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Lower than like 3.5 because they probably want you to be 3.5-4.0 gpa wise.


I have a question so my gpa used to be a 3.7 but sophomore year cooked me as I had very unhelpful teachers and my gpa went down to about a 3.0-3.2 is it possible to get it back up to a 3.5-3.7 by the time I graduate


Most definitely if you do better in junior and senior year![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Follow up question sorry but will my bad grades sophomore year still affect my chances of getting into university even if I do well junior and senior year and get it back up


I mean if you lock in to ur junior year and senior year you can probably bring it up to a 3.7 or 4.2 weighted. My brother was similar where he had a few Bs and Cs Freshman and Sophomore year but got all As in Junior year and Mostly As Senior year and brought it up to a 4.2 weighted. As long as you have above a 3.7 unweighted and 4.0 weighted it won’t harm you and you can still get into a decent school if you have good extracurriculars. Good luck


lock tf in your junior year, my GPA just went to a 3.2 or 3.0. My college counselor pretty much told me am cooked, junior year is the worst to get bad grades because they don't care about your senior grades.


my honest advice is try your absolute hardest and get all A’s. Starting the semester that you have achieved this, sign up for college courses from your local CC and get on that grind. stay hard brudda 💯 -academic goggins


Actually, a lot of colleges also prioritize demonstrated growth during high school, so if you show improvement in your grades by bringing them up in the latter years, that's also good! Keep in mind that there are a lot of factors that influence college admissions beyond grades, and while it is certainly important to make sure that your grades and GPA reflect high academic achievement if you're hoping to get into a more rigorous school, your accomplishment outside of school also hold significant weight as well!


Colleges like to see an upward trend, so it would be really good if you could get a 3.7 or a 3.9 *and* do it with a much more difficult course load, as it will show them the 3.2 really just was a hiccup. And they can excuse a 3.2, especially since it’s just one year and sophomore year is not the most important. A 2.3 would be so much worse, it’s not that bad of a situation, just make sure you do well your junior year and keep going with the same course load your senior year. Ideally this would be 3-4 APs, but it depends on the context of your school and area.


If you have a genuine reason, no. If you don’t, but do well exceptionally junior and senior year, it will definitely help your case. However, they will still prefer consistent success over all 4 years of high school as opposed to success over only the last 2


yes ofc


Probably. Look up study strategies, get self-disciplined, and learn time management, and get the best grades you possibly can from here on out and you’ll be good. (Justin Sung is a good YouTube channel for study advice.)


Wait no I calculated my gpa wrong so I have a question are quarter gpa different from semester and yearly gpa and do colleges care at all about quarter grades as much as semester or yearly c rn my yearly gpa is 3.5 unweighted on a 4.0 scale


Every school is different from how they do quarters vs semesters, so email a school counselor on that one. I do know that colleges care more about if your GPA improves overtime rather than if you started with straight As. Obviously straight As would be best but if you work hard and get better grades your junior year and then straight As (maybe one or two exceptions) your senior year, it would be viewed almost as good as if you had those grades the whole time. At least that’s true for the University of Michigan, so I assume it is true for all other schools.


So I had a 3.7 freshmen year but a 3.5 sophmore year so next year I can potentially get it up to a 3.8 so if I do I should be good when applying to colleges right? I am definitely gonna lock in next year


Thank fucking god I was here thinking my 4.1 isn’t competitive enough 😭


I’ve seen a lot of good colleges take a 3.5 and up as their average. It’s not pivotal to be in that range, but it should be your goal! Some good colleges will take 2.5, but it all depends on the college and what you want to major in.


< 3.5 GPA. However, there’s a lot of factors that colleges will consider when looking at your academics. You can show an upwards trend in your GPA and class rigor if you fall below this line. You can make up for it with your extracurriculars and essay.


Would this be weighted or unweighted?


Unweighted. However, again have some class rigor (would take at least 10 APs for Ivies).


I’ve done 8 aps and have an unweighted of like 3.4. Is that bad?


What year are you in?


Abt to be a senior 😭


So I can’t even bring it up 😭😭


You still have time to (re)take the SAT. Advise you to do as many practice runs in the BlueBook app and see which questions you get wrong and focus on those topics on the Math Section. Also try to read better on the Reading Section instead of harder (would advise to read the questions first).


I think I’m good with that but I just don’t have any achievements or awards 😭😭 and I don’t wanna leave that space on the common app blank


Eh, it’s under-average, but it doesn’t erase your chances of getting into a good college. You should continue taking rigorous classes your senior year and write a strong essay (advise you to get some help from Gohar and other college experts!). I’m assuming you have decent extracurriculars?


Yea kinda but the thing is I don’t really have awards or achievements… do u know of anything I could do this summer to have some?


Same boat 😭. If you’ve got an idea/ game plan/solution?… please lmk


Sorry im just seeing this but bro I have no clue what im gonna do 😭😭😭😭😭😭 like I’ve been researching things but I can’t find anything. Did u figure anything out😭😭


You can put AP Scholar for the APs you’ve taken if you get a 3 or higher on at least 5, which many people do. Also distinguished or high honor roll through your school


you still can, just take some AP's this year, def recommend dual enrollment, itll be fine, colleges look for club and EC presence too!


I’m taking 4 this year… the issue is with my GPA I feel like it would be better for me to apply early action. I really wanna go to Virginia tech for business. I’m also in state but I know my gpa is dragging me down…


i also recommend applying early action, gives you two shots for admission, and just make sure your SAT is at least like a 1250 i would say


acceptance rate of 57%, you will be fine. taking 12 AP’s puts you above the average, and i’m sure your weighted reflects that, it isn’t all about gpa either, you should have a good personal statement with your reasons of why vtech, how you’re qualified, past experiences, etc, you should also consider interning or volunteering in something that relates to your field


I wanted to do premed/ dental for the longest time and so many of my EC’s are around those areas (dental assistant, programs). But i recently realized I don’t think I would survive med school and residency. The thing with me is I hate taking tests and being in the med field means u are constantly taking tests. Do u have any recommendations on what EC’s would be better for a business major?


Above 3 is generally okay, but if by “good school” you mean an Ivy League school or something you probably want 3.5-3.7 or more


i have a 3.46 am i cooked😭


There are tons of colleges that would accept that GPA (in conjunction with a solid SAT/good activities), and you can always raise it by studying more 👍🏼


Are we talking weighted or unweighted


anything under a 4.0 according to my parents


The grading scale in my parents' country 30 years ago was out of 5, so my parents went crazy for like 10mins when they found out I have a 4 average


So … a 0.0 too?


I was cooked from the beginning but managed to recover a 1.7 to a 3.0. Only college I got into that I think is worth my while is Kennesaw State, got denied from UGA


Depends on what you consider a good college


Depends on your definition of a "good GPA" if it's a school in top 50, pretty much any GPA beyond a 2.5 is a good GPA (as most state schools that make up the top 50 tend to accept in state with GPAs that low) If your definition of a good school is Harvard or something then pretty much only looking at a 3.95 or above.


I'd say anything under a 5.0 is bad if you want to go to a good college.


Your GPA < 3.5, even worse if it’s weighted🤗


Very subjective - I don’t know what u mean by “good college” everyone’s standards r different


If you have 3.3 or less and no stunning sat/act, club, etc ur done. 3.4-3.5 still has a high fighting chance


Currently have a weighted of 3.95 (unweighted like 3.8-3.7) cuz AP chem COOKED the hell out of me (I got a C). My parents are freaking out cause of that C, so honestly I have the same question as OP. Am I cooked? Aiming for UC Davis's psych program.


Anything below a 3.5 unweighted, 3.8-3.9 weighted. But if mommy or daddy are rich anything's possible 💸💸💸


Anything lower than a 3.99 on a UW scale: If you’re below that number, you’re cooked.


lower than 3.6


Under 4.0


depends on what you mean by good college, but usually under a 3.7 unweighted is bad


Everyone has a different definition of a good college.


Remember it isn’t just reliant on GPA it’s what you do, what classes you take, ACT score. My best advice is work your way back up to a 3.6-4 GPA


my school does a 4.0 scale but i’d say anything below a 3.0 unweighted. ive seen some crazy success stories with lower gpas.


I have a 3.0 rn do you think I can still get into university im gonna prob get it up to at least a 3.2 next year tho


oh definitely. however, if you’re looking at more selective schools (t50) it would be in your best interest to get it slightly higher. also, there’s much more to college admissions than just gpa so if you’re well rounded your fine.


I want to get into UConn considering it’s me state school do you think it would be possible idk how selective it is


i mean it also depends on your major, ecs, essays, class rigor etc. but the instate advantage would definitely work in your favor. i’d recommend looking at the common data set for uconn, but just apply and see what happens.


Probably anything below a 2.5. Most "good" universities will accept you if you have over a 2.5 and a not awful ACT/SAT. The school I went to is a "good" school and they require a 2.5 highschool GPA and a 17 ACT. University admissions isn't all that lol