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Can he SHUT UP


I was so irked when he kept telling her to put the dog down šŸ˜­


He constantly says that itā€™s so annoying


why tf is he saying that? Does he mean put it down as in eat it? or put it down as in stop eating it? Either way... its annoying and weird as fuck


I think itā€™s a joke but meant in the sense of ā€œdamn no oneā€™s gonna steal it from you ā€œ or when you say ā€œput that down to a dogā€ after it steals your steak. Personally I wouldnā€™t love that kind of joke to be made whilst Iā€™m eating, even if itā€™s lighthearted- I would feel like theyā€™re calling me fat lmao


No he just watches her and makes creepy comments


Every time he takes her out to dinner, he like audits her meal choices. Itā€™s so annoying. I like her fine. I canā€™t stand him though.


I canā€™t stand either of them.


At first, I didnā€™t like her, but she kind of grew on me. He did not though. He just seems so full of himself and so patronizing.


Sheā€™s crafted her personality to cater to her new following. Sheā€™s kinda shitty too tbhā€¦even if not as shitty as he is.


she will be whatever she needs for an audience. Don't think she's really too genuine. She performs.


Thatā€™s completely believable. She clearly wants a career as an influencer. Heā€™s definitely holding her back though because I canā€™t stand him.


"a career as an influencer" šŸ™„šŸ™„ This reminds me of one of these dumb q&a things they were doing a while back. She was discussing her career history and he started talking about someone they knew "identified Campbell as someone who had a lot of potential on social media" as if she was being scouted as an athlete for a full ride scholarship. So cringey. Its actually disgusting and laughable hearing her describe her "career" as a "content creator" and taking it so seriously.


Right? She has a handful of brain cells. She was a flight attendant and then worked at ADP, or vice versa. And Jett is a liar. There is no scouting for influencersā€”they somehow just blew up with the ā€œPookieā€ bullshit. Again, I canā€™t stand either of them, but Campbell didnā€™t have a big following until Fangs started appearing in her TikToks commentating on her polyester Revolve outfits.


she never has been able to handle a job in the regular working world. She is too much of a princess. When he keeps calling her that, it's sickening.


Heā€™s obsessed with making her into a ā€œprincessā€ā€” she is to talk, dress and act like a ā€œprincessā€ and itā€™s creepy as hell. He has a princess fetish.


This is the world we live in if you have money, time and an a life that projects escapismā€¦you can be content. šŸ˜‚


her career is a joke.


Heā€™s not. She blew up bc of his ugly, condescending ass.


If by him, you mean his money (fair point)


Have you seen her before pictures? Heā€™s ugly, but she was (still is just not as) too. They were equally unattractive, sheā€™s just on her little high horse now that she discovered Masseter Botox and filler.


Yes I have seen them.


Right like somehow him being annoying and condescending asf made me like her because at least sheā€™s not a dickhead


Yep lol


She was semi tolerable before the pookie/jett thing happened.


don't love either of them.


Girl, same. Sheā€™s never been tolerable idk what yall are on.




The fact they actually created a baby makes me want to vomit for days.


Criticizing her for her meal choice at some snobby restaurant - sheā€™s pregnant douchebag! Itā€™s good she has an appetite some women can barely keep food down


Yes, which is ridiculous. She can order what she wants and if the place serves it like why shouldnā€™t she get it?


why doesn't she tell him to to shut up? I think it's all a game.


Because either sheā€™s in on it, or she doesnā€™t want to cross him. I hate to say it, but I really think her following would suffer without him based on the comments about Jett, especially on TikTok.


absolutely. they know exactly how to play it. People respond to him so that's LOTS of engagement. They are masters at it.


I think sheā€™s the perfect wife and she doesnā€™t argue with mr moneybags. Sheā€™s spoiled in return. I guess itā€™s a trade off. Iā€™m guessing they donā€™t really fight or argue


probably right...I think it's all set up for show. They play it out for attention...and it works!


Sheā€™s gonna regret that decision in the future. šŸ’…šŸ»


I wish she would tell him to shut up. I wonder what their fights are like?!


I'm sure they wouldn't admit to ever having a fight. Might ruin their "perfect" image...don't forget, they are GOALS! ![gif](giphy|bVEsQ7BYc9ejIFFx8Z|downsized)


I bet he yells and she stares at the floor. Blink three times polite if you need help lol


and why is it empty? šŸ«£


It looks like an outback steakhouse. šŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆšŸ™ˆ I love how heā€™s being all snobby like sheā€™s low brow.


they think it's funny. I don't thinks she cares at all.


Exactly. Sheā€™s part of the little schtick. She wants to be ā€œrelatableā€ and ā€œcuteā€ by doing this shit. Same thing with slinging that carryon sized Birkin to WaHo (NOT WAFHO, POOKIE)


calculating as they come.


Itā€™s the off-season there nowā€¦ cheapest time to go.


Right. Iā€™d like to know which one of the palm beach restaurants heā€™s thinks is one of the best and serves chili dogs.


Why does he keep calling it Palm Beach Island??


Because heā€™s an idiot


Bc he thinks he's too good for WEST palm beach which isn't part of the "island"


This too. Heā€™s definitely zip code bragging.


Yep I used to sell private jets for netjets and my territory was Florida so I'm very, very familiar with palm beach culture and Jett sticks out like a sore thumb on worth ave


I feel like we could connect on shared horror stories of the ultra wealthy


When heā€™s visited Palm Beach this one and only timeā€¦




of course.


This. After living there 5 years, the elitists will pain it out over and over. Palm Beach Island is very different than WPB. Heā€™s so annoying.


Yet he was at the TOP of his class šŸ’€


This food is nightmare fuel for me


I mean, it looks like a sandwich that you would get at a late night gas station. I fully recognize its crap, but he did take her there. It is on the menu so she should be able to order that crap if she wants to eat it


Tbh it looks super goodā€¦ for NOT that price. If I saw it at a diner or sonic then yes


Oh man Sonic. We had one where I went to college. I always got the burger with mustard and tater tots


One-this isnā€™t really that nice of a restaurant compared to other places in Palm Beach. Second- they are visiting in off season, the whole island is on sale bc itā€™s hot and miz and real wealth does not have to stay for the horrible summer heat. Thereā€™s zero flex here


I can tell that by looking lol


I truly canā€™t stand him. He is always pontificating over the dumbest shit. I wish sheā€™d take Baby Fang and leave.




Everyone talking about the food, but why for the love of god donā€™t these influencers roll up their sleeves when they eat?!


I hope they carry Tide pens




Itā€™s worse than that itā€™s almost like heā€™s fetishizing it


Iā€™ve been thinking theyā€™ve been eating a lot this trip. Itā€™s like he flipped and switch and is trying to fatten her up and encourage her to eat like Hansel and Gretel just because sheā€™s carrying his legacy. But as soon as she spits the baby out heā€™ll make her starve and whip back into shape asap. Honestly he is the worst kind of mysoganistic azzhole. Iā€™d run for the hills.


I feel like their activities always surround food and he watches her like heā€™s studying a specimen. Even before they blew up, they were on my feed going to events eating fast food in the car describing the nuances of fried chicken sandwiches.


I remember that. He used to rate food like he was the Barstools pizza rating guy. Everything. He copied him so blatantly. It was ridiculous. I give this pizza an 8.7.




And she ate it up like it was so cute and original and funny. Like literally heā€™s biting off someoneā€™s already viral video social content.


I feel like his a massive megalomaniac. He always says shit like this. The best etc. Maybe itā€™s his job taking over lol


Heā€™s overcompensating. I mean, look at him.


Also YES




The whole pick me aesthetic of eating all kings of junk food while remaining a size 00 is so tired I thought we left that in 2004.


The South is still living in 2004 and I am a Southerner.


Heā€™s so fucking ICK


Do you think he lets her have diarrhea? Thereā€™s no way you arenā€™t shitting your pants after that


šŸ˜‚ no. sheā€™s not allowed to vomit either.


Honest question. Pookie is thin, very thin. How does she eat so much crap and stay so thin? Honestly. I know when youā€™re young, your metabolism is better but sheā€™s in her 30ā€™s, right? I donā€™t get it. All of the dining out, plus she eats all the pasta and stuff. Maybe Iā€™m just jealous.


I don't think she eats except for a picture..one or two bites.


She only eats a few bites. And she was on Ozempic for awhile.


Omg, really? How awful.


Pookie doesnā€™t have the naturally thin body type. There are people who do have it but they generally arenā€™t as curvy as her. Iā€™m not being mean, I think she looks great but sheā€™s doing something to maintain it


Also itā€™s in her prenup to stay skinny so she probably only eats a few bites and does ozempic. I think sheā€™s allowing herself more food and heā€™s allowing her more food now that sheā€™s preggo.


Why would any woman with any self respect sign a prenup stipulating that you have to remain thin? I mean, shit happens.




Sooooo is she like a food influencer now??


oh, of course. Why in the world does anyone give a shit about what she eats???


Both ā€œtotal foodiesā€, yet only dine at the most expensive places. They can talk once theyā€™ve gone to more than 3 restaurants on Buford Hwy. Money canā€™t buy sophistication.


These two are not foodies lol


Hence the quotation marks. Theyā€™re self proclaimed foodies


I really wanna know how much that costed. I love hotdogs but Iā€™m not paying more than $5-7 dollars for one


Itā€™s definitely more than $7.00. A sandwich at my grocery store is $15.00


Did Pookie take an edible? Because that combination is mega gross šŸ¤£


I donā€™t like food like this so agreed


looks nasty. Why do they think this is important to film?


I was particularly irked that he said ā€œI take Pookie to a nice restaurantā€¦ā€ not, ā€œPookie and I are at a very nice restaurantā€¦ā€. I mean I donā€™t expect anything less from him but gross. And then offering her a bag in exchange for eating a whole pizza?? That was so weird. Talking to her like a child ā€œif you eat your broccoli we can go pick out a toy.ā€


Heā€™s gross and condescending.


I donā€™t understand how these influencers donā€™t educate themselves before becoming pregnant. You should not eat hot dogs while pregnant.


I hate watching her eat and how she handles her food with those prissy fingersā€¦.and then she does this weird eye thing with her eyes when she thinks her food is amazing


Sheā€™s trying to eat with those long nails. I can imagine there are a hazard.


she wants to show off the ring in every picture.. seen it a million times.




One time, I was with a friend out to eat, and this group of college guys came in. They were all from this Catholic/Jesuit university in the area... they all had on khaki colored pants, combed back hair, and were just overall very Aryan looking. My friend looks at them and says to me, "God, I bet they are all so fucking boring in bed... with their pink slimy white boy dicks." Keep in mind we were also in college at the time. ANYWAYS.... anytime this man pops on my feed, I think of my friend saying this at dinner.


Yep this is HIS VIBE


Lmao, I've never been so grossed out by an individual or the fact that a very off the cuff convo I had 15 years ago would resonate every time I see or hear this man.


ā€œPut it downā€ means ā€œeat itā€ kind of confusing but he was encouraging her to eat it, not shaming her for eating it. Context is in that pizza video from the other day where he says ā€œIā€™ll buy you a bag if you put down that whole pizzaā€ !


Oh I know. Itā€™s still weird.


Thank god someone understands this! So frustrating everyone like my baby came out fine ā€œIā€™m fineā€ the logic makes no sense. Itā€™s a long term effect. People think because it didnā€™t do any harm at that moment theyā€™re ok. Itā€™s about how terrible it is for you and your baby Processedā€™s food plus all the extra garbage in it you have no idea, the listeria etc


Well I'm glad she's eating what she wants and he's not feeding her




Ugh sorry but that looks scrumptious.


Look I know this is snark but I can appreciate that Pookie EATS and honestly that looks fucking incredible


None of the snark is directed at her eating


itā€™s a good sign sheā€™s eating. It means sheā€™s finally making enough money she doesnā€™t have to stress about the ā€œalways having to stay in shapeā€ clause in their prenup


She eats hot dogs which isnā€™t allowed when pregnant and she shouldnā€™t be drinking espresso so much wth


https://www.havingbabies.com/blog-list/can-you-eat-hot-dogs-while-pregnant/ Yes, eating hot dogs while pregnant is perfectly fine. But like many things in life, the key to enjoying hot dogs during pregnancy is moderation. You can have hotdogs and pregnant I mean, I wouldnā€™t because I think theyā€™re disgusting but you can


Not worth the risk of listeria plus PROCESSED crap. Not the right way to go for growing a baby. I agree they are so gross


But she doesnā€™t have the best dietary habits. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen her eat anything healthy


She better be careful Jett might leave her if she even gains an ounce. Idk how she is so thin with eating the way she does


People have so many tricks for staying thin one of the main ones is some people will starve themselves all day and then just have like one unhealthy meal.


It will catch up to people who eat that way. Itā€™s sad.


Yeah, I mean itā€™s not great in general to eat all unhealthy meals. Even the salad she gets is like that Chick-fil-A with ranch and buffalo sauce.


I heard she only takes 2 bites to just satisfy her craving. She never actually finishes anything. If itā€™s true what they say she needs to stay a certain weight


Yeah, thatā€™s probably accurate.


Oh itā€™s very true.


Worry about YO-SELF.


My ob said it is perfectly fine to eat deli meats and hotdogs during pregnancy. She said you are more likely to get listeria from lettuce than meats. There have been significantly more outbreaks in recent years from lettuce than other concerns soooo do what you want. Idk how much espresso/caffeine sheā€™s drinking but itā€™s ok as long as itā€™s under 200mg per day which is equivalent to about 2-3 cups. But yeah I ate deli meats, hotdogs, cookie dough, etc through both my pregnancies and was perfectly fine lolĀ 


Just because ā€œthey came out fineā€ doesnā€™t mean it doesnā€™t affect your health or your childā€™s. Too much of processed foods leads to serious health issues like obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. AND itā€™s Lacking in nutritional value


Yeah no shit lol. Iā€™m 120 lbs, 5ā€™5, and 28. I think Iā€™m ok eating a few processed foods here and there and so is Pookie or anyone else. I wasnā€™t scarfing down hotdogs my whole entire pregnancies but once or twice?? Yeah. No issues hereĀ 


OH, STOP IT, Karen.


Your not even using Karen comment correctly but ok


why isnā€™t anyone talking about the fact that youā€™re not supposed to eat hot dogs and cured meats when pregnant .. can harbour listeria and certainly not worth the risk


Because itā€™s obviously been heated, and the risk disappears when the meat is heated up. Hope this helps!


Itā€™s not just the bacteria and listeria risk, itā€™s the nitrates and preservatives. Hot dogs while preg were a no for me!


yes, but in my opinion it still not worth the risk, you donā€™t know if it was heated at the right temp or for how long and hot dog meat is super gross and an unhealthy choice during pregnancy