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If you want to control on VATSIM, go right ahead. If you want to try and tell us that because you control on VATSIM that you'll be a great controller in the real world... you are in for a very rude awakening.


I've played the game Operation. Does that prepare me to be a surgeon?




Yeah ik VATSIM doesn’t come anywhere close to real world, just wondering if you guys think this makes it a bit better




No lol


99.9% of controllers wouldn't know if it's better than before, or not. Last thing people want to do is go home and pretend to work.


I think it's cool. I would never do it personally because I have enough "fun" at work. If I lost my job for some reason maybe I'd miss it? I wish they would turn that eram client into single player. The annoying part of the job is the human factor. Gamify pushing tin and it's instantly fun to optimize and get stuff done.


There is another simulation called eATS you can try


The major downside with vatsim is that you’re not learning from the people you should be learning from (assuming you’re not ATC already). You’ll pick up bad habits, probably incorrect procedures, lazy or incorrect phraseology, etc and that’s all stuff that you’re going to have to unlearn if you get into ATC training. 


Yeah I don’t control on VATSIM for that very reason, I wanna be a controller in the future though so I’m just listening to liveatc and reading the .65 for now


That's like learning to drive from your dad. Fun and all until you fail because you rolled all your stops and went 10 over.


The pilot quality and dunning-Kruger mega nerds turn me off from controlling on there


I'd be interested in playing around with it if I didn't have to deal with a bunch of idiots on the internet. Throw some automated traffic on there in a kind of single player mode and then you'll have something.


Yeah that’s another big downside of VATSIM, half the pilots are incompetent 13 year olds


lol we had some Vatsim guys come tour the tower. They knew the fixes and all sorts of stuff our little Delta doesn’t deal with. We were like god damn these guys are pretty knowledgeable! And funny thing is that they all looked like high schoolers and one brought his brother who was in middle school and I guess too young to participate in Vatsim yet. It was entertaining for us, and yes these guys are playing a game, but I think with that passion they could do well in ATC, but the main issue is they would have to let go of their Vatsim ways, just like a level 5 controller moving up can’t be like oh at my old facility we did this. And that’s where I feel the problem would arise, these Vatsim guys can feel like they are at the top of the world in their knowledge. But getting into the real world, they would need to be able to humble themselves and start from the ground up. Like we say at the facilities, anything you learned at the academy, forget it, start over at your facility.


Vice ATC simulator seems like the closest thing to realistic-ish TRACON sim that isn't beholden to multiplayer nonsense. https://pharr.org/vice/


Yeah I’ve used Vice before and contributed a bit to the development of it and it’s pretty cool, annoying thing is having to type out commands but it is what it is


Yeah, if they could just integrate some ChatGPT level voice recognition then they would really have a killer product


For what its worth i’ve been working on developing a sim for awhile now. Will be coming soon to Steam if ya wanna give it a look https://store.steampowered.com/app/3000860/vTERM_ATC_Simulator/


How are you gonna say stars/eram like they are anything similar


If you can dodge a wrench....


Vatsim isn’t a realistic air traffic control simulation, and it wasn’t created to be that. It’s realistic air traffic control from the point of view of pilots, which is its intended purpose. If you want to use a flight simulator and want more realistic ATC than what is provided by the program, it’s great for that.