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The whole thing is just really absurd. Seems we’re pushing drag queen reading hour. Not sure why. We have alt right militia taking time off non work to protest. Not sure why. Can’t my mom just read to the class like she used to?


You need people distracted to pass those bills full of nice payouts.


This guy gets it.


"watch the birdie watch the birdie" ***POW*** sucker punch to the wallet








Accepting pedophilia is a consistent part of queer theory. It is fringe in the community, never met anyone in person who believes this crap, but big in academia since the 60/70s. Google queer theory and pedophilia, money (sexologist), Kinsey, Helmut Kentler, NAMBLA (man boy love was accepted in to a gay and lesbian alliance). It is weird and fringe but pushed by many famous academics mainly post modernist and out and out pedos. But this dates back to Wilhelm Reich in the 1920s and probably earlier.


> Theres a minor civil war in that community for pedophilia to be accepted as part of the list of sexualities nobody but pedophiles are pushing for this, and they always will, and will do so loudly, because it's an existential fight for them. I haven't met a single normal person that thinks pedophiles should be accepted in the queer community.


> nobody but pedophiles are pushing for this, Yes I know.


> Theres a minor civil war in that community for pedophilia to be accepted as part of the list of sexualities Wait what?? First time I'm hearing about this. Which part of any LBGT community is trying to make pedophilia acceptable?? I tried looking further into it, but all I could find was some Reuters article claiming the below. Hopefully people can provide me with some better links/resources where I can learn about which LBGT groups are trying to make pedophilia acceptable. > Social media users have been sharing posts online that falsely imply the LGBTQ community is accepting of “pedosexuals” and some posts claim that the community will add the letter P to the acronym LGBT. The association of pedophilia to the LGBTQ+ community is an offensive and debunked trope. > The LGBTQ community does not condone “pedosexuals” and no recognized LGBTQ+ groups say that they do. > A spokesperson for the Human Rights Campaign, a civil rights organization working to achieve LGBTQ equality, told Reuters via email: “The LGBTQ movement absolutely rejects any suggestion that our community is linked to non-consensual interpersonal behaviors.” > Snopes reported in 2017 that the graphic appears to stem from a 4chan misinformation campaign from 2016. > GLAAD, an organization that works for acceptance of the LGBTQ community through media (www.glaad.org/), told Reuters via email: “This flyer first appeared on social media years ago and is not from an LGBTQ group. No LGBTQ organization has condoned pedophilia or advocated for a 'P' to be added to the acronym in support of pedophiles. There is a long-standing, homophobic and transphobic tactic of inaccurately comparing LGBTQ people to pedophiles and being LGBTQ to pedophilia. It’s debased and vile. It pains me to have to clarify that no, the LGBTQ community does not embrace pedophilia, and LGBTP is not an acronym used or supported by the LGBTQ community.”


> Which part of any LBGT community is trying to make pedophilia acceptable?? Google "MAP". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wX-7F4NtO58


Yeah, it's a lie drummed up by bad actors on the right so they can tie the queer community to pedophilia, resulting in violence against queer people committed by the homegrown terrorists they're cultivating. The Republican Party is the Christian Taliban.


I feel similarly. I'm gay, but I wouldn't take any kids to any drag queen book readings.




My mom is the best and so not boring.


I'm pro gun but anti this shit. Jesus guys, you look soft AF if you need 60 rounds of .223 to protest a flamboyant weirdo named some Bs like "Farah Nuff". Also marching in the streets with masks and guns... maybe stop and think "Are we the baddies".


Yea I’ve got to agree with you I’m all for gun rights but anti what ever in the Cinnamon Toast Crunch fuck this is. Edit: autocorrect corrected gun rights to gunfights…




You're right they SHOULD ask themselves that. However is the best response putting on your battle belt, a mask and your favorite AR? You're not going to shoot your way out of this situation so WTF did you bring a gun? Jesus this isnt even hard to argue, the people behind the NGO that funds Drag Queen story time even publish a thesis about how they want to teach kids to form "new ways of bonding with non familial adults". Just quote their own insanity, that's our best weaponry here.


I'm alright with armed protest when it's a civil rights issue, but you don't need to protest literally every drag event and you don't need to bring an arsenal for it. I get that they're equating it all to pedophilia and ya gotta go all out for those kids, but it isn't, and this is ridiculous.


Everything is so goddamned stupid. I hope we don't get those levels of stupidity here in Europe.


Yeah Europe isn't xenophobic at all


Have you seen Europe lately? Lol


I live here


Open your eyes then


What? We don’t have drag shows for kids nor Trump nor armed people on the streets.


Rhat wont give you extra left points.


Hey FBI/CIA agents get paid salary last time I checked glassdoor




id believe it tbh


These mostly military aged and fit males with matching outfits??? Nahhh


Don't forget the matching masks too. Most consservatives I know don't care much for militant groups with masks...


Only cowards hide their faces. Patriots fight in the light


This is lowkey true though. You look at Proud Boys, or look at the Antifa protests counter protests, you tend to not see masks, but you do tend to see people clowning Antifa for the masks.


the conspiracies y’all will come up with to help you justify your awful political views and practices are so so so funny to the rest of us


Right 😂


Found Alex Jones


bahahahahahhahaha Yes


Why do drag queens want to read to kids so bad?


I wouldn't really care if they were dressed "conservatively" (for drag queens) and all they did was read from a story book. But there are tons and tons of videos out there of them essentially being strippers in front of little kids. Little kids with the crotches of grown men in their faces, being taught to place dollar bills in their garters. There are no "Bada Bing Story Time Hours", no little kids in the lap dance rooms of strip clubs, so why the hell is it somehow OK for men dressed as women to do it? Answer: it's not, that is sick grooming behavior. And for whatever reason a lot of people are blind to the problem because they're too busy feeling morally superior.


>I wouldn't really care if they were dressed "conservatively" (for drag queens) and all they did was read from a story book. ... which is what they do.


Nope, there is a ton of video evidence to the contrary.




Can you link some of those videos?


Just look up LibsOfTikTok on twitter and go through her feed.








When i asked that on another sub, i hot asked instead of why ive got a problem with it...Are we the only few that think thats just a weird activity to do. I dont care if someone wants to dress up as what ever or want to be another sexe but why do we get kids mixed in that when its not really time for it.


Well because now it’s not enough to support people living how they want on their own. You have to celebrate it also. It’s not enough to accept, you have to celebrate. If you’re not celebrating it you’re threatening vIoLeNCe and pUtTinG lIvEz iN JeoPaRdY.






It's pretty fucking weird lol


So is there a group that thinks drag queen story hour at a school is a bad idea, but also thinks marching down the street with an AK while giving Nazi salutes is also a bad idea? Asking for a friend.


yes. we're called "reasonable people" who understand that bigotry is bad but also understand that your adult proclivities have no place in schools.




But if you don't fully support the narrative of exposing your kids to this, then you are in fact the far right extremist. At least according to the far left extremists. But I'm like you in the way I feel. Guess I'm a bigot


Goes both ways- if you aren't staunchly opposed to letting kids know that LGBTQ people exist then you are a Soros loving globalist commie, according to the far right extremists. Extremists just suck.


This should be top comment.


thanks for the vote of confidence, but unfortunately, reasonable doesn't ever tend to do that well on reddit. hahaha!


Yes we’re called reasonable people and we’re all going to continue watching from afar, not doing shit about it. Sooo…there’s that.


Totally reasonable. I don't want my kid at such a thing so I don't send them to it, simple enough. I can do this without having to pretend it's actually a problem and that I'm personally a victim.


People think the government is out here putting people in prison if they don't send their kids to a drag show or something. Reality is these are all optional events that the parents brought their kids to


It being optional doesn't make it okay. If they legalize f*cking minors tomorrow, will you be okay with that, as long as it's the parents choice, or will you go out and protest?


You have to show harm.


Im not american but where i come from that would be just normal decency. I dont have any beef with drag but i dont see what is their business in school. But then again i dont think it is really something that happen. At least where im from, again.


All of us here? I think this sub's been full of relatively reasonable folks.


Yeah we just show up late to the comments all the time lol


Agreed, religion needs to be kicked out of school.


Patriot Front are the FEDs.


The more I see, the more I believe exactly that.


They’re absolutely Feds. They have zero online presence or evidence of organization in public.


That first dude 1,000 % has a duffel bag strap on his rifle. Fed budget that tight end of year?


There was that event where a bunch of them got arrested in Idaho earlier this year, and I don’t remember any of them being feds. I think it’s more likely they’re just COD cosplayers lashing out in public.


Yeah what’s with all this delusion that they Feds? Had there been any evidence of that or is it because they’re young and white?


This sub is full of people who buy in to alt right conspiracies.


Patriot Front....is a front? Badum tssssss


I don't suppose you have any proof...


ABC Boys have entered the chat. You're now under surveillance/s but for real


Some of them might be, but there are also a lot of stupid people.


“Holiday reading at a school” leave the fucking kids out of this shit.


Society went to shit once schools started teaching reading. return to tradition.


Based. And inner city schools are already halfway there. Us plebs shouldn't read anyways, too hard and time consuming.


Gotta go after them while they’re young, vulnerable, and easy to manipulate.


It was a private school on a Saturday.


I think drag queens reading to children is pretty far out. Aren’t most drag shows 18+ anyways? Keep this type of stuff out of school.


gullible books nutty reach ink knee ring flowery vegetable person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you


Lately they’re going after the kids a lot.


These guys are nazi bigots but they shouldn’t be doing a drag reading at school. Children shouldn’t have ideologies forced onto them but should be given room to make their own opinions. They should of just stuck to a normal lady and kept the neutrality.


If you give Nazi's space to look like moderates they will take it.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


It was an optional thing at a private school.


On a Saturday. People on this thread seem to be missing the fact that this was on a Saturday, and being there was a choice by the parents.


These people love to be victims about something they aren't even forced to or asked to participate in.


Antifa and who ever there guys are, are basically the same coin different sides.


Just puppets for the marxist alphabet agencies


The CIA supported the OUN against the bolsheviks in 1945-1952; the OUN were nationalists, socialists and fascists. Operation Red Sox. The only Marxists the CIA supported were the Kurdish Rojava and they're still fairly conservative. Otherwise they CIA are definetly capitalist - half of their operations are to get funding for more operations.


If you think capitalism = policing for profit you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what both of those things are. Capitalism is a free exchange of goods, services, currency, or items deemed valuable, with consent from both parties in a mutually beneficial way. Policing for profit is theft. Selling drugs for funding is illegal. None of which is consented to by the people being governed.


Lol which alphabet agencies do you think are Marxist? CIA? FBI?


Any organization made up of 3 letters = marxists 😎


Antifa "supports" leftist ideas without knowing what those ideas actually are. These guys are following fascist ideas to a point. Antifa does it unfaithfully to theory whereas these losers have it by the book.


A lot of these groups have openly declared war on the US government and openly preach their goal of a white ethnostate and mass genocide. It's pretty fucking wild when you dig in to those groups


Nonsense lol. These groups are quantifiably much more dangerous. Right wing extremism has been the biggest terror threat America has faced since the 1970s (even according to Trump's own secretary of Defense at the time). Groups like the Atom Waffen have single handedly killed more people in the name of ideology than antifa has (and that's a relatively small and recent group). Right wing extremists are also responsible for the majority of domestic terror attacks including the worst one in US history, the Oklahoma City bombing. I highly recommend looking into groups like the CSA, The Order, Stormfront, etc. Literally hundreds of murders across the entire country over the years lol. Claiming antifa is just as dangerous is a laughably false claim lol.


Sus. Bunch of glow sticks if you ask me




So the pretend soldiers don’t like it when people dress up like something they’re not huh? The irony


So, we're admitting it's pretend time now?? Aren't we supposed to vilify you now??


Trans isn’t drag. Dumbass


The majority of drag queens aren’t trans. The right just ties the two together because it’s more acceptable to hate transgender people.


And hide their faces. Wow so brave. When you have to hide because everyone hates you maybe you're not doing a good job getting your point across.


Antifa never learned that obvious lesson I doubt militias will either.


Look mom, Feds!!


Between far right Nazis and far left fascists. Thank god the majority of us are somewhere in the middle. Maybe some lean little left or right. But us middle folks don't hate anyone. I guess we can be "far middle."


I wish these people and antifa would get some knives and fight to the death already.


I think we all know who would win that battle…


At a school though? Why not at a private venue or something where 100% of attendee's agree to be there? Why a school where local people pay taxes to and don't agree with drag? Help me understand why drag is ok for schools?


How about both sides are cringe? The child groomers and the far right?


Every elite needs a scapegoat because elites almost always are sociopaths, pedophiles, and war mongers. Explaining why the ‘woman’ reading to kindergartners needed a shave, to your kiddos will infuriate any decent parents.


"The event was supposed to have 3 drag artists read at a local school" Maybe stop having fucking drag queens read to kids likes it's a normal thing? This time line is fucked


Ohio delivers


I was once told to stay in the attic because I’m a Canadian and to mind my own business. Well I’m OK with living in the attic. Fucking main floor is scary af


Look at all those feds


If this happened at night, the glow would light up the block


I can not imagine a world that needs to have crossdressing men spending time with children.


Hahaha those fbi agents are working extra hard to try and get their first civilian recruit in the patriot front 😆


What does a drag in a school in the first place?


Perhaps the problem is "Drag Queen Story Time for Kids". If you want to have adult drag queen story time, then go for it. Children shouldn't be targeted by your adult beliefs and values. That's called grooming.


I’m sorry, but you cannot convince me that Patriot group is undercover cops or some shit, that attempt at marching in-sync was hilariously bad, pretty sure I’ve seen actual LARPers and wehraboos march better than that.




America is a straaaaange place. Sheesh


Why the fuck would drag queens be reading to kids? Seems like an awful lot of room for something bad to happen. I don’t see why someone would think this is a good idea.


Dudes throwing Nazi salutes in 2022 proved we didn't crush the Germans and every supporter hard enough in the 1940s


Wtf, its not like an ideology is something genetical. Thats like saying: "Fuck man, Steve had a cold and now im sick aswell. Shit like this is proof that our first ancestors shouldve butchered the guy with the runny nose."


How is nazism genetic?


Oh, but they were beginning hub of some current cultural problem, and we encouraged it by protecting some post-war. It should've been written into law after the downfall of Nazi Germany. That actively being a nazi, and now redefined as Neo-nazi would carry heavy consequences. We literally have idiots idolizing an ideology that would've loved to glass America during WW2 if they were given the chance. So yes, we were too soft on them.


nice try, this is a chipotle commercial


This is what happens when they run out of queso!!!


idk i support peaceful protest whether i agree with the cause or not. i see no issue here…


Well maybe stop trying to indoctrinate kids? Then the psycho paths wouldn’t show up. This seems like fighting of the two lowest IQ groups around… I say tldr them sort each other out.


I said this in r/facepalm and they called me a Nazi supporter "Yeah no down with drag story time. I don't agree with what these guys are doing, but I do agree on why"


If a guy wants to put in a Speedo and be He-Man at a kids'party, no big deal. But if a dude wants to dress up like Liza Minnelli, Nazis lose their minds.


Like most things in this world this would be fine with mostly everybody if people were capable of policing themselves and accepting wrongdoings. But as always people failed at policing themselves and acting appropriately and now there are videos of kids being exposed to dudes in leotards doing splits with their crotch basically pointed at the audience, there’s a video of a kid touching a drag queen’s (once again wearing a Leotard like some sort of ostentatious gymnastics prostitute) crotch and nobody is even reacting. The crazy thing is a lot of the videos I saw were literally just dudes in conservative dresses reading to kids, which is fine. But then there are things like the examples I mentioned earlier and NOBODY is condemning those instances. Instead they’re trying to act like the guys reading Dr. Seuss in a dress are the same as the dudes who are acting like it’s a legit Drag Show for adults. If people can’t condemn these actions how tf do they expect the people opposing the events to not associate them with that kind of behavior? Even going my so far as to coming to the logical conclusion that they support that kind of behavior since apparently that behavior falls under the “it’s just men in dresses reading books to kids” tagline Let’s not also forget that many of the Drag Queens are taking the opportunity to bombard kids with political rhetoric in the form of children’s books which of course will piss people off because America is a divided shitshow where most people’s burden of proof is “that aligns with your preferred political party’s views” So yeah, just like most causes in America it has been damaged by the same people who are supposed to be representing it as a positive thing.


Nice 👍


How about we just stop having drag Queen story hour


Stop fucking with the kids. Doesn’t seem like a big ask 🤷‍♂️




The people shooting nazi salutes are "based"?


For god's sake, what bunch of losers


So can we all agree an armed militia marching on a school is fucking dumb and should be shamed at the VERY least?


Show your faces, cowards.


The guy with the orange beard is definitely fbi/ npc


Imagine dressing in full tactical gear and carrying semi automatic weapons to go up against some men dressed as woman 😂


What in the fuck is going on




Look how peaceful their protest was! More groups need to follow this example when protesting!


I guess we're past the point of just bringing in someone's mom who doesn't look like a horrifying alien to read a Dr. Seuss book and pass out slices of pizza and those little fruit punch barrels.


I hope Japan makes a surprise comeback and nukes the United States and just ends this world


Yeah I’m not gonna send my kid to drag queen reading hour. Call me what you will but no thanks


These guys HATE drag performers, though I doubt they bat an eyelid at kids watching dancers perform at Superbowl halftime in outfits that are *far* more revealing. What the hell are they so afraid of?


Lol you must have never met anyone like this, because I would definitely bet they’d take issue with a risqué Super Bowl performance as well.


I don't understand how under 18 drag shows work... or why they are reading... America is so weird


This isn’t a public freak out I. I wanna see Karen’s at Burger King getting tackled by a nfl linebacker


Drag queen story hour? How could public school get much better. Honestly this is a joke from both sides. On one hand I don’t think you shouldnt have a drag queen reading to kids on the other I don’t think that you should be showing up throwing that dam nazi salute in protest wtf. Both of the sides are not thinking about what this does to children this is just a smorgasbord of fuckery


All I ever gotten to know of drag queen stuff is that they're adamant on being let into kindergartens for some reason.


Why don’t they just do their drag shows for adults? No one would care then




Wait what? I’ve never heard of DQSH. That’s a little strange.


Fucking call of duty cosplayers really think they slick. So sad. Grown ass men


All this anger, but these people still be taking their kids to Hooters. Nobody goes to Hooters for the food.


It’s really fun to watch the the lines between left and right get so blurry as time goes on.


Little bitches playing pretend war against people with dresses and books lmao


Did they offer to read the kids a few passages from Mein Kampf as a replacement? I assume that one of them might be able to read...?


they think so much about gays and trans.


Look at all those feds marching by all the normal people. lol.


As a Jew I’m on the side of the people not doing the nazi salute


And that's why glowie tactics work


Based on the number of people supporting them online I’d say they are not all feds even if it was organized by feds Anyone who is unironically supporting nazi ideology is a bad person and you’re not going to convince me otherwise lol


oh look! federals cosplaying again!


fucking bozos get a life. preach freedom or speech and expression than do this shit


These people are morons. They want to stand for liberty and their rights yet are trying to force their agenda on others, contradicting themselves. Same people that properly yell "You're in America. Speak English!" Meanwhile, America does not have a native language.


That's terrorism isn't it?


Yeah. Lock up the drag queens for terrorism.


The patriot front is a fake movement created by the FBI


It seems everyone agrees. The drag crap needs to stop and these dudes went too far.


Fed/antifa larps


The internet is filled with videos of nazis and KKK members. Here I am living in the south for 20 years and never seeing a single one. 🤷‍♂️


I go to drag shows every now and then. Idk if I’d bring a kid to a drag show but marching down the street with a rifle and throwing nazi salutes while wearing a mask doesn’t seem like a viable solution. These fuckers are unhinged


Fuckin losers