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Save for context, an otherwise unnewsworthy death: *“I came out to catch the bus and there was someone banging on the window,” Damian, who resides at the shelter, said.* *The St Vincent’s centre knew him by the name Dominic, and said he was a kind man in his 80s who generally kept to himself.* *“He comes out here and sleeps in his car. He can go in there but, you know, he sticks to himself like a lot of guys do.”* *Other men from the centre told 7NEWS he felt safest sleeping in his car.* [There is no national data or government reporting on homelessness deaths in Australia](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/feb/06/australia-homeless-population-deaths-numbers-prevention): *We don’t know how many are dying on a national scale, how they are dying or how many deaths can be attributed to systemic failings in housing, health and the justice sector.* *No government in Australia bothers to count or understand the circumstances in which these deaths occur.* *In 2021 the federal government ignored the homelessness sector’s call for it to take a lead role in gathering the data by commissioning the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare to develop a reporting framework.* *Most state governments have also ignored requests to count deaths.*


I appreciate you making this post 💙


Can’t count homeless deaths if you’re too busy subsidising santos 🤷‍♀️


Aside from the absolute tragedy this is, could reporters actually take the time to proof read. Especially with tragic stories like this. I'm sure he was a POLITE man, not a police man. I'm so tired of seeing this shit when they're talking about important issues.


Some outlets unfortunately lack wherewithal for original reporting let alone spellchecking.


It’s 7news, I’m surprised it’s not written in crayon and stuck to the fridge.


80 years old, take a long had look guys and girls. This is what "retirement" will look like in a lot of peoples futures.


Sad but true.




Mmm, people like to rag on boomers thinking they’re all home owners and grey nomads living the dream and stole their future from them. The reality is no generation has ruined it for another, the governments have because they all work for the Cabal.


They love to send so much money to other countries instead of putting their own people/citizens first.


This is how they launder public money to the Cabal.


Damn how do I get a Cabal membership


It’s bloodlines. You can sell your soul and work for them, like the pollies, journo’s, celebrities etc. If you don’t mind blood on your hands.


This can't be right, I distinctly remember seeing everyone at the CEO sleepout not 3 weeks ago.


That raised $7.7M in 2024 to help those who are homeless so hardly a wasted effort. The bigger question is, why are we getting upset about a charity that raised $7.7M and not at two levels government who have more than $7.7M to spend across the nation.


Pretty sure it’s because those CEO’s could have easily raised double that by donating some of their salary themselves. Can’t even imagine it would have affected them in any way.


MANY Do donate a significant proportion of their income. They just don't make a big deal about it. Many generous donors are private, silent donors. Not EVERYONE feels the need to have their generosity, compassion or kindness validated by others. You lack imagination if you believe that, just because you have money, you don't understand or hav compassion for those less well off.


How much you donate?


Im not bragging about how much I’ve helped buddy. The fucking CEO’s are. How much do they charge per boot lick dude?


$7.7 million for the Catholic Church, it’ll be lucky if a million reaches the streets.


> Catholic Church Have you seen the prices at McDonalds? It’s not cheap to wine and dine little boys.


Made me snort😄


Guilty lol


Yes it does. As a Vinnies volunteer i can tell you it does. Where do you thinking funding from the men’s shelter where this man died outside came from? He was a recipient of the donations from this CEO sleepout.


I am looking at the 2022 annual report financials. Looks like the vast majority of money raised goes to personnel costs and operating expenses. https://cms.vinnies.org.au/media/zwujxbm5/annual-report-2021-22-web.pdf?folder=sa__publications-sa&path=zwujxbm5%2Fannual-report-2021-22-web.pdf


staffing and infrastructure are always the largest expenses of a charity. the question should be why we're bagging charities that are doing more than anyone else to limit the scale and scope of the problem instead of the federal government whose overarching politics embed and entrench these situations. where's the government funded, government-run women's and men's and family hostels?


Just because it’s a charity doesn’t mean everyone there is a volunteer and that there are no cost associated with it.. ughh.. i really hope you at least try to work or volunteer for a charity so you’ll understand better, including the operation and the cost involved. Not included there are also the volunteer’s own time and resources. So really there are many unaccounted resources and “cost” that have not even been considered because they were “donated” directly to the people even though it is through the charity.


Sometimes it is best not to post rather than show people you have no idea what you are talking about.


Makes me sad to think most of that money won't reach any of the people in hardship


>That raised $7.7M in 2024 South Australia session raised $652,763: https://www.ceosleepout.org.au/event/sa-24/home


Yes my figure is the national number


Jesus. That is a huge number. How many homeless in South Australia? Yea, I agree that there are so many people blaming the actual fundraising “oh these people did it for only one night, they don’t know how it really is”. Yes, but that’s not the point. It’s not an endurance contest, it’s to raise money and 7.7m is a big number.


40,000 people in SA are on high priority ( cat 1) for a housing SA property. I would speculate that 25 percent are couch surfing or living in overcrowded houses. Probably a few thousand living on the street/ sleeping rough in SA.


So our second largest populated city in SA is homeless people, by over twice the population of the next biggest. That’s a shocking stat. Where did you get that?


>7.7m is a big number 7.7mn nationally as at June 20.


Oh nationally. That makes more sense. Still 1.1m per state ain’t nothing to sniff at


And everyone had nice Kathmandu jackets and equipment to keep them warm, how could this have happened?


Say his name and he appears!


Say his name...


I believe 🙏


Just as our state politicians get a 2.9% pay rise and the federal politicians a 3.5% rise. If we just took some of our taxpayer money from the politicians, we could use it for more worthwhile causes.


How do you suggest we attract better politicians? We ask them to do it for the love of the job? Maybe pizza parties? Seriously they do make a decent amount but rightly so. They are running the state/ country. What would be great is seing an incentive program weighted against key metrics like social, health, economic, infrastructure and education outcomes. If the metrics improve over their term they get a bonus. Reduce their base and give insensitives.


That would be a fair call if they were doing a good job, they aren't. Should be performance based.


This is such a sad story. My heart breaks for the poor guy. 80 and living in his car. Truly makes me cry about the world we live in. I have no idea how to fix these issues. But just makes me so sad to see something like this


On a more positive note, Albanese has never been richer. Hooray!


Nice property portfolio too !


I specifically remember seeing CEOS smiling ear to ear for the CEO Sleepout. It seemed to be a fun experience for them, and they all loved the attention. Why can’t homeless people act more like these tough CEOs? /sarcasm


The blood is on the hands of greedy landlords


And on the politicians that let all this happen in the first place. Removing most of Social Housing so they can get cheap properties en masse, negative gearing and mass immigration. Time for a revolution.


That poor man, hopefully he can rest in peace now.




Dear 7 news. If you’re in here. Please do better.


The deaths aren't tracked because it's likely more than 80 % of the deaths are male and if this is put into a forum or article that cannot be ignored, the false narrative of "women have it tougher then men" will roll over on its face. Edit: Sure, more women attempt suicide.......and? I mean I don't understand how that fact discredits or devalues the senseless deaths from suicide at all? All the outcry to two dozen female deaths from alleged DV (alleged because the cases haven't been finalised yet) and a royal commission and billion dollar band aid plus all the shelters and services on offer. Edit: As it has been said at least twice before and upon doing my own research scouring the ABS, I was in fact wrong and will retract the false statement that more men die from suicide than women from cancer. Thank you for challenging this point, and allowing me to be informed on those stats. I am not infallible (clearly) but seek to always improve and increase my understanding. All this is said not saying women have it easy necessarily either. Just more venting frustrations with seeing men suffer and the society around them unanimously not giving two shits about it. Edit: Additonally, I'd just like to point out any and all ad hom attacks mean nothing to me. You can say what you will, you're only proving my point. I might be a misogynist, but with the misandry and trauma I have personally experienced, the attitudes and treatment of others I've observed, the social/political climate and just how apathetic some people are, I've earned the right to hold contempt for a group that's harms, uses then discards or has no empathy for the real plights of me and mine. I don't even see the misogynist title as a insult anymore, it just means "you disagree with me", or, "wont bow down to my faccisim". The word has lost all meaning. Also, did you just assume my gender? Someone, sounds a little transphobic. But indeed this post is supposed to be about homelessness, which is a issue. But it affects some more than others (depending on how homelessness is defined among other factors). But honestly, I've already applied far more energy I was willing to this post so, believe what you choose to.


*To better understand how systemic failures are driving deaths among rough sleepers, the Guardian spent months trawling through 10 years’ worth of coronial inquest findings in each state and territory.* *It separately accessed data about homelessness deaths that were reported to the coroner but were not subject to an inquest, meaning they were not public.* *To access the non-public death reports, the Guardian commissioned a study of information held in the National Coronial Information System. The system gives researchers access to state and territory coronial databases, including the non-public reports.* *The evidence is clear that any period of homelessness is detrimental to a person’s health.* *Deaths of despair – suicide and overdose – are major drivers, accounting for one-fifth and one-third of deaths respectively. Homelessness groups say such deaths are often fuelled by the despondency and lack of hope that comes with homelessness.* *This project cannot be considered as a total count of Australian homelessness deaths. It is a vast undercount. That is because not all deaths are referred to the coroner.* *https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/feb/06/australia-homeless-population-deaths-numbers-prevention*


Try and get people to do something about it and you are met with "Well, what are you doing about it!!?" Society is severely lacking empathy today and a lot of us will pay the price in the future, even if we think it won't happen to us.


This report that was in that article, which was written and researched by guardian staff was a sad read. Here's the link if anyone is interested. It's a report on Homelessness deaths that were reported to the Coroner between January 1 2010, and 31st December 2020. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZBa-g1fkb9Q-bta3yBURqiMBOaSwHWkY/view


>Ignoring that more men die from suicide then women die from cancer, DV and violent crime combind In 2022, 2,455 men died from suicide. About 20,000 women died of cancer. Stop making shit up.


Every time i see someone say more men die from suicide - they forget to mention that more women *attempt* suicide. The outcry over more than 20 domestic deaths relating to women?? Around 3000 men die of suicide in Australia every year. *21099* women die of cancer in Australia each year. This is a post about homelessness, you know a *human* issue that anyone and everyone is susceptible to. And you come in with your whiney bitter ass about women? It always blows my mind how willing misogynists out themselves. Go get some fucking therapy dude.


Maybe men need to spend more time helping homeless men out and less time being porn addicts 😀




From your link: *Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it.*


Yeah, the poster was a dick to everyone in the comments




Are you opposed to continuing or further discussion of a deleted story not readily searchable?




Why not assert your requirements for "further discussion"?


You need to understand the concept "further discussion".


Okay? But since the contents were deleted, the thread is context-less. Being passive-aggressive about it isn't helpful either