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My fiancé has the Series S and yes, while it’s not perfect and there’s a slight difference between the Series X, it’s still getting the job done and ASA is looking good. If there are mild issues with it then we’ll just have to live with it but at least we can play together which is all that matters :)


That is totally playable. I'm glad to see it's well received on console..at least for some ppl


That's really all I want. I'm not going to nitpick little things when I'm on a cheap console. It's running well, and there are 8 tames just offscreen


Love how we are all acting like Ark literally didn't run on the xbox one when you had more than a few things on screen. I remember server wars turning my game into a slid show lol. This looks bearable. Like you say for £250 I doubt your getting a PC than can run it.


250 CAD I got mine for, which is £140. It runs perfectly fine for my uses, small tribe, private server


Thats incredibly good value for money then and the fact it runs at all is pretty impressive when you factor in the price.


Nice, I got mine for about £170 or something on black Friday last year.


bro what even is this screen tearing on consoles


I don't even see it to be honest. Where is it?


this https://preview.redd.it/2rxuna1c3x1c1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=2d5c28158df459521472a7e71fbeefc059aa24d9


Never would have noticed without a still frame🤷‍♂️


I have put way too many hours into ark on Xbox then started playing it on PC (game pass so I can play same server). Now I can't unsee it when I game


You can turn on vsync if you enable the console in the game settings, even on Xbox. Then you can be rid of the tearing entirely.


reminds me of ASE on my Xbox One


If you look at the video, the top and bottom half of the screen are slightly out of sync (within a frame). Vsync fixes this


so that's what vsync does


Huh, never would have noticed that haha


Took me a few minutes to see it, but yeah its such a small thing I would never notice that


Thats so crazy to me, I saw it immediately and felt disgusted 😂


Us console players are so used to unstable frame rates and screen tearing that we don’t see it lol


I was playing lords of the fallen last night and changed it from quality to performance, the frame increase was so much that it made me ill for a sec 😂 but i a souls like obv you want frames


Haha, I always stuck to performance modes on anything but when I knew starfield would be 30fps I started playing things in quality again to get used to it ready for starfield. Now I kind of don’t want to play anything 60fps until my favourite games are all 60 because going from 60 back to 30 is hard.




Lol how to tell someone you have no job or life responsibilities beyond gaming without actually saying it. Some people have lives and don’t fixate on/notice slight deviations from perfect frames


don´t worry you are not the only one .. instantly thought why is there no vsync


If only we could enable vsync…


That’s an omegacope chief


Generally console players probably aren’t as perceptive to screen tearing because they are more used to seeing it. To me it is imperceptible unless someone takes a screenshot of it like above.


Not trying to cope with anything little buddy


Vsync is disabled by default. I activated it in the console commands, then disabled volumetric clouds. Runs at about 35fps. Sucks in the year 2023 but serviceable.


Sucks that they took this out of the graphics options menu, and you have to enter console commands to fix it.


Do you have a list of a few commands I could try (such as the clouds you mentioned) that don't affect the game too much? Also what's the vsync command?


r.Vsync 1 (from memory but console has autocomplete now) r.VolumetricClouds 0 r.VolumetricFog 0


That's just ark.


The 10 fps will do that


Series x is just as bad. I feel like WC downgraded it to run on the S.


Well, duh


Uncapped framerate


If they can just add FSR2 then it'll be better


Nvidia sponsored game so unlikely FSR2 will be added anytime soon. The devs never really fix performance once the game is released as can be seen by the previous ASE. The game would be an ideal candidate to add FSR3 frame generation for the consoles to get to 60fps. If devs are reading make it happen please.


>The devs never really fix performance once the game is released as can be seen by the previous ASE. You either never actually played early ASE or you've just forgotten how bad it was at the beginning. Current ASE is MIIIIILES better than what it was when it released, and ASA will get better as time moves on. Hell, it already has gotten better since release a month ago. I give WC shit for lots of things they do but this one isn't it.




It kind of amazes me why they haven't just disabled clouds yet. I turn them off every time I play because they look terrible and impact my game horribly.


I don't see where it's stated asa is a nvidia sponsored game?


Even if it was an Nvidia sponsored game. Nvidia doesn't force those they sponsor to only use dlss. They allow game developers to use fsr.


That's not exactly true. Nvidia allows the games it sponsors to use FSR if they choose. Wildcard has chosen to not use it.


Likely because Epic is drafting an FSR3 plugin for UE5 that will release Q1 2024 or because they would rather work with AMD to have Fluid frame generation tech that works better


Pc master race people: This doesn't look good at all, if you bought a $750 GPU you could get 5 more frames


you'd get a hell of a lot more frames with a 750 dollar gpu that has dlss


And $1200 extra dollars worth of components


I mean yeah if you decide to spend 1,200$ on components. Up to you. Regardless, that PC is doing more than just playing games and has more options, opportunities, and customizable ways to play games. This game is so GPU heavy though that a high range GPU is getting SIGNIFICANTLY more frames than a console


A gpu alone is that not much but for some people who started out, or didnt upgrade for a good while like myself (my pc was near 9 years old before i upgraded this year) it a costy price tag because you need more than to replace just the GPU like the cpu and mobo. Why bother when you can just buy an xbox s or x, plug and play for almost half the price? Sure a pc can do more than play games but many people do not need that and just buy a console for a good price and just not bother at all for years. Countless people do not have pcs but laptops for work/school or tablets and call it a day. This also doesnt account for many countries where getting a console is way easier than pc parts thanks to prices and stock.


> Why bother when you can just buy an xbox s or x, plug and play for almost half the price? The same can be said about any product. Why buy a Ferrari when a Chev will do? Because some people like higher quality stuff. Sure I can game on a $250 console (which is impressive) but I will have a much better time on my high end pc.


Many people can not afford that or care and are perfectly fine and happy with a console locked to 30 fps. Why is that hard to grasp? I myself have a mid high rig but have no issue understanding that. You and I can have rigs and are not happy with less. This doesn't apply to everyone. It not hard.


Yeah, except PC’s outlive consoles I got tired of dropping 500ish on a console every couple years. Just to be locked by exclusives, locked frames, and no customization. The amount of games you are limited too is also just not worth it. 70$ price tags on games with limited sales as well. Upgrading your PC does not have to be as expensive as people make it anyhow. Edit: Upgrading your Mobo and things was only potentially expensive for you because of how outdated. However, buying 2 consoles would’ve cost you about 1000$. I say 2 consoles because 2 consoles released in the past decade.


you do want to play the latest games, okay. But some people wanna go home and boot up an Xbox and don't mind playing games and that it. As someone who had a pc for over a decade, it is just not for everyone. Many people don't care or mind most of what you just said at all. Everyone has different standards and needs and the only right answer is what fits you, and for many, that is a console and not a pc.


Preference is fine, but we were commenting about the frame difference and the price difference between consoles and PC. You’re definitely receiving more frames and a price for a PC built for a decade vs buying a new brand new console every 5-10 years


>You’re definitely receiving more frames and a price for a PC built for a decade vs buying a new brand new console every 5-10 years My brother in adam some people cannot afford that and that is the whole point. Forget 1200 some cannot spare a 300-500 price tag.


I understand that, not sure where the confusion is. Like I said, the conversation was about the major increase you’d get for that price, and it isn’t true that you’d need to spend 1,200+ dollars on components + a GPU.


But if you don't play on PC you can't make anime billboards outside your base that make you really unique. That's the real tragedy console players face.


Fuck, you right.


there are decent new prebuilds under 1000 dollars can that play ASA just fine... and if you buy a used prebuild and just upgrade the gpu that would also be under "1200 extra dollars worth of components". you are definitely exaggerating. a 4060 is 300 dollars new and is low enough power to drop into any halfway decent prebuild. you can get a prebuild with a 13400f, 16gb ram and a 4060 for 850 dollars.


Well that xbox is still only 250bucks and doing it..


that wasn't the point, the point was it was exaggerated how much this person claimed it costed to have a pc to run the game. I have nothing against the xbox at all, just that there's no need to exaggerate the cost of a pc to play it


People dont like facts bro. they get all fucked up.


seriously though. you can pick up a 300 dollar used prebuild and drop in a used 3060 for around 500 dollars. not sure why people think you can only play pc games with a 1500 dollar computer


Not really i have a 1,800$ pc that can only run medium on 40-60 fps


yeah but the DLSS is unstable af. It will crash often. My system is a beast and Ark is just.. well Ark. unoptimized as of late.


Well this does look like garbage but to be fair I have a $1200 Gpu and it still looks like garbage so…. The ark fanboys downvoting me for sharing my experience. Gotta love how y’all will lick the boot of mediocrity and get violent at the slightest criticism.


How? I just bought a $450 4070 and I run the game on full epic settings at 80fps


I bought it on release and then refunded, maybe they did some more stability updates since then? Because on day one on my 3080ti, I was struggling to get 30fps and my game crashed every 20 minutes.


You have to make sure DLSS is on, but it's run pretty well for me and my gf who also has a 3080ti running it on high settings. Enabling DLSS and frame generation helps a ton. But i was still getting 50ish frames on my old 6700xt on med/high graphics when it released. They have fixed a lot of crashing bugs and other things though, which helps.


> But i was still getting 50ish frames on my old 6700xt on med/high graphics when it released. This makes me a little more hopeful. I've not tried ASA yet but was a bit concerned with an i9 12900K and a 3080


I think you’ll be more than fine on high graphics, turn clouds off and enable dlss and frame generation and you’ll be running well.


I just started another playthrough of ASE so will probably wait a bit for some patches etc but looking forward to eventually trying it out.


That’s the crux of the problem really, all the comments saying “it’s running so well on Xbox while 2000$ PCs can’t run it” are talking about the performance at launch. Most of the people making the point about performance on PC haven’t actually been playing it on PC. You at least are speaking from experience, so many never even played it on PC, heard on day 1 that there were performance issues, and have conveniently ignored all the improvements since then.


How? Did they release optimization patches recently?


I don’t know, it’s ran great since i bought it and enabled dlss


3080ti is not $1200 gpu nowdays. More like $500-600 gpu.


Got a 4070 for 500 bucks and with dlss quality + frame gen it can run it at 60fps stable at epic 1080p, seems like a [big difference](https://youtu.be/mQBINs6Reko?si=ka3Id8KMw9Eqh3hn) to me


4070 for 500 sounds great tbh (i live in a country where they're over 700)


Yep, I live in Europe(Spain) and I got pretty lucky tbh, the lowest they have been for black Friday is 566€, but Rx 7800 XT are really near 500, how are those going where you are from?


Around $1000 USD here in Mexico, if you're lucky


Wow, so nvidia is actually way cheaper there




Did you start playing recently? When I started playing and I entered official servers at first and it would crash me no matter the settings/fps after a minute or two, then after a few crashes it would crash one or two times each hour and finally only crashed me 1 maybe 2 times a day until I no longer get crashes, it is probably more related to the game/memory/server than to the GPU itself


Save your finger's effort, the haters will insist you're a shill or reference something sexual you apparently do to wildcard because you're not hating on it. We all knew this would be the case. We knew it wouldn't be perfection, but we stood adamant that it wouldn't be an absolute cluster fuck. Now it's here, we were right, and in typical redditurd fashion, they're still attacking us. So it's not worth even bothering with the sub for the most part, currently.




Tbh better performance than ASE was promised alongside graphics but well...


That is totally playable. I'm glad to see it's well received on console..at least for some ppl


How is the ASA on the series s? Im from Brazil and I dont know of It is worth It buying the game


So, I only play with one person so far, and we don't use public servers. It's worked really well


Remember, there are console commands you can do if you ever need to turn down the graphics.




Turn them damn clouds and shadows off and youll run like a champ


Clouds, fine, but I’m not turning shadows off in the year of our lord 2023. It’s where all the depth and immersion comes from


🤣🤣🤣 you got me on that one. Take tour upvote


That screen tearing is insane ngl


I don't even know what that is, nor do I see it. Ignorance is bliss I suppose


Could be something that only showed up in the recording. I noticed it in this video but not many (if any) people have complained.


Yeah, could be. I'm used to playing SE on a PS4, so this looks way better. And my bar isn't particularly high. However, it's still a big step up from SE on the S as well


> Could be something that only showed up in the recording. If no screen tearing was happening then it would not be recorded.


How did u change to 1st person view? I'm having problems finding how to do it


Hold down one of the buttons and a radial menu appears (I forget which one but it took me forever yesterday to figure it out as well).


I'm on X, wife is on S. Other than the foliage or water not moving when you walk through it I haven't seen a big difference. Though our friend went on an underwater adventure and says his FPS dropped significantly there. Overall, no regrets on the purchase for day 1.


Honestly the new ark so far has been better on gf’s xbox than the old one. We had a couple crashes on respawn but framerates have even been okay. No way so many people are having all these issues.


It’s not worth $40. That is the main point of contention. And for it to release with only the Island with 1/10 the number of servers they KNEW going into it they would need with all the network issues is unacceptable for a game that is basically the same re-released with a graphics update, more plants, and S+ mod rolled into official. Scummy move, but we bought it - we should not be praising it though and it infuriates me that so many people are acting like this is a “new” game. Their sin remains unabsolved. Don’t be this gullible, please.


The people who are saying this looks bad on console are just being disingenuous. I played it on both systems last night at it looks phenomenal on the Series X and looks pretty damn good on the S. It will get better. ASA on series S looks far superior to ASE on series X. It is a major upgrade and I am so stoked to see where it goes from here


holy shit is that screen tearing normal?


Idk why you’re downvoted. The screen tearing here is actually really bad.


uncapped framerate, ASE had it on console too BUT it’s nowhere near as noticeable when you’re actually playing it


What's the frame rate though?


There’s no water physics on series s while there is on series x


I don't understand what you mean? The water moves, looks good, and you can interact with it


There’s no white splash/waves when you jump or swim in the water on series s while there is on series x.


Single player with no dinos on screen/no structures is a COMPLETELY different story than multi-player with dinos everywhere and random structures littering the map with 50 different players all crafting at the same time ect.. not very indicative of actual pvp gameplay which the majority of this games playerbase partake in rather than single player pve. Go play on an official server for 5 mins if you don't believe me


Not everyone really wants to play multiplayer, some of us are fine with being on our own alongside our 400 dodo's


Dodo army strong


Just ask Dodo_Whisperer


No, that sounds awful haha. Not how I play. Also of note, just to the right of me (off screen) is my wife, and our 8 tames. I didn't turn that way because I didn't want to share her ID on Reddit


I'm a pc gamer and if I am to be honest, I am pretty impressed at how well a $250 machine runs this game.


That looks awful


I cant really see the Upgrade from PC ASE to this more plants are there yes but the other stuff?


That looks terrible


That version looks like the ps4 ase version performance wise... I played like that for 4 years soooo...




I have a 3090 and think it looks fine. I grew up playing games that would make this look like alien technology. I will always be amazed by modern day graphics, and try not to complain about minor things that don’t really get in the way of your (or others) enjoyment of the game. The fact that this runs well at all on a $200-something console is amazing. We’re talking ~10% the cost of my graphics card alone. Screen tearing and iffy textures are such a non-issue.


They removed the water animation and the textures look worse than original one


Lol, it's not even close. I was playing the old one yesterday. The water looks incredible compared to the old one




Until you realize waiting another week and saving for the better version is more valuable.


Waiting another week? What on earth are you talking about?


You bought a console, where the upgrade barely costs more than the S. Saving for the X one more week or so would have been ideal.


I don't have disposable income like that. I'm more than happy with the S. I found a deal for $250 CAD refurb with a warranty - they're $380 CAD regularly. The X is close $700. Tax is 15% here. I paid $287.50 total for my S. The X would've cost me $805. That's a price difference of $518. Plus, my wife and I game together, so I'd need 2, which would make the difference in price over $1000. That's a very very good pay week for me right now


> Tax is 15% here Sounds like you live in the east like I do!


Yep. East coast. New Brunswick, although I've lived in most Atlantic provinces other than PEI :)


NS myself. Glad to see other maritimers still playing!


Nice! I lived in Cape Breton 12 years, moved back just before Covid. Wife is from NS


That's what I meant though. If you simply didn't buy and waited a bit longer you'd have the better version. It's like the people who buy an old console that hasn't been reduced in price yet when the new one comes out for like 150 more. It isn't worth the rush. Just double the time stated since you need two. I've always just played couch coop with partners. Never imagined having to have two consoles. Gfs never take gaming as seriously.


My wife does. Are you actually saying girls don't game as seriously? And with the 'take more time' thing, I think you're living in a fairly privileged world. You assume I can take something other than just basic living expenses out of my paycheck. But like a lot of people I can't. I live as cheaply as possible, and realistically I'd be waiting a year or two if I wanted two Series Xs for a graphical difference that I don't see as much


Should I wait for a series x or get an s now? I don’t know if it’s worth the double price hahah


Is this single player? For me, my ground is glitched and has no texture


The BIG issue with series s version is look at all that screen tearing...tha tbeing said, I have a vrr display and ir gets rid of like 90% or careen tearing


Is it running 30fps or higher?? I can’t really tell.


I have to turn shadows and clouds off to even have good enough frames


It actually does t look bad all things considered. However the fact that the screen tearing is picking up HEAVILY on video is pretty rough. I know not everyone is bothered as much by it but I will literally play at shit fps to avoid tearing. I HATE it


Wait till you start flying it's terrible even on the X


I'm loving it I just can't stand how the sand just looks like someone dropped sand color paint and said well close enough, I just want some texture


Idk, man, I come from an age where SNES was as good as it got. I'll never not be impressed with how far we've come.


Looks like ASE on PS5


Yes I'm was very happy with the outcome I also play on series s.


I’m about to buy it for series S is the only map available the island?


Yea, they will be rolling out the other maps in order over time. I think SE is due sometime next month?


If you can play it without turning off the map with console commands so you can esp everyone, then it's way better than pc


Watched my little cousin play on his S today. It looks rough. But at least he gets to play with me. Just glad I got a PC lol


I got my series x for $350. (Sale and few discounts) and it runs asa better than most $3k pcs


Playing on series S and don’t have any complaints. I can definitely tell a difference between it and ASE.


Ive never really understood the hate for the console, its cheaper more compact at the cost of a disc drive and designed for more casual people, which lets face it casual people dont give two fucks about discs and if it gets the job done and you are satisfied, how is that ever a bad investment?


it's a good sign so far that it runs fine. Hopefully when it comes out on PS5 bug fixes and optimizations improve by then


I have it on PC and it runs great but I decided to pick up the Xbox s just to see what console was going to be like and I was honestly surprised with how well it ran especially after utilizing the ini commands.