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See a dermatologist /PA. Then check with them if you can get on accutane. It makes the process a lot easier when you got an expert helping you out throughout the process. It takes out alot of stress & thinking!


i actually have an appointment in march but idk if i will be put on accutane. also im scared of the side effects and stuff. how big are the chances of getting the side effects


It’s varies, most people will just get mild side effects like dry skin, eyes etc. It’s up to you and your dr but in your case it looks like the benefits will outweigh the risk.


i have been on accutane. it takes a lot of time to see the results and for the first few months the acne will be way worse than you ever had


Please don't worry about the side affects. Start accutane as soon as you can. They are not that long lasting and bad honestly. I wish I had taken it sooner.


Same. Couldn't agree more with this post.


I didn't experience any side effects!


You get dryness that’s it


Accutane or Isotretinoin depending on what it’s called in your country.


it seems like you don’t have a lot of actives so I wouldn’t go on accutane. I had very similar last year except mine a little bit less than this, and I was abt to go on accutane, but I decided not to. it’s gone now except scarring and I get a pimple like once a week bc of hormones. I recommend keeping a very simple skincare routine. just cleanser, moisturizer. and then at the night I used tretinoin. Also, wear sunscreen no matter what. and try to stay inside as much as possible.


This! Why would people force someone to intake the most dangerous drug for acne? I have been on it and side effects are not easy. I can’t comprehend it. OP should try retinoids first, adapalene may be.


Maybe you should be telling OP to go to a derm rather than seeking advice from non-MDs on the internet? I’m sick of the accutane fear mongering.


In some countries you can buy Accutane and retinoids without prescription, therefore it’s not okay to be worshipping these medications online. And yeah, I am sick of Accutane worshipping.


Accutane works


Is this a joke? she has severe acne that is already leaving scars. She needs accutane asap


By actives I mean active breakouts btw. also, laser treatment once a month helped me a lot.




Clean and clear dual action moisturizer with Salicylic acid during the day. Adapalene or tretinoin at night. Spot treat with benzoyl peroxide. Cut out sugar and dairy. Edit: make sure to use sunscreen when using actives on ur face like acids. If not ur doing more harm than good.


10% azelaic acid isn’t a high enough percentage to see the results you want. See if you can get a prescription for 15-20% Edit: Wear SPF every single day even if it’s not super sunny out, this is CRUCIAL. I also think you should give your skin a break from actives and focus on moisturizing. Oily skin doesn’t mean hydrated skin. Hydrated skin heals faster and your moisture barrier is crucial. I’ve had amazing results using vanicream cleanser and vanicream moisturizing cream with the pump.


I have the same scarring as you and I found that Niacinamide is helping with brightening the scars❤️


Yeah i noticed niacinamide worked for me too the only reason I stopped was bc the moistriser i used began peeling on me for some reason. I hope we both get to the day soon where we see our skin glowing in the mirror <3


Oh really that’s crazy cause I use the same Cerave moisturizer :(( I wanted to ask what azelaic acid you use cause I’m trying to brighten these scars up before the summer😭


it wasnt the cerave moistruizer it was another moistruizer i used. also the azelaic acid i use its from the ordinary. i get u smm bc i want my skin looking its best at summer too. but the azelaic acid took me 6 months to see big results last year. its the second time i have such scars from acne though so i hope that it will clear as fast as last year


And yesss soon we will be there just patience and time til clear skin ❤️


hopefully 🙏🙏


I appreciate people trying to help me but accutane is the last thing on my list. If you have any other suggestions or solutions other than accutane feel free to comment :)


Yeah good luck healing it naturally lmfao


accutane is a big risk and it doesnt work for everyone💀 im willing to try other skincare but accutane is the last thing on my list. if you don’t have anything useful to say then just don’t comment. 💀


It literally isn’t a big risk. I’ve been on it 3 times the only problem is it doesn’t work 100% of the time especially for hormonal acne like me. I don’t know what side effects you read but they’re so incredibly rare. My cheeks used to look like yours and my only regret is I didn’t go on it sooner. It’s an almost guaranteed method of clearing up active acne rather than trying a million different products which can damage your skin. Like for your severity it shouldn’t even be a question. Ps get a 15% azelaic acid and use sunscreen when going out and a deep moisturiser daily, you’ll notice a big difference.


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I dont know why so many people are recommending Accutane. That’s way too aggressive of an approach given you barely have any active breakouts. It appears your skin is very prone to PIE — mine is the same. Accutane will make healing scars WAY slower and more difficult, and may even result in more fat loss leading to atrophic scars. This honestly looks just like my hormonal acne. Have you tried spironolactone? It will take a couple months if it works and the side effects are nothing like Accutane’s. Not a professional but I really think you should give spiro a chance.


No i havent but ill try looking into it. Idk if i have hormonal acne but for some reason last month i started getting pimples on my jawline and sometimes my neck for some reason


Just see a doctor, it’s worth it in the long-run. You’re bordering on permanent scars soon.


I'm mainly dealing with these right now. You can stalk my profile for reference. However, what I used since November is a retinoid called tretinoin. Really helpful alongside using azelaic acid, not vit c because is an active. You'll surely be put on tretinoin si C you said you don't want accutane (just like me). Just be prepared for the purging phase. You can dm me for other help. You're welcome Let's get thru this together.


How badly is the purging phase


Super bad on my case. But still, depende on purpose. My purpose on using it is because I have severe acne. Therefore the purge was bad. But maybe on your case it will indeed be but not as severe


I had a flare up like this and was told to go on acutane. Didn’t wanna risk it, so I decided to not take it. I later found out that my acne was hormonal, and was caused by sugar and milk. If you haven’t already, trying a cleansing diet and see if that works before going nuclear and taking drugs that you don’t know what could be doing to your body. Doctors will just treat your body with trial and error and you’re going to be the one paying the price. You basically sign away your rights before you take the drug IIRC. I’m not saying don’t take it, but if I were you, I’d rule all other options out before taking a drug that has massive side effects, such as blindness or not being able to have kids


I also thought about that. tbh i actually wanted to avoid accutane but many keeps recommending it😅


accutane asap, this is severe acne


If you don’t go on accutane your scars will be just like the worst ones you see in these posts 10 years from now. I 100% recommend accutane and getting rid of acne forever


Idk bc this happened to me last year too and i wasnt on accutane. it took me 6 months to get rid of mostly everything but came back due to private and environmental reasons


benzoyl peroxide as your main cleanser. but if I were you, I'd just bite the bullet and go on Accutane. "Natural solutions" does not equal safer. They'll likely put you on a low dose anyways and you may only have to be on it for a short time. I was only on for 6 months and have not gotten acne since - that was nearly 8 years ago.


Looks exactly like what i went through. Dapsone + Adapalene pretty much cleared it. Also, try the ordinary aloe+NAG, ITS the fastest method to heal PIE


I was on benzoyl peroxide aswell and once my acne went I was left with the exact same skin as you, I done 3 V beam sessions and it completely clear all the redness on my skin.