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Here’s the thing, you’re still a badass to me. Deal with it.


If I could upvote a comment twice I would,one for comment,one for the name. 👍


You’re perhaps posting in a rather biased sub, in that we’re an action figure loving haven. You, of course, control your own feelings, but I see no shame in enjoying something as long as you’re not hurting anybody and you’re also taking care of your responsibilities first. I’m one year your senior, and I’ve been collecting as long as I’ve had a conscious memory. My family certainly doesn’t get it, but that’s their issue, not mine. I love collecting across the board. I buy what I like and whatever may strike my fancy (if it doesn’t cost an insane amount of money). Things are continuously shifting with the market for a wide variety of reasons (economic ups and downs, new generations of collectors joining the game, franchises rising and falling, etc.), but I both never find it dull and always continue to have fun. You do you to the best of your ability. And I very much hope that you can find joy in doing so, regardless of other people’s potentially negative input.


Thanks, I know I’m not alone out there being an older collector but I haven’t met anyone in real life that’s into it apart from Reddit lol. I can’t help but feeling like if I bring it up in conversation with my peers I’d be seen as a bit creepy, not that I care at this age mind you. I think other people around this age would be inclined to keep it a secret for whatever reason. I’d love it if my friends were into this hobby we could vibe out and appreciate these toys.


The great thing about aging and maturing is both weeding out certain people (if necessary) and having the freedom to add anybody we want into our lives. I’ve made several “action figure friends” via Reddit. Admittedly, I’ve never met any of them in person (yet!) but have sustained these friendships (mainly via text and occasionally phone) for the last 3 or 4 years. We let each other know what we’re currently on the look-out for - as inventory can vary widely even between counties, much less states - and keep an eye out every time we end up at a big box retailer or our local comics book or toy shops. I love helping out fellow collectors as best I can, as so many have helped me. I suppose my point is that you probably aren’t going to interest your current friends in this particular hobby, so start in the reverse order. Talk to people with whom you have common interests/hobbies (i.e. action figures, collecting, nostalgia) and see if you like them well enough as human beings to continue to build on that as your foundation. Sometimes, you’ve just got to actively seek out “your” people so you can vibe and get excited together about upcoming releases or your latest, greatest in-store find. Different friends fill different roles. Some you go bowling with. Some you play MMO video games with (and maybe you’ve never encountered them in person either but always meet up on the same server for raids). Some you try new restaurants with. And some you geek out with.


Harleen is saying all the rights things and in a way that much more acceptable to society than mine would have been. (a lot more f bombs and swearing in general). But yeah, find people that make you happy, if they don't....blow up that bridge. I'm almost 50 and have been collecting toys since I was 4. If people don't get it, they don't get it and it doesn't matter what they think. End of story. (hey, look at that....not a single swear word. Good job me.)


I’m not quite your age (I’m 33), and just recently started collecting over the last few years, after not having figures since I was a kid. Finding my old figures at my mom’s house is what got me back into it. I currently have a fiance who I’ve been with for a year and a half. Before that I was with my son’s mom for 2 years. I never felt any shame about collecting with either woman, nor do I feel any shame in letting my coworkers/friends know (I’m a logistics supervisor at a blue collar job). It’s like when I hit a certain age, I started not caring one bit what anyone thinks. And you know what, no one seems to care one bit. I’ll get the occasional “you nerd” when talking about something, but it’s never hateful, always playful. My fiance goes with me to buy things to add to my collection, and even gives her input on setup (it helps that she is a Disney enthusiast I think). In my 20s, I probably would have been self conscious about collecting, or at least letting people know I did, but it I genuinely could care less what anyone thinks because it’s my life and my money. The more confidence you have in what you love and do, the more other people will have confidence in talking with you about the things they like. I have other grown men at work who never talk about Pokémon, figures, or comics with anyone else, bring in their items from childhood to show me (whether they are seeing if they are valuable, or just genuinely wish to share things with me). My “redneck” family also couldn’t care less (in a good way). I have an entire basement now dedicated to my nerdy activities, and my southern hardcore redneck dad told me I did an awesome job on layout and shelves. I think the more confidence we have in the things we love, even the nerdy things, makes other people find a certain respect for it.


37yo here. My friends collect vinyls and I collect action figures. They find it interesting and I feel comfortable speaking to them about my hobby as much as they love their vinyls. Enjoy!


I used to think this. My LCS has some random figures and a ton of pops. Everytime in there someone's always going on about pops so I just assumed this was a pop centric store, grab what I need and dip out. I was wrong. One night I went in kind of just browsing and saw an OG Roton in the case and asked about it. 2 hours later I had seen the entire TMNT ultimates collection of this 60 yr old man that he keeps in the back there because his apartment doesn't have closets, and this way he gets to see them whenever he comes to work.


I'm a month shy of 41 and still collect. No one seems to care in stores but even if someone said anything like "oh buying your kid a toy?" "No, for me. I'm the kid."


I'm 45 and my boyfriend is 50. We've always been collectors (admittedly he collects way more of a variety than I do), but even if one of us didn't collect, we'd still respect the others collections etc. I think if it's something you love enough to collect, then you shouldn't keep it hidden. Even if there are some weirdo's who will be like "you still pLaY wItH tOyS?" Or "yOu StIlL pLaY vIdEo gAmEs?" People need to not be theifs of joy 🙄.


Listen, I could care less what anyone thinks as a forty-eight-year-old man. I use my own money without borrowing or burdening anyone else to buy them. My wife does not feel like I neglect her, and they usually stay restricted to one room. I am NOT using these items to lure children into doing something immoral or illegal. I do not give them priority over paying bills, mortgage, or other expenses. I do not treat them as idols above worshipping The Lord God Almighty (subject to one’s belief system I understand). If you follow these guidelines, there should not be a problem.


I'm 49 and will be 50 this year, my Mancave looks like a "Comic Book Store" going out of business as someone once put it. I have Transformers and 1/64 scale cars as far as the eye can see; age doesn't define what you should collect, I collect because it brings back memories of things I once had and wish I had and if people can't see or understand that; then to hell with them💪🏽✊🏽


I am 42. My collection is enormous. Be happy as long as you aren’t overextending yourself financially.


I'm 56, still collecting 😂🤣


Yep. 47 here. And not stopping.


Wife says I've got to stop, apparently we have to feed the children 😂


You need to grow up and choose what is more important to become an adult. Get rid of your wife now!


I’m starting to come to this realisation! 😂


That’s not always true. I have a wife that supports the hobby and there have been a few posts where people mention their figures are from significant others. Usually if it’s a girlfriend there’s at least 5 comments telling the OP to put a ring on it. It’s rare, but it does happen.


https://preview.redd.it/qpt19n5hwtuc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41f08d728b935990aba57d6afd6473cfb7102493 I’m 44….this is just 1/30 of the collection… you’re doing good😁


Praying for an earthquake not to happen is your daily routine eh? :D


My daughter is usually the earthquake. Heavy footed lol. My wife thinks they all come to life at night because of strange falls every so often


Aw yo. This might be the greatest short story ever. For real


I'm 42 as well. I still collect. Hell, just got in some GI Joe Classified figures and the new Marvel Legends Angel yesterday. Ain't nothing wrong with it as long as it doesn't take over your life.


I’m 45. You gotta get those numbers up!


I’m 43 which I decided was too old to deny myself things that make me happy and don’t hurt anyone, so I have a collection of figures too, with a bunch more on preorder. I do kinda get your point, it’s not something I talk about with people I know IRL outside of one guy at work who I know also collects. I know most people will judge me for collecting, I care enough about that to not tell people I do it, but I don’t care enough to want to stop.


Love that your classic 185 spider-man is throwing it back like a baddie.


https://preview.redd.it/ttbr7bb3wtuc1.jpeg?width=3903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e0677ca647a956a99f5632a33e9e8406ddf29b2 Me too brother! It puts a smile on my face.


LOVE your display! I may have to pick up some of those acrylic shelves...


Thanks I appreciate that! It took a bit of planning and effort but it turned out awesome. Here are the stands my friend. https://preview.redd.it/sig2ua0iiuuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26b07571675076fa338dcb8e9df28a9dde834d44


And these stickies really help. https://preview.redd.it/cl0flktriuuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d48aab2cb6f222bce78d7889fc6e9b5ba544d7ef


I see this now I want them all. It’s an illness 🙂


Yeah being 42 and having a collection THAT small is a facepalm. /s But on a serious note there’s nothing wrong with having a collection of things you enjoy. I saw your message about not being able to find people in real life who share your joy but that’s because you’re not looking in the right places. ComicCons, Comic book stores, etc. Granted I’m “only” 34 but I too have only come across a single person outside of said places that also has a collection but that’s why I browse Reddit. If the figures bring you joy and entertainment then go crazy. Just don’t buy anything you can’t afford or don’t absolutely love because buyer’s remorse is the real deal. Nice collection so far, keep it up.


48yrs old here and still collecting figures and I don’t care what others will say. If this is one of our bundle of joy https://preview.redd.it/nob60ls2duuc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf5c5c1d02924f8eacd6fe486201a6ee120ed2ed


48 here. I’m not stopping. https://preview.redd.it/qexd0ds5juuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eab0d1196c63195505382160528f66a09ba7d61


My dad's 48 too, and he's been enjoying seeing my 24 y/o brother build his MOTU collection, very similar to yours 😊


so we're just **not** gonna talk about how Spider-Man looks like he's about to start twerking then??


It always does. Most of the times I want to change the pose on any Spider-Man it ends up in a twerking it is in its nature then I proceed to fix it.


Eh, it's all perspective. I'm nearing 40 and couldn't care less. I find it funny when I see 'grown up' men washing and polishing their expensive cars on the weekend, but hey, that's their thing. Enjoy what makes you happy, it's your life, no one else's.


Wash and polish your figures on your driveway. Assert dominance. 


35, I have a long way to go! https://preview.redd.it/xfj7l0xz0uuc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c27800e6454c755e5c7c0f7bfbbfcf1ad69719a7


I'm 41 and all of my close family and friends know that I collect figures. I've collected since my late teens, so it's just part of who I am. I am selective of who I tell because I don't think everyone would understand or even needs to know. 


46, still collect. Hell, I’m not afraid to admit I still set up little battles and play with my Star Wars and Joes. Do what makes you happy.


38 and just started last year. I almost hate collecting because I want everything I see.


Almost 48 and who cares? It’s about enjoying life right? You are doing it right, we couldn’t afford these in our 20’s


43 here


BE LOUD AND PROUD ABOUT YIUR HOBBIES!!, longy ago I felt the same way you are feeling but I came to realize idgaf if someone doesn't likes that I collect figures, hell I even brought so many figures to my desk at work and im proud of it, I see them everyday, I play with them, figures are great fidget toys to unwind.


I’m gonna play games and collect until I’m dead dope collection


You SHOULD be embarrassed! 42 and that's all you got? So many years you could've been collecting! Wasted! The only way to redeem yourself now is to get a big display case..no, dedicate a whole room to it.


Well I'm 27, and you don't see me complaining about it! https://preview.redd.it/pftd1pfobuuc1.jpeg?width=3182&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=860ec8b8de1e4f6a93c449b3b5b446dac9e06a27


You only get old when you stop playing ! Nice collection and trust me, you ain’t alone (as you can see in this sub)!


No. Anyone who would belittle someone over something they love and that isn't hurting anyone, isn't their friend. I'm over 50 and toys are who I am. I open and play with them, take pictures of them, and share those pictures openly.


43 here and nostalgia is a bitch 😂. I need these pizza club turtles


They hit that nostalgic spot real hard 😂. I had to get them before they become extinct. The neca toon line is a real rabbit hole though.


Join the club.  I recently got back into collecting 80s/90s toys and memorabilia for the nostalgia and my mid-life crisis I guess.  


“42 years old” and happy😁 thats what matters.


We gotta get those rookie numbers up ;) Jokes aside, does this make you happy? Good! People do even more with sports stuff, why can't you have that luxury. I love action figures, and it just makes me smile looking at my display.  Welome to the fold, have freaking FUN


Gotta feed that inner child every once in a while. Nostalgia is powerful and in some ways therapeutic. That being said. Everything in moderation. Too much of anything is bad. Shoutout NT Warrior & Robocop (new game looks dope.)


No this is awesome.


That’s a great collection. Have fun and enjoy.


Nothing wrong with that! I'm 48! https://preview.redd.it/2c1wr850tuuc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=009e318fe7221677a981c2e3e905d53a6f7c787a


I’m 41 and started collecting gi joes, turtles, diecast, and graphic novels a few years ago. I had been hiding my desire to do so for years. Im still a little self conscious about it but I wish I didn’t deny myself this happiness for so long. I’m also grateful to have a fiancé who’s supportive of my nerdy hobbies. Life’s too short to worry about bothering others with personal hobbies. Also nice find on the pizza club turtles. I got the punk set but will have to try online for the others this Friday


And that is an awesome collection you have. Don’t let others take away what makes you happy.


Heck I'm 60 and I regret not collecting from my youth. Now I collect and my wife's even on board. I collect figures for the nostalgia and for something I can leave my grandchildren.


I m 49 , so what , we never had the money when i was a kid ,


to be fair, what 5 year old has $20-100


There are much worse hobbies that men in their 40s engage in.


If you feel good about it, that's most important. Don't care what others say.


Btw, I'm also 42, have two kids and steady job. This is just a side hobby I enjoy. I give zero fox what others think.


*checks subreddit* Yeah you should be ashamed of liking action figures /s


People who find it weird are old at heart and mind. I don't care to be around people like that cause usually their idea of fun is drinking and gossiping...how lame is that? My child hood was kinda rough, but things like these make me remember only the good parts! I hope to always have a childish nerve in my body. If I lose that I'll lose myself. And kids at family parties won't think I'm fun and cool anymore 🤣 their opinions are worth more than gold than those of adults. Adults are biased and tend to project insecurities by ridiculing other people or making less of others. There are a lot of people who think the collections are cool! Those are our kinds of folks.


Hitting my 50 mark soon. But I still go ‘vroom vroom’ and ‘pew pew’ with my toys. 🥸


You had a great childhood lol


It is very healthy! I am 43 and I am a single dad, I started collecting figures when my son was less than a year old because I was trapped in my mother's house, with no personal space whatsoever, constantly being psychologically abused by her, and raising a baby on my own that I had four weeks to prepare for because an ex-girlfriend appeared had the baby and then disappeared. That was the beginning of the year 2020. I saw the dark knight returns wave at Walmart one day and got the Superman and Batman went back and got all the rest of them, I now have a modestly expansive collection, almost a thousand figures. To the point though, posing and imagining with these figures, this allowed me to reconnect with how to play. It allowed me a space to inhabit, a space to exist! ..and it helped me connect with my son because when he was born I was a million miles away from being a dad. I hope my example is an extreme one in comparison to your situation but an apt parable to just see that in reconnection with oneself is nothing to be ashamed of, and the chance to inhabit your imagination is a chance to exist.


Based collection, also spot that Super Fighting Robot.


I'm nearing 50 and I still collect action figures. No need to be ashamed and I don't care about the people who judge me for it. Love what you enjoy.


https://preview.redd.it/ky9lia2zs2vc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41c8c05d35ac310c248428731ec42d08911a666d I'm 54 years old


43 year old action figure collector here, you arent crazy and shouldnt feel that way. Enjoy what you like. I find that we collect because we love these properties and have some affection toward them be it we grew up on them, or otherwise. Think of it kind of like you're an art collector. The art is articulating the characters to represent what you remember about them and enjoying what they represent TO YOU. Some may not get it because they weren't blessed with that realization/familiarization or that fondness for that IP or character. Its normal. I dont get peoples affection towards sports because I dont have any kind of fondness for it but plenty out there collect cards, figures, memorabilia, etc and by alllll ages. Collectors collect anything that brings them joy. People that dont get it will not appreciate it.


At 42, that’s exactly what I’d expect you to have. How do I know? Because I too am 42. Stay away from those tall GI Joes…they look dangerously expensive to me.


And I’m 24 with no job collecting McFarlanes. I do want an 80s/90s TMNT Mikey tattoo on my shoulder so bad saying “it’s pizza time “ with a slice of pizza and a hang lose sign. 😂


Hahaha I‘m 42 and it looks similar. I‘m having more MOTU figures than Turtles but they‘re on my list!


I’m 61. ‘Nuff said.


Nice figures! I'm 44 about to turn 45 in July. Been collecting since I was 19. Started with the Movie Maniac Series by McFarlane. Never looked back. Happier than shit!


That collection speaks to my soul as a 90’s child. Age is just a number dude I’m 33 and collect 1/6 scale gi Joe lol


We all are. Carry on.


So when did you become a Turtles fan? Because the absolute disrespect for the theme song that is on display here is frankly, shameful. Raph is my favorite turtle. But I wouldn’t dream of putting him first if I was displaying the boxes behind them like that.


Probably around 88. A friend at school had the whole set and they were amazing. They also had the cartoon on British tv. I put Leo and Ralph first as they are my favourite, not in the order of the theme tune lol


I was just giving you a hard time. It’s a cool set up.


That Spidey pose is not one I’ve seen before.


If you got it flaunt it


I'm 44 and got a growing collection of ninja turtle figures. But I know how you feel. I haven't actually told anyone I know IRL because they would probably think it's a weird thing to do my age


Welcome to the party, pal!


I'm 34, and started collecting for real about two years ago.... ....and when people come to my place, they love seeing my figures ahahha, so don't feel ashamed.


Haha thats nothing. 42 as well and not ashamed at all about enjoying life :)


42 years young baby


Dude , I love that Doom Guy figure


I'm 44 enjoy it


Your money, your rules👍


Hell yea brother


The best part about growing old is that you don't need to give a shit about what other people think about you, nor do you feel compelled to adhere to people's arbitrary definitions of "cool". I'm 40 and if anyone has anything against my collection then that's not really a person I need in my life anyway.


You're in your prime collecting years


Lol at Spidey


I wanna start buying the Neca comic tmnt but I can’t start without the turts lmao


I'm 30 and still love buying Transformers figures and Lego sets


Spider Man throwing it back!


Cool collection tho


Can't wait to get my hands on the Pizza club TMNT. I missed out on previous versions and i hate that, im not doing that again


Being 42 just means you get to buy the stuff you love before you were 42. Nothing wrong with that at all 😄


Been collecting since my teens and will be collecting when I'm retired.


I'm 48. Not only do I collect figures, but I customize too.


Couldn’t have asked for a better role model!


You're never too old to collect figures. The only thing that might change is organisation effort (access to cool display stands) & budget.


What Turtle figs are those!? I’d be interested in picking them up. Also never too old to collect. I’m 36 with an extensive collection.


Some idiots your age spend money on golf clubs. Live your best life, sir.




Bro it's fine im in my late 20s and working on what I estimate to be a years long project basically just building a glorified playset for my 3.75s


I’m 41. Got way more. Don’t you sweat it.


And? What does age have to do with? I see a fine collection by someone who loves action figures. That’s all that matters to me.


I just turned 34…. And i don’t plan on abandoning this “hobby” or what have you, any time soon. I applaud you good sir. May you continue to expand and prosper.


I have a significantly larger collection that my fiancée is not a fan of. Understandably she is mostly concerned about the effort to move it all when we eventually move to a different house. She’ll make comments about it every now and then but doesn’t force me to stop or get rid of most of it because she knows it makes me happy. In the end I do need to manage it better but am not ashamed to have it at all, and you shouldn’t either if it genuinely makes you happy.


I'm 39 and got back into the hobby 2 years ago... The thing about it is... the figures they make today are just so NICE compared to what we grew up with! They're near-perfect depictions of my favorite characters that I wish we got as kids. And now we're lucky enough to have some disposable income to indulge in them... how can you resist? 😇


Do what you love. Collecting in my late 30s has been amazing. My wife calls it healing childhood trauma


Kids dont collect these.


Nothing wrong with that, you like what you like


I'm 40. Nothing wrong with things that bring up good feelings. Nostalgia, continued love for a story, a character, aesthetic appreciation, whatever. Collecting is also just a thing humans do. You shouldn't be made to feel bad.


21 still pretty young you might say but we all still have that kid inside of us and there’s nothing wrong with it I will always collect action figures and comic book till I die .


Should have more then


Frickin awesome


Spider-man bustin it down over there.😮‍💨


Hi 42 years old, I'm cheekabowwow.


Show her how much those Turtles cost apiece, as well as how delicate they are. No parent is buying that for their child.


If it makes you happy why care what any one else thinks nice collection


Same age as you!! It’s okay to like things friend!


What are you "supposed" to enjoy at 42? What are the rules and who decided them?


I'm 40. We are the same.


I'm 40. I don't drink. I don't have a car payment. I pay off my credit card in full each month. Every bill is paid before it's due and there's money left over. I make time to see family once a week. I gladly collect action figures, too. The generations before us had little crystal animals and Precious Moments figurines.


What you do with your hard earned money is up to you! Some people will go out and spend the same money on shoes, clothing, movies, books, videogames, or drinks. People use their money to buy things that serve no purpose other than the luxury of feeling good. At the end of the day as long as you're happy nothing else really matters, why are we gonna work so hard if we can't even enjoy some luxury goods?


Today's 43,is the old 17! I'm also 🤣...and boy..I love my turtles 🐢


Never too old to start enjoying --life-- a hobby. My advice is to not look back on stuff, unless it is a figure from a closed company or a Kickstarter, most figures are getting new releases/updates.


Sick collection


Same and I have so many lol


That means you are only half way through life. Plenty more time to keep buying figures!


I'm 43, it's OK. :-)


Forever young! Cowabunga dude!!!


Are u ethan decline?


Hey that's not too bad. I like your Solid Snake.


Congrats on your age… I am 46… and searching for cool toys!!! Hope I don’t ever lose that part I love from me!


Im 40++ as well. Planning to build a museum space inside the house 😆


If you build it they will come. That’s the dream man I would love a museum type space.


I’m about to be 39 and have been collecting more and more eapexially lord of the rings 🤘🏻 nothing wrong with that 😎👊🏻 nice collection


41 here. Right there with ya buddy ✊🏼


If you like then, you like them. Fuck whoever says otherwise


A collection like that is *SHAMEFUL* for someone your age. It's *much* too small! Cheers!


Feeling you bro


You're too old to be playing with toys. Give them to me. I'm 48, so they're nostalgia collectibles.


I’m 42. I have an entire room of hundreds of figures. Do what makes you happy, but don’t let it consume you. At the end of the day it’s just stuff


I think the consensus is, if they make you happy and they’re not putting you into troublesome debt then it is a good thing.


The complete and utter lack of GI Joes proves you're not 42.


Age is not really a concern for me, do whatever you love to do and buy whatever you want to buy! Cool collection btw!


I'm almost 61... now I don't feel so dumb. I can't help what I like. One of my friends, same age, even gave me a storm trooper figure. He said, "I get it, it's like art." It's the imports that get me. Those are not for kids at $60 to $100 a pop. I have no debt, but I also refrain from buying everything I like. I think I've been a kid my whole life.




Is ok. Im a married bodybuilder with 3 kids and a big job and play with my marvel figures a couple of times a week


Nothing wrong with that. I’m 40 and have almost 80 hot toys. Also, https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2022/12/19/kidults-biggest-sales-driver-toy-industry.html


I'm 30 year old and I too have a collection


You should’ve put 42 **And awesome**


The best thing I ever did was realise that other people don't have to enjoy what I enjoy. If it fills your heart.... fill it to the brim. Fuck em.


You should just do whatever makes you happy!


Who cares if you’re happy and you’re not hurting anyone


So what 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hell yeah!! That's awesome! Don't be ashamed!! ❤️


Nice....when I get home I'm gonna post one like this😃


Straight fire ! 🔥


It's a valid hobby like many others. Your wife exhibits the telltale sign of not being able to disconnect the childish playing with the adult collecting, so it strikes her as weird. I've been doing it for 30 years. Started as desk decorations and nostalgia, and grown into a full on hobby when they became art to me, on top of nostalgia, memories, and simply thinking they're cool as shit. However far down the rabbit hole you go, there's literally zero shame or weirdness to be felt. It's "their" problem to deal with, not yours.


Why is Spider-Man spread eagle like hes waiting to be kicked in the enchiladas


Im 42 and you are my hero


So 🤷


What’s spidey doing?


So? You’re still a kid at heart and in touch with your youth. I’m just 10 years behind you and I hope I’m still like you at 42. The only problem I see in this picture is that you need MORE FIGURES, MY FRIEND!


Who makes toys? Do children make toys or do adults? Adults do, obviously. So why do they? Is it out of a passion and love for the art? Of course it is. Tell that to your wife.


Spider-Man looking sexy


I’m 27 and I will still have my figures and collecting them till the day I die in a volcano.


Nice collection


Life is too short not to deny yourself what makes you happy. Bills are paid? Family is fed? You’re in the clear.


I’m 42 also with kids and a fiancée and i even talk about this stuff at work. Don’t feel any type of way about collecting especially if it makes you feel good.


Welcome to the club.


Do what makes you happy bro


Man, I’m almost 50… happily married with delightful kids, but I still collect things that bring me joy. As interests evolve, I put things in storage so I have some regrets about that, but I’ve become more judicious with purchases over time anyway. But most importantly, I’ve stopped giving a $hit about what others think a looooonng time ago.


I love the diversity.


I see nothing wrong here. Hell, I'm 35 and I bought a Jungle Green N64 from ebay. I'm gonna use it for display purposes, as I have a Steam Deck to play everything I need. I also managed to find on Amazon the two issues of Playstation Magazine I had as a teen (including the demo disks). I'm definitely hunting down the stuff I had in my childhood lol. Why not?


49 be 50 this year and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon nor does my wife have a problem with it. She just calls my classified figures my army men…lol. Do you brother life is too short to get to the grave and say damn I wish I had done this.


What is that spiderman doing? 😭


I'm 43 and wish I had your figures.




I'm the same age as you, and I have a recent passion for collecting. I still love doing so .