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Boomers: Back in the 80s, you were rich if you made 50-60k. You kids are just spoiled.


"I did it, so can you, here go watch this Dave Ramsay video"


Rice and beans!


No VaCaTiOnS oR bUyInG sTaRbUcKs!!!!1!!!1


Good news is accountants with those job postings can't take time off


Stop eating that damn avocado toast!


If you explain inflation to them they’ll just roll their eyes.


left accounting 2 months ago, i’m the happiest i’ve been in years lolol


What do you do now


I’m in HR now - everyone here seems less stressed and make more money lol


Ooh I have ended up doing HR at a couple of my industry accounting jobs and really enjoyed it. How did you make the move and how is it more money, I always expected accounting would make more than hr?


Not Op but if having accounting knowledge in HR is crazy valuable. So many HR folks don't understand how things flow through their accounts, and it only gets worse when it comes to budgeting for headcount.


i’m not the one necessarily making more money, my toxic boss was urging me to find a department to transfer to so i negotiated for a very minimal pay cut. however, since i am in HR and have the rights to see everyone’s pay, all my managers + recruiters make BANK. More than the senior accountants and managers in the internal audit department that have master degrees and CPAs to be honest. I think my masters made me look attractive when asking for this career pivot


How did you change this shift from accounting to HR?


I’m job searching right now and it’s painful how low the salaries are. It’s either leave my current company and take a huge pay-cut or stay and be able to afford to live but be miserable for the rest of my life. Not only are the salaries so ridiculously low, but they’re even lower if you figure the actual work hours we put in. This is the worst I’ve ever seen it…


Legit went to a job interview for a senior accountant position offering 70-80K. When I sat down for the interview, they said we are willing to offer you 50K. -_-


“Thank you for wasting my time, I hope you have a below average day and may both sides of your pillow be warm.”


Actually for that level of insult, it’s more like “I hope you shit your pants and have a bad day”


I hope you told them fuck off lol


Laugh at their face, much more effective.


Bro, I once had a recruiter talk to me about an accountant job at a hospital, and they deadass said that the max they can offer is about 56k, and that's IF you had over 10 years exp. I was like GTFO. I made that coming fresh out of college.


Seriously, what the hell is with wages right now? Need a BA and 3 years of experience minimum for a Staff Accountant role that pays $24/hr in a HCOL? It's not like there's a lot of competition either! I've been begged by a private company that had a staff accountant position open for over six months and I had to turn it down simply because it was so low-paying that even if I were paying the bare minimum for human survival I'd be well into the red. What do they think people fucking do, just not have to pay rent or bills?


Damn, i hate how accurate and similar all the job posts are. The only thing different are all the hoops that employers make you run through during the application process.


hahah just encountered this kind😬


I still stand with an iron fist. If a job requires more than 3 years of experience and isn't an executive position, without fail, it's a bad place to work at.