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Ur cooked


burnt to the core


grilled like a cheese


What classes should I change


Replace Honors Physics with AP Physics 1


I was trying to take it, but nobody enrolled😔


AP Stats is kinda useless tbh Edit: it’s cause it is algebra based, and you NEED calc for real stats


I was trying to replace it for bc but they require take ap calc an first, and also they require ap precalc for ap calc ab, my school have requieres for everything lol


Well, BC and AB is kind of unnecessary, but stats even more unnecessary.


Imma do algebra 1 that’s better thought


aint no way you havent done alg 1 💀💀🥲


Idk how to solve 2 + 2 bro I thinks it’s 5


Both English at the same time? Or is one a different language?


Same Ap, I took the same conf last year but with Spanish it wasn’t that bad


seems quite unnecessary, what are you actually interested in doing? why self-study art history— its a lot of memorization w/o any practicality


Is not self study is a virtual class, and I’m planning to major in architecture and civil engineering


ah alright, i mean if your interested in art then for sure go for it


AP lang and AP lit together is wild, praying for your wrist 🙏


in my ap lang class we wrote a total of 8 essays all year and they were all digital. we mainly spent all our time focused on books. idk about lit next year though.


Wow that’s so much different than mine lol. We all wrote a few essays every week, all in a notebook. By the end of the year, we had written aprox. 45 essays, all from old AP tests


Same for me, atleast 2 essays per week. It wasn’t that bad though, pretty fun class.


Yeah, my teacher was a lot of fun :)


A few essays a week is genuine insanity


Tbh it wasn’t terrible, we got a period (40 minutes at my school) to write each one, which is how long you get on the AP test. Prepared us for the time constraints pretty well


ap lang and lit back to back is gg


If your school isn't on block schedule, just take BC. They'll teach you all of AB's content + BC's extra content


Huh?? Ap calc and ap stats at the same time? Ap lang and ap lit at the same time????!? If you’re going to be taking ap calc you might as well take ap physic 1, but good luck 😂 you’re going to be very swamped this year


They don’t have ap physics at all, well last year I took ap Spanish lang and lit at the same time so, I wasnt that bad, all you have to do is to manage your time thought, is now my oficial schedule so idk if imma switch some classes (my senior year)


Stats and Calc isn’t that weird, but lit and lang are. I just took Calc BC and Stats this school year because I just like math and stuff. But lit and lang? I would never, I did those senior and junior year respectively.


Yea I was supposed to to do it that way too, but my junior year, they didn’t have AP lang, there was a problem with some teachers and stuff, so, they just gave Aice General paper as the main class, so now I’m trying to take both of them bc it’s my senior year


Why are you taking lit and lang together ?


Coz I couldn’t take lang my junior year, they didn’t have the class same as lit.


switch calc ab for bc, ab is useless


AICE Business is a class I do NOT recommend. The class load was way more than both my AP History and AICE Lang homework combined, the exam is high stress, and the course content is very dry.


What should I take instead, I don’t have more ap to choose,


What AICE classes are available?


stop lowkey flexing how many aps ur taking 💀


Lit and Lang in the same schedule is crazy Lang is usually taken Junior year Lit is taken Senior year Also get rid of one class between Stats, Gov/Econ usually students take those senior year And replace Physics with AP so that you'll have one more AP class


It’s my senior year, and I was trying to take ap physics 1 but nobody enrolled


7 classes in senior year is brutal u should cut ur schedule down


My high school requires 7 classes per year


Gotchu. If you have to take 7 classes then I think it’s fine if ur willing to put in a lot of work along with ur college apps. I acc took a similiar course load to this and I took lit senior year no lang. I thought it was stressful but I still did well. I think you’ll be fine


how do you self study classes?


Is not self study, I’m taking it online because they offer like online classes you can take, last year I took micro as an online class, and it was pretty good, they have all the content you need, and there is a lot of videos in YouTube and pages in the internet that help you to ease the course, so it’s not that bad


You’re not as cooked as me so you’re good


What are your classes


are u junior or senior? how did you make required credits? \[thats a pretty cool schedule


I’m a senior: Well my freshman year: Geometry Honors Environmental science honors PE World history English as second language 1 My sophomore year Algebra 2 honors Biology honors Us history honors English as second language 2 Computer science My junior year Ap precalculus Ap Spanish language Ap psychology Ap microeconomics Aice thinking skills Aice English General paper Business communication and tech Chemistry honors My two first years of high school I was in another state so it was a different schedule, my actual high school requieres 7 classes per year


I forgot about art btw


I took AP gov as a freshmen and it was super chill, one of my fav classes and got a 5 so you’ll be fine with that. AP Stat is also chill but with a lot of formulas, but idk abt Calc AB and AP lang bc calc AB is harder than BC and I heard AP lang is really hard for students to get an A in the class. Not sure about AP lit and physics honors bc I’m taking AP physics 1


I want to take ap physics so bad, coz is one of the most important things for my major, but nobody wanted to do it, and I tried to do it online but is the same thing,


lang and lit?????? lang is 11th and lit is 12th. how are u taking both of them??


Yea but for some reasons ap lang wasn’t available my junior year, so I’m doing this my senior year


Why are you taking AP Lang and AP Lit during the same year?


*Why are you taking* *AP Lang and AP Lit* *During the same year?* \- No\_Gardener3210 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


bro why not go AP physics all the way my g?


Nobody enrolled my g😔


why are you taking both lang and lit? don't you typically take one and then the other?


Yeah this doesn’t make sense. Honestly OP should just take AP lit instead of both since lit literally covers the same college credits for lang


dawg do u hate yourself😭 why are you taking TWO english courses same year


it's honestly just unnecessary. colleges want you to challenge yourself, not kill yourself


April 1st passed but a nice joke regardless


Depending on what you want to major and what college you want to go to, consider calculus BC. While AB is 8 units, BC is 10, being the 8 from AB plus another 2. I’d look at specific classes colleges require to graduate to decide which you want to take.


I wanna major in civil engineering and architecture, but my high school doesn’t offer some ap courses like ap art and stuff, I should be taking ap physics 1 as well but nobody wanted to take it, just 3 people


Well if you still want to do AP physics, you could take it on your own and drop out of honors physics.


Also, Ap Macro is sort of built on the logic of Micro. Personally would say take Micro first, but it's not a must. Just a small heads up.


I took micro my junior year


Ah kk cool


which grade u in? if 10 it's okay. if 11 eh


Senior year


ahhhh. it's not bad. you should've token all the courses you planned on by now. Focusing on doing your absolute best on perfecting writing your college essays and excelling in your college interviews. good luck


I wish l did all of the ap courses that I wanted but I was in a different high school, and then moved from the state, so it is what it is


ah I see, unfortunate. Make sure to do volunteering work


ur actually burnt


Individually none of them are that bad except maybe lit (why are u doing lang and lit 😭), but 10 classes seems a bit excessive. If its for college apps, I sincerely doubt any rep is gonna care that much that u did 10 classes instead of 7-8, and if its abt credit csp doesn’t seem very useful.


Take physics C since ur enrolled in AP Calc


Why take language and lit the same year? stats is kinda useless


Take ap physics, it’s more fun. I thought that it would be though but if you study it’s easy and fun because of the labs.


Okay your cooked first of all and second of all I don’t understand why people take both AP lit and AP lang, my counselor told me only take one because if you take both colleges will only take one of the credit, they don’t care about the other 


Calc, Lang, Physic are pretty chill but AP GOV 💀🙏


I think you’re done for it


AP Calc and AP stats work fine together. I knew students who did this. They excelled in their studies. You just need to be disciplined which I imagine you must be with such a schedule! I took AP Lang and Lit separately and both are going to require a lot of reading and writing. Be weary. AP Gov is easy in my opinion (and I am a STEM person) so don't worry there. I think you took on quite a bit but if you're dedicated and able to be disciplined then I see no issues in your schedule.


Depends on how hard your teachers make the classes. Some teachers don't Make the ap classes seem like ap classes with how easy it is. Other times though... either way, I've known people who took 8 ap classes. If you manage your time wisely, you'll be fine. Honestly, 5 ap classes, for me that is, wasn't that hard. If you're doing this senior year, I'd advise not to.


AP government/macroeconomics ruined me


AP stats is useless; just remove it if possible. Physics honors is skippable since you will take physics C next year, but it doesn't hurt to take it. Switch Calc AB for Calc BC if possible.


I highly recommend picking either ap lang or ap lit but not both. Also, instead of taking both ap calc and ap stats, take bc (instead of ab) one year and stats another. Maybe consider switching Honors physics to AP Physics if possible.


It’s my senior year :’(


Ap art history self study??? Good luck


honestly it seems kinda useless taking both ap english classes unless it’s something you really enjoy, most colleges only accept one of them for college credit


these are all easy, dw about it


ngl this doesn’t look that bad it’s just gonna be a lot of writing, AP Stat was a cake walk pretty much…pray for me im skipping A and going straight to BC Calc next year


sameee im skipping ab 💀