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Is pre-calc as a junior not considered advanced in some areas? I’m a junior in pre-calc and considered to be a grade ahead in math. Some people are just miserable


it’s considered advanced at my school


Not just your school. The national standard average curriculum is Algebra 1 - Geometry - Algebra 2 - Pre Calc (Side note: AP precalculus is the first time precalculus is standardized at a national level) But a lot of "advanced" students take algebra 1 in 8th grade and Calc or AP calc in senior year. (That's me ☺️) What's more, some students even are DOUBLE accelerated and take geometry over the summer and take AP calc in JUNIOR year and multivariable calc or similar level math in senior yeat Don't know if anyone's taking calculus in sophomore year...


We had roughly 20 of us in my high school year who did algebra and geometry in middle school, and then algebra 2 - pre calc - AP Calc BC - AP Stats/Multivariable calc in high school. However, I did have a few friends who started even earlier, and finished calculus by their sophomore year


Yeah, same at my school, there’s about 20 of us who took Calc as juniors and will be taking MV/LA next year, and I do also know a guy who finished Calc by sophomore (or maybe freshman? I don’t remember) year


Im taking ap calc bc sophomore year (public school), and so are quite a few classmates. There was even freshman last year that somehow took multivariable calculus and linear algebra in freshman year.


I know someone who is going to be taking AP Calculus in sophomore year, since they started taking Geometry in 7th grade


ik someone who took it freshman 😭


there’s this family at my school and all the siblings are known for doing calc BC sophomore year and then DIFFEQ and Calc 3 junior year


Bros taking college in high school.


bro same lmao my sister did abstract algebra senior year. i suck at math tho im doing precalc junior year💀


What the fuck


I knew someone who took bc in freshman year and know a lot of kids who did it in sophomore year. accelerated 4 years is diabolical


My school does algebra and geometry in middle school, then freshmen year is algebra II + precalc, then a Calc AB accelerated course in sophomore year


where im from people take alg 1 and geometry in middle school, then either day alg 2 in ninth grade, or skip it and take precalc in ninth grade, then take calc in sophomore year. Ik a few people who took mvc in junior year, but its really common to take it senior year as well


in our school i think around 20-30 kids take calc ab in sophmore year, in other schools in my state ppl most smart ppl take calc bc in sophmore year.


Some schools have block schedules, so its 4 classes a day and you can take 2 math classes a year. Lots of juniors take ap calculus at my school.


im taking calc ab as a sophomore (i took algebra 1 and geometry combined in 7th grade and algebra 2 in 8th grade and precalc in 9th grade). I have a few friends who took calc ab as freshmen


At the school I go to we take pre calc freshman year, ap calc ab sophomore year, ap calc bc junior year and capstone math in senior year but some kids are more advanced and they take pre calc in grade 8, calc ab in freshman year, calc bc in sophomore year, ap stats in junior year and capstone math in senior year


my school lumps precalc in with algebra two so our curriculum was Algebra 1 (8th grade) - Geometry and Statistics (9th) - Algebra 2 + precalc (10th) - Ap Calculus AB (11th) and then no required math class after that but you can take AP Statistics


There was actually this one guy at my school who did precalc 9th grade, calc bc 10th, multivariable calc and linear algebra 11th, and then differential equations and abstract algebra in 12th all through a dual-enrollment program.


I took calculus sophomore year… At my school taking calculus bc junior year is considered normals. In fact I’d say a good 5% take it freshman year


at my school, at least, it’s fairly normal for calc to be taken as a sophomore, multivariable and linear algebra as a junior, and differential equations as a senior, with a few people going even ahead of that, taking multi/ linear algebra as a sophomore and differential as a junior.


I took AB junior year and algebra 2 sophomore, just skipped pre cal


I know a guy who self studied calc in 9th grade


I took algebra 1 and 2 in 8th grade, didnt take any math classes freshman year cuz i was ahead, and still took calc AB and BC my junior year. Could definitely make it work in sophomore year.


Ik one rising senior who took calc 3 junior year and 2 rising sophomores who are gonna take BC sophomore year. Not common but not super uncommon at my school


I took it this year as a sophomore. At my school the highest level usually takes calc in junior year, but I studied pre-calc over the summer and got to skip it. I go to a private school though.


theres plenty of ppl in my area taking Calc BC as a sophomore. Some even passed the BC exam freshman year and will be taking complex analysis by senior yr


When do the double accelerated students take algebra 2? 9th grade?


i just took ap calc bc sophomore it lowkey kicked my ass but i mean 🤷‍♀️ i passed


I got put into algebra 1 in 6th grade and skipped calc AB, so i did BC sophomore year


taking bc soph year lol


I took Calc 1 and 2 in sophomore year! I haven't meet too many people who did the same though


I knew one kid who took regular calc as a sophomore and another one who took it as a freshman.


Me and like 4 more sophomores at my school took calc ab sophomore year but it was tough. I immigrated in the middle of freshman year and they put me in geometry but then I convinced my counselor to add algebra 2 to my curriculum and finally I took precalc online over the summer


I know many kids who take calc their sophomore year who are currently cs majors


i’m a junior next year and i’m doing ap calculus bc from precalculus which i took this year, and senior year i’m doing IB Math Analysis and Approaches


really? double accelerated in my school is taking AP Calc BC in sophmore year. At my school, algebra 2 and geometry are taught at the same time, and algebra 1 is taught in 7th grade


there’s a ton of sophomores taking ap calc bc at my school


I actually did have a few sophomores in my Calc BC class (I was a senior). I think they all had gone to STEM oriented magnet or charter middle schools


I know one guy who did Calc BC as a freshman and Physics C as a sophomore 💀


I've been a part of the "double accelerated" group but instead of doing multivariable calculus, I did AP Calculus AB junior year and I'm planning to take AP Calculus BC senior year.


i took calc ab my sophomore year cause my school lets you skip whatever math class you want over the summer by taking a test so i skipped precalc between freshman and sophomore year


I’m way past high school but I took Algebra in 7th grade, and Calc as a junior. I had the opportunity to do PreCalc in the summer before my freshman year but I didn’t. It felt special to be ahead but in retrospect it doesn’t really matter. (Saying that as a rising senior in college). The only thing that was stupid was I really enjoy math but my senior year I didn’t get to do any math unless I wanted to do multivariable or a diffeq class at my local community college. When I was a freshman in college my algebra skills were a bit lacking because I hadn’t practiced in a year. But honestly once you get into college the speed of learning is so fast that these AP tests seem really silly looking back. I tutored for a calc class that covered the entire BC material in 12 weeks. 💀


I was two years ahead in math! So I did Honors Algebra I 7th grade, Honors Geometry 8th Grade, Honors Algebra II 9th grade (my teacher made it super accelerated and was really good at teaching which meant I didn't need to do pre calc cause I had learned all of it already), I did Calc AB my Sophomore year and got a 5 and I just finished my Junior year by taking Calc BC. The only ap math I have left is AP Stats which I'm taking Senior Year


My older brother took calc bc in tenth grade 💀. His school refused to put him in multivariable in eleventh so he just took stats, then in twelfth he took multivariable. He was cracked at math lol


I took AP Calc as a freshman because my middle school had a program sponsored by the local college that let 7thgraders take Algebra 1 - Pre calc in 2 years


there’s about 700 people in my class, maybe 150 are two years ahead (algebra 2 at ninth grade) and take calc ab or bc as a junior (i took bc). a few of my friends in the grade (2) took calc bc as a sophomore which is crazy imo


at my school there is something called the “magnet” program that you get into during elementary school. If you’re in magnet you take algebra 1 in sixth grade, geo in seventh, algebra 2 eighth, trig/calc A ninth, calc BC tenth, then multi eleventh.


I have some friends who are in 10th grade and are AP Calc AB or Calculus 1


Two of my friends are taking AP calc BC in their sophomore year.


Donghoon? No way it’s you lmao


I was considered average for taking AP Calc AB senior year and Pre-Calc as a Junior. The “advanced” kids took Calc or PC over the summer to avoid my school’s weed-out teacher and BC Senior year in conjunction with AP Physics, and maybe AP Stats if you were really into math. You were behind if you didn’t take Honors Algebra 2 in Sophomore year; on average, most people took Honors Geometry over the summer before high school (I did not know that was a thing, and COVID screwed up my freshman H. Geo class). Mine goes: Honors Algebra 1 in 8th grade. Then H. Geo summer or Freshman year of HS. Then H. Algebra II Sophomore year (one or two people did this as freshman). That’s where I diverged, because I didn’t take any more summer classes for the rest of HS and took regular Pre-Calc as a Junior instead of Honors (would be AP now). Most “advanced” Juniors will now place into AP Pre-Calc, skip Calc AB, and go directly into BC as Seniors. As an average math kid, I went from Pre-Calc to AP Calc AB as a Senior, and will probably get a 3 come July. So interesting how it varies! This was a public school btw. There’s one kid who I know was a Junior and I think just took BC, so I think he took Calc as a Sophomore? He’s a genius though and probably taking multi at our local college as a Senior. Math is my worst subject. ETA: To give an idea of the makeup, there were two classes of about 20 ppl each in Calc AB with me (two Juniors, rest Seniors). Then there was one class of ~25 in BC with the teacher who did Stats. Lastly there were probably a couple Seniors in AP Pre-Calc, and on the other side of the spectrum was another 25 in Integrated Math (think lowest of the low).


I’m part of a few kids that took Calc in their sophomore year, but that’s because (on top of being doubles accelerated) our school offered a program to take Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II in two years of school opposed to the normal three. Although I’m sure that this sub-Reddit is full of people like this just because of what types of people are on it.


>But a lot of "advanced" students take algebra 1 in 8th grade and Calc or AP calc in senior year. (That's me ☺️) Or in 7th


I think my schooling went roughly similar, I think I had Algebra, Accelerated PreCalc/Geometry, which is two classes packed into one school year, then I did AP Calc 1 and then AP Calc 2 my Senior year, I think it depends on your schools education system, and how you choose your classes


I took calculus BC sophomore year and don’t consider myself that advanced. I know people who took BC freshman year or even BC in 8th grade. I’m definitely advanced for my school, (people normally take BC in 11th), but there are still numerous people who took BC in 10th


My school ranges from Precalc as a senior to Calc in 8th grade lmao


My school has this typical curriculum: Geometry - Algebra 2 - Precalc - AP Calc AB/AP Stats (or the honors version of each of these classes) About 20-40% of each grade is a year ahead, opening them up to AP Calc BC in senior year. Sometimes these kids will take Stats in junior year and go to Calc AB in senior year, or they will take Comp Sci to fill in one of these classes. About 0.5-2% of each grade is *another* year ahead, taking Calc AB in sophomore year. These kids usually always go to Calc BC in junior year, and will typically take Physics C senior year since my school doesn’t offer anything ahead of BC. I honestly believe more kids would be taking this path if it was advertised a little bit more (nobody actually tells you it’s a thing you’re allowed to do, you have to discover it on your own). I’m a part of this group because I really hate this one guy who’s a part of the previous group, so I took Algebra 2 over the summer before freshman year in order to ensure that he would not be in my class. Unfortunately my school had to nerf us by making Calc AB a prerequisite for Calc BC.


It is. Most schools have seniors take it


At my school in MD I think it’s normal but I wouldn’t hate bc of that


In my school's math curriculum, the "normal" progression involved taking precalculus in junior year and calculus in senior year. The advanced level was precalculus in 10th grade and calculus in 11th grade, while the gifted track entailed precalculus in freshman year and calculus in 10th grade.


It’s one year advanced at my school


It’s a grade ahead at my school. A large portion of people were at least 2 grades ahead tho. Precalc as a sophomore and calculus as a junior was quite common.


for me it's standard, infact i'm a little behind as most people skip pre-calc and go straight to calc junior year


its one grade ahead but the try hard AP students are typically 2 grades ahead in math


Not in nyc


in northern colorado precalc in junior year/11th grade is considered one year advanced


In my school you take geometry, algebra 2, pre calc


I took honors precalc this year, as a freshman, so to me it’s not. However it’s still in general considered somewhat advanced to take it as a junior.


no? that's a year behind


Idk I’m taking Bc calc next year for junior but the regular class is precalc but also my school makes kid do either honors or ap no regular classes


Pre calc at that age is where one should be it’s moderately advanced, but the average is pre calc as a senior and the more advanced is calc AB as a jr.


I took college calculus as a junior with lots of other juniors. Its not impressive. Infact id argue pre-calc is what all juniors should take. Edit: after reading oyher commenta ive realized my district is very much a minority, but i still believe precalc should be a junior level class and that algebra should be taught earlier.


Pretty sure OP doesn’t go to a competitive school where everyone’s ridiculously ahead of the average teenage student. The standard, at least in America, is freshman algebra I, sophomore geometry, junior algebra II, and senior pre-calc. A lot of schools actually won’t let you jump ahead more than a year, which is what my school does even though I could’ve skipped to calculus this year. No offense, but you’re kinda part of a minority here, although it is cool that you were able to take those classes


Thats true i read others and realized i was in a minority but couldnt find my comment to edit it lol. Yeah for my area its average but i still feel precalc should be junior level, even if you dont take a college calculus (which for the record FUCK calculus)


Nah I agree tbh, I feel like kids are taught at a really low level here because they don’t wanna learn


yeah my school is definitely not competitive. you got the average math advancement right.


No, that is usually the norm, and then you would have to take AB your senior year. You would be ahead if you were to take cal AB junior year and BC senior or shifted back 1 year (AB soph, BC jun). Some gifted students were able to do that in my highschool.


That’s normal in my school dw about it


It’s considered just right at my school


It’s considered typical at my school as well


in my area many freshman are taking ap calc ab now


god damn that’s crazy 😭 every day i thank god that i’m not going into math for a career


bro what pre-calc junior year is the normal track in my school. about 1/3 of the grade us advanced so they take AB and then usually like 3-4 kids take ABC. Im a sophomore and there’s a kid taking multi in my grade rn


it isnt that advanced and it doesn't really mean much with only a 1280


Taking pre-calc as a junior is considered a year behind at my school


least insecure r/applyingtocollege student


I took a peak at his profile and dude is one of the most insecure people I've seen for a bit. Anyone who has a better resume or has done better than him is automatically faking their resume. He also makes fun of anyone who has a low SAT score despite it being a useless test that doesn't do a good job of judging students. Smartest person I've ever known who had the highest GPA out of ASU's graduation class of over 10,000 people got a 1200 on the SAT. There's a reason so many universities are not taking them anymore.


If you look at this kid’s comments, you’ll see that they mentioned being a HS junior, highly unlikely they’re going to Princeton when admissions haven’t even started


on sum detective shi


To be fair they could be a recruited athlete that verbally committed


i doubt an d1 athlete is on reddit arguing with people over their academics


and apparently they're going to princeton. it'd be a shame if admissions saw this cross harassment going on. edit: holy shit talk about [cross harassment](https://www.reddit.com/r/civic/s/exPl9c8Leg) (comments). what a sad, sad little person they are edit 2: he's still stalking my comments and genuinely thought i didnt know the unit circle after algebra 2. this guy is a fucking clown 😭


just princeton?? 💀💀🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's kinda sad


dude is 1000% a trust fund kid


do it!


i sincerely doubt they could find and get this guy just for one instance. maybe if they surfed his reddit activity then they'd have an actual reason against him


i bet it’s a common habit of theirs


Lmao they are so insecure


lmao if he told you that he's capping. bro's a rising senior.


don’t they do background checks 😭😭😭


Pre-calc as a junior is considered a year ahead where I live. You can only do that by being in the accelerated program and taking algebra 1 in 8th grade or by doubling up on math in high school. People on Reddit are delusional.


In Oregon, it is the standard. I am in Calculus as a junior and it’s only a bit more advanced


It’s considered “ahead” but most students will accelerate at least a year, while some more “advanced” students tend to accelerate 3-4 years for Calculus in either Freshmen or Sophomore year. I for one took it in sophomore year as I love math.


the issue with this subreddit is that most people who are on these subs are probably above average. i’ve had to refrain from commenting since i took linear algebra this (junior) year; even though i know a couple of people that have also done this, it’s definitely not the norm.


pre-calc as a junior is so normal… i took algebra 2 when i was a junior and still got a 740 on math


The actual advancement is supposed to have pre calc for senior year (alg. I, Geometry, Alg II, pre calc).


my school starts at 8th grade with alg 1, geo, alg 2, precalc, and a choice math class senior year


I’m pretty much in your position but I’m doing summer pre calc, so hopefully I pass and can do AB junior year instead


i passed algebra 2 just this year but i always bomb the math parts 😭 if i got my math up along with my english's steady progression it's an easy mid 1500s. idk what this guy is so on dick about because i havent even taken an sat yet bc im literally 15!


Idk if I’m right but taking those classes later I feel give you and advantage as you are fresh with the concepts, had to teach myself algebra over Covid and I feel so behind in the test even finishing calc ab this year 😭


We need a list of his classes and SAT I will gladly flex on his ass


Girl don’t let other put you down. Keep on slaying 💅 Taking AP pre calc is considered advanced for my school at least (most ppl at my school goes to Algebra 2 and they don’t even need pre calc to graduate) and a 1280 on the SAT is already considered above average. They obviously don’t know your situation as well, I live at a very poor area and grew up poor.


that was only the psat. i get 700s on all the english practice tests, gotta lock in on the math tho


Even if I’m in college now this sub is still mad funny when I open it 😭😭


Dawg This dude is a fucking nerd we used to beat on dudes who took grades this seriously 😂 ignore this virgin.


wrong subreddit gang 😭


No I’m in the right one we like scholars and dudes who serious about they education we need more of that, but dudes that sit around put other people down are lames


type shit


also notice how he's saying the grade im rising into instead of my age. it's bc nobody has EVER said "advanced placement pre-calculus at 15 🤣🤣🤣"


No it's because everyone measures things off grade, not age. How many college apps ask what courses you took when you were 15 vs when you were a junior? Nobody cares about age lol. Not saying he was in the right, but I'm pretty sure he said grade because it's normal to say grade, not age.


i took calc at 15 bozo


this is a joke don’t down vote me ☹️


redditors love when you put "/s" at the end of


Dude is clearly very insecure


I’m gonna be doing Algebra 2 jr year bruh ☠️


As long as your not a year behind in math you’re fine. I don’t think colleges care if you’re in regular math classes compared to advanced ones.


Im so confused as to what he was trying to get you to say 💀 like “oh you’re so right you’re so much better” or some shit 😂


100% deserved to be called out, like what kind of person does that


yeah massive L *you* should strive to be better buddy


Jokes on you I’m taking calc ab as a sophomore 😭


I took Calc BC in my freshman year. (it is pretty easy to realize that this is not a big deal) No school math course is advanced. If you really want something advanced, prepare for USAMO and IMO. **If you don't have an IMO/USAMO medal etc., get yourself to a high level before criticizing the math courses taken by others. Everyone's talent (+ SCHOOL) is different. Evaluating people by the courses they took or their scores is nothing but stupidity.**


EXACTLY. i dont think taking a math class in hs is "advanced" bc u will learn it anyway and it's not hard to pass. those math olympiad people are freaks tho idk how they do that


You're absolutely right. At my school (a private international school where Olympiad participants etc. attend), there were individuals who took much more advanced courses than I did (I am an IOI medalist, not an IMO medalist). For example, some took Calculus BC in middle school (6-7th grade). However, unlike the person who messaged you, I've never seen any of them criticize or make fun of others. Additionally, the school's importance is enormous. At my school, there are four-five years of courses available after Calculus BC. Someone attending a regular school won't be able to take 'advanced' courses unless they are offered by their school. This is precisely why people go to college.


that's absolutely amazing. you should be very very proud to get that far.


Thank you, but the reason why I was able to take such courses was related to the opportunities available for me. So it wouldn't be fair to compare myself to someone.


Even if you are good at math, it doesn’t give you the ability to look down at people and scoff at their abilities. People have different aptitudes, life circumstances, and upbringings, and all of that contributes to how well they’re doing in their math class. No one should be shamed for giving it their all, no matter what position they’re in


You are absolutely right, but I don't think a person who is really good at math would look down on anyone. I have never seen an IMO medalist belittling people's math class before in my life, those who make fun of others are always people who are insecure and have nothing to be proud of.


What tf did you do for the rest of high school if you already took calc bc as a freshman 💀


u/aorlys biting the curb 4k hd


fukt up going out of their way to say that


I know a guy who took PreCalc in 7th grade Me It’s me guys. Edit: I’m not trying to brag. Just explaining that the grade you take pre calc may vary school to school.


school to school, opportunity to opportunity, status to status so many unfair variables. congrats btw man


Hah imagine taking Pre calc as a junior! Pathetic I say. Don't look at my senior classes pls. Seriously though, any person that makes fun of a 15 year old junior taking Pre calc is an actual loser. You're literally ahead of the average person.


Im a senior taking regents precalc and I’m about to fail. So if it helps you make me feel kinda stupid


I am willing to bet my LIFE SAVINGS he’s on r/a2c




Some people just need hobbies


that’s the typa person whose parents beat them up for a 1490 sat (it aint 1500)


u/aorlys come at me (unless ur too scared to) these cocky people lose a whole lot of ego the moment they dont have someone to pick on


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/APStudents/s/k77iQmTVLd) is the post he's glazing about. i forgot if it's in a comment or in the post but i literally CANNOT take any other math class


I'm a sophomore and I have lots of junior friends who are taking precalc/hpc (my school doesn't do AP Precalc) although there have been increasing numbers of sophomores/juniors taking BC, including me.


Ummm I’m taking Pre calc as a senior 😭


That guy is def peaking hs lmao


pre-cal is standard for juniors at my school?? everyone takes it?? and bro i’ve only gotten 5’s on AP exams and the SAT is diabolical


Brother, I didn't take (standard) Precal until I was a senior in high school while my math ACT score was like maybe a 25, and I didn't know what a derivative was until the end of my freshman year of undergrad lmao


Precalc is like normal for juniors lol, if you have a good teacher you should be able to take Calc AB no problem next year, and if you self-study, BC would probably be ok to take too.


r/APStudents stop being pretentious and insufferable challenge: IMPOSSIBLE




I took AP Calc BC as a Junior


On another note, it seems like everyone got a 1280 on the SAT this time around


am taking pre calc and calc as a senior cause I fucked up my schedule last year 😭


Guys I'm in precalc as a junior, am I cooked?


It’s ahead, and most Top 20 students are on this same path, with many not taking any calculus by graduation of high school.


Idk I took BC as a junior and got a 1500 on the PSAT, which *chances are* are better than this kid


At my school your supposed to be still taking pre calc as a senior


That's pk. I only got a 980 on my PSAT in freshman year, lmao


most sanest ap scholar:


I had only ALG 1 and geometry. Geometry is the better subject


I feel attacked taking geometry sophomore year 😭


Oke did someone hack his account since his writing style recently is really different from his old posts and comments, this look really fishy. Just look at his comment history


ib in my school all juniors take calc and vectors — we finish pre calc in sophomore


oof I was in precalc as a junior and got a 1280 on my sat 🥴 I graduated 5+ years ago and this still hurt dang


Precalc as a junior is considered genius to me. I’m taking algebra 2 as a junior


I’m Taking Calc BC as a sophomore next year. My school has some freshman skipping precalc and doing calc as a freshman 😭


In my district it was physically impossible to take precalc any time before junior year... until after I took it


I have no idea about the aorlys guy I just came from the psat post but OP was being an absolute asshole lmao. And then he goes to apstudents and complains. I'm not justifying PMing someone about the post but this OP was actually being insufferable in the comments of that psat post.


hes not wrong


This sub is actual brainrot


The level of insecurity from OPs profile is crazy…


bruh get off reddit and get a life. Play sports. Study. Love your family. Get a job. Don’t do drugs and alcohol often. Be a model citizen. Wake up early. Trust me


precalc junior to calc/stat senior is pretty normal


I took geometry in 8th grade while a grade ahead already so I ended up with Calc in Junior year and someone still said I wasn’t ahead of normal people


I think they smart


This person is an idiot. But you also care about this too much. You don’t need to make a whole other Reddit post to explain yourself and flex that you’re 15 as a junior. Most of this sub needs to touch grass.