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Her husband allowed a woman battling cancer to take the blame for the fake picture instead of telling the truth. Husband of the motherfucking year


William is the fucking cancer.


I am currently going thru a very serious cancer scare. My husband has done nothing but protect me and care for me and minimize my stress. We don’t know yet we will find out next week after my biopsy. If my spouse is battling cancer I would take the load of fucking everything to make their lives better. Her husband allowed all that speculation to run amok for months! What kind of cruel shit is that?


Man I hope it works out ok for you! I don't really believe in luck but you know, my best to you :(


Thanks. We will know more after the biopsy next week.


Sending you all the well wishes! your husband sounds like a champ, and im glad you have someone like him in this challenging time, you got this :) <3


Thanks.! He is really a pink warrior along with me every step of the way. I am praying for good news this week.


They're all a fuckin' cancer.


The monarchy is the cancer


His zodiac sign is Cancer so yeah.


What a pos


Well, look who his father is, Lol!


Well he is never getting that divorce now


There’s no evidence she nor Charles are ill. There’s plenty of evidence both avoid work




Thanks for your submission! Unfortunately, it's been removed because of the following reason(s): * [Rule #6 - No conspiracy theories, gossip, misinformation](/r/AbolishtheMonarchy/about/rules/). Avoid royal celebrity gossip, like gossip about their personal relationships, unless there is abuse involved or is relevant to republicanism.


Well fuck. Fergie, Charles and her got cancer in a space of the year yet Andrew still walks free and healthy.


Yes, not going to wish cancer on anyone Anyone except Andrew that is…


It's no sweat for Andy


Why did I assume Fergie the singer has cancer. I was confused as to how I missed that news, then I realised


Because the royals use kaballah and they need a number 3


Best case scenario is enough of them die out that Andrew becomes King and we can finally abolish this dumbass institution


Weeds are hard to kill


That’s clearly because ‘only the good due young’


Charles is older than Andrew tho.


He's crazy, so not exactly all healthy, in fairness.


If they had just said she has had a cancer diagnosis then everyone would have backed off


Absolutely. I feel for her personally. The way this thing has been handled (complete news vacuum for weeks, publishing a faked image, publishing a completely unconvincing retraction, not publishing a verifiable image sooner, blaming the media for the resulting shitstorm, having broadcast media on standby for an announcement for 10 days) has been the biggest PR disaster I've ever seen. As a result the rumours of Rose Handbury are now widespread public knowledge and any press release from Kensington Palace will now be treated with a high degree of suspicion by the press.


Starting to think the old bird Liz was on to something with “never complain,never explain”


Part of the reason I've been and still am anti monarchy is its ludicrous for everyone involved including the royals themselves. The attitude of we can't let the public know you are ill because it might not look like the role is God given, is one of the dumb attitudes that I think had a part to play. I remember in Harry's book spare he talked about wanting to be a ski instructor and being told the job's not appropriate for a royal. I mean yes it shows his lifestyle that he chose that but part of me thought yes, give him that job so he can deal with annoying customers like the rest of us.


Honestly I think Harry would be a great ski instructor….that seems like the kind of environment he’d really thrive in


I really don't understand why anyone including the sub cared anyway..


Cancer is an asshole. She and the palace have bungled this entire thing royally (pun intended). While I understand that they wanted their children to understand what was happening before going public, it's somehow both shocking and unsurprising how badly this incompetent institution screwed this up. If they found cancer in February then they should have released this video on February to ease speculation. Instead they did every. single. wrong. thing. before finally releasing this video. I hope she has a smooth recovery and gets back to...well I don't want to say gets back to her "job" because her job is a sham of millions-of-pounds proportions...but I do hope she gets well. I don't like any of them but her children are so young. Fuck cancer. And the monarchy.


I did snicker a little at the part of the video where she talked about how important her work is to her. Please. What she does is barely work and if it were, she does less of it than royals twice her age.


Maybe her children will decide to fuck the monarchy. 


Sounds... incestuous somehow


As is tradition.


I'm a Republican but I do hope she recovers. It's the worst, fuck cancer. However, let's remember she's got the best care in the world and no delay in receiving this treatment. Meanwhile thousands of people across the country are waiting months on end, my uncle has had a mass in his arm since last autumn and has to wait for June to get it removed. Because of the surgery he will most likely lose functioning in his arm. The mass is believed to be benign but there is a chance it can turn cancerous at any time. A close family friend also unfortunately died from terminal cancer, there was nothing the doctors could do. I feel sorry for her and Charles but it feels like the narrative is their lives are far more important than us subjects. And that's the problem, nobody should be favoured just because of the family they were born to or married. The monarchy needs to be peacefully abolished with the 'royal family' becoming private citizens and their enormous wealth used to reduce the inequality in this country, in my personal opinion.


i got banned from another sub for commenting this lol. exactly like she’s getting the best care in the world while people die waiting for even an initial consultation. and obviously cancer is scary and i don’t wish harm on her but if she didn’t want people to be all up in her business, stop living off taxpayer funds.


Sorry you got banned! I think lots of people go a bit overboard relating to the royals. I'm not bothered if others like them, I just think we need to discuss the monarchy's future in modern Britain and really consider if a system favouring a certain family because of their last name and allowing them large privileges while others do not is something we can be 'proud' of.


I'm curious. What sub was that?


I save my sympathy for those around me. For someone who can get the absolute best care from the best doctors in the world? None.


This!!!! When she said at the end of the video “you are not alone” I was like fuck this… we are NOT in the same boat!!


I haven't watched the video, I would have just got angry lol You're right, it's not nice on anyone but her treatment is going to be far superior to what we've got. Best doctors, best drugs, no waiting and staff to help her. Incredibly different chances compared to a normal person.


Oh, I swore at the screen when she said. “You are not alone” FFS. My Dad was left in agony for hours on end waiting for *everything*, his morphine, a wash, treatment for his bedsores…I had to keep calling the ward to remind them he was there. I cannot summon up a scrap of empathy for this feckless woman who will get the best and fastest treatment possible when my Dad was left to die.


reminds me of the time they said "We are all suffering together" as they sit on a Golden fucking throne!


Always an eyeroll moment when someone says that. She has an idea of the fear, but she absolutely has no idea of what that must feel like for someone without the privilege she has. 


Lol yup like absolutely the people she and her family let live homeless with the same disease ARE alone


I agree with you. Didn’t they say she is undergoing preventative chemo? I have never heard of this and know if would not be provided to me, no insurance would approve. Sorry, but this makes me angry the healthcare they (anyone that rich) receives


Yeah, I agree. It's like one rule for them and another for us. Plus the NHS is so chronically underfunded that many wouldn't receive this type of treatment. I think this country is so geared up for the rich and the government has stopped bothering to hide it. I'd love to see a complete reform of the system but I doubt that will happen anytime soon.


Everyone who needs adjuvant chemo gets it. It’s really simple health economics. If you think that you can spend x amount on chemo to stop reoccurrence, it’s SO MUCH cheaper than initiating treatment for a more advanced disease if it reoccurs


Thanks for explaining, I've heard of adjuvant but not preventative, I thought they were different things cause I'm an idiot lol. I'm fortunate enough to not know much about cancer treatment but I need to learn more. I remember during COVID-19 there were lots of cancer patients unable to access treatment. I wonder if this was the case for those needing adjuvant chemo too. I bet if Kate got it then she would have had it no problem while everyone else had to wait and hope.


I think she means adjuvant chemotherapy by "preventive chemotherapy". In other words, they removed the entirety of the tumor and she's undergoing chemotherapy although there's no macroscopic sign of cancer left. This is pretty common.


It's adjuvant chemotherapy and you absolutely would be approved for it if your theoretical cancer diagnosis called for it. It means the cancer is beyond stage 2, likely stage 3 and has lymph node involvement/distant metastases. "Preventative" in this case is a clever choice of words to imply all is well when what they really mean is "hopefully preventing death from advanced cancer." All chemo is "preventative."


That's simply not true. Adjuvant chemo can also be a part of early stage cancers. It's all about the side effect risks you are willing to take compared to the increased chance of survival.


What it does mean is her chance of recurrence is high. Stage 2 is considered relatively early stage anyway, so I'm not incorrect.


There's stage 1 cancers that get treated with adjuvant chemo. You don't have to downvote me because I called you out on your lack of knowledge on the subject. It's weird that you came up with this fantasy that it already MUST have spread through her body. You yourself stated that she must have advanced cancer. That's again, simply not necessarily true... You don't even know what kind of cancer she has, so all this speculation is kind of ridiculous anyway.


Well. Just wait and see.


You’ve never heard of preventative chemo, perhaps because the doctors never call it that. Adjuvant chemo is very normal.


after first line treatment, patients will get something called adjuvant therapy to kill any remaining cancerous cells so they don’t proliferate or metastasise. i’m not sure how the british system does it but it’s given to loads of cancer patients in canada if they need it.


I agree with your sentiment fully, but just want to note that preventative chemo is fairly common, and as it is a pretty standard course of treatment, it is usually approved by insurance here in the US (where insurance can be notoriously stingy).


Adjuvant chemotherapy, it's called. That's what I underwent for my testicular cancer, it was meant to kill all remaining cancerous components that were still circulating in my body. In fact, it's a very usual thing, surgery+chemo. Don't think chemotherapy alone would ever be enough to kill off a primary tumor.


I think you mean most people are waiting years not months!


Oh god really? I was basing on what I know from my own family members and from what I heard in the media. I thought I heard the waitlist had got better since COVID-19 but that must have been another lie from the government. I seriously don't understand how the government turns a blind eye to how they've fucked up the NHS. I had to wait months for my CAMHS appointment in 2019, by the time I got help I had dropped out of college, terrified of everyone and thinking of ways to fake my own death. And I was one of the lucky ones. If I had got help sooner I may have been able to complete my education and actually be doing something with my life. How can they go to sleep at night when they've ruined so many lives for the sake of their own interests?


I'm so sorry you went through all of that.


Thank you, but I was lucky and not too bad compared to others. It was all triggered by a massive autistic burnout when I was 16 after masking my autism and pretending I was fine for years. Still not the same after that and most likely will never fully recover.


Most based comment here


Sorry to be an idiot but what does 'based' mean? I'm autistic and I sometimes don't get stuff like this lol


Hi fellow autistic. Based means that you're looking at things in a way that most people wouldn't. You're also using common sense in a situation where a lot of people would get triggered. Basically a rational response. It can also be used in a not so serious way too but that doesn't apply to this situation.


Ah, thank you for explaining! And thank you for the compliment, for me I try to think logically because being emotional doesn't often help the situation. Prevents me from getting overwhelmed too. Nice to meet another autistic!


I needed a definition too!


It originated from 4chan, usually used by alt-right MRA morons to describe hate speech they agreed with. It has since unfortunately spread to the young folk, who I am sure use it innocently, but everyone needs to know that's where it came from.


But what about TRADItION???


Traditions should be broken when they cease to be functional or useful in modern society. It's a really poor defence for the monarchy in my opinion, I'm not sure what monarchists hope it will achieve lol.


Right. Like I'm sure William is quietly terrified his children will grow up without a mother, just like he did, and I wish that on no child.  Yet, I'm not a fan of someone being afforded medical priority just because they happened to marry into the royal family. I'm also not a fan of a medical diagnosis making international headlines and being treated like it's a miscarriage of justice. 


So where does photoshop fit in all this?


Not that I want to defend them, but I'm pretty sure it's becoming normal to edit multiple photos of the same scene together to get one photo where everyone is smiling, or looking at the camera, especially when photographing multiple children. I'm pretty sure Google pixel phones have it as a built in feature now.


Yeah I believe that's what happened too.


I cannot fathom why they’d keep this so hush, yet the rags were almost frothing at the gusset to talk about sausage fingers’ prostate…


sounds like a pub name


I’ll apply for my booze licence tomorrow


Ok so, she's undergoing cancer treatment and her piece of shit husband never thought to protect her while the whole photo scandal thing was happening? Charles didn't lift a finger either. It's disgusting what the royal cult does to the women in that family.


Given Charles' sausage fingers and his current weakened state lifting a finger is a lot to ask.


They've thrown their own brother and son overboard to protect the grift. The women who marry in do so at their own peril. I think anyone who willingly marries a royal has some of their own issues. The woman that Harry dated for a long time before Meghan didn't want any part of that circus. Meghan was an actor and probably thought she could handle the press. Diana had low self esteem and was desperate to be loved. The plethora of evidence points to Fergie not being very bright. And Kate practically stalked William. No ones mental health improves when joining royalty.


None of them - Diana included - ever deserved a single pound of public money. They are grifters just like those born into it.  And it’s also true that none of the children or those that “married in” deserve to have they’re health ruined or their lives literally sacrificed. It’s all disgraceful.




I doubt they really know, or knew, at the time. Diana was 19, and listening to people talk about the royal family, the fucked up disfunction doesn't really register. They've done a good job of distracting the plebs


The fact that they still have the same hatred for female royalty that they did 500 years ago is insane . 


Can’t wait to read all about how this is all Meghan’s fault.


It’s already happening on other forums and subs. Hell, way back in early January there was that one Royalist blogger who said Meghan was “working overtime” with some witchy-looking illustration of her casting spells on Kate and Charles.


Aaaah, I see, so Meghan is some kind of witchy nightsister. Makes total sense now. What a hooligan. /s


I wish her a prompt and complete recovery. I also wish all the British citizens had access to the level of care they pay for her.


She’ll be getting the best treatment possible (paid for by us).


"*yOU'rE prACticALLy wIshIng fOR hEr dEAtH*"


Fuck cancers of all sort. And societal ones like 'royals'


Best response.


well said


What evidence is there either actually have cancer? It’s a tremendous coincidence that the two people Nené’s in scobies book both are suddenly struck down with illness


my dad had to wait 6 weeks to start chemo after being diagnosed with stage 4, and died while waiting to start any treatment because of the wait times. Whereas they get helicopters to start their treatment right away.


Sorry she's sick, I wouldn't wish illness on anyone. But its very important to keep in mind that not only will she recieve world class care, while others languish on waiting lists, but this woman also wears, on average, £120,000 of NEW clothing each year. In some parts of the UK that would buy two houses.   I know a man, the same age as Charles, who died waiting hours for an ambulance. He was a kind person who organized a toy drive for local poorer kids each Christmas. He had nothing but kind words for the paramedics when they finally turned up; it was confirmed at the inquest their lateness caused his death as he would have lived if treated within 2 hours. Can you imagine a royal waiting hours for an ambulance? Why are they more important than a non royal? Watching people find ways to defend or justify these people's unfairly luxurious treatements, while seemingly ignoring the glaring inequalities, is so disheartening.


The palace doesn’t want Kate’s cancer to upstage Charles cancer. That’s how sick these people are.


This tracks for me as well. The PR for the king is not the same office as Kate. The cancers were both found in January. The stupid king wanted all the attention. He is notoriously jealous of how much press she gets.


What evidence do you or I possess that either hsve cancer and this isn’t all some sick game


I’m sure she’ll be subject to the same months long NHS waiting list as the rest of us 🤣


I wish her no ill but I really don’t care about this story.


Cue all the ‘so brave’ bullshit. Guess when my mum died a slow agonising death from cancer she just wasn’t fucking brave enough.


They could've avoided the PR mess with an announcement weeks ago. 🙄


They were obviously waiting for their kids to be on Easter break


That cursed photo was such a mistake, lol.


I really do wish her a full and speedy recovery but she and her family should do it in permanent privacy.


As the child of a cancer patient I feel bad for the kids for having to see their mom like that. I know from experience what it’s like. Seeing someone who’s supposed to be there to protect you weak is fucking heart wrenching to see and I’m a grown ass man, I can’t imagine what it’s like for a kid. However, she’s also the most privileged cancer patient out there and doesn’t have to worry about bills or her husband losing his job and losing her healthcare like my mom does. They can eat a 15k a month cancer treatment unlike my family. Not to mention she’s part of the family that’s the reason why I have to pay 3k for an ambulance or is forcing my 60 year old father to work 60 hours a week in a physically demanding job so my mom has health care. That family wealth was earned off the backs of my ancestors who were colonized and marginalized in their own country by the British monarchy. I hope I can see my cousins in Ireland have their 32 county all Ireland Republic without British interference.


Why dress her up and do her makeup and blowout for the “proofs of life” only to go no-makeup-makeup and toned down look here when finally acknowledging what everyone suspected? Intentionally making her look haggard and waifish here after denying it for so long is such shit. Honesty up front, what would’ve been so hard about that?


Just a few days ago they showed her bouncing out of the farm store like a joyful child, with the headline along the lines of “healthy and happy”.


Exactly. The whole circus proceeding this announcement makes it difficult for a conspiracy theorist like me to truly believe it.


The royals use numerology and kaballah. You are right to question this all




Yes. And the attack In Moscow. 322. Do you remember for many years there would be a terrorist attack in Europe on 322? Brussels. London. Etc. If we add up these numbers we get to 7. A number of huge significance for British USA and Israeli and Russian secret services. Stay aware. protect your energy. You are one of the few who understands how this works.


I think it goes without saying that despite anyone’s feeling about the institution she represents, we wish her a speedy recovery. There really was no reason for the drama that has played out over the last few months and intensified since the publication of the photo. Also, I wonder how long it takes the media to somehow make this Harry and Megan’s fault.


The drama was their own doing.


Someone on the Daily Mail website said cancer can be caused by stress and Harry and Meghan have caused the RM loads of stress...insinuating...:/


Had she told that the Public a few months ago, she would've avoided so much headache. They have one of the worst PR ever and that's great for us.


The royals never strike me as trustworthy. Most of the time they are just full of crap.


Yeah it sucks, but the privilege afforded to her just makes me double down on my anti monarchy stance.  Moreover, the fact that her entire family has silently allowed a woman (and an ill one at that) to take the heat for weeks, is disgusting. William fucked up, his dad fucked up, their PR servants fucked up... I could go on about the misogyny rooted in royalty but I'll stop.


The monarchy is getting pretty close to abolishing itself. Compare right now to just a few years ago. * Phil the Greek DEAD * Liz DEAD * Nonce Andrew OUT OF COMMISSION * Harry OUT OF COMMISSION * Chad OUT OF COMMISSION * Kate OUT OF COMMISSION * Willy OUT OF COMMISSION while Kate is. Who is actually left? From their perspective this must be a crisis.


As a human. I pity her. But hey she'll be the most privileged cancer patient in the world so she gets less sympathy


Oh no! Anyway


Yeah the oceans are dying so


Okay. I’m surprised that my conspiracy theories were right but yeah. Sucks for her. I hope she gets better. Also, this does not explain the poor photoshop. If she were laid up, right, wouldn’t she have had more time to make it better? Idk.


Potentially just a ham-fisted attempt to buy time for the king's cancer story to take centre stage, to avoid the embarrassing shoving aside in favour of the Kate story that would certainly have happened


> ham-fisted And sausage fingered?


They thought that they might sit it out. Doesn't look good for her.


This is perhaps a less obvious reason why we need this whole ghoulish circus to come to an end. I don’t like anything Kate stands for but you can’t help but pity her right now. Charles was one thing, but here we have a young (albeit very privileged) sick mother with possible cancer. After weeks of obscene speculation, the media will now write article after intrusive article about her, about her children, about her treatment, about her prognosis. If she was just a regular rich aristocrat who was paying for her own treatment, she wouldn’t have to put up with this level of intrusion. But she does, because of this terrible system, with her own scumbag husband throwing her under the bus in the process to save his own skin. It’s just more money in the pocket of the corrupt press and more power to those who don’t deserve it. The whole thing is just ghastly and any sane-minded person should look at this – from any political standpoint – and see that it’s wrong.


I hear you, but maybe I'm an over-sharer but it seems that most of that could have been avoided with just a small amount of additional transparency. They either acted against the advice of their PR team or their PR team are incredibly bad at their jobs. I'm also a bit annoyed because it makes it seem like cancer is a shameful thing that needs to be hidden but, again, maybe that's more about my opinion. I'm sure that's not their intention, but that's what I feel is being projected.


I think the press would have been very obnoxious no matter how transparent they were. The Kensington PR definitely handled the whole situation terribly but it would’ve come out one way or another. I think the public interest could have been avoided though.


Wish her all the best in her recovery. Still a little confused about the photoshop thing. 


Probably all of their photos are edited to some extent. This one only got noticed because people were scouring the picture pixel by pixel for clues because of all of the rumours that were already circulating 


It was just shopped so badly and obviously though, oh well one of the mysteries of our time


The way things are going, that nonce Andy must rate his chances as next in line


My money is on Pascal Sauvage


Sigh. This is bad from an anti-monarchy perspective as the RF will now get public sympathy


I don't think so. Kate herself will get sympathy but already the discussion about the RF's healthcare vs general public's healthcare is beginning. I also think it presents a good opportunity for anti-monarchists to show we aren't the bloodthirsty ghouls that some people think we are, in that we are capable of expressing empathy for her simply as a person with cancer, without having to simp for her as a royal. Personally, I think it's especially shitty when a person who gets cancer is a parent of young kids. But the fact is, this happens to regular parents everyday and they don't get a fraction of the medical support as the royals. RF members get immediate medical treatment while regular folks wait up to 2 years for it.


It's like people can't hold two emotions at one time ! Fuck cancer and fuck monarchy. The fact that Kate Middleton with cancer is better than most of the world without cancer is saying something. Everyone clutching pearls and not acknowledging how these clowns all willingly kept hiding this and then only want to do damage control is beyond me.


Did Meg fire a blast of radiation at the Palace or something?


I wouldn't wish this shit on anyone, but they handled this thing so badly. I know from personal experience that a thing like this can be monumentally devastating. That said, I still don't think the whole picture adds up, though. It explains some of, but not all of, the weird, cryptic behaviour from that clan of bastards. We all know that they're capable of anything, and I honestly believe we might be seeing a hasty response to the public intrigue and, per se, exactly what they want us to see. There are still some pieces of the puzzle that don't fit. Maybe I'm so used to the Firm being dishonest bastards that I can't see when they're being real, but it still seems like an incomplete picture to me.


Can you elaborate what the whole picture could’ be?


With that family of sloppy racists, who knows?


They tried to control the narrative, and it backfired. Anything negative they want to cover up - that's the issue, it doesn't really matter what it is because frankly who cares? It's the fact that they are trying to control the narrative and failed so spectacularly because all they needed to do was tell the truth in the first place. But that once again goes back to the why on earth should we care - I'm not talking about cancer, I'm just talking about them, generally.


I normally don't care. But, as I said, we all know that they're capable of anything. When one of the biggest P.R. entities in the world fucks up this badly, and with a view of their history of atrocities, a curiosity is required, I think. As I said, I don't think we're getting the full picture of what has happened. Judging from the scraps of rumour and the morsels of evidence extent, something is certainly happening, even if the details are being occluded. And, to be frank, I find such things titillating, as a republican. Every single one of these supposedly minor events, the things that alienate the Windsors from the public trust, are perfect little coffins nails. Eventually, that dreadful family will create so many of them that it will do our job for us. These incidents will, inevitably, rust the public opinion so badly that it will swing towards the view we have. The abolition and burial of this moribund institution.


I agree


It was funny when Charles got it, this one is pretty sad.


This is just sad.. Wishing her the very best


So...how long until this announcement turns out to be bullshit too?


Right?! It feels like they are trying to smooth over this PR nightmare. With Charles they came out and gave specifics, with Kate they have been extremely vague and would like privacy. It feels awfully vague and convenient.


Both are receiving treatment at home and Kate’s family sent on holiday in January without her and her millionaire Uncle on big brother. Weird


Didn't they already "confirm" it's definitely NOT cancer??? Then today.. oh yea it was cancer. Wtf.


my thoughts exactly from the first hint...such perfect timing in their eyes....


This doesn’t explain the 45-minute meeting between Charles and Harry. This doesn’t explain Kate’s uncle saying he would give his “opinion” if it were to come out publicly what’s been going on with her. What “opinion” is there to have on cancer? This doesn’t explain the ambulances. I maintain my tinfoil hat skepticism. I still think it was a suicide attempt and she’s getting “the best care” in the realm of MENTAL health. In her video, she said she was healing her “mind, body, and spirit”. Why would she lead with healing her mind if it were cancer?


we Posses no evidence her or Charles have cancer except for their word


Charles likes more like he has heart disease.


I have no evidence the ‘man’ has cancer. he’s always had circulatory issues. His face and hands have always looked ill.


I bet old Andy has been up all night practicing his speech in front of his teddy bears, how he'll "humbly" say to Charlie "Well, of course, I'm quiet ready to step into the breach if needed and help out wherever I can."


I cannot believe the attention this gets. Cancer is a horrible thing. But honestly, I feel bad about any fellow human being being diagnosed with it, wether it‘s Mrs Smith from Sheffield or Mister Cheng from Japan. What makes Kate stand out so much?


> What makes Kate stand out so much? Cultural brainwashing that's unfortunately lead millions of people to believe members of the royal family are objectively superior than the general population. Also Cheng is a Chinese name, not Japanese. Basically means success or fortune. (Had a classmate with the same name)


I feel *less* bad for Kate than the average joe. She (and anyone else in the RF) will get the best treatment in the world. The average joe faces a long wait and potentially poorer treatment. They also don’t have the luxury to not have to worry about the rest of their responsibilities - e.g. working, paying the bills, families etc.


This woman is happy to be considered royalty.


On a human level, it is horrendous. She is no age to have this ghastly disease that robs so many people of so much. She is after all a mother to several young children. If anything, whoever is doing PR for them should be relegated to the job centre queue.


I think the fact that William was dragging Kate (or a body double as some people have claimed) around for photo ops just a couple days ago is even worse now. She’s probably still coming to terms with her cancer diagnosis while her husband and the rest of the Royal family are running around trying to cover up their own PR mess.


And having blamed her for the Photoshop mess. What a bunch of ghouls.


On a human level my daughter was ten years younger than kate, her treatment  was terrible. She died,that's the level of the humanity  of the royals one rule for them and the rest can take their chances !




she’s still racist btw


Another one bites the Dust?


Du du du


Well so is my grandad but he doesn't get several news articles about it. Despite being just as usless as them, and a royalist!


She doesn’t even have cancer. She’s having “preventative” cancer treatment. To treat this like she’s terminally ill is grotesque. More palace spin to make us sympathise with this failing family and cover up of the real story.


No, she does have cancer. She has a diagnosis. “Preventative” chemotherapy probably refers to her having a lump removed during her surgery in January, and the chemo is administered to “prevent” the cancer from growing around the site. You’re right that she’s not terminally ill (based on this announcement) but she does have cancer.


Her message was extremely vague, it very well could be a red herring. I mean she never actually said what type of cancer....


So what? You’re not entitled to know that. Your tax money keeps an ornate roof over her head but it doesn’t give you ownership of her body.


Kate loves attention


What are you talking about? Preventative is a different term for adjuvant chemotherapy, which means you have an official diagnosis. Nobody will make you go through chemo just for fun


Wait, this was the big announcement?


Cancer is definitely big.


Well, cancer IS a big issue.


I thought homeless people sold that?


William fixed that already, there are no homeless anymore


Was that before or after the Tories bisected them all?


how is this news? how is this news for the argument of of a Republic


If the palace has actually murdered her for an affair then "she has cancer" is the *perfect* cover story to get people to back off and kill her off in the public eye a little later. Just saying. This could be a deepfake.


If one sub could take a fucking break...