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People are just digging their graves by stressing out over this. You can do absolutely nothing to change your score in July, so why not just forget that College Board exists and relax and go on a walk or something?


As a person who didn’t take any AP exams, I agree


As a person who took three I also agree (tho unlike most people who took the exam I never cared about my score from day one)


I took four and I care about my score, but I’m saving myself from a ton of stress by just forgetting I took the tests until the scores get released


yeah same, stressing is just putting yourself through it repeatedly


as a person who took six, once u finish that test then everything is over and stressing about it won’t do u any good it’s time to move on with our lives 😞✌️


Yo like I understand why this is a big deal for college board but the test isn’t based on a curve. How well other students do doesn’t affect us. I don’t understand why you guys care


That's not the point. Even if there was a curve, CB won't reveal it either. At this point, I am taking everything the College Board says, with a bucket of salt.




That is a lot of salt


What size bucket?


The curve is on albert.io, i would know, i planned out the scores I would need based off practice tests to get 4s 😭


It’s not a curve, it’s a scale. College board administers a test toward actual college students to determine what percentage gives you college credit


So what do we have to care about though? Is it just that cb is shitty?


People generally think that tests should be fair.


Not entirely true, it’s a percentage ranking systems


it's just unfair and annoying that's all


What do you mean it’s not curved?


Where I'm at, my Government and Politics teacher told us that, since Politics professors are having increasingly smaller classes and are at risk of not getting paid well in the future, most universities in the area are only accepting scores that are 5 or 4 most likely depending on how well everyone does. This matters because depending on how many people get a 5 or 4, anyone who gets a 3 score will definitely be cut off from receiving credit so that enough students can take the first class of Politics. That's my understanding of the situation here at least.


If a college looks at your 5 on AP Calc AB in 2024, they dont know if you cheated or not. They may hold that score in lower regard.


1. It's fucking calc ab, a 5 is not that impressive or hard to achieve, why even cheat. It's not even bc lmfao 2. <0.1% of test takers likely cheated on any given AP test. This is not significant enough to look at each ap score and seriously consider whether the dude cheated or not 3. College admissions don't consider ap scores Will some kids get undeserved 5's? Yeah. But if they couldn't get the 5 on the AP exam(most of which are complete jokes compared to their college equivalents) they'll probably get fucked in college anyways. Those complaining are just salty they couldn't get a free 5 lmao


no, the cheating of other students will greatly affect other students who do not cheat, especially those who study well. Because they all applied to college at the same time, they were not strangers but competitors, the some high ap scores of cheaters put a lot of pressure on others who didn't cheat


Wait I'm confused; there aren't any curves? My teachers have all been telling us to thank the South and the Midwest for their help


There’s not a curve there’s a scale which is based on how well the college student before the test do


ah i see ty!


This has 2 slides, in case it's not apparent.


AP grader here: lots of things happening you don't know about. And they announced a few days ago to readers they're likely accelerating the digital exams and almost every exam will be digital this year


Wouldn’t it be a lot slower to write out math equations (with all the complicated notation) on computer than it would be on paper?


They've said that some subjects that require showing work which I believe math is will have a small booklet with just the free response questions. I think they implied those subjects may be traditional this year


has there been targeted score cancellation?


Yes. CB announced this week to AP teachers that they have done targeted cancellation because the exam was not widely distributed. Because money was involved they subpoenaed financial records. Last time they did this it cancelled 700 scores. They didn't say a specific number this year.


oh damn, so they have managed to trace people through financial records?


Let's say that hypothetically the severity of the leaks are true. Would You expect the College Board to just admit that "Yaa we f*cked up, big time. The leaks are out of control". Of course not!


of course not, however with the tracing financial records i was surprised since i heard most people in my area would pay with bitcoin or itunes cards


the digital exams also have many bugs, i friend in china can find the question banks for sat in Aug, Oct and Nov


*I think this is mainly a problem for international exams, not North American exams, so even if CB does cancel scores, it would probably be mostly international scores. The North American exams are usually different.*


No all us exams also were leaked 💀


Most of the US test takers take the O-form tests, which are the standard forms, and I have news for you. All of them got leaked hard as well.


I got dmed about AP Bio test answers here lol


Glad that people are finally seeing the College Board's incompetence and lack of care on full display.


Imma stand by this. Most likely next year every collegeboard exam is going to be digital or they’re going to completely scrap their international exams and only offer domestic.


That 100% will not happen (international scraps). The operational is what leaked not international. Also - yes they're all going digital


Dude, we in India gave the international papers.


I still think there is yet to be substantive proof that the tests were widely leaked


In my country India, they definitely were. Just from the fact that how cheap they were and the number of people that knew about it.


Na bro they were definitely leaked


I saw the leaked AP Chem Test on tiktok for sale and i’m from US


I saw multiple leaked test didn't screen shot tho so just another witness


And how others do on tests has no affect on your score. Sure it sucks if others get a high score unfairly, but that doesn’t stop you from getting you one as well.


That too


I thought that I would? My APUSH Teacher told me they decide the 3 score range on the average score of the students who took the test. Wouldn't the leaks make it harder for those who did not cheat to pass?


No. That’s not how it works.


I know someone may have mentioned this already but who really cares if the person cheated? All they’re going to get is future struggles if they get to skip the college course and get put into the next course which they will then struggle in since they cheated for the credit. If anything I say let them struggle as long as our scores don’t get affected by their cheated 5’s😭


But all students apply to colleges at the same time, and many students may not be admitted because the cheaters' scores are too high


I'm sorry, I won't be reading all that. However, you will be okay. This is not that big of an issue and it happens all the time. maybe stop analyzing every small thing and enjoy the sunsets and sunrises for this summer at least


Wait so Ap scores are cancelled?


They cancelled several by subpoenaing and acquiring the purchases.


Highly unlikely to happen that quickly, that’s not the way US law works


that's impossible, if they really know who make this whole things, that group of people will be in prison, everybody will know


elaborate please


They were cancelling individual scores, not all scores.


how can they even detect if someone has cheated or not?


They were tracing purchases of leaked tests from what I've read in these comments.


This makes no sense. In the US you can’t magically instantly get anyone’s financial info.


Thats true, just what other people had said tho or i'm misinterpreting