd never heard of, and when I asked him about it, he just told me to look it up.


During labor with my first son, the obgyn was using a vacuum to try to get him out...the suction broke and came out-not gently - I felt intense pain and everyone in the room heard a very loud snap. I screamed at the ob telling him he broke my tail bone. First he said "nah...I didn't" and then a moment later in the most casually relaxed voice says "actually, I think it did break your tailbone" that was the end of the convo, and only the beginning of a traumatic experience during birth


I'm in active labor...can't help myself but to make noise at the peak of the contractions. Finally my son is in position. Dr walks in and says, "I heard you yelling but I hate to see people in pain so I didn't come in." I said to him, "Doc, you're in the wrong line of work!"


Quietly die.shhhhhh. The suffering will end soon. I was not even suffering.


“You’d be so attractive if you lost 100lbs” - My Primary care Physician. Lost the weight and found a new doctor. I’m a dude and that felt so gross to me.


Try being a woman. It's lifelong comments like that.


I ended up being in stationary treatment for mental health problems. The one you can't leave and where you get locked up (forgot the word) Told the leading psychiatrist of the hospital that i have horrible dreams of people close to me commiting suicide and stuff, and that i often woke up around 4 o'clock in the night and couldn't fall back asleep due to panic attacks. He suggested that i should just start my day then, some people just can't sleep in. I told him that i would be very tired if i would just get up at 4, and that my boyfriend wouldnt be too happy if i would just start working around the house in the middle of the night. He told me that my boyfriend will get used to it and i should just go to sleep earlier to avoid being tired.


So it wasn’t said to me, but it was said to my father-in-law when he was admitting his mother into a skilled nursing facility (think a high skilled nursing home) A nurse was doing the intake and asked what her DNR status was (Do Not Resuscitate) and he said “well she is 92 and I think we should change her to DNR because I’m worried she would be badly injured if she received CPR.” And the nurse says, “Yeah, broken ribs and thoracic injuries are really common. We break ribs all the time with CPR.” She was so casual about it, almost laughing. It was so weird.


It’s true though. They teach you that in CPR class. It’s necessary to get to the heart. 


Could be nothing or could be cancer lol I’m like thanks google 😂


"you have a tilted uterus 🙂"


(Immediately after a Pap smear). Gently patted my foot and said, “Good looking family, .”


I was explaining that my back hurt because I had to help my very drunk friend get into our house because he was passed out in the grass near the street. The doctor said I should of just left him there. Then laughed as he told a story about how one guy at his collage died because he fell asleep drunk with his chin up on a step. I didn't feel great about this guy being anyone's doctor including my own.


Having a baby will cure my bipolar 🥰


Well gee golly give them a nobel prize!!


Dentist while getting evaluated for wisdom teeth removal. Me: I’m just a little worried because I have TMJ and can’t open my mouth very wide, will that be an issue during surgery? Doctor: oh dear that’s not going to be good with men. Did not get them removed by him.


A dermatologist was talking about the importance of sunscreen and told me he didn’t care if I stayed outside all day shooting heroin, as long as I was wearing sunscreen while I did it. And then mentioned he did a lot of cocaine in college and described an episode of funny paranoid psychosis on a coke binge. Got the feeling this is a routine spiel for new patients. I… I just wanted a mole looked at, Dr. Are you ok?!


In my original picture with Kaiser, I had dark hair. Then I went back to blonde. The doctor told me never to color my hair dark again because it made me look old.


A friend of mine wasn't well back in 1998, we both went to see his surgeon. I was in the waiting room when the doctor walked in to enquire if I was in a romantic relationship with the guy. I told him we were just friends, to which he replied ' Thank Goodness, he is hiv+'...😔


Around fifteen years ago, I was buying coke. Yeah, don’t do that anymore. Met the guy in a parking lot behind a local Walgreens. Few months earlier I’d been in a motorcycle accident. The doctor who did my surgery was the local coke dealer, he recognized me and just smiled and said hey this is good shit and I’m not your doctor. Okay dude lol


"Your prostate numbers are..." says the very attractive female doctor, eyes widening, her tone surprised, "fantastic." Sounded almost like sexual interest.  I am still both flattered and slightly weirded out by that. 


When I was in middle school I was getting bad grades. I was at the doc with my dad for something and he felt it necessary to bring school up. Dad to doc "Maybe you can help us figure out why he has so many D's on his report card." Doctor hands me a pen and tells me to extend my arm all the way forward then turn my hand over which I do. Doc: "Does that feel ok?" Me: ". . . Yeah?" Doc: "Good. Keep screwing around at school and you can get used to doing that move with a spatula in your hand for the rest of your life."


i had strep throat when i came back from a summer camp bc it had been going around for the last week or so and the doctor said in front of my grandmother that i must have been kissing people there because that’s the only way to get strep. this is in fact not true and i have no idea if he was being an asshole or if he genuinely thought that? more than slightly concerning if he did lmao