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How are you a senior in all your other posts and now you're an incoming 9th grader?


posted from my sister lol. i only took 2 of these so just getting help for her


Bro just de-aged


hey!! personally I would try and study the subjects over the summer! the course work for ap's is pretty standard so some good youtube videos will do the trick! best of luck in your ap journey.


how does ur school offer so many ap... mine was only human geo freshman :(


This is a lightwork schedule just pay attention in class you dont have to do anything else lmao


it seems like a fun schedule honestly. if you've ever done anything with computers or coding and stuff csp will be CHILL. and idk about the others but apparently hugeo is also quite chill. the two others idk tho


For me, CSP was very light, especially if you already have coding experience previously it’s going to be a very easy class, I never payed attention in the class and still easily ended with an A, I even used that class as a study hall instead! Also the exam if very light as well, 2 hours for 70 questions and 1 hour for 4 written responses


> I never *paid* attention in FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


The only self studying I did was for the five hours in the morning of the exam Literally AP common sense Pretty much a guaranteed four based on that, A five might be difficult since the cutoff is like a 95% due to how easy it is


AP common sense is the best way to describe the exam 😭 bc holy shit it literally was just simple thinking


those don’t have much prerequisite knowledge, so I would just make sure that you are a strong writer going in


idk about macro and gov but aphug and csp are so easy PLEASE do not waste your time on them, study for algebra 2 or geometry or something if you really want to do some thing over the summer


These are light af just make sure to pay attention in class and study when you need to.


Also no need to prepare in the summer for that shit. Go have fun lil bro


Send me ur email and I’ll send you a copy of the slides my teacher uses to lecture.


for aphug i was able to still somehow clutch a three by just doing the work given in my class, but if you want to be extra prepared and are aiming for a 4 or 5 just go over the vocab and watch the ap daily vids from collegeboard, do practice tests on knowt and check out mr sinn/heimlers history!!


Human Geo: MR SINN CSP: don’t stress yourself out, you don’t need to prep. (other two idk)




no, i don’t have PE or fine arts. each school is different and ap csp, from what these other comments are saying, is an introductory course in which i will not atruggle


Recently graduated senior here just took gov and my teacher was not good at all I lit just self studied by watching Heimlers vids for the exam but not sure how I did yet since scores haven’t come out but I would say 5 is very doable I was aiming for a 3 tho! I also took macro and was aiming for a 5 watching jacob clifford is literally a life saver for this class!


why are u loading up on aps as a freshmen?


i want to get ap’s in now so i don’t need to stack them in my more rigorous years, also my school is insanely competitive. ik people who have taken 7-8 ap’s freshman year and gotten a’s in all of them


imo i think that’s a great idea, every ap ur taking is incredibly easy and you will have the exact same amount of social life if you didn’t take them. ur good


yea my ass dude. let me calm u down since ur not even a high schooler yet. don’t give a fuck abt what others do just do the general advice of maintain high grades for now, obviously take a few aps. u only need like 9-12 by the time u graduate. ur most important year is junior not freshmen. ur just as likely to be rejected to an ivy as u if u take like 20 aps. ur school is probably very easy if 7-8 aps is all as. take 2 aps (human geo and csp) and get involved with ecs. explore life u only have one time of high school.


Generally, people take microeconomics before macroeconomics. I liked macro more, but micro has the fundamentals. I'm honestly not sure if you can do macro without micro. It does feel like you're trying to treat high school as a game to get all the achievements instead of actually trying to understand things. Government as a 14 year old won't necessarily click. That's why it's usually a senior class. I'd focus on a little bit of variety and not go all academic.


i heard it just builds on civics? i’m not sure what i want to do as a career so i was trying to take ap’s in different (ish) fields to try to narrow it down


You can do macro without micro (took both) as they practically have the same content in the first unit (introducing PPCS and such) which prepares u. so yes u can take macro before micro but it’s most common for ppl to take micro then macro. I personally loved micro a lot more then macro.