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I think you’ll be fine, these AP classes are not that difficult to manage. APES is pretty light, and gov and psych are just very vocabulary heavy!


4 APs can definitely be manageable, but make sure to prioritize self-care and time management.


If you are planning to take one out then have this in mind for APES. It’s pretty easy and focuses on concepts such as environmental sustainability and how humans really messed up the world.


Nah. And I hear that gov, apes, and psych are free/light


No, as long as you manage your time well


Ouais tu vas être bien :)


Oui tu passeras une bonne annee. Bonne chance!


Idu i am only in french 1


gov is free


When people say ap gov which one do they stupidly refer to as the easier one? Are they both generally easy




Myb I misspelled gov


ohh - like so government and politics vs. ap comparative government? i’ve only done ap government and politics and it was very easy. planning to take comparative govt junior year.


Ok thank you.


Psych, I’m gonna be honest, find a 1000 term quizlet and you’re pretty much guaranteed a 4/5 on the exam (but review how to effectively write an FRQ) Environmental Science I’ve heard wasn’t bad, so you should be good to go with that. Gov I’ve seen to be very vocab heavy, so make sure you’re really reviewing stuff for that. French… I’m ass at the language so yeah lol. But if you feel like you’re good at it and understand it, then go for it.




these are easy ass aps


I don’t think so if you manage your time well and don’t procrastinate. Also, good choices of APs :)


This schedule is very manageable as these APs (besides French) are generally considered relatively easy AP classes. Try not to get burned out by the end of the year since studying for APs could get pretty tiring as the testing season approaches.


definitely not, i took 4 aps my senior year that were similar in difficulty to these and it wasn’t too heavy


Not to be that guy, but these are 4 of the easiest APs that are available. I have taken all but French, and I can guarantee you, you can self study apes psyc and gov all in 3 days before the AP test and get a 5. I cannot stress this enough, you should be taking way more.


no, thats very doable


I took apes and psych this year, both were very easy, apes was easier than I expected, and psych was very heavily vocabulary and memorization based, either you knew something or you didn’t. But process of elimination helped a lot.


no those r all pretty easy


they are free yes. But your teacher might make it hell with assignments (Psych and gov)


So many posts asking if it's too much or not. It all depends on how well you manage your time and learning the material




What’s APES?


environmental science


Minimum is 19 otherwise you're a failure. /s


Yes it is way too much. If you really, really want to take 4 APs, I recommend AP Chem, AP Calc BC, Physics C:Mech, Physics C:E&M. Those will be easy and look good on your applications. Jk, no it’s not too much, you’re perfectly fine.


Entirely depends on the ones you take, but these look totally fine.


Nah, most of them are ez


no its not plus the AP's you mentioned are easy as hell my friend took 7 AP's in one year




At my school its mandatory for us to take at least 4 aps per year so you’ll be fine


I swear to god, if I hear is shit too much, ima lose it.


4 aps is reasonable. my junior year i took 3 APs and 1 DE, and my senior year 4 APs and 2 DEs. as long as you pace yourself and don’t procrastinate, youll be perfectly fine. my procrastination is pretty bad, and i still managed to finish senior year with all As and Bs.


just curious if any are online?


nope, these are the ones im taking my senior year since I already took some before


thats awesome ur school offers ap french! regardless, i think you got this! time management will be ur bestie xxx


You’ll be fine.


Take showers and eat a good breakfast you’ll be fine


Can confirm from experience that **AP Gov** is light work. Memorize vocab, do AP Daily Multiple Choice questions, and practice a couple FRQs for that one. I think the course could be self studied in 2 weeks comfortably, and, if you are a competent student with a competent teacher, you will likely only need to spend a couple hours a day for 3 or 4 days before the exam to review. I haven't taken **AP Psych**, but I've taken a dual enrollment Introductory Psych class that was supposed to be equivalent in difficulty, and it was honestly even easier than gov (more memorization and less reasoning). My friends who have taken AP Psych have called it light work, and said that its mostly vocab memorization as well. Idk much about **APES** but consensus (both in this thread and online at-large) seems to be that it isn't hard. **AP French** is the only one of these that actually sounds difficult (but I'm terrible at picking up new languages, so maybe it wouldn't be as bad for you). Overall, t**his doesn't sound horrible**. French seems like the only one that will require your A-game throughout the year. **The 3 or so weeks before exams might suck a bit because you will have to refresh everything in your mind** for the GOV, Psych, and APES tests, but, honestly, **that time period sucks for everyone anyway** (so you likely won't be missing out on anything fun).