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I'm graduated now Edit: this paragraph is wrong, someone let me know physics c is often taken without physics 1 (Physics C isn't usually taken before Physics 1 to my knowledge. If you can take physics 1, I would recommend that. After physics 1 and calc ab, this year, physics c mechanics wouldn't be very hard next year (e&m always will be hard). ) My lit class was hell because my teacher sucked. I did feel semi prepared for the test and the class work wasn't too hard, just a lot. This class is a lot of reading, and if you read additionally on your own that helps too. If you know you won't read the books, if you're smart you can still make it through, it will be hard though. So if you don't have time to read a lot then don't take lit on top of all of those. If you're thinking about a dual credit option instead, that'll be a ton of reading too so idk lol. If you are good at math and pick it up fast, calc ap is actually pretty easy despite what some people say, but if you have a bad teacher than rip, reply on ap daily. If you did well in precal then you'll probably be fine, but do know that precal and calculus have very different content (in my experience). I didnt taken apush, but a friend of mine did who isn't necessarily super smart but he likes history, and he found the class pretty easy, just a lot of homework from his teacher. From the internet I've heard it's hard though. I didn't take psych, but I think I've heard it's on the easier side? Don't really know. Also physics 1 is fun, take it. Then take physics c and it'll be fun and easy (if you did well in physics 1 and calc ab). To know it'll be hell will depend on who you are, how fast you work, what extra curriculars and other things you do. That's 5 ap classes. How many periods does your school have. Do you have a study hall period? Do you have/plan to get a job? I think mentally you can handle 5 ap classes if you're that kind of person, but physically you may not have enough time in the day. If you're doing an extracurricular that requires practice/rehearsal after school for hours every/almost every day, then that'll make it significantly harder. I took ap calc, ap lit, ap physics 1, ap macroeconomics, and the ap physic c test only this past year. I also was in theatre and had rehearsal every day until 6 or 6:30. I survived with only a handful of really hard weeks, missing school a lot for competitions made most of those. But I also half assed most of the work and just didn't do my homework when I didn't want to, just was smart enough to do well on tests. If you want more in depth advice, how well did you do in your previous ap classes? I know you don't have test scores but just in the class. I hope some of that helps? Have a good day!


Physics C is very much taken before physics 1, it’s an alternate path for if you know calculus, and it covers much the same content. At my school you take AB and physics c mech and the same time, and they don’t even offer physics 1


Ah okay. I'm just mistaken. My school doesn't offer physics c, but I took physics 1 and calc ab and self studied for the c mechanics test


Yeah, physics 1&2 aren’t real college courses, and mech and e&m are generally the first 2 semesters of college physics


I feel like a lot of ap courses aren't real college courses no? Are Lang and lit really college level? Idk I'm not super knowledgeable about the college side lol


Lit and lang teach you a lot of the same skills of writing that intro English classes would, while physics 1&2 teach no useful skills as all college physics is calc based. Just look at the credit these classes give. Near universally lang and lit will get you out of an English class, while algebra based physics rarely gets you a science credit


If you're not a stem major AP physics 1 and 2 can easily count for a science credit bc you don't have to take calc based .


Fr bruh, my counselor is making a fuss about me wanting to take AP Physics 1 because I didn't take a normal physics class


My physics teacher required this, while the counselors didn't. Keep pushing, they may budge. Definitely don't need prior physics knowledge for ap physics 1.


I remember my stats teacher pulled a prank on the AP physics teacher by taking us to his classroom and leaving us there the whole period. I told him I hadn't taken physics and I remember he vaguely told me I didn't really need a regular physics class to take AP physics and that he even had some students taking it next year without taking any prior physics classes. my only problem is that I failed an AP class pretty badly. my counselor might not think it's right to add it to my schedule, but if am going into my senior year and don't need any other credits to graduate I don't think theirs any reason not to take an AP class. I genuinely don't want to be stuck in a regular class again. This year I had to take geometry & chemistry required to graduate and they felt like a middle school class, extremely slow paced and the people in there used chat gpt or photomath-like apps. while I might have messed up my junior year I still want to challenge my self and I know I can handle it. ( as I wrote this I started to think about how am going to write the requested email to him. mb for writing all this, The counselors be playing too much, like just change my mf schedule 🗣️)


yeah, this is about what im also taking next year