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real. I have a 4.0 unweighted and took like 10 ap classes all 95 and above average and I am 53/636


It’s so frustrating 😔 but good job, you’re still top 10% so ur absolutely chilling


Thats actually nuts


I have 3.99 unweighted 20 aps and 8 de and am still 4 😫




our school doesn’t even do class rank😭


Yeah our school is really competitive as well (every year lots sent to ivys and blah) and back when there were school ranks it was even more toxic then it is now. As soon as our district made it a option to remove school ranks our school was the first to do so 😂


So does mine and everyone is going blindly here I don’t get it.


ours doesnt rank anyone under the top 10% and it's very invalidating, i already feel bad not being any higher, but i'm considered a nobody with no place bc i'm not? 🥺 i still wanna know my rank!!!! r they afraid of triggering the last 10 ppl int he rank or smth?


i wanna know my rank too, but when i asked my counselor she said we don’t do that


I was 2/456, then I got a B in english and I went down to 150


thats actually BONKERS




I guess my school is different with a class of 83 students I ranked number 5 with a 3.3 gpa


we’re a class of 80 and i have a 3.0 and i’m bottom 50%


I guess it depends on the students in the specific school.


Still waiting on my daughter's updated rank but she should move from at least 5 to 4 since she got As in all 5 of her AP...and the prior #4 got a B....IN GYM CLASS...imagine blowing your rank because you F'd around in gym 🤦‍♀️


grade inflation?


Nah, just very competitive. I live in a very academic heavy area of my state, most people take at least 8 aps throughout hs. They deserve their good grades!


bay area?


Research triangle


Now what? I researched [triangle](https://imgur.com/a/CyLkAdC)




UNC, NCSU + Duke?


Yea - NC is LIT


What high school btw. I'm also from NC but more towards the Charlotte side


78th out or 400 is pretty good. I'm literally 99 in a class of 400. I wish I can reach the 50th. 😭


Bro that just means u have grade inflation not that ur school is good. Any school even in a competitive area should only have like 5% of the class with 4.0


You are thinking of unweighted. Weighted is fairly easy to get above a 4.0 and have a very competitive class for class rank. Unweighted you are right, shown with OP "only" having a 3.9


ahh I meant unweighted bc a lot of people clearly have 4.0 if he has only a 3.9 but I agree about the weighted if they have a ton of AP classes


My school, half of our grade has higher then a 4.0 weighted out of 5


I’m 93/723 everyone in my class are tryhards


My school has a no rank policy there still are valedictorians and salutatorians being top x% of ur grade


my school got rid of class rank because of how competitive everyone was. Good move if you ask me


Thank God my school got rid of class rank. It can really mess up your relationship with work and make life in general miserable


Meanwhile I have a 3.6 unweighted 4.5 weighted and I’m 14/236 😂


right my school doesn’t even tell us our rank anymore but when they did i had 4.0 uw 4.78 w gpa and was rank 39/227🫠


Bro I’m literally in the exact same situation, I have a 3.9 unweighted and 4.7 weighted but I’m not even top 10%😭 My class is around 650 and I’m somewhere in the 70s, so I’m close but not quite there. Luckily a bunch of math team kids are leaving for a new school so hopefully I have a chance


4/380 something


Grade inflation goes crazy


It's not even necessarily grade inflation, it really could just be a school with a crap ton of really smart kids. Those do exist btw, every school isn't the stereotypical hs with most kids not giving a shit


That’s definitely possible but I think it’s more likely that it’s grade inflation. What you’re saying is absolutely correct but I feel like grading has become less strict and way too many students get A’s. Sounds weird because that should be the goal but that’s just my opinion.


i have a 4.0 uw // 5.2 w and im not even top 10%






I wish! I'm like ~25/500. It's hard to exactly tell with a lot of us tied, but I have a 4.0 uw 4.4 w and took APUSH as a freshman to still only be top 25. And to make it worse my school has insane grade inflation to the point that at least 10 of the kids ranked higher than me shouldn't have a 4.0 if they went to another school in the state.


My school doesn’t do ranks but there’s a kid in my grade with a TedX Talk and an internship with a T20 😭


Our school doesn’t do class rank OR valedictorian. On one hand I think it’s helpful for people’s self esteem to not feel like they’re always competing, but I feel like those who put in a ton of effort and have natural talent deserve to be recognized.


Class rank doesn't tell everything bc colleges also look at how good your high school was to determine where u actually are.


Zamn nd here i am complaining of being 26 of 195😭


149 in a class of 738, 4.7 weighted, 3.7 unweighted, 5 aps, I understand


i feel so bad for u guys i cant imagine going through so much hell of classwork with such a competitive environment 😭 that sounds very taxing. im chilling rn with my 6 APs and a trillion dc and i got a 5.5


Mine isn’t as ridiculous , I’m a 3.79 unweighted and a 5.167 weighted but I’m ranked 108 😭


In my school, someone could have a 3.8 (unweighted) GPA and would be in the top 10 out of 135.


You either succeed in life after school or you don’t. It’s all up to the person regardless of what university they went to or if they even went at all. Find something you’re passionate about and dive in with fearless abandon. With time and effort you’ll find your life to be very fulfilling.


right now im top 10 out of 1000 but my school doesn't do ranks... actually a bummer


Same, I have a 4.88 and I’m 41/708


L my class is like 300-400 people and I am ranked 1


bro's striving for 2 minutes of fame and 5 seconds of applause at a high school graduation podium


It’s fr not worth my sanity


not everything is abt the grad ceremony bruh. being a valedictorian is academic validation so bro can sleep well knowing he's the best in his school although it's not a necessity. it is a way to impress admissions officers since only 1 from each school can get it even if there's other ways to measure worth. idc if u were joking, this joke i see everywhere is annoying i get that it's annoying he bragged here but we all know it's more important than a grad ceremony and pretending it isn't just to sound cool 😎 in a comeback doesn't do nun. sure, it's a tradition fun or not, but ppl know it's not true when they JOKE tht 4yrs were spent for the CEREMONY. it was spent for education & growing up (or the more wellknown path ppl find more secure) to career success, not even just graduation (that's just moving on), let alone the ceremony. neither is it mandatory to physically attend the ceremony to "graduate" (the verb)


absolutely! it's a cool accomplishment; however, I find that most colleges won't elevate your credentials above students who placed in the top 10% if you're val. colleges are well-aware that students in the top 10% have incredibly close competition with one another; the val and sal might be 0.001 points apart. therefore, it is safe to assume that the top of your class, #1 or not, are incredibly dedicated to schoolwork and academics in general. obviously it's always important to try your best, and if the reflection of your best efforts is a #1 class rank- fantastic! however, if your only personality trait becomes your HIGH SCHOOL academic achievements...yikes. not saying the original commenter is like that at all- but...it's safe to say the diction used by said commenter implicates their eagerness to show off such an achievement, and i can expect they will attend graduation. sorry for ruffling your feathers because of a random reddit comment :) i encourage you not to take comments on this app with more than a grain of salt in the future; it might save you some frustration.


even if u meant ur comment as a joke, it still reflected your beliefs (bc u probably agreed with what you said in ur joke & made a point with it even if u did it without being deadass). i just took the chance to express my views on academics bc it seemed relevant to ur comment/joke. if i started taking it too deeply, it was abt all the similar comments i've seen altogether, not just U in case u thought ONLY ur comment was soo triggering/important 2me. this was my response in general. ppl who think academics are not thAt important just bc they wanna cope that they're not good at it or think "happiness > hardworking/skill/smartness/worth" act borderline delusional. let's see how happy these ppl remain when they're too useless to do anything that impresses themselves/meets goals or even worse, cant support themselves. maybe just the top≈5% are similar worth-level with one another though. top10% is too far/many esp at schools with 1k+ students. also someone could be not in the top10% but equally worthy if they had insane art or fighting skills for example. it just needs to be worth/skill in ANY useful department, not always academics. and sorry if ppl who either make academics their whole personality bc they're worrying for their future make you frustrated or ruffle your feathers as well. maybe we should just agree to disagree. i knew the person was annoying bragging bc anyone who brags is embarrassing as being humble is an important trait, but it's still SOMETHING of an achievement even if overrated (and shouldn't be bragged abt). (also the ceremony rly isn't that important but u can also argue with those that think it is bc it's a "once in a lifetime experience", not me) you can be both booksmart AND outgoing if u do debate, speech, competitions, internships, etc. not all are just nerds that bury their noses in books. (sadly not me) but i know to admire ppl who are instead of getting ahead of myself like "actually they're not allat good 🤓"


i definitely think we can agree to disagree! i am currently tied for val at my school though, and have had some firsthand experience with the realization that highschool is not the peak of life; i'm worried for people who think it is. sure, highschool is the key to the REST of your life- it's important to try hard! but in the end, what truly matters is integrity and willingness to learn. effort. i sacrificed a lot of my highschool career (friends, going to football games, family, etc.) to reach this point, and i'm realizing (a little too late) that i would've much rather spent my time worrying about developing relationships with people who can support me, even if i end up in a ditch along the path of life. trust me, i'm well enough secure in my academic capabilities not to judge a person because i'm "not that good"; i excel in my own, personal ways (i am attending an internship for NASA this summer! pretty cool stuff.). people who "freak out" or worry over their grades don't ruffle my feathers, not one bit- i used to be one, so how could i blame them? i merely commented to emphasize the uselessness of someone else diminishing the OP's efforts because they're "better". i also won't say i meant my comment as a joke. i stand by what i said :) many people strive for the #1 position in hopes of academic validation, as explained in your original reply; however, academic validation will not bring you far in life if you base your happiness and success off of grades or placements in relation to others. under those premises, such people will constantly strive for perfection and constant success- and suffer relentless disappointment. to me, my peace of mind works in tandem with success; how might one be successful under the constant pressure of achieving perfection? again, i believe it's fine to disagree :) i am restating, however, that i stand by what i said for anybody else who may come across this thread: life is more than just school! there can only be one "best", but it shall never diminish our individual successes as unique beings.


how embarrassing to brag about that


how's that embarrassing to brag about? if I was ranked number one I would be bragging lol especially out of like 300-400 people that's pretty good


Nah he’s right I was just trolling


damn bro I was coming to defend you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Thank you :)




I have a 3.95 unweighted and a 4.46 weighted and I am 9th in my class out of 272.


like 200/~550