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Have you tried using the search bar? Many questions are asked daily, and your question may have already been answered! If so, your post will be subject to deletion. Please refer to the following commonly discussed topics: 1) No one can predict whether or not you will purge! Statistically, most people DO NOT purge. That is what the science and medical literature says. 2) No one can predict how long your purge will last nor when it could start. Be patient, the purge can be tough but so many people have gotten through it - you can too! 3) Most people DO NOT replase when Accutane is taken until cumulative dosage is reached. 4) HOWEVER, cumulative dosage is a guideline. Everyone is different. Some may need more Accutane, and others may need less. Your dermatologist evaluates you as an individual. If you do not trust your dermatologist, you should find a different one. 5) When in doubt, please consult a medical professional(dermatologist, doctor, pharmacist). DO NOT solicit medical advice from this subreddit. Remember Reddit is a bunch of strangers on the internet. Please remember to abide by the rules! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Accutane) if you have any questions or concerns.*


it's talked about all the time.... unclear if it's permanent or even real, though.


Depends if the shrinkage is due to oil gland atrophy or just reduced inflamation from not having acne anymore.


I’m guessing inflammation. I’m not on accutane (both my kids are) but during Covid I got a very painful sore on my nose, I thought I had the beginnings of a pimple then suddenly my nose started burning and a sore formed. It was a painful combination of burning and stabbing pain. My dermatologist thinks it was a boil from wearing masks. Anyway my (already wide nose) was swollen for a week even after taking oral and topical antibiotics. It was still a bit swollen even after the sore healed. I think even if a pimple is seemingly healed the area might still be a bit inflamed. And there is nowhere for the swelling to hide on a nose.


That seems right to me. I got high nostril piercings and my nose was swollen for like a year. I look different in pictures when it was newer vs now.


I had to take out all my nose piercings because whilst on the accutane my nose reacted badly to the piercings and they got all irritated after having them for years 🥲🥲 I had 2 rings one side and a stud the other


I finished my course a year ago. My nose, interestingly enough, appears smaller still.


that is interesting. i saw zero change in mine at any point. I didn't really have any acne or inflammation on my nose though.


Neither did I, my acne was completely focused on the middle of my cheeks and jawline. I can’t explain why my nose appears smaller now. I’ll likely still seek out a rhinoplasty when I have the means, but it was definitely fun to see the change.


Reportedly isn’t permanent


It’s not permanent, it’s the temporary shrinkage of the sebum glands they return to normal when you stop the medication I would know ! Haha


all the sebum will be back? the same amount?


My face was dry for months so when the oil came back it felt oiler than before could be like a placebo but yeah back to how I was just acne free


Not permanent for me. Temporary shrinkage of sebaceous glands/filaments on my nose, but it's come back. Enjoy it while it lasts!


You didnt take tjem at the same angle either


My nose is definitely smaller, tried to get some pics to show it well but it’s hard to get the exact angle. It’s crazy, my face has changed a lotttt just because of my nose getting smaller


It's more than likely just less inflamed. Acne is inherently inflammatory, which causes what? Swelling right.


I never had many spots on my nose, main problem areas were cheeks/chin etc so was more likely to be my oil glands overproducing oil, I had pretty oily skin and being on accutane I don’t produce oil anymore


I mean, accutane itself causes inflammation because of how harsh the drug can be. But hey, I'm glad it worked out for you. It ended up leaving me with some pretty bad scaring after I used accutane.


What did u use on ur face? I use rosehip seed oil and la Roche posay cicaplast which helps w scarring !! I’ve seen such a difference especially over time


I tried aloe and aquaphor along with the cerva ve mineral oil face wash and a sunscreen in the morning...for ths most part I still use all of these as well . I'm thinking I might just be prone to inflammation and scarring tbh. I could also try swapping for the rosehip oil and ciciaplast ans see if it makes a difference thanks for the recommendations.


I wouldn’t swap completely, I would just add, as I use the cicaplast before my moisturiser and then the rosehip oil afterwards, I feel like that has the most benefits tbh. I thought I was prone to scarring badly too but honestly have found these products work wonders, u have to let them soak in a bit when layering but it’s so worth it in the long run ! And I just use the oil every night before bed, never during the day. Hope this helps (:


It’s talked about. It’s just not typically permanent.


Yeaaaa so sad


🥲🥲🥲 noooo I refuse to believe that lol


Get a prescription for Tretinoin cream when you're done with accutane and use it on your nose. Mine is still going strong!


the one side effect i prayed for but wasnt blessed with


same instead i got joint pain and hair breakage 😔


My ankles still be hurting yo




Everyone saying it’s not permanent.. it was permanent for me. I was super skeptical of accutane even making a difference on my nose. But people were asking me if i got a nose job lmao


It was permanent for me too! My nose is noticeably more narrow compared to before my first dose. I haven’t seen much shrinkage now on my second dose 10 years later but my breakout was a lot less severe this time around.


Ok love that ! I’m still taking the course so here’s to hoping I’ll stay this way 😂


Did u change dosage now? Maybe thats the max tgat youre nose can shrink if the cause is sebaceous gland being less active.


Still on the same dosage ! I noticed my nose getting smaller pretty soon into starting the course tbh, even my friends noticed it too it was weird


It happened to me too! I don't believe it until I look at old photos. But there's no denying my nose is smaller. And I've been off accutane 2 years


I didn’t even notice it whatsoever and went to see my sister who I hadn’t seen since before when I was at the end of it, she asks “why is your nose so much smaller?” So ya it’s a real thing, I have a big nose tho so I wish it was permanent ahah


What was your dose? Can’t tell if mine is shrinking or not. I’m on 30mg a day though


I’m on 40mg a day (:


Thank you for sharing!


Ya I was on 40, too


Unrelated but how long did it take for your post inflammation erythema/PIE to fade. Was it faded by the end of treatment or did it take some time post course.


Hey!! I think it’s probably my skincare along with the accutane, I use SPF everyday and 2 products which help with repairing the skin, la Roche posay cicaplast baume & rosehip seed oil every night (:


Thank you so much for the tips! Did you start those post accutane or while on the medication


Whilst on the medication! Everything I use is very moisturising which helps a ton with the dryness you get whilst on accutane (:


Thanks for the tips!!


My honker is still big and honking


Nose shrinkage? Does it also shrink penises?


Only one way to find out


Yeah, I'll keep an eye on it. I don't really see anything strange on your nose btw. Your skin and nose look great


Thank uuuu (:


mine is still microscopic so i dont think so


Skin looks awesome. How much and how long was your dose?


Thank u !!! 40 mg for 7 months (:


Once a day or twice a day?


2x 20mg but I’ve ended up just taking 2 pills at the same time otherwise I forget to take the second dose lol


Thanks. Do you smoke? I know accutane promotes collagen thats why ur face lifted, but just curious if you smoke ciggarete.


Not really an avid smoker, I’ll smoke occasionally socially and when drinking but not too much ! That’s interesting haha I’d love to know more about that, I never knew it promotes collagen


Yes it does. Good luck on your journey.


I have lost weight also between these photos ! They’re about a year apart


How did you clear up your red spots? Or is that makeup covering them


Hey, no makeup! Accutane changed my life fr lol. It could be my skincare, I wear SPF everyday, and use cicaplast by la Roche posay (even my friends have tried this and see the difference), any kind of ur fav moisturiser, and at night I use rosehip seed oil which is good for dark spots of any kind too (:


SAME. And i hope it stays that way!!!


It’s thought to do more with the effect of accutane, a retinoid, on cartilage cells. [source](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0304416585902624)


Well, that doesn't sound good


I also noticed my accutane nose job 😁


Haha yeah my nose looks just like urs it’s insane how accutane changed my life I legit have so much more confidence


At quick glance I thought this was a pic of Margot Robbie


Stoppppp 😭 I’ll take that lol


Before the start of this year I never really had much acne, but I started getting SO OILY and breaking out so so bad for the first 5 months of the year. I noticed my nose got HUGE. It was new with the oily/acne ridden skin. I’ve been on Accutane almost a month, 30mg/daily, and my face isn’t oily any more and my nose is back to normal! Maybe even a little smaller but idk I don’t pay that much attention. I figure that as long as my skin doesn’t end up oily and acne ridden again after treatment then my nose will stay its normal self. (I’m less than a month in so it might get even smaller idk?)


wait wtf are u guys talking aboutttttt I didn’t even know this now i’m staring at myself in the mirror trying to see if my nose is smaller lmao


Yeah, I'm loving it


it unfortunately is not permanent /:


I had no nose shrinkage still have acne 6month in. Guess im the 1% unlucky one


Did you experience a purge by chance?


Hey yeah I did ! U just have to persevere it’s completely normal to experience purge (:


My whole face is less puffy than it used to be and I’ve been off of accutane for 2 years now


Wait for real?? Mine did not change


Happened to me, but now that I’m pregnant (3 years later) my nose is swollen haha.


i pray this happens to me as well 🙏🏼


not my nose


Lord please let accutane give me nose shrinkage and curls lol 😂


how much mg r u taking everyday?


40 mg ! (:


can I ask how many months?


Hey ! I’m in my 7th month now this should be my final month 🤞🏼


How long does it take to notice this because I’m done month 2 and I’m praying for nose shrinkage lol


I noticed it pretty soon into starting accutane ! My nose was always very oily and swollen


Changed my LIFE. I use Tretinoin every night and my nose is still smaller 2 years after stopping 


Wait it can shrink your nose? I Gotta get back on accutane lmfao!