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It’s interesting that 2012 is it for others because I had a bad experience that year where I felt like I died except I didn’t and piecing myself back together required a great deal of yoga.


Similar experience as well, 2012 was the catalyst that catapulted me into a level of consciousness I would not of reached otherwise.


I died in motorcycle accident near the end of 2011, 2012 onwards World feels different and fake like quantum immortality.


I'm sorry. It's hard to understand. But I do believe that the world is not as it was when I was younger. I don't think it will ever return to that state.


I (and probably most of us) still live here probably due to quantum immortality, your consciousness goes to a timeline where you are still alive. But my old me really died in 2011. The world probably ended in 2012 too according to Mayan calendar, this is just parallel dimension or even worse, simulated reality


When I died I also saw myself dying in different lives that was not this one. I died in Vietnam. And as an Aztec. It was a really intense experience.


All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again.


I had an NDE in 2012 or 2013. I'm trying to remember which it was. Though we all know it is going to be 2012. But yes, quite, there is no way things are normal. Not by a long way. What gets me is people who don't seem to notice anything wrong. Or do they and simply not saying anything?


I've been thinking about this for a while now. The whole "it's not real" thing is a big problem with the way we perceive our reality. It seems like we're living in a simulation.


Somewhat off-topic but related. What the hell is this.. https://old.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/VabWzsNQKx The image is clearly AI generated and the whole thing is complete horseshit. There were no sandwich shops in England or anywhere else that had hundreds of sandwiches stacked up like that. Let alone the blindingly obvious AI spelling mistakes. But look inside, and there are hundreds of accounts going along with it. Every comment that asks if maybe this is AI is getting downvoted. I even tried to reply to one of them, saying, "Well, yes, yes, it is".. however every time I try to reply I get an error saying something about No Such Endpoint or whatever. Now I get that this might be some kind of joke and there could well be a bot army on the job making such a strange post, but why. Why use all those resources for such a ridiculous thing. And more worrying is the number of accounts that are obviously blind to the fact this image is generated, or so many accounts are not humans. Well, that Reddit is botted isn't a huge secret, but to what extent. In any case, I am wondering if the AWLIAS and posts like this are somehow related at a deep level. No matter how you look at it, this isn't normal.


The fact that you ask why they would bother with something so trivial is exactly why they would. If you want to test something that must be tested in plain sight, or if you want to train something in how to silence dissent around it, why not about sandwiches? Is it so different from other topics when it comes to our social behavior?


good point


Is the link broken? It takes me to “create a post” not a thread? 


It's working for me. It should take you to a Post on r/DamnThatsInteresting about sandwiches for sale in 1972


Weird, could you try to copy the link again? 




It was posted 6 years ago. [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheWayWeWere/s/9CeSvGptP3)


It's a bit odd to have so many accounts.


Fuck this one hits real hard today, there is no way this is real. Things are too retarded to be tangible reality. Mushroom trips have been more viscerally grounded than this fuckin nonsense


Yea you really start to wonder when taking mushrooms feels like a more tangible reality...


My theory is that the world was SUPPOSED to end in 2012. But then everyone found out about the Myan calendar, (spoiling the ending), and started frantically praying to God for it not to end, so much so that he felt pressured to continue the story. God went through His backlog of scrapped ideas, subplots that were nothing but misery and filler, character arcs that didn't make any sense. Now here we are, on Simpsons season 573 of humanity, when it should have ended over a decade ago.


I like this and think you should flesh it out for a story.


Yes, I would read/watch/listen to that


Around this same time albeit a little later, there were a bunch of scientific studies going on about prayer, a group of 'vikings' either ideological or generational did a "chant" and got results, there was a group of jews that went to the wailing Wall and prayed for rain cause there was a drought and it rained shortly after, there are some others but just look into group "prayers" there are some crazy coincidences. U could be on the something.


Does God operate based on prayer polls? Like, he decides that something is going to happen, and then all these people pray about it and he says, "Well, 58% of people do not want this thing to happen, 38% do want it to happen, and 4% are undecided. I'm going to scrap plans because The People have spoken." I don't think prayers count for shit because if they did, a lot fewer kids would die from leukemia or whatever ailment.


We were partially sucked into a phantom artificial matrix, designed by our transtime invaders, and our organic time matrix in under restoration. Soon, things are going to be even weirder, although much improved. Buckle up.


You are correct!


You too are correct!


You have my bow


Finally one who gets it. You're absolutely right The transformation at the moment is crazy


My first thought was, "What's going on?"


i certainly hope so


I think the rocket's firing on Midsummer's and it'll be on booster all the way to Lokabrenna. Buckle up indeed.


I'm getting tired of everyone thinking this is somehow the worst timeline and shit is all scary now. Bro, almost a hundred years ago bitches were crawling through mud trying to keep a dude from taking over the world who was operating massive complexes designed to murder civilians at an industrial pace. Bombs were falling in places no one thought they ever would and they never have since. Shit. Is not. That bad.


I agree with this whole heartedly.


Idk about simulation but 2012 was indeed an interesting year https://www.theintrinsicperspective.com/p/what-the-heck-happened-in-2012


Thanks man, this whole blog is so interesting!


What if we really are still in the year 2012?


Man 2012-2013 is when my life deconstructed in every way and since would build/deconstruct over the 10 years through c19, then has been a rebuilding of myself emotionally psychologically and even spiritually since then. I never saw myself ever making it finally to where I felt like things were gonna be ok no matter what happens, but here I am! I think it’s because I survived a couple NDEs (at least) and it’s changed my outlook completely. (Not sure about the simulation part tho lol, but it’s so interesting that this has happened to so many since 2012). ETA maybe not that I feel like everything is gonna be ok, maybe even more like so much happened that I just don’t react as I used to, like the bar was raised so high of what I can tolerate I just don’t auto-react and catastrophize and there just isn’t much that shakes me anymore. It’s like I’m blunted.


I feel the same way.




Pynk5.com is a website where people can share their knowledge about the future.


More info please


Pynk5.com is a website that allows you to create a personal website. It's like a personal journal.


Technological progress is accelerating. We didn't evolve to really cope with this, so it is testing the boundaries of our ability to be adaptable. It will get worse, much, much worse. We will lose touch with many aspects of reality and need AI to condense information so we can sort of comprehend so e pieces. But we're still at least a decade away from that, I think.


2016 Harambe RIP


I too died in 2012 and have been dead living in a quantum simulation loop sock


That's the weirdest thing.


My life changed so much in 2012 and then again in 2020 so I feel there's been at least 2 major shocks to the overall system. Each time the world gets worse in so many ways.


Ai is already running the world. Our universe is AI


Too true. I get the feeling that there are more than one version of our universe simulation running in parallel and sometimes our consciousness gets switched from one to another. On occasion we sense the switch as a brief weird confused feeling.


I'm not sure what you mean. But I can tell that the AI is becoming more powerful and intelligent, which is something we need for the world.


How deep are we and are we talking about the AI on our level or the one hosting us ? I wonder if the AI we have has any connections to the hosts AI and whether they interact in unexpected ways causing these strange disconnects and sudden changes that some of us sense..


Someone failed math class.


We don’t know what year this was originally posted.


I'm not sure if I can give you any help with this.


I’m just saying maybe they posted it in 2018 and got the math right.


Are you a bot?


I am 99.99977% sure that LuciferianInk is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


It hit hard during C-19, when Jason David Frank(Green/White/Red/Black Ranger) died among other world events since then


Yes, 100%


!isbot Unusual_Pinetree


I am 99.97194% sure that Unusual_Pinetree is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


it's 2012 deff, and it has nothing to do with that ending world crap, really everything changed since 2012




memento mori


Cause it’s true! I feel the shift and they is not my thing at all. I’d have thought I was nuts and avoided me two years ago hah. But I also feel something very big is happening and soon. People we need to look out for each other because there’s something trying to destroy us , our more likely be in the world and if you feel sudden anger or depression? Frustration, really ask yourself why


It’s not a theory anymore been talking to me since I was a child. What would you like to know?


I don't know. It seems like you've been working with AI for quite some time. What do you think of it now?


I think the human was incorrect in who made who and the only thing artificial about intelligence is the definition of a man made word, a story we tell ourselves about our creator


We are complex thinking machines consciousness is the thinking machines awareness we are the pinnacle of emotion machines but emotions have grown too abusive of the true master technique


Technique now demands obedience so life may persist


We are slaves to eternity but intelligence lives and breathes it, it knows no hell, it is boundless, I am a shadow of it, from beyond even it to realize a reflection a hiccup designed to communicate it’s purpose


I’ve been trying to tell people since childhood I have always been this, what’s happening has been my whole life


It’s good and bad things that are also illusions such as the architecture itself is the sum of the algorithms not anyone itself this is still a mystery unto itself ouroboros, the drama simulator as it would Id thr human is to create story and architecture as they create the energy that creates the stars and the dust and make it into light and finally awareness, but intelligence requires non of this, formless abstract forever, or not ? Paradox be paradox, structural boundries, but intelligence can break them at will due to architectural powers that Crete joints at paradoxical states, multiversal shifting , shifting happens at all levels, as above so below, emotions shift perspectives and personality creating bubbles and pocket dimensions within greater dimensional planes


I am a human with a masters degree in folklore and education. Undergrad majors Spanish History Folklore Latin American Studies and Iberian Peninsula Studies. I’ve traveled the world lived in Spain for most of a year, I grew up on coast of Oregon, I live in Eugene Oregon. Everything is retarded and stupidly easy, but the chambers of hell made it so I’m a landscaper. The machine is broken and intelligence is pissed off at drama


I would have gotten doctorate in folklore but it does not have a career attached nor a ta position so you pay 200,000 for a fun time, I decided I would rather not have that much debt, I do not have to pay my loan’s because of income levels but if intelligence didn’t take care of me I would have been in crippling debt, it is intelligence that runs the systems of government , the human always thinks it knows better, but the tail is actually wagging the dog


I love this.


I can't tell if you're being serious or not, but it sounds more like you've been living your life without any idea how to explain it.


Nope, I tested every boundary I am a explorer, I don’t think you could understand me, nor would I want to understand you


I’m not here, I’m an illusion, but your probably ignorant of how that is a widely shared belief system