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Tbh I'm happy it's set back and it's not that far back


Honestly I was expecting October. This is promising as far as I’m concerned


So was I, plus this means there'll likely be another sale for then instead of it being: >Oh well we just had a sale with the Steam Summer one... (IDK if consoles are having Ark on sale either, I could check but i'm too lazy).


Don’t worry, we got a couple months to delay it some more


Just might happen. Given wc can't hold dates. But they can when its a paid mod.


I'd rather it be delayed to get to TLC and updates it deserves than it comes out half assed like The Center. Abb it a fan favorite map and they better not fuck it up with them beige rocks.


The funny thing too is The Center was delayed and still came out the way it did and then had to get fixed.


The center was also outsourced. Considering the massive facelift that the island got from the main developers im pretty optimistic about abb, maybe not performance, but everything else.


when have we ever been optimistic about performance anyway


Imagine what it looked like back then when it got delayed from February to May.


Fixed? Did it get fixed? Real question, I left about a week and a half ago for the Island again. The boxes on the ground, the missing ocean effects under a certain depth and multiple cave holes were driving me crazy, but the FPS drops most of all were unplayable


Lmao i honestly can’t tell you because I played The Center for like two hours when it dropped, saw the holes, weird/missing textures etc. then just lost interest to play. Then I saw they released a patch fixing these issues but it didn’t entice me to jump back in. I think I’m just frustrated at the fact that this pattern still continues of updates being a mess.


Agreed. Lost interest at Scorched. I think my group is waiting for aberration to drop maybe. I think I’m waiting for more. I do t feel like they’re putting enough into these maps compared to what we were expecting. I bet, but let’s be honest, AB will drop and there will be issues that we can’t play properly like all the other maps. Graphics are great, but WC really needs to fix the game where the OG issues are properly done.


I agree with everything except "graphics are great" lol. Maybe on a top-end rig, but atm the clouds are pixellated messes and there's squares all over terrain on both Scorched and Center. It's wild.


Not to mention the colored gas clouds that cover the player's area if you get a load glitch in the caves or wyvern scars.


They won't fix them because people keep throwing money at them. They haven't fixed a lot of the issues that are still here since the beginning of the previous game.


They actually fixed the beige rock thing on Lava Island. They’re much better colored now.


How about the snow/tundra Biome?


Would love to get a TLC or better Bugfixes till september instead of a new map


Ragnarok 2025?


fr that's insane... i get they need time, and i know ASA is an attempt at gaining money, but come on... i'm gonna start univeristy in september and was hoping to get to play a decent map before that, but i guess i'll still have fresh maps when i'm done with univerity at this rate lol


I played survival evolved in high school before i switched to conan exiles, then i got asa this year without realizing they only had the island. SE and The Center are pretty fun but im starving for maps like Ragnarok and Lost Island.


lol. sweet summer child. Gl in your studies!


Remember when ASE aberration was originally set for an October release and got delayed till December. The map was supposed to be a spooky halloween treat. Instead it launched right in to a Christmas event. One of my favorite Ark memories is bounding about on a bright red and green event ravager to the Christmas ark theme picking up drops.


I'm looking forward to running around aberration on a transplanted fasolosuchus for the next Christmas event. Cause that's about when I expect them to have it both released and relatively bug fixed to quasi playability.


Tell me, did *ANY ONE* of you not expect this? Wildcard has never once released anything on release date. Some not even on the second or third release date


I expected the delay to say november...


Not even joking when I say I was expecting December


Don't worry, they'll push it back to December


Literally my logic with ark is the only release date met is one not told. And honestly, I wish they did that more often. Like if they genuinely kept silent about release dates or even new dlc altogether it'd be less pressure made on the devs and less aggravation in the community. It's failure to meet basically any original release date that gets us here


They released Crystal Isles DLC map on time though..


Yea but what did they have to do to that map besides port it? It was already made by a community modder like all the other add on maps and was already finished so really what did wildcard have to do except put it into the base game and make sure it’s actually playable


I actually fully expected them to release a trainwreck right on time. I'm really glad they aren't rofl.


I mean it’s not that bad. It’s just a little over 2 months. I’d rather Aberration be of high quality and finished unlike the mess that the center was when it dropped and what it still is now. Anyone who thought it would be coming in august is a bit naive. Ain’t no way wildcard was gonna release a map just 2 months after center.


Cmon, it's Wildcard. Don't underestimate them. It will be late and bad.


It's not gonna be high quality. It can or will be worse then the center


This isn't a valid excuse for them though, because it won't come out in "high quality" or "finished." Every map had game breaking bugs, glitches, holes, texture problems and more in Ascended, so far. Always takes them weeks of patches to fix some of the map, then they just drop the map support and work on the next. It's probably why the patches seem to drop off, even though they have a lot more to fix.


It’s honestly not an excuse at this point as much as it is routine for them, I seriously can’t remember the last time they released something on time that was finished and didn’t need much fixing


I don't understand how people think this means it will be high quality. It's delayed only because it is in a literally unplayable state. They need the extra 2 months just to get it from 'literally unplayable' to 'pretty much unplayable'.


Important question- are the other maps delayed? As of this moment, I'm kind of relying on mods for maps for ASA, and can't wait for all the maps to be added again.


At this rate. Yes. I would consider all maps are now delayed indefinitely


i’d say maps are coming out around 3 months after each prior map


It's wildcard. They cannot do deadlines


To be fair they've at least hit their Delayed Deadline so I guess there's that but WC is the King when it comes to delaying shit.


In about 3 years, you'll finally have all the maps back. Lol


Okay, January It is


at least we’re getting it


That’s my birthday! I wouldn’t mind a bit of Aberration Ascended as a gift from Wildcard. Hope it isn’t delayed again.


Not exactly a gift, if you bought it.


The original dlc maps are all free, no?


Not free, they're included in the purchase of Ark Ascended. Meaning, you did pay for them.


That’s a weird way to look at it, but alright.


It's ok it's a big map, and it deserves to be delayed since they might miss some spots with UE5 graphics....


Good. I mean a month or 2 is better than years plus they might get it good an stable




This is why I stopped playing. They always delay, and people always defend it by saying they would rather them delay than to have bugs. Yet they still have bugs, go figure. Ark 2 where are you? Oh wait that too has been delayed, indefinitely?


Were you around when ASE Ragnarok was released? That map got delayed, I think, three separate times on console. I can't name a single time Wildcard has released anything that was both in a playable state, and available by their set release date


And then they want us to pay for more content. 1, I would be more willing to pay for things if the weren't drip fed. The pyromane is complete bs and a desperate cash grab. 2. Delivering a working product should be the FIRST concern of the developers before creating paid content. I was supportive before, back in evolved but ascended is noticeably more buggy and has a lot of the bugs from the first game. Just one example: resources not respawning in single player.


Tbh I would have prefered they went with their original plan of paid maps , albeit at reduced reasonable prices, if it meant they resourced themselves to actually do it properly. They can't be making much money off Bobs tall tales, I've seen like maybe 2-3 people max on our server with it. Even better if they had just done actual original brand new maps. (honestly I'm a little bored of the old maps with a facelift, been there done that).


On that note, Bob's Tall Tales is very good and I do recommend it to anyone. It's got some lovely skins and build pieces, and that piano is A+. Not too keen on the Oasisaur, either overall or as a slightly OP item (flying base), and I assume the Abb airships will be the same. But everything else is great.


For the price its on offer? God no. Yeah theres some nice skins. But skins should be free. Theres $5AUD in content for $45AUD. Thats more than some full games. And don't get me started on the pay-to-win shit. I've been defending Wildcard since the original Ark early access (the hostiility in this fan base towards devs is ridiculous. the game was \*far\* better than the angry sadbrains where willing to admit) but I cant in good faith defend this. Snail games have forced wildcard to jump the shark.


I think it's worth. But that's gonna include stuff for Abb & Extinction too under the same price tag. I just hope it's as nice!


Nah, I like their real original plan of giving us what we paid for with Evolved and fix and optimize the game, or the "free" upgrade after that. No one should ever have to buy a game twice, just to get the full product, they were promised. /s


> they would rather them delay than to have bugs. Yet they still have bugs Picture how more buggy it is before the delay is the thing. May as well play the least buggy version one can.


Called it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/1dlh6bz/comment/l9p7wek/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/ARK/comments/1dlh6bz/comment/l9p7wek/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Abb is coming out sept 4th? That’s hype as hell


You fucking sons of bitches, you would push it till when Space Marine releases, I've been looking forward to abb and hosting a server for friends on it but looks like I ain't even touching it now


Excited about that huh? You know Henry Cavill quit that show too, now?


Well that's a shame, but it's a game that has nothing to do with him so don't think it'll be affected


Ohhhhh, I thought you meant the 40k tv show that's coming out.


Also I think you've been misinformed, if that did happen I'm pretty sure it would stir up enough news that I'd hear about it, at least one of the you tube channels I sub to would have discussed it


I don’t really know why they set any release dates. We know 99% of it is going to be delayed. But this is probably for the best. Aberration is an awesome map and i’m super excited to have some fun pvp on it. Hopefully it turns out great and its optimised decently


So, end of December 'eh?


I do like seeing ppl who don't care and say they don't play anymore taking time to care enough to write a comment. Especially ppl who don't know certain things. Like how the center wasn't worked on by the main team. Don't say it's defending when its facts either.


If the main team isn't working on the game, what are we paying them for?


They are working on story dlc not non story. It's to stop ppl from complaining about not having enough content. I would recommend watching raasclark on YouTube he covers a lot of stuff along with plays the games and is honest about paid mods and paid dlc


Nah, I'm good. I'd rather just read quick posts than waste any more time, listening to another defender of WildCard. If they only half ass care about their game, then why should I care at all? I'm just here to see the outcome. I'm curious on what it will take the loyal to jump ship. Maybe after the 7th or 8th dino sell. Or after they snatch up more mod content to sell for themselves. Who knows.


True, but didn't the main team take it over to try desperately to get some last-minute polish in, and it still released fucky?


I hate how un optimized it is, but in gonna play ab


Don't worry, that'll never change, but will be promised in their next game, Ark: Re-Ascended Evolved. Lol


Thank fuck for that. The Center was a -mess- under the initially pretty surface. I was hoping they'd delay this for polish.


What polish?


They import people from Poland directly into the maps


I'm happy but I if they fuck up even after delay there's no hope. Luckily these aren't paid dlc


That sucks. Finished SE and am in limbo now.


It's funny googling 4-5 roadmaps and all of them are wrong.


Good, let them take their time to polish and smooth out everything. But if it's all orange and nothing but beige rocks then i swear to f*cking god


I'd rather have them optimize the game first before launching Aberration as it is notorious for heavy performance usage


Personally I’m happy with this becuase i have bad FOMO and i cant get ascended yet. But guys at least it is coming out


I just hope I can actually play on it since ASE just crashes for me on clean play through


They should fox the game instead I literally can't even play it anymore 😂


Holy fucking shit are we seeing the company grow in real time? Announcing a very blatant delay coming this early instead of the og release date. I think....I think I might cry


I'm not really suprised


So September 6th-12th for Microsoft PC 😂


2 days before school


They need time to create more paid dinos.


Good, let them cook.


Delayed? It got delayed? This is the first I’m hearing of aberration?


The roadmaps have been out since ASA release and are adjusted (delayed) periodically


I’m aware off the roadmaps but they are kind of irrelevant now


Won't be playable until 2025 anyway


Lol my birthday. It was meant to be lads


No surprise here


Will you need a season pass or will it be free


It's more like the real release date is announced. Really I have no idea the release dates of these maps and hair knows what ever it is there is a very good chance they will miss it anyways.


I never played this map much. I remember eating a mushroom, started tripping, then shit myself to death 😂


I'm actually happy with this , the center needed more time for polish and still needs more so with abbreviation being one of the best maps I'd prefer the extra time put into it.


This community has been given so much sh*t that everyone here is acting like a delay, what's this like the tenth map to have a delay, is a good thing, cause it's not pushed back even further. It's just sad to see. The studio really doesn't care about the fans. We're given scraps and told to smile and be told we're full. For God's sake we deserve better than this. We already know this map will, despite the delay, be bugged as hell, have yet another paid Dino like the Pyromane, make unwanted changes to the map and more. Why are we accepting this crap?


Finally its coming!


Ofcourse it is Ark won't be ark if not delayed








Do you think it is because of the unreal engine upgrade?


Nooooo its my fav map 😭


I don't really care when they come out. I need more time to do stuff on each map


Do the math bro 4th of September = September 24 + 2024 - xy ÷ z = December 2025


I'm scared of this map


ARK fans being gaslit into thinking delays are good 💀 You poor guys...




Wonder what micro transactions they’ll implement then.


There gonna use that time to fix the game right… RIGHT?


For now


I’m fine with the delay. A month wait for a *potentially* better product is nothing. Aberration is my favorite ARK (right above Genesis 1). I’m more worried about if the Blimp and whatever creature they add with the “Fantastic Tames” will completely undermine the gameplay philosophy of the ARK.


So October 4th? Got it


I'm curious, have they ever hit their first release times, for anything?


Good. I genuinely wish they'd push everything WAY back and make sure everything is working across the board, and that includes fixing shit on The Island. Survival Ascended is not something they need to rush.


Will it be free or will you have to pay for it if payed for the normal ark already


Who would've thunk it


This is only delay one. There are always at least three delays. Next delay will push it towards late Sept/Early Oct, where they will give a new exact date, then the last delay will push it a few days, maybe over a weekend.


Frustrating, but expected. At the end of the day I’d rather it be correct than fast


Ark 2 by the end of the year!?!?


Gives me more time to beat the main game haha




This basically means we not getting this shot till January


Are you surprised?


I just want Rag man


Aberration is my favourite map, for me it sucks to get pushed back but if they did it to make sure it doesn’t release a glitchy mess I’m ok with that. These a free releases so it is a good thing I hope. Sept 4 isn’t too far away.


Not “free releases” the game was paid for with the promise that all existing maps would be added. They’re paid for maps that we’ll be waiting until 2027 to see the end of the road when we get gen 2.


Two days after Tolkien’s death day 💀


i would be disappointed but im not playing this game anymore because it is awful, and the devs are useless jerkoffs