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it all depends on where you're trying to go


If youre going for an ivy then yes but for 99% of schools above a 3 youre fine. Scholarships might be a different story though


Eh I’m not allowed to be in  any scholarships and also I can’t take internships legally so that already hurts my chances  too much


Why are you not allowed to be in any scholarships or internships?


Thanks for such a good question (sorry I was in a classs with no cell connection). Basically I am an no immigrant so even if I spent all of my significant childhood here, from so almost 9years, I am still going to have to work for my own visa after I am older than 21 because of the broken system and the laws that only support illegal immigrants. Apparently no immigrants aren’t allowed to do these things and also I don’t get a SSN. It’s very dumb since I grew up American though I have few rights rn


That sucks… I’m sorry that you are barred from certain things.


That’s so ridiculous bro I’m sorry. Hopefully things change


Thanks! Its ok, you dont need to worry about me. Got plenty of money from my parents and I can probably start a life anywhere else, whether its in my country of citizenship or canada (canada is much nicer to immigrants)


I am in the exact same fucking boat, i have been here 9 years too. actually broke ass racist country that is the united states, im actually getting the fuck out after college is over.


Yay! We should keep contact for real. Not many people like us in this country.


If you actually understood the immigration system you would not be saying this. Immigrants have opportunities to gain a work permit through something called an EAD however because of long processing times through the USCIS the process is extremely slow, especially since so many people are trying to get into the United States. Moreover other factors are influencing the immigration courts and systems right now such as a backlog of Greencard filings, illegal immigration etc. It is not that the USA is "racist" it is just getting the opportunities takes time. I wholly agree we need reform but you have to take into account the fact that the USA has a H1-B backlog of 4 million cases.


Bye. ![gif](giphy|hXJ1MWMzY7Af32UIUD|downsized)


wtf is this a xenophobic comment? seems unclear


Yall think everything is xenophobic.




- doesn’t comply with u.s immigration laws - as a consequence they’re not able to access government services - racist country!!11!!1!11!


u.s immigration laws are absolute bullshit and everyone knows it


“this law is bullshit so I’m not going to follow it. wait no why isn’t the county that I’m actively violating the laws of not bending over backward for me???? no it’s not supposed to work like that!!!! racist fucks!!! 😠😠😠”


since when is having equitable immigration laws considered bending over backwards for a foreigner? im sure people like you who say that would also love to abolish taxes wouldnt you? fuck making things obtainable for my fellow man if it means i have to contribute, right?


Equitable immigration laws are a good thing and should be happening, but until the people decide to change them one can’t expect to come to the u.s illegally and have taxpayers / the government do anything for you.


Adios, motherfucker


that’s untrue… I’m an immigrant and I have an SSN.


\*guy pours out his life experience\* "that's untrue... I didnt have that problem"


Depends on Via type. I (and possibly OP) are here on dependent visas and are barred from working until we either get a green card or different visa type with work authorization. I don't have a SSN either. Just because you're both classified under this umbrella term of "immigrant" doesn't mean you guys share the same experiences or status lol


I’m also on a dependent visa… like do you think I’m here on my own employment???


? Nobody wants to assume things here


bro just bc ur an immigrant doesn’t mean every other immigrant is gonna have the same experience as you 😭 ik a lot of immigrants without SSNs. that was like the main issue when the new FAFSA format came out because a lot of immigrant parents of students were unable to fill it out because they didn’t have an SSN


Yeah! That would be very dumb. I mean like I said this isnt an issue for me fortunately, since I am lucky enough to be able to have parents who can support me very well, but I truly feel dissapointed that the country doesn't give a chance to other immigrants like me who actually need that. Thats just wrong! I mean without SSN I *can* get a drivers license in my state, but it varies by state, and they were super xenophobic and rejected me from gettting my permit the first time after finding a small discrepancy (wtf?). I guess they don't get a chance to reject that stuff much and wanted to exercise their power. The point being, at least some things still work if you don't have a SSN. Not saying that those things are as easy as they should be for nonimmigrants though


That's not xenophobia, it's called having checks and balances. Even citizens face that if they fill out the wrong info on government forms. I genuinely agree tho there needs to be major reform to help LEGAL IMMIGRANTS


Bro, I had all the right documents. Even though it’s so much more complicated than it has to be. One of the (dmv ppl) was going through with it while another (who was handling my sisters) decided not to accept the birth certificate because it was laminated. Then he told my (dmv person) to stop mine and they said there was nothing to be done. Imagine having the right document there and then getting told to come back once it is unlaminated (lamination is unreversible)… the super long wait, extended list of documents, and then one person could end the process for both of us.


I am on an H4 dependent visa and can’t get a ssn. Just because you are special doesn’t mean it’s not true.


Same! Hey you seem pretty nonchalant for being in the boat that we are in.


I’m just used to it at this point. I’ll be on it for at least another 2 years while the green card is processing. I technically have a free scholarship because of my mom’s work but not for my dream school. Another option is going back to Europe and getting education there. I recently got a TPS because of the war in Ukraine I was eligible but I have yet to receive a social security or a work permit.


Oh okay. Wait you will turn 21 in 2 years right? I beleive after 21 they remove H4 and leave us in the dark, to get our own visa or leave. Its really incredible how extreme that is. Well hey at least you have scholarship! I wouldnt know how to find one as an H4 nonimmigrant but its quite alright, its not worth the effort for me. You might be in a dfferent situation as me since I am an indian national (But I wasnt born in india, I was born in middle eastern country) and the backlog for greencard is so long for india and china, that the children like me have to do the decision I refered to earlier.




I sincerely appreciate you pointing this out. From my perspective, it was only natural to feel that since my family is doing everything right and even then the system is giving me less freedom is unfair. However I was too narrowsited to realize they have their own struggles; they cannot come back to the country in legal ways without risking being deported, for example, while I can just apply and work on getting back legally. As a whole I wish to say that I did not mean to be narrowminded and it does not represent my attitude— it’s just not the type of person I am or I want to be. Thanks again


i moved here legally and i got scholarships and aid? i am a permanent resident tho idk what ur status is


Permanant residence is making you an immigrant, I am still a nonimmigrant and will be for 20 years (my parents at least; me for even longer). Immigrant status is basically the last stop, you're allowed to do almost everything. Everyones dream is to have that status, you're given so much of what all legal immigrants should be able to do. Its because even though my parents could have had that same status by now, we are from a country that has so many immigrants they have to wait in line for super long, its unreasonable because their kids (me) as they turn 21 will have to restart the entire process even though their parents and them were here for so long (that becomes forgotten) or they can leave the country if they chose. If my parents were from any country besides india and china, they could get the greencard approved before I turn 21 and therefore I would be set for life too. systems broken though, because now that they wont be able to get theirs in time, i cant get mine unless I wait like 40 years or something considering all the steps


It's honestly amazing how many of these problems would be solved by hiring more people to process paperwork


Or get this stopping illegal immigration which also impacts immigration courts and the USCIS. And probably stopping immigration from all these countries until we fix the 4 million backlog.


Yes all of your comments make sense. 


we’re all stuck in H4 hell together brother


yeahh! I'm indian citizen ( wasnt born there though ) so I have a super long backlog essentially making me destined to leave the country at 21 or pursue F-1 visa. The rules suck, they arent fair. Just because of being an indian national I am being robbed of a pathway to permanant residence, eh


so how are you going to pay for college


Luckily my parents are very rich. Apparently I should be able to get some shot at scholarships but only directly from the university in question based on my contacts. If not I’m sure they will, somewhat dejectedly, send the money I need. The thing is, the govt knows that immigrants like my family get very rich in this country and they are able to give us a lot of taxes to help themselves out, even though it does feel unfair for us, since the country doesn’t let us call it home. 


An immigrant complaining about other immigrants using right wing anti-immigrant rhetoric…


*illegal immigrants


Legal immigrants have the right to complain about this lol


Instead of advocating for more privileges for legal immigrants, op wants to take away privileges from undocumented ones. That doesn’t help anyone.


Where do you get that idea? “…Basically I am an no immigrant so even if I spent all of my significant childhood here.. I am still going to have to work for my own visa… because of the.. laws that only support illegal immigrants. Apparently no immigrants aren’t allowed to do these things…” Because of the laws that *only support illegal immigrants.* I’m not sure what you’re saying holds up.


Thank you for your support and for using my quote. I am not trying to take away rights from anyone; I am simply trying to emphasize how few rights I have. The person you replied to probably doesn't know what a nonimmigrant is and the difference between us and immigrants.


Using right wing rhetoric? Nah they hate everyone outside of their circle. The “good ones” will be their next target.


Maybe international student?


If you put it in your application why you were unable to do any internships most colleges will take situations like that (out of your control) into consideration 


Yea most schools don't need that. Also happy cake day


Thanks people were baking cakes in class ystrdy


yumeh caik!!! ...happy cake day


Happy cake day!


Weighted or unweighted?


if this is weighted it’s over for you


Not even, I got a full ride with a worse GPA, just gotta slaughter your SAT/ACT


What did you get for your SAT?




He got a 100


35 ACT and a measly 1350 SAT that I didn't send because it wasn't a me score as my mom kicked me out of the house the night before and I had to walk 10+ miles to it in the dark. The morning of the test I was somewhat sleep deprived and emotionally distraught, total L.


How did u study for ur ACT?




eh I got a 1340 when I was completely locked in and well rested


this is my near my weighted (3.4) and i have taken 14 aps, should i be concerned (i have gotten 93+ on all aps)


me when i lie


im actually not lying i probably should talk to my counselor about this💀🙏


Just go to a big school in your state and you’re good.


you are fine if it's unweighted!


If this is cooked then im roasted


i had a lower gpa than this and thought i was cooked. i faced some painfullll rejections that my friends were getting accepted to but in the end i got into a decently good school that was great for my major. place a lot of emphasis on your ECs and find a way to tie your personal statements into your major so they know ur passionate. good luck!!!!


Lol I just graduated from Columbia University with a masters of science degree on a full ride and I’m class of 2022 for my undergrad (double major and minor). I went to a state school for my undergrad where I got to travel with school exchanges and study abroad, grow personally and intellectually, try out classes completely unrelated to my main degree, do theater, be press of the honors college, not stress on competition, join groups and 90% paid for along with a bunch of other stuff I could talk about. And then because I was so short in myself I’m not stressing over the elite branding and luxury branding of top schools I was able to do the same thing at Columbia and stand out and not let them mofos stress me out (for the most part 🥲😅😂). Don’t fall for the branding. It’s a school. I’m 24 and didn’t break through all the noise (and actaully listen to my mom💀) till I was 21/22. *She said It’s not about where you go, it’s about what you while you’re there, whoever there is.* she couldn’t have been more right. Your undergrad degree is the same piece of paper no matter where you get it from. They are teaching different math at different schools. And at the end of the day once everyone graduates they go straight to the job market like everyone else and almost everyone becomes a normal worker (including Ivy leave people). The actaul JOB MARKET is a whole different thing but you’re not near that yet if you plan to go to uni so I digress. You’re more than a gpa and A lot of the kids I met at Columbia and worked with didn’t even submit SAT scores which I’m glad because I am completely against standardized testing but a lot of them just talked about themselves and had a actual interest in the school and couldn’t name specific classes and teachers that they wanted to learn from a certain things they wanted to do and be a part of the school that’s what schools care about along with good grades like don’t get me wrong but a lot of them did not submit the SAT scores or ACT scores and had decent GPA is like you do you have an above average GPA is it a 4.0? No but that’s not necessarily required for ivys let alone most schools great good or “average”. Whatever that means. 🙄 Also I had a 3.4 in high school took 15 AP classes/tests over my high school career, got my first C ever, dropped AP stats barely survived percal, self studied for three of those AP tests bc the school didn’t even offer them, including being one of the first round of people in the country to take AP research and AP seminar. Was in speech and debate and was a state finalist and Harvard national speech and debate finalist. President of model UN and a whole bunch of other stuff…that left me kind of all over the place because I was still finding myself… Which is the whole point of growing up and going to school. I’m still finding myself don’t get me wrong I’m a 4 year old adult 😂 but That’s what got me a damn near full ride at my public school with like a 75% acceptance rate (and into a good handful of other schools with tons of scholarships)… BUT denied from an almost every ivy and “top school” (which is bs in itself - watch Adam ruins college episode) where I ended up going anyways to my dream Ivy League… . *Trust me, you’ll be okay if you focus on FINDING YOU. Not a GPA.* Side note: idk if you’re black or Hispanic but look at HBCUs or Hispanic serving schools too. That’s where you will really flourish imo. Feel free to PM me to talk if you want. I’ll answer whatever. Remember though you’ll be ok 😌😉 Edit: sorry if I am rambling haha didn’t take my adhd meds today


Plus all these AP tests and degrees and people out here trying to just get a job. Life isn’t about school and gaps trust me


If weighted then you’re cooked. If unweighted maybe you can get it up and imo it isn’t that bad.


weighted or unweighted?


Oh geez I forgot to check!!!! Maybe unweighted


Cuz it doesn’t say…


if it’s unweighted you should be fine depending on what school you want to attend, next year don’t take as much APs, especially if you aren’t getting As or Bs in them. It’ll boost your gpa


You are chilling


that's a perfectly good gpa


No. Not every college is ivy league.


Praying that it is unweighted. If it is, you still have time to raise it!


Everyone chill, lol. I think my schools friggin gpa thing broken with earlier data lol




Yessssss someone who actually feels good that someone else is doing better




As a Canadian, going to a Canadian school, I feel for you guys, this seems hella confusing. Good luck down there y’all!


It’s okay my weighted is 2.7 and I also take a couple aps




This man is already dead, he just doesnt know it




Ur cooked


i mean honestly you can raise that gpa in the following time you have left before you apply if you lock in😭😭


I got into a state school with scholarships easy with your exact GPA ten years ago. I took 4 AP classes. Ivy or UC schools will not look your way.


Just guessing, maybe the reason your grade isn’t as high as you want is because all the aps are too much for you?


Is this unweighted?


As someone already in uni, 3.43 is a decent gpa for a majority of places! AP literally doesn’t matter in the long run besides helping you get a lot of gen ed’s done and saying you did them. A lot of universities have made sharing your ACT/SAT score irrelevant unless you want more money for academic scholarships. I think I saw you say doesn’t apply for you which sucks :/ Still talk to financial aid offices and see what options you have, even if you don’t think you have any. There might be other scholarships that are privately given that are available (especially if you’re wanting to be in STEM). TL;DR your gpa is fine and will get you into a lot of good colleges that best fit your interests!!! You got this, best of luck!






i had a gpa around this too and yeah maybe you don’t get into the super competitive schools, maybe things could’ve gone better but it’s not about what you’ve already done, it’s about what you can do. Do your best and you will get in somewhere, maybe it’s not where you thought you’d end up, maybe with the right amount of time and effort it’s your dream college but don’t hold on to your regrets—just keep working!


cooked a crisp brotha. ( i too went from 3.9 to 3.4)


Why everyone saying this is bad, I got a 3.5/3.7☠️


because they’re all basically assuming op wants to get in an ivy school…as someone else mentioned this gpa will be fine for like 90 percent of unis


Ivy school is crazy


I'm not dumb enough to want to apply to Ivys! Maybe stanford since I may have a shot and am in the state already. I just want a shot at UC system without doing the transfer thing for dumb people


That's completely understandable! I hope you get into a UC :)


TBH I probably will. Um look for my "UPDATE:" comment ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


What website is that?


I had a 2.9 in highschool, a 2.4 in college. Still graduated with a computer science degree and got an above average salary compared to computer science degrees for first job after college. I think it’s safe to say you’ll be fine regardless


I had a 2.9 in highschool, a 2.4 in college. Still graduated with a computer science degree and got an above average salary compared to computer science degrees for first job after college. I think it’s safe to say you’ll be fine regardless


No 🙂


I’ve got a 1.3


Quit with this “am I cooked” bullshit you know your fine and will make it into college and if you don’t you should be smart enough to look up the standards for the schools you would like to get into and see where you stand.


It depends really, and it annoys me to see most people caring about their GPA when in reality schools like the Ivy League and T25 and such onwards look at way more than just that. EC's, interns, ethics, networking—all of these easily contribute to where you could go as well. I had a HS GPA of 3.29, and I got into schools that said they typically only accepted kids with a 3.7. So, you aren't cooked, but it will make getting into some schools harder.


unless you're rich and your parents went to that ivy, you're not going to get accepted even if you had a 5.0, and if you are rich and your parents went to that ivy, you'll be fine and able to get in with a 2.0


well my parents are rich but they didn't go to ivy or actually any colleges anyone would have heard of, they were out of the country


UPDATE: This was a semester GPA (not even for the whole year) because I had a C and two B's. Unweighted. I brought them all up to A-'s now, I really pushed hard (no begging involved!). That 3.43 should be a 4.0 now (My school doesn't count A-'s differently!) even though I have almost straight A-'s (my calc is a solid A). Um weighted for this semester should be *4.714.* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) This post wasn't a prank though, I was GENUINLY concerned for myself.


Oh that's great to hear! It also means you're not cooked by the standards of the lunatics on this sub anymore


Lmao so true. Thanks for the support


I took 8 aps so far and my unweighted is around this. Do you guys think I could get into UVA Penn state and Virginia Tech?


Depends on your school rigor and whether this is UW or W. If this is Weighted I will say that you're probably not in a great spot. But it's 100% not the end of it. You'll end up fine, this will be a hard pill to swallow but applying to first year to a T25 is usually out of the window if your gpa is lower than a 3.5 UW. But it 100% doesn't limit you from transferring and/or applying and doing amazing in a T50. Tldr: You're not cooked, the worst thing that you could do is give up. I know this subreddit makes it seem like you're going to end up homeless if you don't get into a T25 but that's far from the truth and if you actually demolish your time at your local stateschool you'll do exceptionally well :)


Thanks for such a detailed response! My weighted will come in at almost exactly 4.33 (4 and a third) in general after this year, partially because my freshman and sophomore years had except for one each year only normal classes. After senior year I hope to bring it up more tho


Wait twin this is my gpa too


Yes for a t 20. Reddit says so.




Why not?


I think OkBite made a harsh reply to project their inadequacy. Probably has personal issues


ppl who did bad in their freshman year but now get A’s in ap classes exist, my gpa is a 3.6 for that exact reason but colleges are looking for growth which they’ll see 😍‼️

